Im Bored AF...Lets Build Another Gaming PC!

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[Music] what is up you guys i'm tech source i am bored as as you can probably tell so i thought we could pass some time and build another gaming pc it is one day before new year's eve here at the techsource residence and things are kind of quiet as i'm still waiting for parts to arrive for my ultimate dream setup and even some parts for my ultimate dream pc uh so i thought we can kill some time and build inside the new lion lee dynamic o11 evo so lily took their super popular best-selling case and they made it better how you might ask well you can now do an inverted build inside here and you have way more options on mounting your gpu the way you want which also includes a vertical mount over here on this side which kind of looks bizarre on pictures to be honest i don't know if i'll give it a shot but yeah it's pretty cool they're giving you some more options of mounting your graphics card there were some other aesthetic changes from the case like moving the usb ports all the way on the bottom which in my opinion looks the cleanest but the cool thing about this you guys is that you can actually decide where you want to put this on the case there are three other locations where you can move this i don't know exactly what configuration i'm gonna go with just yet how i'm gonna mount the gpu or where i'm gonna move the usb ports and stuff i'm literally just winging this from start to finish but i do know one thing since they sent me the white version of the case and i do have mostly all black parts i thought we can do a really nice contrasty black on white build on paper it sounds amazing but we'll see how it looks at the end so i'm not going to go over the parts for the sake of time i'm just going to mention them as i'm actually doing the build so i guess we can start off with the cpu so with this build we'll be going with the new intel cpus i've been really impressed with their performance so i'm also going to try and use the latest parts for all my builds moving forward and because we're building an arguably one of the best cases in the market it only makes sense to go with the best cpu which is currently the 12 900k this is the second 1290k that was sent to me from the unboxing video so when it comes time for my personal rig i will have to purchase a third one because i'll be using the same exact cpu in big red version four now the motherboard i'll be going with is the msi meg z690 unifi i've got this inside the last massive unboxing video along with a bunch of other parts which i'll be using in the build as well but honestly i couldn't have picked a better board to use inside this build check this thing out i just love the matte black finish on this board guys check this out look how clean this board looks i think it's gonna look incredible once everything is done and honestly i'm even thinking about just ditching the rgb lighting all together just go with straight matte black get that nice stealthy look against the white i think it'll look incredible but we'll see we'll see how it turns out so this is a ddr5 motherboard so i will be going with ddr5 memory uh hyperx was kind enough to send in their brand new fury kit unfortunately i have no idea what the frequency is because it's not even listed on here but we are going with a 32 gigabyte kit i think these are 50 200 megahertz if i'm reading the numbers correctly but we will confirm this once the build is put together of course i wish i had four sticks just so i can populate all four of the dim slots but you know i will take what i can get this will give me some room to add in another 32 gigabyte kit for a total of 64 later down the line if i ever decide that so there is room for expandability so the z690 unified from rmsi actually supports up to five m.2 ssds which is absolutely nuts but you guys know me i never really use more than one m.2 ssd slot because there's just no need especially if i'm going with high capacity storage devices but check this out guys i'm going with msi's new spadium spatium spatium m480 m.2 ssd this is pci gen4 so we're getting some ridiculous speeds 7 000 megabytes per second re that is absolutely nuts looks like msi is also doing these self-lock levers is so cool man this is you don't even need any more tools to install your drives i love it look at that how freaking cool is that as a pc builder i really look forward to these little things it just makes my job so much easier [Music] all right so i guess we should figure out now which direction we're gonna be going with the build so this will pop in right over here that looks really good against the white i am not going to lie i'm pretty excited to see how this is going to turn out but the real question here is should i go with the upright gpu configuration or not i do love trying new things obviously but at the end of the day it's got to look good right it's got to be a tech source build so we do have the actual kit here leo lee was kind enough to send over the gpu kits um obviously if we do go with that route it's going to block off this entire portion here which means i won't be able to mount the radiator or triple 120 millimeter fan so we have to put that somewhere else probably on the bottom or the top those are the only other locations screw it let's go with upright kit let's spice it up why not the next question is are we keeping the front side panel or are we going with the mesh panel aesthetics or performance that's really what it comes down to right is this a performance build or is an aesthetics build that's a tough question i mean honestly they both look good but i do i would like the extra airflow ah these decisions decisions i don't know what you guys do honestly i'm really curious if this is your build what would you do would you go with the mesh panel you know what let's flip a coin this is literally the one time i can't decide here's the coin thing i found on google if it's heads we're sticking with the clear side panel if it's tails we're going with the mesh what do we got tails it is so we're going with the mesh all right it has been decided so one of the big benefits of going with the mesh panel other than getting you know improved airflow inside your case you also have the option of mounting additional fans because we get to install these fan brackets so this one you can adjust you can keep it over here