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♪ Good morning ♪ ♪ Good morning. ♪ Hello everybody. I am going to attempt to vlog for a week straight. I know it doesn't sound like very much especially coming from someone who used to vlog everyday for months and months. But for me that's a big deal. This is my pumpkin. Are you eating my arm? Um , I need to feed the cats. I need to edit. I've already been up for a while. Somebody woke up very early this morning. It wasn't me. I'm gonna put him down, hold on. Look at those cute fat legs. Oh' look at those boobs. Sorry y'all. Okay so, [Laughs] he's so cute. Here's the deal, I wanted to give you guys an update on YouTube. So right now I'm waiting to hear from YouTube, if you've been watching my latest vlogs, you know, I've been talking a lot about this whole drama with YouTube where they're demonetizing and taking comments away from a bunch of family channels, basically channels with kids in them. But they're picking channels randomly. Um, I started talking about it and then they chose my channel but I wasn't being at all until I started talking about it, which I thought was very suspicious. Um, yeah suspicious. I'm supposed to hear from someone at YouTube hopefully today, we'll see, and talk to them about it a little bit. But as of right now my original vlog from a few days ago talking about all of this, the comments were turned back on the monetization was turned back on. My live stream talking about it, monetization is off. The comments are on but the monetization is off, it went to YouTube to review because they said hey this is ad-friendly why is there not ads on it? They reviewed it and they still kept the monetization off. So that's interesting. Hmm, that's interesting. Um so my last video, monetization was turned off but now its under review and I just uploaded a video and as of right now monetization is on and comments are on. Well see if those get turned off. Right, buddy? You're so cute. Look at his cute little yawn. You're cute little yawn, it's too much to handle, it's too cute! Uh today we are going to play and hang out. Probably go for a walk. Oh gotta go, he's crying. Bye! Sometimes he like going in the Miranda Room and looking at everything. Ooh look at all that crazy stuff. Um, so today we're gonna probably go for a walk, hang out. I'm gonna edit. I've already had phone meetings, answered e-mails, edited my vlog. So far I've got some work done today. I'm feeling productive. I'm gonna try to get some more work down though with this little nugget. He's so sweet. Its hard to get stuff done I just want to hang out with him because he's just so cute. Okay one thing I need to tackle today is this baby's drawers Ugh, because I have all those clothes and I also have this huge pile of clothes over here of baby clothes. Oh my God, listen, I totally did the Marie Kondo method and his drawer you can see the remnants of the Marie Kondo method and when you have a kid, like you just, who's got the time to like basically fold everything and like put it away all properly. Like no, when your kid's screaming and you put clothes on and you like rip out clothes and go, "That doesn't fit, crap!" and you throw that end then- [Exhale] So I need to go through. He's grown so much, my baby is massive so he's grown so much he doesn't fit in most of it so I need to get rid of a lot of it. And put stuff that fits him in the drawer. So that's now of my projects I'm going to try to do today, we'll see if it actually happens. [Upbeat Music] I got you! I got your toes, pumpkin. Ooh rrrree keekeekeekee eeh-ooh-aah Ooh! [Laughs] [Cooing Noises] [Baby laughing] ♪Dee doo dee doo ♪ ♪ Dee doo dee doo ♪ ♪ There once was a girl bird named Gertrude McFuzz ♪ ♪ And she had the smallest plain tail ever was. ♪ ♪ One droopy-droop feather, that's all that she had ♪ ♪And oh! That one feather made Gertrude so sad. ♪ ♪ For no matter what, ♪ ♪ It just was what it was- ♪ ♪ A tail that simply wasn't meant! ♪ Yay! Mwah! So I obviously have opened Pandora's Box by trying to clean out his drawers because then I started a whole new project just based on his drawers. But he has too many clothes and they're hard to, like, decipher what is what because they're all little ad you have to unfold them and that's part of the problem so I'm making dividers for the drawers. I'm going to use shrinky dink and see if it works. Well that was a total fail. I put it in the oven and didn't shrinky dink it just shriveled. So I used to play with shrinky dinks all the time, if you don't know what that is then, you don't, you're missing out on life. I used to play with shrinky dinks all the time as a kid. It's where you like draw on like essentially a piece of plastic and you put it in the oven and it shrinks. And its a toy that old people played with when they were children because its not a toy, it's a piece of plastic that you put in the oven. But I used to do it all the time and I had shrinking paper but it doesn't shrink it just shrivels. I'm probably doing something wrong but I'm just going to use regular paper. I gotta hurry up because Flynn is gonna wake up soon hungry so I got a lot to do while he's sleeping. Okay so it basically took all day. Heres what we got going on in these drawers. So we have, I made some labels because with baby clothes its hard to see what everything is unless you pull it out and rip it apart. So we have short sleep onesies, all these are all short sleeves with room for more, the long sleeve ones, then his pants, and these are some burp cloths. And then down here we have, I put the labels in the front because its hard to see the back from the bottom one. These are his cozy PJs, his overalls and his rompers, and his shorts and his shirts, just regular t-shirts. He doesn't have a lot of those. And then bibs because he drools like a maniac. And his little hats. ♪Ta-Daa ♪ isn't that nice? Oh man that feels good. So that's done. Oh my God, that took freaking forever. I