Imagery in ArcGIS

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Oh all right Thank You Margie so thanks for that introduction all I'll introduce myself a little further my name is Kyle Talbott I'm a solution engineer with the ESRI imagery and remote sensing team so what that means is we're a cross-sector team and our team focuses on sales and business development specifically in the realm of all fit of imagery and remote sensing so I am I'm a solution engineer that primarily works with the national government and I don't have any specific accounts that I am that I'm tied to my role is to go in and provide support when all of your account managers need need additional support when it comes to when it comes to you all working with imagery so I'm happy to be able to present with you today on the line with me as well as Kurt whoa peon Tim McKee they are Account Executives on the on the imagery team they'll be they'll be able to help answer questions that you type as I'm presenting today very smart guys that they they'll be they'll be very helpful with that all right so title the webinar is imagery in arcgis now ESRI has really stepped up their imagery game in the past decade and we're no longer just the GIS powerhouse that you know we've been known to be so covering all of our imagery capabilities in the next hour and a half really just is impossible so what I've done is I've I've broken the webinar into some of the essentials that we'll cover I'm going to try and cover some of the things that are new that should be of interest to you all and some of the things that we have been doing for a while but you may not be aware that we are we're working with this so so we're gonna start off the agenda today by going into imagery in the ArcGIS platform with a focus on image server and the role that it plays then we're going to jump into imagery in arcgis pro it's important to distinguish here the difference between just working with imagery and pro and then the image analyst extension there are things you can do in pro today without the extension to support your imagery workflows and then there are and then we'll cover later some of the additional things that you can do with the image analyst extension then we'll take a look at imagery in the web focusing primarily on a new application called ArcGIS Excalibur and we'll have a break for questions we'll try to do that at the 45 minute mark but we'll we may go a little longer and then after the first question break which will be about five minutes we'll move on to what we're doing with drones what the products that we're able to produce with them and the software used for that and then at the very end we'll cover will briefly cover lidar and how we're able to work with it as well it's it's not imagery but it fits within the whole remote sensing program and then we'll finish off with a with a final Q&A session and that should be an hour and a half I hope so it's pretty ambitious schedule but I think we can make it through all right so as I said earlier you know we've we've been integrating imagery very steadily into into the ArcGIS platform really really kicking it you know really digging deep into it within the past decade imagery has often been considered a separate science from GIS and it really shouldn't be viewed that way both both GIS and imagery play a powerful role in supporting one another and so we really don't have we don't have just one app for imagery we have imagery that's integrated across the entire platform providing a system of record for it with our imagery management a system of engagement to access imagery and system and insight the ability to perform analytics on it well take a look at the overall imagery platform really quickly the architecture can be overwhelming to some for the most part it starts with Pro for some this may be all that you need but if you want to do more with imagery Pro is many times the access point for publishing imagery to the server and thereby creating imagery services and we'll go into that in a little more detail but photogrammetry is used to make those sources accurate analytics can be set to to run at scale and do all kinds of advanced analysis and then users can access all of this content and powerful web applications like Excalibur and we can display imagery information that we get from all of these you know derived information products from these from this imagery across the platform in story Maps or operations dashboards so this is what we're saying how when this is what we mean when we're saying this is a comprehensive imagery platform so rapid access to your imagery and scalable processing is at the core of our image management now as the imagery needs of your organization will grow it's in pop it's important to have proper image management it starts with our data model for imagery called the mosaic data set now this data set mosaic data set lets you quickly access any image pixel at any time within your entire archive this is different than accessing an image file while the mosaic data set knows where all of your files are and maintains all of the metadata associated with those files the modern imagery user just wants to work with pixels that cover the area of interest and it doesn't matter if those pixels are coming from one image or a hundred images so and all the visualization processing functions that you can run on a single image they can also be applied to a mosaic data set that stores many different images points to many different images now you can store all of these managed data sets locally in the shared drive wherever you're working but you also have the option to harness the power of the image server to make your imagery accessible across the entire suite of ArcGIS software now ArcGIS image server is a product that is part of arcgis enterprise though it is licensed separately it can be deployed on its own server and federated to the entire enterprise to the rest of the enterprise which allows it to harness its full power now the image server gives you two primary functions first it allows you to create fully dynamic image services and these are more than just tile layers that people are most accustomed to working with and our base maps and other parts of the web those tile layers do not provide all of the data associated with the with each pixel or simply put they they provide up a picture of the picture now while the image server does let you produce these tile layers as well it's real power is to produce image services now these services provide all the data behind every pixel and they can be used just like the full image product without needing to download the image locally it can remain on the server and can be accessed and used by many people simultaneously now this slide covers capabilities and scalability of the image server I mostly want to call attention to is the other primary function of this of the image server which is raster analytics and you can see that portion in black now analysis is traditionally only existed on the desktop relying on your on the course on your local machine to produce the results now raster analytics in the image server takes these same tools that have been traditionally been desktop oriented brings them to the server so the capability can be scaled across multiple servers so a high power architecture can now take large scale analytics processing and significantly decrease the times that it takes to get results of raster processing and then and then that ties in as we'll see in the next slide once these services and raster and now analytics have been created you can share them and utilize them throughout the ArcGIS platform this is how all the imagery content that you get in the living Atlas is delivered to your apps you can do it now with your own data so you can ingest these analytics or the image services themselves in ArcGIS pro in various web apps story maps etc mobile