I'm Still Playing PS2 In 2024, And Here's Why

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so if you were alive basically in the early 2000s or unless you were like some wild ostrich or something you probably have played or at least heard of the PlayStation 2 you probably just somehow experienced it at some point in your life no matter if you did play it you could have just heard that it was a thing hell I've talked to many people before in my life who don't even necessarily like video games they just somewhat played it at certain points they'd be like all right well I played GTA San Andreas or Vice City with my sibling or something growing up and that's basically all they did feel like the PlayStation 2 has been in everyone's lives basically if you've grown up in this era it's just one of those things that just was somehow in your house all the time I don't know obviously it didn't get up and run away I have a large stack of games that I have played at least a little bit lately I've played pretty much yeah all these games I basically played throughout my life I just kind of replayed them again this is only the little bit of games I've played I have more PlayStation 2 games over there and I also was playing those but these were the ones I was probably playing the most I've been playing PlayStation 3 so much lately and it just confirmed to me that that system is incredible everything's still good on it now I had to ask myself the question because this is the generation before PlayStation 3 so are games from the PlayStation 2 era still good that's the question I'd be like if you went to the bank and asked them for knitting advice it just really doesn't make any sense why you ask the question I just asked it so this is what we'll find out I'm going to answer it right away because I don't want to waste anyone's Time by thinking that I'm going to say no or something absolutely they are and I don't know man but somehow everything is just uh all right I don't know that sentence was sounded good in my head but then I just didn't know how to finish it but I've been playing like or actually wait a minute I don't know if I no I didn't play guitar here I a liar I said I played all them I have not played guitar hero I just own it because I don't know where the hell my guitar went anyway damn it's probably too late to restart this huh I'm still playing PlayStation 3 a lot it's kind of insane actually that's probably what I've been doing for 99% of my life I think if I you know human beings didn't have to eat to survive I'd probably it' probably be 100 and shower I guess I guess you don't have to shower but all right where's this going I just wanted to see if PlayStation 2 games I don't know why I move them PlayStation 2 games are still good and to be honest with you some games that I played kind of in theate later stages of the PlayStation 2 cycle I don't know how they looked that good if you played some PlayStation 2 games from you know early really early on I mean the graphics aren't terrible if you grew up in the era you would probably just assume what you're getting yourself into but some of the games I played I really couldn't believe that this was on the PlayStation 2 I went back and I this is a mess already so one of the games I went back and played that I really experienced well and thought that the graphics and visuals and just gameplay alone was miraculous was Splinter Cell Chaos Theory I'm already out of breath but this is what this game does to you I thought GTA had really good visuals and gameplay and then you go and play a game like this and it's like wow this was released in 2005 so that's basically when all of the most insanely goodlook games and gameplay reaches the top quality as it can possibly get so once the end of the cycle comes around remember the PlayStation 4 cycle once like the last couple of years we got red dead and we got ghost of tsushima PlayStation 2 was also around the time where racing games were never better maybe in the Seventh Generation with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 yeah actually they were they were good this generation and the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 era racing games were at their Peak there were so many good racing games it's not just like now where apparently Need for Speed I don't know I don't really play racing games anymore because really the only ones I know of are Need for Speed I don't even know if they make burnout or anything anymore but this was when there was so many there was burnout there was Need for Speed there was Midnight Club there was so many racing games to choose from and all of them were good too it's not like some of them or some of them may not have been as good as other ones but it's not like they were dog or something there really wasn't a game that wouldn't wet your whistle if I could use that term and it actually not sound weird in that sentence but that is really what is the case there was a game for everybody back then this was the generation where games like Grand Theft AO really took off to the point where we got to realize this is this is going to be the future and this is incredible this was also the generation where games like Soul Caliber were unbelievably good fighting games I feel like have maybe somewhat made a little bit of a comeback maybe lately Mortal Combat a couple of the most recent ones I feel like have been all right Tekken has been quite solid too it was just really a generation where every single genre of game had strong games in it now you kind of have to look for a specific genre to find really good games like action adventure games now are really good multiplayer games firstperson shooter wise are kind of lacking in my opinion because I don't know Call of Duty is not what it was the generation that maybe brought me the most fun of all time was playing Guitar Hero in my basement and just realizing that games like this can even possibly exist this was the series alone that probably made me No No Maybe not maybe not completely just never want to leave the basement there was other games that I've played Ely threw up my life where I wanted to but Guitar Hero 1 released in the PlayStation 2 era even rock band was on PlayStation 2 when it was released a couple years later so I mean I don't know if that counts as being a well does but it was also released with the newer systems too games like Tony Hawk were amazing where is I'm back games like Tony Hawk could have been some of the greatest games on the system now that's just my opinion but I don't know they were good they amazing I think Tony Al Pro scar 3 has maybe still to this day the highest rating on Metacritic that's crazy for the amount of games that were released on Playstation 2 for this to be at the top I played these games so much when I was a kid I don't even know if I even really got to experience the sunlight I probably could have been classified as a vampire for a couple of years probably why I never had a suntan I used to get made fun of because I was so pale I'm playing Tony Hawk so why is a human being still playing Generations from this long ago well I I mean I just answered it maybe but it's just that's basically what it is I think I said this before but there was something that I saw from some of the previous videos when I was making about PlayStation 3 where some people were just like you know what man you just need to move on because PlayStation 3 is old and you need to just get over it and I'm just like no that's not happening basically this was the system and the generation where everything just seemed to work completely well I was at one of my local game stores the other day and I saw somebody walk in who was I'm not even joking was probably around 7 I don't know maybe he wasn't maybe he wasn't 70 maybe I'm terrible