iMovie for Beginners - 2021 Detailed Tutorial

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hi there jamie keate here today at teachers  tech hope you're having a great day today   today i want to show you how to use imovie on  your mac so this is a beginner's tutorial if   you're new to video editing i'll go through all  the things to get you started and finished on   your first videos let's get started today  on teachers tech with imovie on your mac just to let you know everything will be time  stamped down below in the description so you   can look at different parts of this video and  just jump right to them by clicking on the time   and if you're looking for other video editors  that will work on your mac maybe with a few more   options i'll put a list of some of the ones of  the tutorials i have for those ones down below   in the description too let's get started with  imovie so if you don't have imovie installed on   your mac you can install it for free i just go to  the app store type in imovie and you'll be able   to get it right here and you can see mine says  open because i already have it installed on my   computer so if you don't have it go ahead download  it make sure and get it up to date and everything   now if you have it installed on your computer  you can see down below i'm just going to pop   this open and i get to this screen here this  is where i'm going to start my videos from   a lot of times what will happen if you've worked  if you've been working on one and i'm just going   to open this one up i just double clicked on  that what happens is it will open up in the   screen kind of where you left it maybe with your  video if you wanted to be back in the main screen   you can just go back to projects here and then it  will get you back to this one and if i had more   projects you would see more of these squares like  this and as i hover over any of these you can see   if i click over on this these three little dots  i get some options about opening the project   playing the movie renaming the project and this is  where i can delete my projects if you don't want   them now in this tutorial i'm going to be starting  from scratch i just wanted to point out the other   place up top we have projects right here there's  also media so inside media you're going to see   your different types of media so if you're new to  video editing media could be your videos it could   be your images it could be your audio your songs  that you need to bring in and put into imovie in   the way that you want the story you want to tell  so just pay attention to those different tabs up   here i'm just going to go back over to projects  now and i'm going to go ahead and start a new   one so if i just go ahead and click on create  new project you can see i get some options here   i can either create movie and this is  what i'm going to be starting with today   i'll talk about trailer at the end of this as i go  through and you'll understand the editing that you   can do but i will go over a little bit about  the trailer because the trailer is a fun way   to uh put your storyboard all together in a quick  story just by kind of filling in the blanks but   i'm gonna go ahead click on movie here and you're  gonna see i get right to uh right to my movie my   media here i have my photos this is just a photo  from my phone i can go to all events uh the this   would be connected to the video with the project  that i showed you before as i go down you can see   some of the footage in it if i just hover my mouse  over and just move it across you can see how i can   watch it by doing that if if i go back i'm going  to bring in new media here but i'm going to go to   this different ways i can bring in media and so  right here in this folder and this is why i have   it moved over here so you can see i can open this  up now i went to and downloaded free   video and some images from from there i can  take this video so let's say you took your   videos and everything and you put it in a folder  just to get it organized you can bring things in   so for uh for an example i'll just grab one  if i go ahead and grab one and drop it right   into the timeline down here you can see i'm just  going to hit my spacebar and it's going to play   where i have my playhead here i can click back at  different places uh on this one and then i can hit   play again so i'm just hitting the space bar i can  stop start it just by pressing i find that's the   easy way way to do that i can also play it up here  and pause it and go back you can see how you can   operate it here now another way you can do it so  i could go back to this folder like this and bring   uh them all and i could grab multiple ones at a  time so if i selected a few here and brought them   in you can see how they all go in i could hit play  and they're just putting them in a different order   as they go through so i have some images there  and then i have some pictures if you look up top   here you're starting to see them in your their  library up top here another way you can bring in   your media is just to take the whole folder and  drag it in on top of an event but let's say you   didn't want it in that event you can create more  events i'm just going to right click and go new   event and you can see it automatically creates the  new event with the day and then i can drag it over   and then i put all the media this is some audio  that was in the folder these are pictures you   can tell by the little uh camera icon on it and  these are videos that i bring over my mouse and   i can get a little idea what each one is now you  don't have to leave it as the date you can rename   it so if you just click in it you can see how  it changes over and i can just change the name   like this so i'm going to go back to projects real  quickly you'll notice if i hit projects it forces   me to give a name to it so if i go dogs i hit  okay and now we have one right here uh it gives   a little with a little image on it but if i can  go back to it it goes right back to where i have   uh where i've been working now just something to  point out here uh i have i brought in these videos   like this you can move them around very quickly  by clicking and dragging you see if i select one   um you get the yellow line or orange line around  it meaning it's selected when that's there   now if i go ahead and draw drag the selection  tool around multiple ones