devices to be able to visualize and process these various image services so that covers our intro to the platform now we're going to dig into imagery and ArcGIS Pro we're going to start with what you can do just with an ArcGIS Pro license so I imagine the many of you familiar with arcmap some of you still may be less familiar with Pro so we're going to take a closer look at it now from an imagery standpoint Pro is far superior to arcmap and that's because from day one it was designed to work with imagery unlike unlike arcmap where to be honest imagery was kind of an afterthought imagery was considered from the beginning with with the pro development of pro arcmap just doesn't have the processing muscle or graphics capability to work with imagery quickly or efficiently so the simple interface makes it a lot more user friendly as well all the imagery tools are located together either in the imagery or in the layer cabs instead of scattered throughout like an arcmap it's connected with your GIS so the information will benefit one another the there are measurement tools that are based on sensor model will show those a little bit later for higher accuracy measurements you also have the ability to link 2d and 3d views together so you can you can view your imagery in in both both 2d and 3d scenes for better situational awareness it's set up to support imagery specific workflows and with portal integration as I stated earlier you can easily bring in these image services and work with them in pro just as if you were working with local imagery a pro gives you access to the catalog which is where you can manage all of your imagery image management is very important in important part of pro again you can create and organize and work with all of your mosaic datasets whether those be local or whether those exist in the cloud or on the image server as image services if you're also provided with a raster items Explorer to be able to to better manage and understand what what individual images are contained within those mosaic datasets and then our gist provides some out-of-the-box analysis for working with imagery so one of the highlights of ArcGIS Pro are the raster functions which create in-memory results using on-the-fly processing for fast analysis these rafter functions can be chained together just like in model builder to create custom tools and workflows for easy replication and because Pro is connected to the portal you're not only connecting to the image server for ingesting all of your image services but you can also harness the raster analytics portion of the image profit of the image server to scale your processing from the cloud in Pro perform large-scale analysis much faster than you could locally so we're gonna stop now for our first demonstration I'm going to show you again this is these are things that you can do with imagery and archives Pro today whether you have the image analyst extension or not so first I'm going to show you adding imagery from a local folder so here I have a little one on Sat 2r Landsat 8 image over over upstate New York you can see that as I've downloaded this Landsat image that I have many of the local many of the different many of the different bands individual bands here from from Landsat but I also have a completed image product that they given me and ArcGIS Pro recognizes that you can see the little satellite symbol over over the raster symbol that means that it recognized that it's a full raster product and because it's a raster product Pro it reads the metadata and can do some pretty powerful stuff with that imagery so once it adds you can see the it recognizes its geo spatial reference automatically puts it where it's supposed to go we see this really annoying dark black background so one of the first things I'm going to do is just go to the appearance tab click symbology and I'm gonna mask out this background value and you can see that I've set all my band values that are at zero zero zero to display no data and so now I can just work with the image itself pretty easy simple to do I can change now I can change the basemap to be an imagery based map so that I can see how that compares see how my Landsat image compares one of the things that I'll show is our ever popular swipe tool that allows me to make comparisons from one image to another with a simple swipe there are various tools here that we have access to in the imagery tab so all of my raster functions that I want to work with they're available here like I have access to them in the tab there are there's over a hundred that you have out of the box that you're able to use all of my high accuracy mensuration tools that are that are available in reading reading the correct metadata from the image or available here as well as some geo referencing tools that I'll show here in a minute I can work with the appearance here as well so I can there I have some enhancement tools for the four different contrast settings and because this is a complete image product that Landsat produces I have various band combinations that it's reading automatic that it's that's reading automatically from this from this raster product so I can change it quickly from natural color to infrared I can change it to a land-use setting and you can see it's automatically adjusting the different bands I can go and select the bands myself which ones that I want to work with but these band combinations that are used for four different land-use purposes from lands that are very helpful and then you're able to create your custom custom ones as well and add them to each each product can change the stretch type here and then one thing that I'd like to show really quickly is our charting capabilities so I have the ability to create spectral profile charts and what I can do here I can select a point on the map and what it will do is it will tell me what the spectral profile is of each point within a chart so that I can understand what type of land cover what type of material that I'm looking at this is really pretty fascinating to see when you're working with hyper spectral imagery and you can see the the changes across hundreds of different bands but it works pretty well with Landsat as well across its across its eight so that's working with local imagery I'm going to come really quickly and show you how you can work with image services as well so I was able to pull that Landsat image from a local folder but I have access to my portal as well you can see here I'm logged in it's my user identification to my portal and if I search my portal for different items I'm looking for an image service over Detroit you can see that I've found an imagery layer the imagery layer that I'm looking for and I can quickly add that to my map begin to work with it now it looks like a single image but if we look at the attribute table of this service we can see that there are many different images is their associated with a lot of different overviews actually as well as as well as some individual raster's now looking at it in this attribute table isn't necessarily easy so I'm gonna go into the data tab and I'm going to explore my raster items what I'll do is because I just want to look at the different rosters and exclude the overviews I can I can select that and by selecting all of the raster's I can now get a better look at these rafters one by one and so if I come into the inspect it lets me see the different metadata components of these images as I select them and then if I want to work with a single image instead of the instead of the mosaic data set as a whole the service is all what I can do is I can add these individual rosters to my current map as an individual file it's still a service and it's still tied to that mosaic data set but now I have a single image that I can work with and use just like any other image so pretty powerful stuff we also have some geo referencing tools that are available