How Life Changed Under Imperial Rule

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ah friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Alan when the Empire turned into the republic of her knights a lot of things changed in the galaxy instead of having a very weak federal power and strong and regional planetary rights all the sudden everything flipped over and yet authoritarian executive power that was in charge of everything now this isn't the video where we're gonna be arguing which system was better although we probably should do that very soon this video will instead look at the rise of the Empire and how it affected different planets in the galaxy we'll be looking at five different worlds where the Empire's arrival drastically changed everything look guys I'm not gonna lie to you Corellia was not a great place it was like the New Jersey of Star Wars it was part garden planet and then part industrial wasteland let you say the planet was one of the oldest original human worlds the karelians weren't extremely adventurous people they were amongst the first to rediscover lights be travel by reverse engineering ancient hyperdrive technology Karelian explorers pioneered some of the first hyperspace lanes leading out of the core worlds into the mid rim territories this that was contact with never-before-seen alien species just like New Jerseyans the ambition of karelians reach far beyond the tiny limits of their own world it also comes to no surprise that Koreans were well known for their shipbuilding as a matter of fact starships and smuggler pilots were curliest top exports and now their ships weren't exactly the most graceful in design they weren't exactly pumping out luxury yachts like the Nubians were curling starships were utilitarian functional and very modular which meant there are very popular among smugglers they weren't exactly beautiful in the traditional sense but to a certain type of pilot they were perfection if you like muscle cars here on earth you'll most likely like Karelian starships now the largest shipbuilder in Corellia was the Karelian engineering corporation they mainly focused on medium to small sized ships they had several lines of freighters and also we're responsible for the ghazan t class cruiser the hammerhead Corvette and CR 90 Corvette unlike the two other major shipyards in the galaxy quat yards and soon our fleet systems Corelli engineering mainly focused on civilian designs but their reputation as terrific shipbuilders quickly caught the eye of the Emperor and his mission to nationalize all military assets in his newly created empire the CEC was quickly awarded new contracts to build modules and components for the Imperial client Star Destroyer vampyre also send additional Armed Forces and admins that make sure the operation ran smoothly and was safe from terrorist activity what once was a thriving and competitive manufacturing world centered around many different shipbuilding companies all sudden turned into a global enterprise all serving the Empire which is great for the Empire everything was streamlined and made more efficient Corellia started pumping on Star Destroyer parts and an extremely quick rate and an extremely low cost you see just like here on earth after the 2008 recession many companies cut costs and reorganize that come more profitable they do this by cutting pension programs employee benefits and no more business clients for business travel and more importantly what used to take two individuals to do now was given to one individual so while the economy did eventually recovered it recovered on the back of corporations that became profitable again the recovered for the average working man in middle class however lagged behind if we look at Corellia an extreme version of this streamlining happened simply because you just can't say no to the nth part if you do say no they will execute a very hostile takeover any business owner who resistant automatically became a rubble and was jailed or even killed while there was an increase in certain types of jobs there are oftentimes paid at a rate many times lower than the market was before the Imperials took over that's because as an imperial citizen you had to do something for the war effort against those dirty rebels as the main shipbuilding industry began to suffer on Corelli all other industries depending on them began falling apart as well labor is no longer had disposable incomes they can go out to restaurants bars strip clubs or buy luxury items and therefore all those other services that depended on their incomes failed as well all of this at the expense of some cheaper Star Destroyers Han Solo everyone's favorite scoundrel was a product of the nationalization of Korean shipyards his father had worked with the Karelian engineering corporation building yt 1300 freighters which look like this you might recognize them and dad worked the line at the CC plant before he died laid off he built these you wanted to be a pilot but you uh close with the old men and I'm really yeah me neither my mom on the other hand the most amazing woman I've ever known as things continue to worsen more and more people turn to crime on Corellia and for a street kid like hon with no prospects that was the only place you could really go by the time hon have left Karelian search for greener pastures Crowley went from being a decent place to lift of being a failed impoverished planet Corelli was a strategically important planet because of the resources and services provided by the people on the planet Jeddah wasn't as lucky and was only important because of a finite amount of resources that could be mined from the planets the Empire had occupied Jeddah in order to harvest its giant Kyber crystals which were being weaponized by orson chronics advanced weapon research department Jeddah was a holy planet with several ancient Jedi temples strewn across its surface amongst its inhabitants were several different