you can see that two   are selected on it too so if i drag it around now  two are moving around and i can also do it with   three so if i was selecting a bunch and moving  them around that's how i could do it the other   thing is i just want to point out so i have two  different videos here uh about i'm going to play   it from right here so you'll be able to see these  videos and i'm just going to hit the spacebar now   it you can see it switches over to the top layer  if you're if you put something on top that's what   you're going to see so for some reason you're not  seeing the video and you play something on top   that's why i'll show you later on when to  do picture-in-picture to change a few of the   options so you can see multiple videos at the same  time playing but right now uh this one will cover   everything so now let's get into some of the  editing some of the ways that you can edit   in imovie to keep to keep things going forward  and creating the story that you want to   with your media okay so now i've deleted all the  different media that i had in my timeline before   and i'm just going to start from scratch from  from this media that i have up top in this event   and what i'm going to show you is how you can  trim your clips or split your clips or audio   or get the images to the right length of time  that you want so i'm just going to go ahead and   grab one of these clips and remember i can grab  multiple ones too so i could grab multiple ones   just like this so you can see how i brought three  in at a time or i could just bring them in one   one at a time i do want to point out this zoom  tool over here if i zoom in zoom out you can   see how i can see more uh so if you wanted  to kind of jump out and see the big picture   to zoom up on certain uh parts of it so this way  you when you're bringing your mouse over your   playhead you can get really if you're editing you  can get to kind of frame by frame easier to cut it   at a certain point so i'm just going to zoom out  a little bit here i'm going to actually delete   some of this here and i'm just going to bring in  one clip to show you some trimming so i'm going   to bring oops i got multiple ones there okay so  just bring in one clip here you can see i had   multiple ones selected so i'll just bring in this  one and now there's different ways that you can   get rid of the part of the clip that you  don't want and usually all video editors   kind of work the same on this too now i'm going  to go to the beginning of this video clip here   and notice when i hover over here it  gives me a different the mouse changes   now i can just click and hold and drag like  this so i've just trimmed from the beginning   and i can do the same thing to the end i can trip  trim from the end but now let's say if you over   trimmed you're thinking oh no i've over trimmed  well you could hit command z and go back and put   it back but the one thing is you when you trim you  can go both ways you can trim you haven't deleted   the original file you can go back to it so you  can get really to the exact point you want so i   could go back and just put everything back the way  that i wanted to just by dragging the other way   the other way that you'd probably want to  trim is to cut something out of the middle   and if i let's say go here and right click you  can see when i right click on the click on the   clip i get all these different options here notice  that from show speed editor cross dissolve i can   add a freeze frame but i want split clip so i'm  going to go ahead and just click on split clip so   now i've made two chunks out of this clip here but  let's say there was something in the middle that i   wanted out of here if i just click over here and  now i right click again and hit split clip again   there we go so now i have a chunk now with this  chunk of this clip the smaller clip i could take   it out and move it to the end so maybe you  wanted to change the order of what happened   in it you can do that and just drag them around  the other thing you could do is just delete it   and then so now if i just play this back then  i'll hit play it should jump over there but   probably not much happened when i cut it off  so you probably don't even notice it that much   from that little clip uh being cut out of there  so it's just a little slight jump uh in it so   that's kind of your basics with editing with  video clips now if you have pictures in here   what you can do and i'm just going to delete  this to show you one at a time if i take this   image right here so this is just a picture with  a picture i can just drag and drag it as long   as i want to as short as i want now if i do that  with an image if i go back and i'm going to zoom   out here notice if i go to the video clip i can't  drag the video clip any longer because it's only   so many seconds i can change the duration of  it and i'll show you how to do that a little   bit later but with the image i can just drag i  can grab the the ends here and drag it as long   or so short as i want when it plays in here so  now i have an image and it goes over from there to   the video so we're just going to be lining  things up in the order that we want to play   and we can quickly drag and change that order now  another way with your video clips that you can   do if any of these clips if i click on it i can  drag from up here too so i can take go and watch   it and then shorten the clip get to a certain part  and then i can hit the plus or drag it down here   and so now i have just that chunk that i brought  in i can still if i need it more i can still do   the same things and trim it or take something out  in the middle by splitting the clip and doing it   that way so i just want to point out that you can  kind of maybe save some time doing it that way   i just want to point out with any of these clips  you can drag them over top of another clip to do   some editing too so an example would be let's  say this image right here i could drag this   right into here and when i let go it's going to  give me some options where it says replace replace   from start from end or insert i'm going to select  insert here and it put the image this picture   right inside so it was where my playhead was  lined up and it put it right in between and did   the split for me so if there's something you need  to add so i'm going to go command z this works for   picture or for