so if I were to add go over this quickly if I come back and I add some imagery it doesn't have any spatial reference you'll notice pro gives me a warning that I don't have any geo reference to this so don't have to trust me it's sitting at that infamous zero zero out in the Atlantic Ocean but if I go in and I understand where I need to more or less where I need to place my image I can come to the imagery tab open a new gof once session and I can fit this image that I have selected to the display and you can see it kind of fits over this area this is some historical imagery over Portland Oregon but you can see right here that this road this road here is not matching up appropriately so what I can do is I can add different control points I know that this building the stand point in this endpoint are supposed to match up and so it'll automatically adjust to that new point for me and you can see as I start to add some more points do it with this point of the building turn off the layer match it with the base map here now it's automatically going to adjust that you can see that it's starting to fit much better so very easy geo referencing tools if you have unstructured unreferenced imagery the more points that you add the more accurate this is going to get but you can already see that it's it's starting to fit much better than what it was and then the last thing I'll show you is working with a full mosaic data set so this I'll open up the attribute table this is a local mosaic that we're working with here of planet imagery over California you can see here we have over 250 images in this mosaic data set that we're working with you know I went and previously pulled out for the sake of time using using that same raster items Explorer that we should I used it to go ahead and pull out two different two individual images from this mosaic data set that will zoom into here what I want to show you here is working with raster functions so with this planet imagery one of the things we can do is run some NDVI analysis over this area you can see much of the area's agricultural so we can get some good get some good information from this now as I stated earlier raster functions produce in-memory results and so what that means is it's not like a geoprocessing tool where every time you run it it generates new data and that and you know a new output that gets saved and stored somewhere what it's doing is it's creating an in-memory result based on on-the-fly processing so it's only giving me the pixels of this NDVI result as I need them which means it's able to generate this very fast so in the past raster raster analysis has taken a long time because it takes a long time to generate and from to generate a output for every pixel but now with these raster functions it's all done very quickly and so I can generate these NDVI results almost in the blink of an eye so I can do this individually on each of these images and we'll we'll use the swipe tool again here just to show you the difference between the two dates but I can also apply these raster functions to the mosaic data set as a whole so we'll turn back on the mosaic dataset won't go back out just start so in the data tab of the mosaic data set you'll be able to see these various processing templates now you can make these fairly simple you can make them similar to the band combinations or if I just want to show the difference you know change the different band combinations I can do that however we also have the ability to add custom raster function chains as processing templates so for example we have this NDVI colorized where we've actually implemented this this raster function directly to the entire mosaic data set and these these chains can be as long as you want as include as many different raster functions as you want what that does is it lets me do on-the-fly processing to the entire mosaic data set now it's not processing all of these every single pixel of every image in the mosaic data set at a time it's just giving me the pixels that I need so it's very fast so that is an introduction to imager Green Pro this is what you if you have Pro you can do this today so we'll jump back in to the demo and now we're going to talk about image analyst extension so you're able to enhance arcgis pro with many extensions for advanced workflows in different areas on spatial analyst has existed for a very long time 3d analysts have been a big part of pro and so two years ago we released the image analyst extension providing the necessary tools for imagery analysts to work with all types of imagery including non traditionally non mapping types now many of the pro extensions provide you with additional geoprocessing tools that do specific things and true to that model the image analyst extension does give you some additional raster functions mostly those that let you apply mathematical functions to input rosters but image analyst also focuses on bringing in types of imagery that provide essential information to GIS but in the past have been harder to integrate so let's look at some of these capabilities for one word with image analyst you're able to work with stereo imagery so you can bring them in you can create stereo pairs from mosaic data sets it works with both shudder glasses and traditional anaglyph red red green stereotypes and what it does is allow working with stereo and Pro it allows you to get those accurate measurements including 3d measurements and then extract features from the stereo from these stereo pairs that you can then use to create 3d cartographic feature or simply 2d features and integrate them into your GIS we also introduced with image analyst extension the capability called image space so working with highly oblique imagery in a map has been difficult in the past because as you bring it in to North is up perspective and geo-reference that the objects in the imagery become skewed as you can see in this picture right here but with image analyst you can work with the imagery and view it from the perspective of the sensor and you can switch between that map centric view in that image centric view very easily so that you can work with your highly oblique imagery and capture your feature information correctly including the capturing of objects as well as the appropriate measurements image analyst also lets you work with full motion video so this lets you integrate video files that are embedded with metadata information regarding the sensor location orientation and field of view if your if your videos follow a government standard called Misbah compliance they're able to be ingested within arcgis pro and then pro not only let you view the image the the field of view and the sensor location in 2d maps and 3d scenes but it'll allows for analysis provides many tools for analysis that work to help you get that information from the video into your GIS will show an example that a little later we're also able to extend support for multi-dimensional rasters and datasets so this is data that represents your spatial data captured at multiple times in multiple depths or heights these data types are commonly used in Atmos Varick oceanographic and earth sciences now Pro consumes multi-dimensional data on its own and you're able to create and manage datasets without any extension but with the image analyst extension you get full access to all of the tools on the multidimensional data tab so what this does is extent group lets you limit the different variables current display type allows you to change the slice that you're viewing within the map and then there are different analysis tools that provide different functions for profit vance processing of your multi-dimensional data such as aggregation of different raster variables finding anomalies in each slice and estimating trends for each pixel along dimensions image analyst also provides tools for image classification now this refers to the task of