in the first slot to install 120 millimeter fans or you can put it over on the second slot and install 140 millimeter fans so either two 140s or 3 120s is the configuration so we'll go with the with the 120 fan configuration so basically the fan goes in from the back and then you would screw it in from the front here there's 120 240 360 on the bottom with this type of configuration you can actually add more fans so let's say if we do three intake on the front three more intake on the bottom and then four exhaust that's gonna really really improve the airflow and thermals inside the case all right all right guys so i thought about it a little bit and i'm having second doubts of going with the upright gpu configuration i feel like i'm going to run into some clearance issues but in order to demonstrate that let's go ahead and take this out of the box so i can show you guys what i'm talking about msi was kind enough to send in the ventus 3x rtx 3080 for the build it is brand new and sealed too so let's take out this bad boy this is actually not a wide card it's kind of thick but in terms of the actual width of it it's fairly thin compared to the other cards all right so if i mount the card by the way it goes in this way so the i o ports are near the top if i mount it over here we might want to take some clearance issues from the top meaning i won't be able to mount my aio and um that might complicate some things i don't want to put the aio in the front and i certainly don't want to put it on the bottom so i don't know i just feel like it doesn't make any sense going with the upright configuration for an air-cooled build i feel like this case is designed for high-end water cooling mid-range to high-end water cooling it's got so many nice features in here that i just i'm not taking advantage of it it's almost a shame to do an air cooled build in here you know what let's just go with it let's just go with it and see what happens if i do run into some clearance issues we'll change it up but at least i give it a shot [Music] [Music] this is pretty cool it even comes with a gpu sag bracket and you can adjust it to match the width of your gpu that's pretty cool nice all right so before we put the motherboard inside the case we gotta prep the socket for the aio installation this is something i'm really really excited to check out ever since i got it in the last unboxing video so this is the msi meg core liquid s360 and this is msi's first ever aio with an ips display that's right guys it's not an lcd display it's the first ever 2.4 inch ips display and you can customize it to do some pretty cool stuff you can have it show hardware information like you can see on the box you can have it show photos weather you can even put custom gifs or videos which is pretty cool like you can play an actual mp4 video file on this display i can't wait to check it out once it's fully installed [Music] damn check out the size of this pump you guys that is massive if you can look through here you can kind of see a fan sitting on top of the pump i'm guessing that's for the actual ips display because these things can get pretty hot so i'm guessing that's why it looks very bulky damn that's a chunker all right so i noticed that the graphics card was actually sitting a little too close to the back side or back plate of the case and there wasn't enough clearance to pass through the cable so i went ahead and moved the gravis card to the very first pci slot this basically gave me an extra couple centimeters to work with in the back just so i can comfortably pass through the pci cables it's going to be a pretty tight bend but i think we'll make it work oh that is beautiful that is beautiful look at that guys we have a beautiful arc towards the back and a straight path horizontally across the back into the uh the back side of the case that is looking really clean all right let's talk about the aio real quick okay so msi includes three really good looking and good performing all-black non-rgb fans which is perfect for the build right but the main problem is that they don't sell them separately i looked everywhere on newegg and amazon they are not for retail unfortunately they only come if you buy the aio the problem with that is you guys know me i love to be i love to stay consistent with my builds i don't like mixing and matching different fans i like to have the same exact fans in the entire system it's one of my weaknesses so because of that unfortunately i don't or i can't use these fans so i went on amazon and i ordered nine of the new noctua fans which are coming in tomorrow so i'll put three here for the aio and then the rest will go inside the case to help with airflow so yeah that is where we're at currently so i thought in the meantime i'm gonna try and get as much done inside the build until the fans get what you got there oh wine special wine delivery yeah i'm recording a video sorry thank you no it's okay i guess we're gonna get drunk today huh but anyways yeah we're gonna be installing the power supply and possibly even install the radiator as well i don't think we need the fans to hook that up inside so we're gonna get uh most of it done today actually but for you guys obviously it'll just be one video we'll be going with the dark power to dark power dudes i only have one set dark power pro 12 from be quiet this is i've used this in a few builds before this is definitely the sexiest power supply sexiest black themed power supply in the market and this is be quiet's best power supply also it's a shame we're not gonna really see it anyways because it's gonna go in the back of the case but this is the fastest or most powerful power supply i should say that i do have what am i even saying anymore jesus by the end of this video i'm going to be like fumbling on my words maybe the wine was not a good idea oh that's some good stuff that is some good stuff we are not going to install a hard drive so we can remove oh my god dude this couple's about to fall down jesus this is not a good idea do not mix wine with pc building ladies and gentlemen so let's go ahead and remove the hard drive cage so another cool thing about this case is that you can actually install two power supplies in here you can put the power supply either on the bottom over here or you can remove this bracket and install it on the top which is pretty cool i don't know why anybody would want two power supplies inside of