videos too i could go ahead and  take a different image video and drop it same way   i could go insert and you can see right here that  it went in between the two so again you can change   kind of your view your zoom to see what you  want to get so just some other ways that you   can do some quick editing just by dropping uh on  it so let's do a little audio now and i'm going to   just keep my i'll keep these images in  what i have in the video i'm going to   move over to beginning and i'm just going to  go and drag audio down so notice when i drag   audio if i try to drop it here it will go below  so the audio will go below i can hit play here you can hear the audio in the background so you  can do the same thing you can do some trimming   you can drag from it you can see how you can just  move it back and forth on it if i right click if   i go to a part of it have it selected right click  and i can split it also so it works very similar   to two other to the other when i was doing working  with video if i go ahead and drag this down though   you'll notice it just inserted another audio  track in here so i can't do the exact same   thing that i did before with it so i'm just  going to hit delete on this one but you can do   your trimming and splitting with your audio just  like that so now we got some basic editing how to   line things up bring things in let's see some  of the effects that you can add to your video   so i'm just going to bring in this  clip right here and the reason i'm   bringing this clip this actually has some  audio to it we'll see if you can hear it's very quiet but if you look at the blue  underneath you can see the waves in it now you can   detach audio from your clip and i'm going to right  click and if you look detach audio so what that   does when i click it it becomes separated into  its own track so here's the audio i've selected   you can see i can move it around separately or  i can delete it from it if you don't want it   even there at all so remember that you can do that  with a right click if i go back to right click   just to show you a couple more things if i right  click uh on this and open it up trim to playhead   is a handy feature because if you move your if  you're zoomed up get your playhead to the exact   uh exact place you can click it and it just jumps  to that spot so it can make your editing a little   bit quicker i'm just going to go command z  to bring it back here and now if i go ahead   and right click uh on this again i just want  to point out there is a trip climber a clip   trimmer that you can go through and trim your  clips inside here i don't use this a ton but   it is there to do some editing on that uh i'm  going to go back just a couple more times the   right click another good feature is the ad freeze  frame if all sudden you wanted a freeze frame   in it so if i click on it you can see how the hand  comes up if i just go ahead i'll hit play it goes   from a video to the freeze frame back to the video  if that's what you want on it and another thing   would be the uh the speed editor so if i right  click i'm going to go back and show show this   here actually i'm going to get a smaller clip  so you can see it a little bit better i'm just   going to grab this one here and drag it down  i'm going to right click on this one and go   back to show speed editor but i can drag this  right here so notice at the end if i drag this   i'm making this faster now i've made this a  short clip so watch so it's a much you can   see the dogs go through now i can also i can go  to this again and i can if i stretch it longer   they're going to be in slow motion so if you want  to add some effects like that to your video clips   just do the right click now i am moving over to  the top up here and this is where you're going   to see a lot of the other effects and there's this  button right here is also the custom speed uh that   you can go through you can click on this speed one  and go and drop down you can see you can just kind   of pick uh from these ones if i was going to go  back to normal and you can see i would adjust   or you can go to custom and put a percentage i  can like the right click and adjusting the speed   uh from there so now what we're going to do  is bring in some uh more clips and work with   these and just showing you what the different  at these different icons up the top will do   for you with your editing and the effects that  you can add before i move over to those top   tools to make those adjustments to the videos  i just want to show you a few other things   easy to add and that's transitions titles and some  backgrounds now transitions happen between a video   to video or from picture to picture or video to  picture so here you can see i have a video and if   you watch the playhead it goes over to the picture  and it just jumps across now a transition if i go   to transition these are transitions so i'm going  to use swap and i'm going to just drag this down   here in between the two so watch as i play it  again it swapped it and that was the transition   so again i'll use the mosaic right here and i'll  go from here and it adds a mosaic i can change   the length if i double click on these open it  up i could make it longer or shorter depending   on what i put there is the number and then i can  apply to this one individually or apply to all so   take advantage of the transitions very easy to  add can really make your video a lot smoother   in different parts we're going from video to video  different sections of it now titles are right here   so adding a title to it is just a simple drag  and drop a two so you're gonna drag this if i   drag this i'm just gonna do the standard title  and i'm gonna just drag it here at the beginning   and i'm just gonna hit play without doing  anything to this here so you can see it comes up   and the title there's a little bit of how it fades  in it looks nice if i double click on it i can go   ahead and pick the text select the text and i'll  say all about dogs and i can go through and change   the titles here too so if i go back now i'll just  hit play again and we have the title in there   if i double click on it again we have options to  change again to make sure you have it selected   if it doesn't change change our font type  in here our size alignment and if you want   a different color so this is the it's white  right now if i had it selected i could