assigning different classes defined in a land cover and land use classification system to all of the pixels in a remotely sensed image you can perform both supervised and unsupervised classification both can both be object or pixel based in arcgis pro classification workflows have been streamlined into the classification wizard so a user with some knowledge and classification can jump in and go through the workflow with some guidance from the wizard and then there are also individual classification tools for more advanced users that may only want to perform part of the process and these outputs can can be used to create thematic maps or we used as a supported data layer in a GIS now the pixel editor is a new function in the most within the past year in image analyst extension it contains a set of tools used to interactively manipulate pixel values for raster and imagery data and it allows you to edit an individual pixel or group of pixels at one time these are good for use cases such as editing elevation data to fill voids let you reclassify pixels regions or objects that have been that haven't been classified appropriately helps you to obscure or redact confidential pixels replace clouds etc and will show an example of that in a minute as well and then finally we've added various tools to image analysts that allow you to perform deep learning workflows to remotely sensed imagery directly within fro and these can include things like prediction classification and object detection one of the highlights now is that we have all the tools and external frameworks integrated with within image analyst that lets you complete an end-to-end object detection workflow without ever leaving Pro including the labeling data prep model training and the actual detection of objects in the imagery all within Pro so there are a lot of fascinating problems with variable with machine learning which I'll have the time get into details about today many of which are imagery based such as object the object detection not just from imagery but but from videos being able to do things like smart road did you taste and did digitization as well as object tracking and tracing should stress that some of these projects are more experimental than others but by and large these are all things you can do with imagery and remote sensing in the ArcGIS ecosystem today now like our cross-sector imagery team that i mentioned that i was a part of we have a dedicated gyeo AIT Matt Ezra that are focused on these workflows that can provide support for this I do believe that they even have a webinar next month month in the national government series it's focused on feature extraction from imagery so if you want more information I would highly recommend attending that session for that we'll go into some a demo of some of the capabilities of the image analyst extension they won't do all of them will focus on some of the most exciting ones so with image space here we have a multi dhamaal t spectral imager over rio de janeiro you can see it was taken at a pretty oblique angle because we've got this mountain here that is crumbling into the ocean we have all of these buildings on their side looks pretty rough in its current state however with image analyst extension I have the ability to set this image as my focus image and then all of my data is now being viewed from the sensor perspective and you can get that sensor model information here in this information in the upper right corner but now you can see everything appears how it's supposed to this is very helpful for when I need to do use my mensuration tools so I can get thing information like we're base to top height get high it's be be information on that it's also very helpful for capturing information about features so if I move over to the airport in Rio she's now using a pan chromatic image you can see that I'm able to capture accurately these building rooftop locations as well as the plane locations as they appear so that when we switch back to the map centric view they appear where they're supposed to go so that's pretty powerful stuff just that's just a brief introduction to the science that's going in behind that next I want to show you the pixel editor what it can do go back to our swipe tab here and we'll show you that this is some classified this is an imagery that's been through a classification workflow in pro and you can see that as the land the land cover has been identified some clouds were in the way and so they've been misidentified as water when this should be land over this area so what we'll do so move into this area and we'll open up in the imagery tab the pixel editor and what this will let me do is select a class here which we want to identify this area's shrub land and I can reclassify it by pixel by August and by region that's what I can do with this now is I can draw manually the area that I want reclassified as shrub land and it'll just do it automatically for me sure you reclassifying by individual pixel as well if you want to do it for more intricate fixing man-slave over to another cloud over here I can also identify an entire object which doesn't work as well for this workflow because I'm only identifying the water that it's picked up and have that reclassified as shrubland really powerful stuff and then the last thing that I want to show from image analyst extension is full motion video so again we have this MS be compliant video it's giving me it has the appropriate metadata associated with it and it shows me in this 3d scene the location of the sensor its line of sight and as well as its field of view and so there are many different tools that I can use to display information from my GIS to the video or from the video to video to my map so I'm just going to show you two of those things really quickly one of the things we're able to do is edit features directly in the video and we'll turn on the synced graphic so you can see that so as I drop points in the video you'll see that they're appearing in the map where they're supposed to belong the other thing that able to do is take frame snapshots from from the video itself and then the single click we're able to save that frame as an image directly on to the map automatically dereference where it's supposed to go so image analyst that covers that portion pretty neat stuff alright before our first break I want to quickly cover going over imagery in the web move through this very quickly so with with a migration of GIS to the web we've been working with imagery for years now in both ArcGIS online and enterprise for we've been able to consume tile layers and image services in maps and seams and we've been able to build imagery focus apps for various workflows and discovery and we've been able to do that using various templates and the web app builder so this is an example of an app that we created with our own technology called the Landsat Explorer it's a public app built on edge root and what it does is it consumes a single image service oops it consumes a single image service that contains all the Landsat imagery sorry about that try that one more time I've contains all the Landsat imagery available to the public so I'll let you discover any imagery based on date and location and it also provides some basic analysis so for here you're able to input your own feature layers and files to the Landsat app for for references as you're looking at imagery as he zooms into the area here you'll see that he's able to change on-the-fly rendering so that you can better see the land cover and then there are different tools for things like change detection and masking that will help you identify things like a burn index I'll let you adjust the accuracy of that and then you can even save the layer so that you can bring it into different web maps and scenes in pro etc so this is what we've historically been doing with imagery in the web however now we want to