I'm Your Huckleberry History / Curious To Know

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hello I'm Wild4Games I was curious to know what did it actually mean in the movie tombstone in 1993 what Doc Holliday meant when I'm your huckleberry let's take a look in the classic movie tombstone doc holliday played by Val Kilmer says one of the most badass lines ever said in cinema I didn't think you had it in you I'm your huckleberry well I was very curious to know what does that term mean and where does it come from well there's actually kind of a few sources that kind of weave in together to get the final answer let's start with where it first came from in my research which is actually from King Arthur lore basically Knights that were saving damsels in distress' ah's were rewarded with a medal that medal basically being huckleberry branches that would be put on their lands basically signifying that they were their champion or that they were or that their work their hero now the history and the lore of I'm your huckleberry made it into 18th century Southern gentleman slang terms Doc Holliday grew up in Kentucky Georgia and around this time there was a lot of slang terms one of them being I'm your huckleberry so that's where the phrase comes from and why they use it in the movie and why Doc Holliday would use it because he's the man for the job and nobody can beat him but there's a little bit of a twist to this answer because that's probably not what he was supposed to say well it could have been said at one point in the movie but there's actually a debate about if he was supposed to say I'm your huckleberry or I'm your huckleberry huckle burr in the early 1800s was actually what we call today a pallbearer a person who carries a coffin or a casket for burial now where does the term come from is the people that were actually pallbearers would actually have huckleberry branches on the rule of pills to show respect for the dead you could say in the very beginning of the movie the first time up Doc Holliday says I'm your huckleberry he actually does mean I'm your huckleberry I'm the man for your job name the time in the place I'm here I can't be beat against Johnny Ringo but in the second time when Doc Holliday meets up with them and they have their battle he could actually mean I'm your huckleberry in the grave I'm gonna cause your death so they could use that as an actual answer but the answer lies in the pudding when you look at the actual script you could see that for Val Kilmer's line he's supposed to say I'm your huckleberry at both parts so the discussions kind of laid to waste however you could see how it could be used so that's a little extra tidbit on if it's supposed to be I'm your huckleberry or I'm your huckleberry but at least you got two answers and I hope that you guys found that kind of interesting because I was actually curious to know and now time for a bonus fact in the actual fight dueling scene between Doc Holliday and Johnny Ringo when Johnny Ringo goes down Doc Holliday also says another line he says no thanks oh you're no Daisy what does he mean by that well in the early terms of the 1800s daisies were actually prized for being a tough and strong flower because when they were plucked or when they were snipped to be put in a vase they would last the longest out of all the other flowers basically meaning they were best in class so when Doc Holliday calls him he's no Daisy he's basically saying you're not best in class I'm best in class and some last-minute research I stumbled upon a cool website that basically described what flowers meant in the Victorian area and the late 1800s daisies represented purity and innocence also if you fancy someone that you were interested in and he reciprocated with a bouquet of daisies and that that you were a gentleman through and through and that you were wonderful so you can see how this personifies Doc Holliday and how he perceived himself so I hope you guys found this video kind interesting it was actually really fun to research and I'm glad I found out what it meant and it kind of made me more curious for other things if you guys have any questions or comments let me know below if there's something you'd like me to research go ahead and write a comment below and I'll see what I do if you liked the video go ahead and like it so you share with your friends you can also look at some other videos over there that might help you out from my other playlist that I have out there take care and I'll see you guys later bye
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 1,371,735
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Keywords: huckleberry history, i'm your huckleberry history, i'm your huckleberry meaning, what does i'm your huckleberry mean, i'll be your huckleberry meaning, huckleberry saying, what does i'm your huckleberry mean in tombstone, im your huckleberry meaning, i'm your huckleberry, i'll be your huckleberry, tombstone i'm your huckleberry, huckleberry, i'm your huckleberry mccree, meaning of i'm your huckleberry, i am your huckleberry, what does i'll be your huckleberry mean, huckle bearer
Id: nHdeCqEhdvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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