hate doing stuff like that. I'm not the type of person who's like, "Oh I love to tidy up and then I feel so good after." I tidy up and I'm like, "Ugh, I'm finally done with it. But, like, why did that take so long? How annoying." Which is why I'm so dirty, like, I'd rather do other things. Like, that is not fun for me. And it took that long and it's, like literally, inside a drawer. Like no ones ever going to see that. Um, so it like really annoying. But I'm going to edit right now. Eric and I went to the grocery store got stuff for dinner. For now, I need to edit. So, that's what I'm about to do. Oh my God, Eric is amazing. So I've been dealing with the baby and working and he made dinner and he made steak, ri- like a cheesy rice, and cheddar biscuits, and artichokes. It looks so good I'm so excited, I'm so hungry! [Piano Music] - Yeah! [Laughs] - I love you. - Big yawn. - He's fallen asleep like ten times, he'll go- - You're such a good mom. - You're such a good dad. Alright so um Flynn went to sleep finally. It's ten, it's after ten in the morning which, ten in the morning? Ugh I'm tired. [Laughs] It's after ten at night. Um I need to go feed him right now. I've been trying to edit, man, it's so much harder to edit now. Like, sorry I keep complaining about this crap but like, its so much harder to get stuff done when you have a kid. Like I never understood how hard it was. Um but yeah it like takes me like weeks to edit one video. Where as, before I was pregnant I could edit a video in a day, easy. And now it takes me, like literally, I've been working on this one for like a week and Cory worked on it a bunch too. So like, bwah, it just takes long because I keep getting interrupted and my eye is twitching. By the way, I told Cory my eye was twitching today and he was like, "You're pregnant!" and I was like what? And he said, 'that was your first symptom." And he's right, my first symptom, when I was pregnant last time, my eye was twitching for weeks. Like right when I got pregnant my eye started twitching. And it twitched for weeks and then I found out I was pregnant and it continued to twitch for like a month and then it stopped. And not, I better not be pregnant. I never want to do that again. Anyway I'm a little disappointed in myself because I really wanted to finish this video for my main channel, I didn't finish editing it. Uh, I'm having trouble with time keeping up with my, both my YouTube channels. And its not that I don't want to either, its not that I'm like so stressed and its not like I need to take it easy, its like, I just can't like explain it. Its just so hard when you can't sit down and focus on something for like four or five hours, which was what I used to do. You know, I get interrupted every thirty minutes, every twenty minutes, every hour because the baby's crying, or he just wants mommy or he's- he needs to eat or needs to be changed or he's just cute and I want to go see him. So its been hard trying to get back in the swing of things. I'm trying my hardest though. And I do have two videos ready for this week for my main channel. They're just like almost done being edited and I just can't seem to finish them. Um and once you finish editing them, like, I have to upload them and make a thumbnail and like get all that stuff ready too and that takes a really long time as well. So I'll get it done but somehow I have to finish editing this in the morning. I need to just finish this tonight, I just need to be done tonight so I'm going to finish this in the morning and try to upload it. And tonight I think I'm going to make some cookies with my little time left awake and hang out with Eric and have a glass of wine. Um and don't judge me, listen, ya'll know I'm breastfeeding but when I say I have a glass of wine I mean like I literally have that much, like I barely have anything. Um yeah I'm gonna do that and I'm going to go to bed and I'm gonna try my hardest to log in again tomorrow. We'll see if I do it. I just came downstairs, I literally was just telling the vlog that I wanted to come down and make cookies because I was tired and I came down, Eric was already making cookies from scratch because he knew I wanted cookies because he's the sweetest. But he's got crazy ideas so the cookie dough is done, it's in here it's done, it looks perfect. But he wants to take this, let me see it. - We didn't have like, we didn't have like was it Nestles chocolates? - Yeah we didn't have like Nestles chocolate chips so - So there's this Godiva dark chocolate Easter bunny, that it being almost Easter, I had gotten you. - Yes - Um I'm just gonna utter up and just throw into the batter. - He wants to just throw the full bunny in and see what happens. [Laughs] Hold on let me turn on the light. - Like what could possibly go wrong? - A lot. - Alright we have to lock it. Oh God this is a nightmare. Do you want to start it first or do you put in the bunny first? - No you got to put in - Don't break it. - Well don't turn it on - Okay, okay okay, okay I got to get a good shot, oh God this is gonna fly out. - Is Godiva paying us? - No, no one is paying us. Okay ready? - Yes - I'm kinda nervous. - Do it! - Wow looks great, works really well. Oh is working! Look! Oh my God! Oh my God why was this actually a genius idea? [Gasp] what? I totally doubted you, oh my God I fully doubted you and that was a really good idea, like there's huge chunks of Godiva chocolate in there. - Got chunks? - We got chunks! Were gonna make these cookies and uh we're gonna drink some wine and go to bed. Thanks for watching. [Upbeat Music]
Channel: Colleen Vlogs
Views: 3,215,926
Rating: 4.9595518 out of 5
Keywords: colleen, ballinger, colleen ballinger, miranda, sings, miranda sings, no lipstick, without lipstick, baby, mom, mother, blog, vlog, vlogging, vlogger, life, lifestyle, comedy, fun
Id: lVp-vTinNYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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