select   a different color in here too so those are just  some of the things to change your your text or   font and then we can adjust this too if you don't  want it in one spot you could bring it over here   and then it's going to show in a different  place so it's really simple to put it exactly   where you need you can delete it put it back  now i mentioned the backgrounds are also here   so with backgrounds these are just cool  things that you can bring into your videos   you know if you just wanted to get just a simple  color background or they have some maps adhere   you could use color for the background  of the text so for an example i'm just   going to delete this video uh i'll go back  i didn't want to delete the text make sure   i'm just moving the text over here we'll  delete this video and i'll bring in this blue   as a background and i'll put my text over  top and i can stretch it longer if i want   to any point so i'll go from there so now  if i play it i have a colored background   on it but take a look at the different backgrounds  here that you can bring in with the different   maps and go through them they're just handy  to have to just quickly drag down okay now to   talk about the tools i mentioned before right up  here you notice that they're all grayed out it's   because i don't have any video clip selected so  i'm going to drag this clip down into my timeline   and then right away you can see that certain ones  are highlighted and some aren't it's because this   one doesn't have if it doesn't have any audio  the audio symbol won't come up so if i grab   i'll just grab this one bring it down you notice  we have a few more options to this one with audio   and background noise that i can reduce on it so  just to note if that something's not showing up   it's because it's probably not in the clip but  first of all i just want to go through kind of   the different tools up here when you see this  wand up here at all this is the auto so this   kind of corrects things automatically for you  so automatically improve the video and audio   it will just go through and make the judgment  calls for you you just go ahead and click it   and then it makes the adjustment if i  click on this you can see it's on auto   right now you can go through your clips and then  if i hit match color um on it uh i can go through   this clip right here and then i can pick a point  on it and as i'm hovering over it's telling me   to skim through and pick a frame then i can try  to match a color i don't think you're going to   see anything really change on it but i'm going  to just hit the check mark on it then it applies   it so same thing with white balance on it and  going through the different ones so i'm going to   go through and just to show you real quickly how  you can change how you can adjust different colors   uh on this one so i'm going to go through  and just pull them you can see back and forth   if you're adjusting any of these you can just  go through and get maybe if there's a certain   color that you want we have a reset over here  and reset all we'll go back to any of these ones   so crop uh is the next one here so crop what it  allows you to do you can do two different things   so what i'm going to do on this clip here if i  go ahead and crop to fill you can see i get edges   and i can go through and maybe i want it's almost  like zooming up but if i pick just the dogs   on it and then i'm just going to hit return so now  my clip is zoomed up on it so you can go ahead and   crop to that certain one i can reset all it goes  back to normal so if i go to crop you can also see   that there's a key key burns and so what keyboards  is that adds movements you can give it a start and   end place for the duration of the clip so i can  go through and grab these if this was the start   i could actually when i hover over it i can bring  it make my start up here and make my my end down   here so now if i go ahead and preview it this  shortly to give you an idea you can see there's   a movement to the video to where i told it to  start and where i told it to end on it so you can   go through and make those effects and notice that  uh there are a few different ways that you can do   this how you can twist it and sorry turn it around  i'm just going to go ahead and reset all on this   one so i'm going to go actually back now and drag  another video clip over top of this one because i   mentioned picture in picture before so if i drag  this over top what you notice now you get an extra   frame extra uh tool here because you've overlaid  something so it knows that so if i go ahead   and click drop down i this is where i would do my  green blue screen picture and picture split screen   and i'm going to hit picture and picture notice  that here it is right here i can change the size   of this and i can hit play and i have two videos  playing at once i can go to uh let's do split   screen and i have two videos playing at once  and then you can see where we can position it   and go through so depending on what you want  or maybe you want top and bottom you can change   those things around on it so just me remember the  drop down here uh to just play with the different   options i'm just going to hit reset on this one  and just go back and delete it but you do have to   overlay it on top because now you notice if  i click on this clip it's not there anymore   so we have a couple other features in this one  if i notice this if it's a shaky you can try to   stabilize it this video isn't but you can try to  stabilize shaky video through here by adjusting   this part i've already shown you this this is also  where you can change the speed the duration of   it and as we go through we have clip filters if i  click on this we can see there's done and i can go   ahead and add them to this one i'm going to reset  so you can see you can just go quickly click on it   and then pick the different ones that you want  to add i'm just going to keep resetting it all   and then at the end we just have the information  of of the clip up here so go through this is where   you can really kind of just get more creative with  different things and remembering the overlay if i   bring audio in here so i'm going to bring audio  down into the clip we do have audio with some   features in it where you can change uh the level  of it so if you want it to be down you can see as   the line as i bring it up