their system but the option is there i keep forgetting that this is normally a larger power supply than i use and most of the time it doesn't even fit inside the case so i hope i hope that we don't run into any issues please i don't want to swap power supplies again oh man it's gonna be a tight fit can we do it come on evil you're a champ you're a champ you can do it oh my god that is a type but i think i think we do it it's gonna be a tight fit but i think we can do it you guys we just might have to train a few cables but i think i think we're good to go so obviously we do have some extra cable slack to work with um i do remember ordering some extra length on these because i wasn't sure what case i was going to be putting these in but if i work on my cable management magic i think we can tuck these in nicely behind the case we do have a ton of extra space in the evo so that's good we did also remove the hard drive cage so that's extra space there to bundle up some of the cables too so i'm not too worried about it [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] guys i figured it out remember this box i opened up in the last massive unboxing video i got these two random things in here and i didn't know exactly what this was for until just now apparently these are the side plates for the aio this one kind of has a glossy finish on here whereas this one is matte black you can't really tell on camera but this has more like a matte black finish so i think we can just swap these off since we are going with the matte black also these slide off okay oh that's cool and then let's pop these bad boys in oh yeah that looks cool have you guys noticed that even the mounting bracket and the thumb screws are all matte black good stuff msi i feel like they're also kind of ditching the whole rgb craze and shifting over to neutral colors all right guys so i'm going to vent just a little bit here so far the build looks incredible i do have to get that out of the way but whoever helped design this case didn't think too much about the upright gpu installation so here is the pci belt that i'm supposed to use and this basically hooks up to the gravis card and it goes across in the front into one of the pci slots in the motherboard now obviously this is a white case so they sent over the white belt i'm okay with that but the issue with that is it's not gonna look that great you're gonna have this nasty belt going across the motherboard and into one of the pci slots if i designed this case i would have made the belt twice the size and i'll tell you why how clean would it be if we could run the belt let's say from the top pci slot straight down underneath the case through the back out from this grommet and into the graphics card that would look so much cleaner instead of having this belt running across from the gpu to the motherboard right like you guys have to kind of agree with me here so yeah this single belt here is actually going to completely ruin the look i was going for i did email liam lee to at least send over a black one so the white one doesn't stick out as much but i mean even then you're gonna have the belts going across the case i wonder if you can attach two of these together i'm gonna experiment with it i don't know when they'll send over the belt but i do want to hook up two of these to make a very long pci belt extension and see if that actually works if it does i'm going to laugh i'm actually going to laugh really hard but i'll try and run it through the back of the case and into the gravis card but if it doesn't work then i'm just gonna leave it going across the front of the case but yeah that's what i would have done differently you know i feel like i need to remove the gpu first and then hook up the belt that that would make my life a lot easier so let's try that okay so now you have this stupid belt i'm gonna try and make this part at least narrow so it's not as obvious and then this plugs in like this like come on how is this even aesthetically pleasing i get that you guys are trying new things but this is certainly not the way i mean i'm sure the black one is not going to stick at as much but who who approved this design lately i know you guys are better than this right is there an issue if you guys make this twice as long like is that going to affect performance or something it's even blocking 24 pin cable all right guys so i'm sorry to say i am not happy with this whatsoever i'm not going to rush this build out and get it out to you just to put out content i i want to be happy with the build that i present to you guys so i'm gonna look for an alternative pci bracket something that's pci gen4 and something that's at least 500 millimeters so i can route it behind the case so i'm gonna look around online see what i can buy and i'm just gonna wait for that before i can finish the build i stuff the way for the fans to come in anyway so i do have time but yeah i'm gonna leave this here and i'll see you guys i guess once i have the parts all right fans are officially here uh i definitely think i went a little overboard on the fence i don't think i'm gonna use online to be honest i will see we'll see what happens so i did pick up the new noctua nf a12 in black i might go with the uh the white tip on the build i should just go back you know i just go all black why not these are really clean you guys i think i made a great choice going with these for the build so if you guys go with the crowmax kit you have the option of replacing the corner inserts on these fans so by default they come with this gunmetal gray but you can swap them to any other color uh these are the extra ones over here so you know you got red green blue yellow white and then they even have a black one so i will most likely go with this and then you get this weird piece with it as well which kind of looks like it connects all four of the corner pieces i'm not sure exactly how it will look on the fan let me let me put this on first actually just to see what it looks like [Music] so yeah here's what this looks like i'm guessing the main difference between this and the corner pieces is that you get the anti-vibration support on all four sides compared to just the corners if you go with the individual corner pieces so i think i'll just stick with this to be honest [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys so i have some good news and i got some bad news the good news is i