introduce some new web-based software called ArcGIS Excalibur which allows you to integrate and enhance your image based workflows for all of your image services within your organization in a single environment so it allows users to easily search discover compile and publish all of their all of these image layers it's it's designed for imagery analysts interview specialists and even people who are not as advanced with arcgis pro and advanced image emit image analyst workflows so what it does is it provides a simple intuitive design that allows you to catalog your image services discover what you have available in each service and even filter search settings by things like date range cloud cover obliquity as well an image name as well it gives you some basic analysis function and exploitation capability like arcgis pro with the image analyst extension the ability to view oblique imagery both in the map space and image space and provides tools for annotation and measurements as well and then from the analysis in excalibur it allows you to create imagery drive products so you can you can create different briefings such as dashboards and story maps from these from these layers and report on your findings from Excalibur I want to jump into Excalibur and show you how that works very quickly so with Excalibur gives you some options at the beginning of being able to connect with different image web services directly connecting to your catalog or searching in my available imagery so again I'm on that same user in that same organization that I was in in pro but now I'm connected to all of my image services in Excalibur so I can look through these two services here pick the one that I want to work with in this case I want to work with this West Coast oblique image service connected to the catalog when I connect this image service to the catalog I run a search and they'll show all of the different footprints you can see that it covers a very wide swath all the way up from Washington down to California so this doesn't give us a really good idea of everything that we can do or all that you can see so instead I'm just going to zoom down into Los Angeles Long Beach area I know I want to search for imagery over Long Beach so if I run the search again now I'm just looking at these image services for that area so I'll concentrate my search even further and now I can see these different image services that I'm working with as I scroll over the corresponding image highlights I can preview what that image looks like here in the catalog make sure it's the one that I want to work with I can preview what the metadata is of that image again just to ensure and then I can take my cute images and connect them to the canvas so you see we're able to work with this image service I have various different tools for this on the fly exploitation one of the things you'll notice again the image is taken at an oblique angle so we have the ability to work with this image both in map space and image space and we can even do that side-by-side and these displays are linked to one another so that I scroll on one I can see what I'm doing in the other again we have some tools for basic exploitation that includes measurements so as I just want to I can measure the length of this boat and the harbor here it gives me that measurement it also allows me to do some basic markups over this area so I can do things like draw a bounding box around my area of interest add some next again this is for very basic exploitation of this area and then from here I have the ability to export these markups as a PowerPoint so I won't show that we also have some new tools in excalibur we're we're constantly updating its capabilities this is a product that was just released at the beginning of last year so we have some new capabilities such as the swipe tool what I'll do is I'll turn on the imagery base map layer so the swipe function is now available for comparison I think there against the base mapper against other images in my service we also have a flicker tool that basically that essentially does the same thing just allows you to select play between the different layers and adjust the rate on how often they move back and forth from one another one of the key capabilities of Excalibur though is the ability to create different image projects that you save that let you save specific imagery and specific tools for the analysis of that imagery directly within a project so analysts can have quick access to them so this is a project that we created to show ammo storage observations with some imagery at a undisclosed location not classified imagery just so nobody freaks out about that this is completely unclasp but what I'm able to do is I'm able to collect different observations I can collect point line and plug on features over this area and save them out quickly adding different comments and indicating different different statuses and filling in the different fields here now this is a fully dynamic feature layer here that is integrated throughout the the entire platform so as I have this feature layer integrated into dissemination material like this dashboard when I submit this observation it will automatically update here in the dashboard so we can get accurate quick up-to-date analysis of of the imagery out to the people that need it the most so that concludes the excalibur demo and I think we're ready to take I think we're almost ready to take our first break just wanted to highlight some of the new things coming to Excalibur in the next releases some automatic change detection workflows will be available markup tools will get an enhancement and future releases you'll be able to upload imagery directly into Excalibur instead of just working with image services we'll have some object detector workflows available as well Excalibur will is planned to be the place for integration with motion imagery once motion imagery hits the web and as well as support for oriented imagery so this is imagery that's taken at at ground level so those from phone's camera you know from different like the Google car etc all right so we have time for some questions now before we move on to the next section we can probably take about five minutes Margie did you identify any questions that were that were posed to the whole group yeah so this one will start with Excalibur how do you access Excalibur through pro or as you add mine okay good question I skipped that part you can access Excalibur from a from a web browser it is an application that is directly tied to an ArcGIS enterprise deployment and an image server deployment so it's it is harnessing the power of the image server so in your ArcGIS in your portal homepage you'll have an applications tab where you'll access things like operations dashboards and insights that's the same place where you'll access Excalibur yeah good question thanks I did not cover that part great the next question is about stereo collection and how to do that within Crowe okay primarily the way to do that is to is to create if you have your stereo imagery collection the best way to work with that is to place that imagery collection into a mosaic dataset and once that imagery is in the mosaic you can then there's there's a geoprocessing tool that allows you to generate stereo pairs a stereo model from that mosaic data set and then it's a matter of when when you go into insert a new map into an arch aspro project you'll see an option if you have the image analyst extension you will see an option to instead of add a map or a scene you can add a stereo map and that stereo map will then let you connect to any stereo pair that you have and then that stereo map gives you the tools that you need the very specific stereo tools for the analysis of that imagery great two more questions great what does Pro have the capability to work with hyperspectral data out of the box so primarily right now we are just