I'M RICH! - Sims 4 - The Sims 4 Millionaire Ep.1

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what is up everyone mr. radiator here bringing you a brand new series here on aviator games today you guys we are starting the sims for millionaire now I have not been this excited to start a series in a long time I've never done a series like this where we started off with someone like super loaded I mean like living the life the lap of luxury money is not an object in this series and we're gonna make sure of it now it's gonna be awesome because the millionaire in this series we're gonna start off with one single dude one single gentleman okay living by himself super rich okay then he's gonna try to meet a woman and then he's going to turn that into a family of super rich maybe spoiled I don't know kids so I'm super excited if you guys are pumped for this new series make sure you crush that like but I mean slap it around dude that like fun loves that tough love make sure you come out big go in the comments and urge people to like this video because I'm pumped I am I am beyond pump for this series guys and we're even starting another sim series we have three running at the same time so if you're pumped just just get pumped okay let's do this without further delay I don't know what I'm gonna name him yet so we're gonna wait but let's move down here we already do fortune that's what he wants he wants to be a mansion bearing or this in wants to get rich and have a successful career no mansion baron that's what he wants to be now what are his personality traits now I feel like he's gotta love a good time so he's got to be outgoing gotta be kind of like a party guy loves to talk loves to host loves to have fun okay now other traits I think he's going to be not lazy or anything not a slob maybe materialistic because he's rich he's a you know he likes to have material things so that's what we're we can stick with that now he is not gonna want to do anything for a living or anything like that we're gonna make him very romantic that he loves the ladies he loves the money and he loves to party that's our guy right here okay this this is him but now it's time to adjust his body make him a shredded millionaire if you guys have ever seen Dan Bilzerian 's Instagram that's who this guy's kind of gonna kind of be so you know we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna make this guy you know the shredded millionaire uh model type dude that everyone envies and just wants to be uh okay the hairs got a go buddy we're gonna get you just that nice nice messy look here just that that like we wanted to come off as cocky kind of like a bit cocky a bit you know like my everything sucks but me I'm the greatest now do we give him a beard no he'll give up that big of a beard but we do give him maybe like a shadow see he's looking to playboy esque now so now let's go to his eye color okay I like the brown I'm gonna test I'm an experiment a little bit ooh ooh okay so I like I like it okay let's get rid of the earrings okay so he looks like he could be a gentle soul but also a billionaire okay like it's he's loaded guys he's loaded guys and girls okay so he is also buff is buff his buff could be now let's go to style looks because you guys know me when it comes to style look I suck okay so there's some new style looks with the yeah outdoor fun stuff it looks like but he's a millionaire but is he a casual millionaire is he a Mark Zuckerberg millionaire if you guys don't know Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook and he's very laid-back like he wears like sandals all day and just like super laid-back materials and I feel like I feel like our guy right here could be one of those laid-back millionaires just like the kind of guy that just doesn't care man just wants to relax and have some fun you know that's our fun-loving millionaire okay guys so that's that's the kind of look I want but like when it is time for business he's gonna get right down to it you know let's get down to business guys let's defeat the huns okay let's get down to business down don't down what Disney movie is that from naming in the comments for 10 points 10 points to Gryffindor okay so what kind of workout outfit do we want him to have he's gonna be working out a lot cuz that's the only thing he has to do in his life he's a millionaire he doesn't have to work doesn't have to do anything let's get rid of clothes cuz clothing is optional at nighttime I right okay so let's get some type of underwear though that make it a little longer than that oh my god that's short it's tight it's short and it's tight it's short and it's tight okay um let's see what about this okay that seems kind of like shorts how about the love boxers yeah he likes he likes the ladies so we can give him the love boxers his legs are like tree trunks we're gonna shrink those just a wee bit okay so now let's move on to Part II so how is this guy gonna go out to a party now he's rich he's not famous but he's rich guys he's got to go out looking like like a pro like a like a champion okay he can't go out a no pirate out of it you know that's I think that's pretty much against his his class standards okay so he could go out looking like this well I don't think that's our millionaire to be honest I think you need something a little bit more closes him that's him I love this I love this suit I've used the suit multiple times I just love it I just you guys he's a he's a millionaire you know you just you just needs to demand respect okay we're gonna give