at judging people by their age but he was also in the same section as me looking in the PlayStation 2 category and all I was thinking was damn that's going to be me someday somehow some way too games from this generation all had the greatest soundtracks of all time now that's an important thing games like GTA San Andreas and Vice City games like Need for Speed had insanely good soundtracks I don't even need to mention Guitar Hero because it's kind of obvious they all had very good soundtracks some may have had better soundtracks than the other ones but there was no secret that games from back in the day had insanely good soundtrack just the amount of variety of games there was in this generation I don't know if it'll ever be matched I mean there has been Generations where there's been quite a few genres of games that have been quite solid but this generation you can't really even walk into a game store and not find a game that was short of incredible we're talking games like True Crime New York City is a game where you play as a cop and that is very very rare these days I feel like it's not you know it's not common Ratchet and Clank was also a very very good franchise back in the day still is but back in PS2 days is really where the series was incredible in my opinion like you could go from playing GTA and then go on Ratchet and Clank and then still have fun so basically I just went back and played all of these games that I once did play quite a bit as a child I was playing again and I enjoyed them maybe even more than I did when I was a kid when you're a little child you don't really understand many things that go on to be honest with you when I was young and playing most of these games if you asked me what they are even about I would have been like what the hell are you even talking about I was just playing these games because they were fun now you can actually sit back and kind of understand what the hell is going on especially some of the games that are rated M you don't really understand maybe the humor or something in the game that you do understand now and it just makes the game better that you actually understand what the hell's happening wasn't even really this simple fact that games from this generation were incredible it's just well I guess it has partly to do with that but it almost seemed like game companies actually cared about making good games in this generation we're seeing a lot of bad examples of games these days where they're filled with microtransactions and everything wasn't there something in the newest uh for like a dragon infinite wealth or something wasn't there just some where you pretty much had to pay you had to pay whatever it was to legitimately just get more of the game this is where we're at whereas back in the day there was nothing but just people seemed to want to make really good games now it's weird and I don't even know if you can trust game companies if they said they wanted to make good games because at this point it's just you know let's just pretty much throw anything at the wall let's just throw a a bag of cat at the wall and then it will most likely maybe or not stick because you know people will still buy it Call of Duty releases every single year and people still buy it doesn't matter how dog the game is I don't do I don't I don't do that you can really tell by playing some of these games how much they actually gave a legitimately you go back and play games like Grand Theft Auto and some of the Splinter Cell games I may have mentioned that it's just how is this much detail in a game that was released 20 years ago how you're able to fit map sizes as large as these how are they doing things like this in this generation just putting the most masterful work into these games where you don't have to wait for 3 hours for it to download on your damn system you put it in the PlayStation 2 and it's ready to go basically right away I like knowing that I can put a video game in the PlayStation 2 and not have to pay extra money to play more of the game multiplayer wasn't as insanely huge back then as it was now there still was online for specific games but I mean it's definitely not even close to as insanely popular as it was now and this is another thing when story based games were very very popular around this time you put GTA San Andreas in the PlayStation it just loads up the story why do I miss that anyway this is probably getting too long and I'm just I'm just going to get pissed off here shortly but I don't know PlayStation 2 was just the generation where the games were incredible game development companies seem to actually care about the products they were releasing to the public well that's a bad symbol like pointing a weapon at the camera the amount of variety was so miraculous that going to old school games just go to a local GameStop or not like a Game Stop a game store and look at the PlayStation 2 aisle and the amount of games I don't even know if I've seen some of these games before I could go into probably a store and see PlayStation 4 titles and PS5 titles especially you probably seen every single game for the most part this generation there's games released I didn't even know existed and and they're probably good in 2024 I sit in this chair and I say to you that PlayStation 2 is still amazing it's amazing it is still very good over 20 years after it was released that's another thing that with the new generations too is that everyone expects things in games that didn't really matter back in the day we're talking things like frame rate visuals visuals may have been important for some people back in the day but I'm telling you I don't remember really any game back in PS2 era where I'd be sitting there talking to my friends about it and just being like this game better have the best visuals ever I'm not getting it I don't even know if that sentence was ever said before if you don't care about frame rate and you don't care about visuals being the greatest you've ever seen then the PlayStation 2 is a system that needs to be tried for everybody this has been going on for too long I'm sitting here what was that thank you for watching it's just this is where I'm at where I'm playing PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2 quite a bit they have been un un believably fun to me and i' you know I played PlayStation 2 even maybe a couple years ago and I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy it but for some reason it just feels extra special now maybe it was just I needed to wait more to appreciate how good everything has been but I don't know what's happened to me well PlayStation 2 and Playstation 3 has been the most enjoyable games I've played in the last couple of years maybe besides a handful that I played on PS5 other than that all right thank you for watching this video has been probably way too long I appreciate everyone for stopping by thank you hopefully if you are still playing old school games you are enjoying them as much as me hopefully you get to try out as many as possible that's going to be it I said it's going to be it like 10 times I'm still going on thank you for [Music] watching h
Channel: Basement Gamer
Views: 259,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps2, playstation 2, ps2 2024, playstation 2 2024, ps2 in 2024, playstation 2 in 2024, ps2 games, playstation 2 games, best ps2 games, best playstation 2 games, playstation, playstation games, best playstation games, ps2 review, playstation 2 review, ps2 gameplay, playstation 2 gameplay, ps2 best games, playstation 2 best games, ps2 gta san andreas, playstation 2 gta san andreas, ps2 startup, playstation 2 startup, gta san andreas, gta vice city, gaming
Id: EZYZsU9J7_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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