ingesting hyperspectral data so as I was showing with spectral readings we can we can fully read all the spectral information in charts and in other ways throughout the ArcGIS platform particularly within Pro there are some additional tools for the management of hyperspectral data again hyperspectral data works within mosaic data sets so you can manage all of your your imagery that way beyond that we don't provide a ton of in-depth analysis for hyperspectral imagery today that that can change we don't have anything specific on the roadmap however what we do offer is the ability to ingest different different analytical functions from other platforms through our four-hour Python interface and and so if you want to be able to run some of those some of that functionality from from other platforms from from other providers you can do that with yeah I think that covers hyperspectral great and last one for this batch of questions is there a way to have a batch process using the NDVI analysis tool yes so yeah you can again just like you know just like you set up with with your geoprocessing tools for batch processing you can you can set up those tools as you create custom raster functions and custom tools to to automatically run on new imagery as it comes in on well you can you can script that too so that it just runs on multiple data sets you can set it you can set up tasks to do that as well lots of different options short answer is yes yes you can do batch processing all right so thanks Margie for the questions we get a drink of water really quick I've been talking for a long time but we got half an hour and some of the really exciting stuff to finish off with so this is an introduction to what we're doing with drones so a few years ago ESRI came to the realization that low cost commercial drones offered a new window into GIS and up until this point it hasn't really been cost-effective to map these micro geographies using imagery so what we decided to do was to create products that would accurately process high-quality drone imagery into image based maps and other products that we would allow you to do a whole different type of GIS key to success is to keep the product simple and low cost and so with that we were able to move forward and a few years ago create drone to map for arcgis it's been fantastic it's been one of the hottest selling products that Ezra and been able to generate these products very easily so these are the products that were able to generate from drones in a nutshell were able to generate 2d products so you can create ortho mosaics digital terrain models and surface models and Concours we can generate 3d products such as point clouds and 3d meshes and we can create inspection workflows as well for markups and making 2d and 3d measurements all from your own imagery this is a little more in depth about the products that we we create you know you can identify that as these products for base mapping such as the DSM's DTM's and ortho mosaics 3d products are good for site modeling and integrating into your 3d GIS such as the mashes and point clouds and scene layer packages and you're able to perform even some analytics directly within drone to Maps such as volume metrics annotation and inspections so this is Eddie's current photogrammetric workflow again we're going to focus on what we're able to do with drones and the reason that we're focusing on our two on r2 drone processing pieces of software are that they use a different processing engine called structure from motion that allows you to generate those 3d products that we were talking about so a traditional triangulation works best with photos that's that our nadir that are horizontal and they're best for generating those those 2d products structure from motion is a new and unique way of blockage esting these photos together so that you can create different products and what it does is it uses is it is it takes photos from many different angles not just native photos and from that it recognizes unique spectral signatures in in the imagery and through that taken at many different angles it generates a point cloud and that point cloud is what is able to as is able to generate all the different 3d products that you see and so again this is only available in drone map and as will show in a minute our online our our new online software so drone the map has a proven track record used by many different types of users to create imagery products this is an example of one of our one of our users at VCU that was able to collect 4,800 images covering a small airport in Southwest Virginia he had a very powerful machine to be able to process all of this imagery at the rate that he did but you can see that the resolution of this 3d scene is really powerful and helpful for local planners to better understand expansion of this airfield so yeah with this with this powerful machine he was able to process this in about three days and get very very detailed information of this area I will briefly show drone to map because I want to focus more on our new SAS offering but this is drawn to map we released we've we released our 2.0 version of drone to map a year ago this is 2.1 which has even faster processing times up to 5 times different enhanced processing speeds so you can go in and you can select the different project templates that will create different products for you automatically when you create a project you can give it a name and you can add different images to your project so if I select this folder here titled input data that has all of my JPEGs that were collected you can see that the green checkmark next to each image as I scroll down means it's identified the lat/long and and altitude of the photo if I didn't have any jus if my geo reference to the photos existed outside it would prompt me to import a CSV or other file type so that it could recognize where these images were located when I import these into a new project this is essentially what it looks like you can see that this project was taking the flight path was using a back and forth pattern to capture the imagery imagery that I can that I can view directly here in in the map so if I open up the image viewer I can see individual image here but this this this particular image collect was more designed for 2d products for creating that seamless ortho mosaic because it has that overlap that you see here once you have your input data you can that will run simply on your on your flight edit of the images that you've collected you also have the ability to import ground control points using your ground control points manager for increased accuracy of these images once once you have your option set you can start passing the imagery and these are the these are some of the things that they will produce so you can see this very seamless ortho mosaic from that raw imagery and again if we change the base map trying to imagery base map here you're able to see how much better detail this imagery provides during the map puzzle you swipe tool as well so this is an area in Redlands where we're constructing a new building so you can see now the base map is more accurately updated to show what the process is that right now but back when we back when we conducted this this flight this is what the construction was looking at at the time even though the flight was not designed for 2d or for 3-d generation we were still able to produce a very highly accurate 3d mesh from this generated this from the point cloud and then there are various tools in drone to map that you can use for analysis of these areas so we can go back and do some volumetric sin in 2d and measuring of area etc and then again because it's connected to the ArcGIS platform you can share all of your outputs as feature layers tile layers scenes or his entire web Maps that's drone to map very quickly so drone the map was great for many years but one of the things that it