him a smaller waist okay so let's try I like the yellow because it goes with his hair and it's a gold and it's like rich and he's just a millionaire okay he's a million I don't know how many more times I could say it but he's a millionaire guys he is a millionaire okay so there we go millionaire Mike millionaire Mike no that's not his name now I think of a name okay so we're going to generate um first thing let's see what they come up with Fernando Benson Henry Xavier Lamar Andre Stefan Christian uh Darrell know Theo is he a Theo I don't know Fred Bernard now was he born rich Kendrick Kendrick oof that sounds eccentric that sounds rich Kendrick Kendrick hey my name is Kendrick my name is Kendrick and I'm a millionaire Kendrick Kendrick what Kendrick West Kendrick West guys Kendrick West oh my god it's a mix of Kendrick Lamar and Kanye West they had a baby they would name him Kendrick West okay so that is that's actually a dope day but I kind of want this name but I'm pumped now that I thought of it okay nice nice voice dude okay now let's give him the swaggy snooty walk now he's not snooty he's more swag swag swag swag okay and then he is a young adult obviously living that and living that rich life uh okay so we have Kendrick West here guys we have Kendrick West I'm gonna upload Kendrick west and marketplace guys we're gonna call this is kendrick west of you guys wanna if you want to download kendrick West Kendrick West okay you just have to look up aviator networks in the little marketplace and you can down when I'm a VR games millionaire character okay character so that we um boom Kendrick West Kendrick West gauge the more I say it the more it sounds like money Kendrick West Kendrick wit okay oh it sounds like a billion dollars wind and bird where do we want to live where do we want to live new kress is empty you know what is windin burg look like okay so oh yeah I like I like this place whatever this is we're gonna get rid of this so let's let's find want to delete some locks here cuz I'm we need a bigger lot so what we got to do is move Kendrick into this with this tiny shoebox over here okay 40 by 30 that actually might be pretty good so let's go look let's go look Kendrick you're moving in here now it's time to make Kendrick West a millionaire a million a guys we're gonna make Kendrick West the monies he's gonna have all the monies okay so control ships see okay this is how Kendrick gets loaded motherlode okay so we're gonna make him a millionaire the series would not what did I do I did something guys because I just don't travel okay the series would not be this series without millions of dollars so we got a mother load this up mother load this up mother love this up we're just gonna keep bother looking okay actually old on hold on hold on hold on control shift see boss the game okay now it's send a mother lode cuz then we won't have Kendrick doing anything stupid when we're trying to just give him tons of money okay so mother lode again I don't even know what the most expensive house in the marketplace is but we find out we are going to find out okay mother lode mother lode look at him he is oh my god I wish it was this easy guys try to type mother lode in real life tell me if it works if it gives you the monies tell me and I'll do it later okay cuz I got it I got to get the monies if life was only this easy Oh life is only oh oh if life was only this easy okay so how much should we have okay 867,000 grandmother load him one more time mother load him one more time mother load him one more time and mow he did it he did it he achieved his life goal mother lode again okay so mother lode one more - okay 1.1 million that put him well in the millionaire status gain 1 million simoleons in a single household like look at this rosebud we just made the monies bud okay so let's save as okay we're gonna we're gonna make this millionaire okay millionaire guys save boom saved now let's Exodus now it's time to manage worlds just go to manage worlds we're going to get ourselves a house that fits on a 40 by 30 long wins I think that's what we live on we hover over this check 40 by 30 so let's see what there is and how expensive it is and how we can become a millionaire okay guys so let's go here okay so we only need Lots okay size of 40 by 30 price one are fifty - plus um sort by most popular a lot types or residential only okay and then that's it right right now I mean like is there a way to search for the most monies because we just want a rich house okay we need a mansion can we sort by advanced now let's sort by I swear there was more categories can go by oh boy there's a lot of houses I'm telling you there's like a bajillion houses okay and I I kinda want a mansion no what a family home I don't want your family homes what is this what is how much is five hundred thirty thousand that's a good chunk of change eight bedrooms six bathrooms okay this could be a qualifier this could be a qualifier oh my god and it's furnished and it's huge this is a qualifier wait where was that one what's that one over here the CERN are the CERN air dry residence okay qualifier that's how you quote whoa Birchwood Manor what the heck I was only 214 that looks massive okay so I'm guessing it's not furnished okay we're gonna keep scrolling we're gonna keep scrolling a mansion for Giggy okay so let's see two hundred thousand dollars huh geez okay two hundred thousand you think that would make a good mansion button you know when it's not suburban family mansion so mansion two hundred ninety two thousand one more I