I'm Planning A HUGE Virtual Production TECH DEMO

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I'm putting together a really big virtual production demo for the BSC Expo in London and at the time of recording it's about 4 days away which is a bit nerve-wracking and you'll see why cuz I'm putting together something pretty huge this video is sponsored by lightcraft jet set and it's their software that I'm going to be demoing on the stall let me show you what I've got here it's not mine it's Al loone it's the zcam and a nice teina lens it's a 29 mm cine Prime it's really nice and very very heavy but this is for all intents and purposes a cinema rig with an iPhone on top of course why would you not mount an iPhone to the top of a cinema rig well of course it's running jet sets app but of course there's a reason that it's mounted on top of this camera and that's because it's going to be used as the tracker which is very very cool I'm actually able to load my Unreal Engine scene into jet set and then use it as well as the Monitor and with the help of an axon Simo Pro right here I pipe the video from the cine camera up into jet set which it is able to use to analyze the video from the iPhone and from the C camera and calculate an offset between the iPhone lens and the teina lens but what's actually been very interesting about working with jetset is finding out that it's not just about using a phone for virtual production they are starting to find ways pipelines pathways through all of the really complicated bits that you have to do for virtual production so all of the lens calibration that you might have had to do in the past is done within jeta in the app so no more fiddling around in Unreal Engine no more scrambling on these very different and disperate parts of virtual production it all comes together with jeta that is kind of what this demo is about I'm trying to show fully real time virtual production shot on set then sent via axon transmitters from the rig through into this laptop this laptop is going to be taking in through the cam link 4K input from the zcam and it's going to be comped together within composure and within composure I'm going to be able to make a comp with the Unreal Engine scene and display it live on the television alongside a whole load of other inputs I'm going to be showing off the phone screen I'm going to be showing off Zoom I'm going to be showing off two iPads which I've got somewhere down here which are also going to be running jet set as well and all all of that's going to be piping through to the ATM switcher which I'm going to be running live so it's kind of a lot to do but it's going to be amazing ultimately I'm really excited to start showing off how you can get really simply from the camera all the way through to the end of a shot that's kind of what I'm in the midst of 4 days is not a long time we're actually traveling down in a couple of days and we have a little bit of time to set up while we're there so there's actually you know less time than we think to get get this all working but so far I say I'm about 90% there and I'm really excited to share the journey that I take with you there was one last thing because I found out very recently that in the last video I posted about lcraft Jet Set at the time of recording that the ability to load in your own Unreal Engine file was not on their free tier but now it is so you can actually on your iPhone download Jet Set for free and use your own unreal engine scene in the phone record takes and send them through Auto shot back into Unreal Engine all for free that is an incredible amount of accessibility so on the low end you're able to make stuff with your phone you're able to use your own Andre engine scene make your own films and on the higher end you can just add a iPhone on top of apparently whatever camera you want
Channel: Joshua M Kerr
Views: 2,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virtual production, virtual camera, unreal engine 5, unreal engine virtual production, iphone virtual production, virtual production app, unreal enigne, real time virtual production, unreal engine, virtual production unreal engine, virtual production setup, iphone camera tracking, iphone 3d tracking, virtual production technology, unreal engine iphone, unreal engine iphone camera tracking, unreal engine iphone virtual camera, virtual production unreal engine 5
Id: FosslbbAA38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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