I'm a GIANT in Roblox Eat The World!

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if you look around us right now your server in shambles go you take your Blockhead did you throw something at me I'm running you're disgusting stay away from me what do you mean I'm adorable I'm so hungry I could eat the world the world yeah I can eat the entire universe no way she's lying yeah I agree um guys I'm going to eat this entire world all this is mine this if I eat it w wo wo step back step back this is all my dirt now this is a it is Draco you're wasting food Draco how dare you waste the food it's worth it if I stop you from eating oh so this is how it's going to be huh you know what I'm going to eat this tree over here because this tree looks mighty tasty no you aren't she Sil she can't carry the tree wait what I must grow stronger to eat this oh do you need help little funny it's raining money no it's not you it is look at it money there's free money fre money hurry quick let me grabb it guys I didn't see Rainbow yet where is she you don't funny you don't see Rainbow I think I see her she's the tallest person of the land I see her skipping over there what is she do wait did she clean that house this is my new home I'm not going to let anyone get near my house so I'm going to eat everything around it Draco you should throw a brick at her oh yeah yeah yeah watch this nice try I didn't even feel even is I can't throw I'm not anything why rainbow what a let me get closer cute house you have yes rainbow what a cute house oh did you bring housewarming gifts I have one for you too oh now everyone's you overthrew it I'm going to upgrade my skills now I could get even bigger you guys want a house tour sure can I have a piece of this hat wall though no no no no no I said you didn't hear me finish I said but don't don't broke your house my house you broke your you broke your house this is my what a beautiful renovation guys I think we should um listen to Rainbow and bring her some housewarming gifts just give me you a tree cuz I know you love planting all right get thank you gold see Gold's sweet she didn't eat the corner of my house rainbow you broke your own house but rainbow I brought you this beautiful uh Rock oh for what oh that's amazing here bring it through the front door I heard I heard art art sculpture pieces are really popular right now so thank you that is so sweet of you yes rainbow where do you want me to put this um it kind of looks like a toilet so I'm planning for the bathroom to be just over here next to this y are you kidding are you kiding oh no a mouse has found its way into the basement that's Mouse is me okay I think this house some I said go away rainbow why are you destroying your house you're Ru Ru I when I started go [Music] away rainbow now you're just being violent I said this darn game and its aim go away you missed me stay still she's trying to attack she forgot that we're wrecking her house die that didn't even feel like a pebble it felt more like a fart yeah gold help he ruined our house we were supposed ruin the house we a whole St all he wanted to do is eat Draco dra kill guys I'm pretty sure Draco bought the eat players thing he's he's trying to eat he's going to start eating people oh heck no we have to okay I could to get bigger okay rainbow here for science we're just going to have to eat your house house coming and I'm hungry eat Rainbow's house rainbow your rug is looking quite delicious Yum Yum Yum Yum not a rug it's the floor tastes like blueberries yeah exactly blueberry pie right see it oh gosh it's dra he's turning into a giant you guys someone hide me coming you better hide I'm going I'm going oh honey dig a hole dig a hole we I'm digging I'm digging help me yes giant help me the way Draco he is going to guys hurry up maybe you're over here I'll take a for you don't worry I'm no tiny maybe you're behind this floorboard run run run run o a little blueberry snack that is crazy okay you think this is funny cuz you wasted Roo bro huh you giant I do think it's funny you think you protected by this you're not it looks like you're eating two blueberri you're eating Rainbow's entire house what the yo he's glitching me he ate my bricks I am powerful I'm going to kill you let's upgrade our walk speed and then take this dra what I know what Draco can't eat what lunar you not eat this lunar can be become the biggest fighter do you want to eat the spider Jacko look at the huge chunky just you want to eat little old me Jacko you should eat that I'm not eating that that's gross pry tasty what are you I a giant a habitant called lunar spider I habitat everyone's houses and eat what I want because they're all be kind of cute look she's fluffy no I'm not cute you're kind of like fluffy and a little scary did you thr on aty scary I'm cute I can become scary something at meain it wasn't you know what I do people who throw stuff at me guys drop powering it wasn't me let me down you're power tripping right now bro you're power tripping right now hey you I have roox too right I said I take their blocks yes she's out of control guys it's working it's working watch did you throw something at me what are you doing nothing let's go ahead and get some more blocks I'm doing nothing right now funny rainbow look I'll get revenge for you don't worry G you're too