was lacking was scalability because it was only as good as the machine that it was running on our professor at VCU he was he had a great machine for anyone else who would have tried to have generated that imagery myself included it would have taken much longer to store it and and in that regards not just the processing but storage has been an issue lots of images takes up lots of space and so the products that are generated from them so like much of platform migration has been in the past few years with us moving to server based software and imagery in the GIS and the web we needed we really needed to harness these capabilities of drone and map in the cloud to support large-scale projects and workflows so at the end of last year we acquired a product called site scan from 3dr and what this does is it uses that same structure from motion processing engine as drone to map so it does create the same products but now it processes it in the cloud and it stores all of your products there as well so it's much faster much more scalable and you don't need to worry about storage either it's an unlimited storage and again this is our product we've acquired it it's it's now an ESRI product and so it's fully connected to the platform and it scales with the rest of the organization a couple other things that people have asked us over the years of it as they've been working with drone to map they've been asking what drones work best what what drones can you are you able to provide drones now we are still drone agnostic that's important to note that any drone will any drone imagery we'll work with with drone to map as well as sites can however now that when you're purchasing these drone bundles and packages you do now have the option to add a drone as well so as we've partnered with 3dr we're able to provide their h 520 chicharrón the drone itself the specs are really good on it allows for stable precise flight with its six rotor system has a very powerful camera that provides good video or still images the real highlight here though especially for our national government customers here is that final assembly of the product was done in the US and so with that it meets the strict taa guidelines and the government standards regarding security so no need to worry about it's not a so simply put it it meets the non foreign specifications so that federal government users can can work with this drone another thing that we've been asked to provide over the years is support for the actual collection of the imagery and now with sites can we provide a flight planning app for the iPad that makes flying and collecting very simple collecting imagery with all the right parameters may seem complicated but the software really streamline it really streamlines it you're able to just select your mission type and resolution with your output imagery and you can draw a box around your area of interest and then from there the flight management software essentially figures it out and then once the mission parameters are calculated the management software information up links directly to the drone it takes off once it's complete the drone flies back to its point of origin and lands exactly where it took off from so we'll show you what that app looks like through a video so what it does is you can you can open it up and you immediately connect to various projects these projects are organized by multiple flights over similar areas so that you can organize all those flights over time and so once you've connected to a project or you can create a new project it allows you to connect to any drone that's in your fleet right now the flight planning app primarily only connects with certain DJ eyes but it also connects with that h 520 G as well so you can connect to your drones and select flight plans you can exist pre-existing flight plans that are already associated with the project because if you're flying multiple flights over the same area it's often good to keep that same flight plan so you can dig into existing flight plans edit them as you see fit if you need to adjust area just altitudes of the of the flights different hatch angles as well as any different area that you want to add the the app lets you do that pretty simply with just scrolling the Apple briefly show us how you can create a new flight plan we're going to do a perimeter scan so instead of the crisscross back and forth imagery these perimeter scans are better for for processing 3d imagery 3d products so you can input a new flight name here see if we can scroll ahead a bit you identify your survey Aoi the area that you want to generate a 3d product from or 2d product from pretty simple to adjust the area and then once that's done you can set your offset in the perimeter and then it'll let you select your different parameters such as altitude and you can visualize those out that altitude in 3d as well so we'll skip the rest of this video instead we'll move on to the actual site scan demo what the site scan manager looks like in the web so sites can again is accessible in a browser just like excalibur and other other web-based applications this is kind of our default intro page you can see here down at the bottom left corner that again I'm I I am associated with the site's game is associated to my organization and I can switch between organizations here I can come to my full projects list here actually before we do the projects list I want to show all of my team members that are associated with my site scan organization team members are granted different different capabilities based on their roles in the organization so we have administrator full access read-only very similar to your roles in RJ's enterprise and so different members of the organization can be added to different projects based on what what they need to do so that bridge area that we were looking at in the in the flight planning video we were able to process it so you see we have two different flights over this bridge here one collected in 2017 one and 2018 and we can show you some of the processing results from that bridge so it gives us the ortho mosaic generated from the photos we can see the photos themselves where they're located look at the individual images download the individual images if we want to and it's not just created the ortho mosaic but all the same products that drawn to map creates the contour lines the elevation models cut fills pill shades etc you have the ability to look at things look at your flights in the timeline so if we saw that we had two flights over over this area so we're able to use a swipe tool to compare different flights over time and then we were also able to generate a point cloud from this imagery there's some pretty powerful analytics tools insights can in the point cloud viewer so I'm able to create an elevation profile based on based on the point cloud and understand where I'm looking at I also a really cool photo inspect tool that allows me to drop a point on any point within the point cloud you can see all of the imagery that it appears in all the individual photos for inspection processes and I can again download any of those images automatically and then of course it also generates a 3d mesh over the area of this bridge give it a second to load so you can see exact same quality that you were getting from drone to map but now processed in the cloud and store it in the cloud I'll briefly cover how you can add new flights to a project or create or simply create a new project so I'll do this in this California wildfire projects I've been working with if I wanted to add a new flight name title demo today is what it'll allow me to do here is upload my different my different photos associated and I can do this from somewhere local on my machine now if I've used the flight planning app what that flight planning app will do is because I have it already tied to my different projects different flights in