managed to find a 600 millimeter pci gen 4 riser cable from thermaltake the bad news is it's going to take a full month to get here i have no idea where it's getting shipped from but obviously i can't wait a full month to finish the build so i did place the order but in the meantime i did manage to find a pci gen 3 riser cable as well this is the same exact one 600 millimeters from thermal thermaltake but it is pci gen 3. so obviously i'm going to take a little bit of a performance hit but at least you guys can see how the build will turn out once i do get that cable in and i got to say guys this looks so much cleaner compared to before so i basically managed to route the riser cable down and through the cutout of the case across the power supply and then out the grommet over here into the gpu and i'm sure you guys can admit this does look a lot cleaner i'm also glad i installed three more 120 millimeter fans in the front i think the build looks more complete this way um plus we have a ton of airflow going on we got six total intake and then three exhaust on the top but if you count the fans from the gpu as well technically these are exhaust as well because it is pulling in air from the case and out the back so you know we got six intake and six exhaust for some really nice neutral pressure all right let's go ahead and turn this on i do want to talk a little bit about thermals and take a closer look at this awesome ips display uh first off i do want to say i'm really happy with the old black build there is not a single source of light in here not even a single led strip and i just found out about this but the gpu also has no light coming out of it so i didn't have to change any settings inside the msi center i think the all black against the white turned out really really clean but let me know what you guys think about it in the comment section so in terms of thermals we're looking really really good you guys cpu was peaking at 75 degrees celsius during the center bench r20 benchmark and then the gravis card i think peaked at 72 it was hovering around 70 71 degrees for the most part and it peaked at 72 a couple of times so overall really nice cool temps inside the system all while remaining very quiet so this is what the pc sounds like on full load i'm gonna remove the microphone from my shirt put it right in front of the pc so do you want to take a moment to talk about this really cool ips display from the aio as you can see i uploaded a custom tech source gif to demonstrate but what i was really impressed with was the user interface which says a lot because msi has arguably one of the worst software out there so that's why i was pleasantly surprised on how easy it was to use so basically you download msi center and you go into features and click on your aio then you see a plethora of options down here you can have the aio display harder information and you can even customize what info to display up to five items so let's say i want to show the cpu frequency temperature and usage only then the aio will cycle through all the info one by one you can even choose a cool design for the background if you go over to the video or image it's pretty self-explanatory you can choose from a few pre-loaded images or videos but you can also upload your very own image or gif it even supports mp4 files which is very cool the banner section i couldn't quite figure it out like i know you can select a pre-loaded banner or upload your very own but it's also supposed to show text whatever you type on here is supposed to display with the banner but for some reason it doesn't show up here the system clock is also self-explanatory you can have the aio show the time in different formats and designs and then you have the live weather option and apparently msi thinks i live in colombia for some reason so i don't know how accurate this really is but overall i really enjoyed playing with the aio all right so final thoughts with the o11 dynamic evo first and foremost i think liam lee hit another home run with the evo they took their they somehow took their popular case and they made it better i didn't even know that was possible um this is like the peak of pc cases if i'm being honest uh lots of room for expandability water cooling support i do love the dual psu support as well in the back and the fact that you can switch the i o port to you know different areas on the case i think that's really cool the front mesh panel support is also really nice and you even have extra storage space on the bottom if you don't want to put any fans so a lot of thought was clearly put into this case the only gripe i have is with the pci riser cable okay but here's the thing guys i'm not a pc manufacturer i'm not a case manufacturer so i can't sit here and blame leon lee for that because maybe i don't have all the facts in front of me i want to believe that there has to be a reason why they didn't make the length 600 millimeters maybe it has something to do with performance loss if they double the length i don't know what the reason is but that is really the only issue i found with the case if you were to go with the gpu upright position that's my only caveat with the case at the same time thermaltake was able to make a pci gen for 600 millimeter cables so i'm curious how are they able to do it and not literally but anyways aside from that absolutely love the case i wouldn't recommend it for an air cooled build i just feel like you're really not taking advantage of the case's features um i would recommend it only for mid to high end water cooling with that said i do want to revisit the case and do a really nice high-end water cooled build i think it'll be pretty cool but yeah that's pretty much it for the video i hope you guys enjoyed it do let me know what your thoughts are on the case and the build in the comment section below i'll drop a link to all the parts used down below if you guys want to check it out thank you so much for watching as always and i'll see you very soon in the next one
Channel: TechSource
Views: 489,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc build, gaming pc, lian li evo dynamic, lian li evo, evo dyanmic o11, o11 evo, no rgb, anti rgb pc, no rgb pc, all black, all white, white/black, white black pc, intel 12900k, rtx 3080, msi, lian li, intel
Id: SRi27VCmh-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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