and the yellow appear  uh you can change how loud that you want it to be   on it and you can go through and pick is  there any reduce the background noise to it   again the duration and you can make some  adjustments uh to the audio so we do have   audio effects that we can add to it and you can  go through and just hover over the different ones and you can hear what what it's going to do if  you apply it to it so those are just some of the   features that you can add to it i'm just going to  reset everything between your video clips and your   uh your images and your video take a look at  those ones imovie makes it really simple uh to   go through and get creative uh and just again it's  not overwhelming with all the drop downs just go   through and click on them adjust it and remember  you can reset everything so let's say you're all   done your video you've added your transitions  and titles and effects uh what do you do at the   end how do you share it that's what i'll go over  next okay so let's say you've completed your video   you have and i'll just play this you have  some text some audio pictures transitions   and you've put together things in order the way  you want to have it and you you're thinking it's   done you want to be able to put on youtube  or share with other people what you can do   is when you're in this side i'm just going to go  up to the top here and you can see that there's   more i didn't really point out the different  menus of this but there's different ways to get   the same things that i've showed you before  but if i go under file and go down to share   you can see we have email youtube and facebook  image and file and what i would tend to do is   i go to file if you're putting it up in youtube  is exported on your computer and then um upload   it to youtube from there so if i hit file you  can see with this is going to be called dogs1   we go through and we can we have some tags on  it now your resolution uh in your format if i go   through you can see if you only  wanted the audio only it would   output it there our resolution depending on what  i'm going to stay at 1080p quality high on this   one you can go to best if you want your file size  would change i'm going to leave it through here   and you can see if we go through it just has an  estimate of the size and we just go through and   hit next where do you want to save this so is  there a folder that you're having your finished   movies go to you can name it here remember you can  open this up you can create a new folder wherever   you want and when you get it to where you want  we'll get to next and i'm just going to hit save   in here and it goes through and it's producing it  or it's exporting it as a finished video that you   can upload to youtube wherever you told it to go  i'm just going to hit back to projects and i just   wanted to point out you can share it from right  here so if you're just coming to the screen click   these three little dots we also have share product  project it'll get you to the same part so i did   mention about and i'm going to do this quickly  just to show you uh with the create new and this   is the trailer mode so taking all the things  that you knew before that i showed you through   this how to play with different things these are  give you templates that you can just drag and drop   well this pets one seems like a good plan for me  based on what i was doing and i'm going to select   that and as you go through you can go through and  change these things so you can see movie names so   um if i type in here you can change them and it  gives you uh you know from cast directed by you   can see all i have to do is change these and  it quickly goes through we have a storyboard   in here and it tells you what i like about this it  tells you exactly uh what type of shot that they   would recommend and now i don't have the shots  that would match all these but if i go ahead and   it tells me 2.5 seconds right so if i go ahead  and drag a portion of it and i just drag it down   so all i have to do is drag the clips to match  and they're putting it into the right the times   that i need of it so and i'm doing this pretty  random to show this but then you just go through   and if i hit play here uh on it  and we'll see what i have so far so it's adding the music it's making it fun and  i'm just doing this at random of it so you can   go through take a look at the different shot lists  of it and then you're just dragging dropping and   you're just filling in all this information super  quickly and then you can export it the same way   because if i go back if i hit projects it's  allowing telling me i have to name this again   right so uh if i just call this i'll just call  this the template one here and i go back here it   is and i can go ahead and share this project when  it's all done so you can have a ton of fun uh if   your teacher using this with your students it's  a quick way saves you a ton of time and just to   let you know if you're using this on your iphone  a lot of things are kind of similar but different   i if you're filming uh if you're editing on your  iphone or your ipad but the templates are here   uh like these ones here so i hope you like this  tutorial here today hopefully it gets you started   with imovie and creating some great projects all  add some more information about imovie let me   know in the descript comments down below what  you're looking to learn and i can create more   content if you're looking for other video  editors that on your eye for on your mac   let me know uh what you're looking for but  check the description down below too thanks   for watching on teachers tech this week i'll see  you next time with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 61,234
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Keywords: imovie tutorial, how to use imovie, apple imovie tutorial, imovie editing, imovie tutorial for beginners, imovie for beginners, imovie tutorials, how to use imovie on mac, how to edit on imovie, how to edit with imovie, imovie editing tricks, video editing tutorial, imovie tips and tricks, how to use imovie for beginners, imovie 2021, how to use iMovie in 2021, imovie trailer, teachers tech, teachers tech imovie, how to edit videos on imovie, jamie keet, imovie basics
Id: gviqb7jOBZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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