Immediately Improve Your Cornering On A Motorcycle

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[Music] how's it going everyone and this video is going to be about line selection the common problem i see writers do all the time so i'm going to read a little part just a paragraph of leigh park's book total control second edition so he has an entire chapter all about line selection really good stuff highly recommend getting the book if you go to my website and click on shop you'll see an affiliate link to where you could find a book and i'll get all this stuff tracked uh suspension vision line selection body position anything you imagine real good book so i'll read this first and i'll go into this so most or many riders grow anxious as they approach a turn they worry about their corner entry speed how hard to brake and if their tires will have enough traction to see them through the turn with all this going on inside their heads and the corner getting closer and closer it becomes difficult for them to wait for the appropriate time to begin the turn and they end up initiating it prematurely or before the road the road curves this is a very natural error to make because if we go straight longer it brings us it brings our line closer to the edge of the road and no one wants to get too close to that edge we would all prefer to we would all prefer a safety buffer from the curb or the double wl line whatever direction you're going gravel or shoulder whatever danger lurks off the side of the road however there are some significant benefits to delaying the turn point and initiating the turn later so let's get into this so we have a right-handed curve just an easy right-handed curve right let me get a couple of my markers over here so i could draw some stuff let's see we'll use red and green so recount to the turn right so red is when you turn the bike green little pin is going to be the apex and the orange is the exit now all three of these related and i'll show you how so first you're coming down so you're going right so you want to start on the outside towards the left now you're not going to go all the way towards the outside you might leave a foot or so away because maybe there's gravel or maybe this is a right-hand turn there's cars going left either way you want to start somewhere near the outside that's a common tip for pretty much any turn start near the outside okay so you start near the outside now say you turn in right here this means the bike begins to lean right there so it's a little far back and it's a little early that means your apex whenever you're get whenever you get closest to the inside that's what apex means it's gonna be right about there and then your trajectory your exit is right about there you see that and and that's going wide and that's how most people crash they turn in too early they make a mistake they come in the apex too early and then usually they crash right around here because they try to make another correction before they go flying off a cliff or onto oncoming traffic so watch how these three things change when you delay your turn point right so this rider is turning right here starting to turn so i'll connect the docks from there to there to there and they go off and that's a bad day you see that okay now i'm going to change it up where's my little eraser here it is and if you didn't figure out all my videos are done in one shot one take i don't edit anything so if you don't like that fast forward okay so now ryder's gonna wait start on the outside wait a little bit longer to turn okay turn point outside now their apex will be a little bit later which is good stuff right and then their exit is gonna be where they want it to be now check out the line so the rider turning a little bit later on the outside dip it in turn in apex a little bit later go out to the outside use the road outside inside back out to the outside and the purpose of this whole thing is what you're trying to make the curve as straight as possible if you could go straighter through the curve well it's less energy you could go quicker less lean angle because you're trying to make a straight line through the curve a whole lot better right now let me do this again but i'm going to do this i'm not going to draw the red line i'm just going to show you with these three little magnet things i have right here uh a couple different examples as fast as my hands can move about turn point apex and exit okay so check this out turning way down here way too early you're going to get close to the inside way too early and you're going off a cliff but if i turn a little bit later apex will be a little bit later you're right about there you delay your turn point even more apex would be delayed that'd be like that you see how that works and you'll see this all the time riders make the mistake all the time pretty much every time i ever go ride in the twisties ever and i see another rider we're about to go right in this example they're about to go right and they start to turn in their front tire is all the way right here in the middle of the lane for this right-handed turn and i'm behind them i'm still over here they're turned in they're right there i'm still over here on the outside i'm like dude where are you going and this is a mountain it's a right-hand turn this could be a big old mountain blind curve i can't see what the hell is around this corner another big advantage this rider's so close to the inside and this is a mountain right here they can't see i wait longer to turn the bike well i could see further around the corner well that's a humongous advantage right now if we switch