I'm A Real Life Space Goblin I HOOKED ON THE LOOK

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I'm going to transform into a goblin I love to be green my favorite thing in dressing like this is I can be whoever I want hello I'm Alice welcome to my world so I'm going to transform into a pink / green / special goblin so the first step is paint myself it's going to take two hours it's a funny look because it makes fantasy with giggling I will had some glitters and some pink my face is like playground and I can create whatever I want [Music] it's complicated for me to describe my look because it's different every day I would say that it's a mix between Goblin in the fantasy and logical with pink and litters okay see No so when I was a young girl I receive playing from other students some boys start yelling interest toward me and they start spit on me and on my backpack even though I suffer from bullying in the past it never stopped me for being myself and for having an alternative style I love to be green because I bring me a lot of joy I just want to feel hundred percent myself it's just about self-expression and feeling comfortable and happy with how I look my friend has a very classical and simple look he loves oh I look even though we are really different my boyfriend's name is Nicola it's so funny because no one expected to see us together especially on the street when I first saw Ali's style I was intimidated that's the first thing yeah at first I was like we are from two different world but by messages and by talking we I saw that we were not very different when I go outside and when I walk in the streets sometimes people can be really rude we feel the gaze of other people and so we can't act naturally walking of the Goblin in then something I experienced before [Music] my group of friends represents a lot for me of course because even though we don't have the same style at all we share the same the same interest I just look is very cool food I think it's evidence it's an explosion of colors it is purchased alien and aluminium it brings joy in a gray wall my dream is to stay myself and to find my way as an adult I like this dressing this way because thanks to that I'm confident and I feel pretty I'm feel comfortable and introducing myself [Music] you
Channel: truly
Views: 1,175,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing stories, amazing story, barcroft tv, barcroft, documentary, real life, 2020, Truly, hooked on the look, 245907, goblin, feminism, amazing, doll, harajuku, fantasy, makeup, make-up, sci-fi, make-up artist, art, artist, April 2020
Id: iFWcXEZhhO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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