want it all I wanted to cause a billion dollars I wanted to be close to a million at least I wanted to be so expensive okay so let me see there's got to be something there's gotta be something ridiculous okay there's gonna be something ridiculous a garden estate 20:46 out it's beautiful it's a beautiful beautiful choices.we you know does that speak million and to you guys so 390,000 this kind of speaks millionaire but i wanted to just speak millionaire guys wants me like oh my god four hundred thousand and this is very modern it's pretty empty though you know they got it they got to do it up better than that on the inside you know our millionaire doesn't want to do much work okay he just wants to be a millionaire okay let's see 294,000 that's not enough money it's gonna cost more than that more MORE that's all I want is a very expensive house okay so let's scroll okay we've already passed a lot of the Popular's here as you can see home sweet home right here two hundred eighty four thousand not quite a mansion the manners not quite imagine this is definitely probably the biggest house we've seen let's let's place it let's let's place it okay we're gonna place this right here okay let's let's place it move it in keep furniture and furnished yet let's do it so we'll set up $500,000 we're still going to be rich as rich as could be okay so now what we got to do is see if this houses place the right way fingers crossed that it is hopefully place the right way and I'm excited to see what our mansions can we just made $5,000 for no good reason okay I'll take it give me the money - okay so still building a house why does it take so long to build a six hundred thousand dollar house tell me oh oh it's beautiful it's everything I thought it would be okay so let's go see let's go see what this mansion Oh holds all entails oh the key the great key that Kendrick West needs dj khaled okay guys this is the key to light frame you just get that mansion okay and now um let's take a quick a gander guys just a quick agador so we're going to put that walls up okay so let's just see what this house kinda looks like okay oh my god oh my god look at this what are those okay hold on now let's get a picture of this oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I can't even get it all in frame holy crap holy crap okay so let's let's take a look okay let's take a look what are we dealing with here okay so let's go to tab here and just we're going to navigate so we have a pool outside it looks beautiful okay there's entertainment areas tiki bar or something like sit-down areas all that good stuff the pool is crystal clear we have a beautiful playground and I imaginary castle and some toys for the future kids in a workbench now excited we even have a car pulled up here parked on the side of the road and then oh the shrubs Oh everything so this is our full yard basically this takes up the full lot okay let's go way down down down down down down okay and let's take this down okay so as you can see a very modest lifestyle here haha kitchen is beautiful not gonna lie the kitchen is amazing and it's an awesome bathroom right outside the kitchen and then oh the dining room is it's beautiful with just like an awesome entertainment area here okay with a little bar there's piano and a guitar and a microphone for singing then you walk into this little entryway room and then we have it looks like a sitting room a very fancy formal sitting room with even a television above the fireplace and then another room with a television above the fireplace in another room with kids instruments and also a piano and stuff then another dining room and another kitchen and another bathroom just mansion guys this is a mansion okay got the second floor the second floor contains bathrooms and what appears to be a small little workout center and then we have these beautiful little sit-down rooms with a even a television uh kids bedroom kids bedroom kids bedroom okay kids bedroom there's so many bedrooms gym a nice gym that you can workout in they're kind of small but you know that's it's nice okay and then a little chess area this house is massive then upstairs we have a sit-down area outside what appears to be a master bedroom they like to put their rugs crooked I can see that that's common throughout the whole house it's got a coffee pot for when you wake up this is like a bed and breakfast guys this is like a bed and breakfast okay then we got another little sit-down area with like some toys some more bathrooms another sit-down area another big bedroom this is ridiculous and then an outside area with a workbench and all that good stuff now let's go upstairs again that's it okay so three-story mansion guys this is going to be amazing I hope you guys are excited for this new series but this is we're going to end episode one now that we're all settled in you guys enjoyed it don't forget to smash the crab on that like button comment down below the secret hashtag you see on the screen right now if you comment down below no you watch the whole episode but then you guys so much for watching and until next time or take it easy lemon squeezy
Channel: AviatorGamez
Views: 4,851,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4, the sims, sims, the sims 4 lets play, sims 4 lets play, the sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 gameplay, the sims 4 millionaire, sims 4 millionaire, aviatorgamez, gaming, games
Id: prdOEX1swb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2016
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