it just for fun right so now we're going left a lot of riders again they come up they start to turn too early right they go right there apex is early their trajectory is going wide so to make a correction like right about here they try to add a whole lot of lean angle they freak out and they grab the brakes which is never a good idea you could squeeze the brakes no problem then but if you grab that's the problem but they set themselves up for failure by turning to really anyway so watch this i'm going to change each one one at a time start on the outside so elbows right about here i start on the outside and i delay my turn point a little bit more i wait longer to turn right and how long do you wait just like it says in leigh park's book usually wait until the road itself begins to bend so if this row just would have went straight it would have been kind of like that would have been going straight so you could kind of wait till pretty much where it almost begins to bend you turn there apex is lighter exit is where you want it to be everybody see that so next time you go riding around pay attention to this when you're riding you might be back here right here's a couple of your buddies one started on the outside so they could see a little bit further through the corner a better chance to make it through the turn you're the red rider so the green rider is going up so this rider is going through everything's all good they're all right there green rider turns in a little bit too early they're like oh crap this is they start to freak out they're like oh my god i messed it up i turned in too early right now i'm going wider and wider then you're watching both this stuff you're on the outside you're on the outside you're on the outside you're on the outside then right here when you can see to make sure it's clear this guy's down here by then he rolled off the throttle and squeezed the brake to get the bike to slow down so luckily he didn't go off the cliff that time he's back in the right spot and you go through go through no drama everything all good right and this is just a normal curve but talk about this being relevant and really important different types of corners so let me draw that real quick where's my black marker at sorry going through [Music] decreasing radius that means the corner gets tighter and tighter as you go through it so here we go you go in here's your turn point turns in you're already right apex is right there the trajectory is what oh good luck look at this path to travel i'm turning right i'm turning too early because i'm freaked out holy crap i got close to the inside early this could be another mountain right here their bike is facing this direction oh my god that's a bad day and what do they do a lot of people crash right here because they try to do a big huge fast input grabbing the brakes do something crazy so they don't crash but it could have been prevented because they set themselves up for failure so now the rider starts on the outside and then delays and waits and waits and wait waits a little bit longer so the road begins to turn right and then you don't just dive in so early this rider's smart right you're gonna stay on the outside a little bit more maybe you come down to the inside a little bit and you just go but not so close you just wait you kind of you kind of hang out near the outside not all the way on the outside just near it maybe in the middle lane ish you're just hanging out you're just hanging out you're just hanging out and so you could actually see where the hell the exit is and then you could kind of dip down to there's the apex whenever you are closest to the inside and then your ape then your exit will be over here which is also the entry and the apex of the next turn everybody see how that worked makes sense so a lot of things to keep in mind and this is just a an easy example was the 90 degree turn and this is like the crazy example of the decrease in radius turn but either way number one problem people do all the time that i see all the time probably more than almost anything else just for a normal curve it doesn't matter how fast you're going anything else people just turn into early and they get themselves in trouble very quickly so again highly recommend checking out this book there's an entire chapter chapter eight all about line selection this was just the number one most common problem there's also slow steering 50 pencing all kinds of stuff whole bunch of good stuff about line selection right double apex turns linked turns back to back whole bunch of different stuff good stuff alright thanks for watching hopefully this helps and pay attention to what you are doing and what your buddies are doing next time you go out for a ride because this is blatantly obvious once you know what to look for let me know what you think comment below don't forget to hit subscribe and check out my website for the link to my apps my book merchandise and everything else you imagine
Channel: MotoJitsu®
Views: 109,888
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Keywords: Riders, motorcycle, motorcycle tips, motorcycle safety, motorcycle riding tips, new rider tips, motorcycle riding, riding, motorcycle training, motorcycle training course, motorcycle safety training, how to ride a motorcycle for beginners, how to ride a motorcycle, how to motorcycle, road safety, motorcycle vlog, beginner motorcycle riding, motorcycle course, motorcycle skills, motorcycle techniques, motorcycle videos, moto, moto moments, MotoJitsu
Id: GmXvxvhCKq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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