religious organizations that worship the force the Imperial presence in general lack of respect towards the force caused tension to rise amongst the planets this eventually attracted the attention of saw Guerrero's partisan group a terrorist organization responsible for countless Imperial military and civilian deaths now once the Empire mind all the Kyber crystals the garrison there was no longer really needed so they left the planets and because of all those pesky religious nuts and terrorist groups occupying the surface Tarkin and director chronic designer that test the Depp star on the planet which significantly decreased the quality of life and probably atmosphere on Jetta oh it's beautiful [Music] while Corellia and Jedi are cautionary tales about why you don't want the Empire's attention bardos was a completely different story located in the junana system this forgotten world was independent prior to the Clone Wars during the rise of the new order Pro imperialists Carver Co helped unite the planet and lobbied for the planet to join the Empire all the Sun this relatively unremarkable planet became home to the Future Imperial leaders military prep Academy along with several other Imperial institutions the citizens of Argos appreciating this newfound attention and development became staunchly loyal to the Empire throughout the Galactic Civil War Bardot's would be hailed as an Imperial utopia full of stability and prosperity unfortunately this all came crashing down with the death of the Emperor and his last will and testament otherwise known as the contingency plan one portion of this plan was called Operation cinder this involved the destruction of many of the most beautiful worlds on the Empire using weather satellites some of the known targets including Naboo and of course photos if the emperor couldn't have these planets no one could Varro's his situation wasn't all that rare unfortunately while most of the core planets had enjoyed prosperity under the Empire just like they had under the Republic the most densely Pro Imperial world suffered a lot during the latter years of the Galactic Civil War now Mon Cala was somewhat shkreli aware as the Empire saw it's too valuable to completely destroy it being a worldwide ocean planet Mon Cala had a wealth of exotic goods to export and like the curling's the Mon Calamari were known for building excellent ships Mon Cala ships are oftentimes designed for a mercantile or exploratory use and were well appointed for long-range travel this was because many Mon Cala ships first served as underworld civic buildings and were structurally incredibly strong because they had to withstand the extreme pressures of the deep ocean well Mon Cala remained independent during the rise of the new order eventually the Emperor launched the false flag attack against one of the Imperial diplomats on the planet which will allow the Empire to launch a full-on assault on Mon Cala the loyalists Mon Cala forces were unable to stop the Imperial advance and the planet's monarch was kidnapped and replaced with the puppet regime under occupation the Mon Cala military was disarmed in the remaining forces escaped off-planet this meant that the puppet regime could maintain stability and there was no prolonged civil war this preserves Mon Calas major city centers infrastructure and more importantly their huge mercantile fleet which one day would become the backbone of the Rebel Alliance fleets jakku didn't have any significant resources on it the inhabitants weren't particularly skilled at creating anything and they weren't really for or against the Empire they kind of just existed on this vast wasteland of a planet the one thing Jack you did have was an absorbent Ori one of many set up by Emperor Palpatine across the galaxy these observatories all the different things and were linked to Palpatine's various goals and curiosities as a part of the contingency plan Palpatine wanted to completely destroy what he saw as the corrupt parts of the Empire in order to do so the Emperor wanted to consolidate all Imperial forces in one place and attract the rebels for one final showdown once everyone was engaged in battle Emperor Palpatine minions would destroy the entire planet wiping everyone out now for Slade Imperials and rebels band together to stop this from happening but a tremendous battle still fought and a tremendous amount of war material was lost during this battle and it created an entire economy based off of salvaged and many decades later independent contractors were still turning a profit by digging through ancient wrecks looking for expensive and rare parts so there you have it guys five different planets that were deeply affected by the arrival of the Empire as you can probably tell now what you had to offer to the Empire greatly affected how the Empire treated you anyway guys I hope you do enjoyed this video please do share and get it out there because if this video does well I got tons of more plants I want to talk about and how they changed during the rise of the new order I think this is a really interesting subject that not a lot of people are talking about well guys thanks for joining us today don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button and if you're watching this you are generating tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 412,239
Rating: 4.9315419 out of 5
Keywords: Imperial Occupation, Galactic Empire, Life in the empire, Life of average imperial citizen, star destroyer, Death Star, Jakku, Jedha, Vardos, corellia, Solo, Solo a star wars story, Han Solo, Corellian Engineering company, yt 1300 freighter, Han solo childhood, Nationalization, Military, Military industrial complex, star wars economy, Galctic Civil war, Emperor Palpatine, Contigency plan, Rebellion, rebel Alliance, Rogue one, Scariff, Partisans
Id: w3jdSWK0Iv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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