that app if I've gone and used that flight planning app it will automatically upload those images directly into side-scan and start processing them while I'm out in the field I don't even need to go into the site scan manager to be able to do that it will just automatically upload them there and as I'm driving back to my office or wherever it's processing if I'm doing a workflow from the manage from the site's game manager I do have to select my images locally but once I do that then it will start to manually check and make sure that these images are not duplicated in the flight and and then once that once it recognizes that if it will allow me to automatically I can have these automatically process once all the images are uploaded into sight skin so once those images are uploaded again then it will just again it will automatically process them process the products and it will alert me via email actually letting me know if the process is complete and what the results of the processes have been so very proud powerful stuff you can do your drone vehicle your fleet management here as well not just the vehicles but the batteries themselves and you can also in your different project you can identify the different output settings to identify just like in drone to map what it is that you want to produce so most important though its connectivity with the ArcGIS platform of course so not only can you export all of these all of these products from the cloud locally via download all the raster data your contours point clouds meshes as well as the processing reports and the individual photos but you can link directly to ArcGIS online ArcGIS Enterprise and share this information as tile layers scene layers and feature services to the platform so you can access them in your maps and scenes online as an ArcGIS pro so that covers sites can really excited to introduce this product it's got tremendous power and scalability we're excited to see what people can do with it that covers our drone section we are just about out of time so I'm going to cover lidar very quickly I wanted to cover this section simply because I don't think many people were I think this is one thing that people are still occasionally surprised to find out that we support but light our archives Pro primarily does give you all the tools that you need to consume and manage your lidar data as well as produce products that will further enhance your your GIS work it lets you work with lis data sets to manage multiple elías files at a time instead of just just one at a time it lets you produce statistical information to better understand your lidar gives you tools for extracting point clouds and compressing point clouds and it also gives you tools for preparation to edit your point clouds classify them and colorize them and then of course as has been the theme of today we're sharing we're interconnecting it so it loud it allows you to share these point clouds as a seam layer packages to arcgis online and our chess enterprise so that they can be viewed in the web and then across the platform as well it's interesting to note also here as well that we're not just providing support for traditional lidar but those point clouds that drone to map and sites can generated which in sometimes is referred to as faux dar these tools are able to work with these with those generated point clouds as well so there are various different products that we can generate from lidar within Pro different tools and solutions to create digital elevation models such as your terrain models and your DSM's very similar to to drone the map it is jumping ahead of me I guess it's the time slide sorry but you're able to generate different contours hill shades slopes different different derivatives for hydrological and solar instances as well as some feature extraction so what the greatest advantages of lidar is adding that 3d element to your GIS we live in a 3d world so it helps to gain that 3d perspective to add to your analysis so some of pros light our tools will allow you to do things like extrude rooftops and extract building footprints for extrusion so it's very helpful in in those respects so very quick video it's only a couple of minutes long about some of the things we can do with lidar so with light up with this lidar data set here first we can do is change its appearance so over showing elevation to start now we can change the symbology to classification you can see from this looking at this data set it's already classified pretty well we get a pretty good indication of that stadium what it is and it's showing the difference between the ground buildings trees and smaller vegetations there are tools available in pro for automatically automated classifications of buildings ground and overlap cetera and what we're going to do here is we're going to create a profile profile view of this data set so that we can focus on just one area at a time instead of the entire large lis data set we can easily adjust the depth of that as well now if we do some further examination of this building here that's next to the stadium we can see that some points have been misidentified in the automated classification so we use the interactive added tools to manually change the classification of those points by selecting the appropriate field and identifying them by drawing the area so now it's fixed to identify this building so the next part of this video shows more advanced workflow showing how you can extract building footprints from lidar so first we can filter this Elias dataset to just show the points we want by classification in this case the buildings from there we can use a geoprocessing tool let's let us use la la s point statistics to a 2d raster layer and then once this tool runs we can see that it's generated that raster layer of the building footprint we can clean it up a little bit the raster function and what this raster function will do is it will fill in holes within all of this raster data will run that really quickly you can see it fills in a lot of those holes for us and then from this adjusted raster layer we can now generate polygons from those rafters using it your processing tool this will give us the polygon layer that we need to be able to extrude extrude those footprints in a 3d layer so we have those those polygons now we can use a 3d analyst tool to clean up some of the and the undesirable artifacts in those footprints and if we can skip ahead in the video we can show you what some of those 3d outputs will look like and then there are additional lidar workflows that allow for things like roof extraction for a better 3d representation of these areas this guys really is a limit with that but I just wanted to introduce you and make sure that you were aware of it we can do lidar analysis in arcgis pro so that concludes our webinar we're only about four minutes over but i can stay on for about five more minutes if people want to hang around and we can take care of some of these wrap-up questions so margie do you have anything else for me Kurt and Tim have done a great job of answering questions as they've come in so we're actually all wrapped up on the questions fantastic oh thank you for joining me today well we'll follow up with an email to all of you that and get you our information if you if you want some more information about these workflows but yeah thanks for joining me I'll turn it back over to Margie just to finish up oh you you did a great job wrapping it up we'll send out the slides the link to the video and I see that we have a few more questions coming in so we'll address those questions afterwards as well so thanks everyone have a great day you
Channel: Esri Industries
Views: 1,467
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Geographic Information System, ArcGIS Pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 55sec (5695 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.