tiny your Blockhead did you throw something at me I'm running I'm running you think you're fast you're not fast I'm bigger so I take big of steps oh my oh oh my go my step count is over 100,000 he's out of control dude how do I took give me back my blocks I'm full now though I'm going to sell oh thank you take this you annoying yeah take it take this you just wait till I eat some more take this Draco dra you're I will become draco's nightmare get himn get a win fre why come here don't you want to be eaten by this little spider I said stay away nope come here come on Draco let me eat you no tasty more spider you're a lot smaller than Draco I have something to say did you even pay for the game pass I did die spider did you did it with fire try to attack me guys rude do you see gold getting hurt in the Mak hey hey T rainbow rainbow I make a Tru I'm mission right now funny can you go destroy Draco for me I can't hear you I can't hear you what what did you say uh can you go destroy Draco for me he ate me like a honey let me just put you down real quick Draco no Draco guys what is this game this is I've exterminated all the spiders yeah rainbow get this let me go this is what you get okay this is what you get scared eat more can't pick me up now the biggest in the server how does it feel for I'm going to upgrade for 600 large money pack because everyone is gigantic with this get the upgrade walk speed size multiplier oh that is so expensive maximum size 12,000 hello everybody meet your new enemy funny block join us funny you know to eat the world you got to be big really big look at this huge chunk of man eating this uh SC I don't like lunar I don't like luners I don't like scared I your eyes guys she's being weird perfect take this eyes really funny Tru scull I I just need to see if I'm how you saying truce while you're hitting me truce I don't worry I'm tiny haven't you ever heard of someone saying pick on someone your own size she just underneath you get over here funny I need to teach funny a lesson I didn't throw nothing I didn't throw nothing it didn't work that's it funny how big is Draco stop trying to eat me you watch well if you look around us right now this server is in shambles we are ere eting all of these blocks but it kind of looks artistic in a way does it it looks horrible it looks like a disaster num num y this is what this game is all about hey hey Gold's trying to pick me up yo this game guys I think G try to smack a rock on my head why would I do that you shouldn't waste your food you shouldn't waste your eat it it's just a test throwing it funny stop throwing oh my dude she's so strong as you would say it's for sign y y n n n I need to become the biggest give me this tree this tree is so delicious tastes like pine cones you're tiny you're still eating trees oh what are you eating mountains I'm eating mountains did you see that gigantic piece he just okay I'm spelling now I'm Tiny Giant money 2 million totally worth it size multiplier he she spent way stop it what gold I need to become big no don't try to destroy me lunar don't do it get out here gold lunar is quietly um being coming moner spider demon over thereit what is that I want the robot I want to see what it it's trying to stop us from eating the world you have to kill it really it have you ever wanted to be eaten by a spider robot it's trying to stop us it's it's controlling lunar Luna's crazy hello lunar spider here I have evolved my eyes blink my mouth moves I am draco's nightmare you're disgusting stay away from me what do you mean I'm adorable I'm going to this tree they are quite something you know I'm just going to eat this Fountain I'll drink some water because after eating a bunch of dirt all day some good old water bricks tastes good what are we doing at a playground guys slide s unable over here wait you can't eat sand no yes you can you're just weakly gold why can't I take it off because you're too tiny here gold for you raining money I um guys why is lunar just overlooking us I'm I I don't like the way she BL I feel uneasy right now you know it's my favorite song right now the Itsy Bitsy Spider because I'm not itsy or bitsy but so spider you like biggie spider when yes are you the biggie the lunar spider and the habitant you know lunar spider enjoys to you know hover over people's beds watch them sleep at night maybe scare them a little bit that sounds Terri Luna spider needs new hobbies so you're the L large biggie spider night here stay away stay away get here Jacko upgrading walk speed stay away how come this eating doesn't work take that Draco get him get him no it's you have eight legs let me eat you stay away Draco get eaten come on what the he's Invincible hiding in this house I'm hiding in this house girl you made her mad I have to reload I don't think knows how to eat hum I ha [Music] him I'm going to go to the other side she becoming a girl creature you have to she's coming a monster get away from me Luna please no please Luna you're taking everything too far I'm going to pick up this and eat this what else we got there's a pirate ship over here to eat wait we should go eat to the ship ship The Itsy-Bitsy Spider can you please stop following me yeah the itsy bitsy spider's kind of SC this lunar uh Spider is a little glitched you see she can't pinpoint the accuracy of how to eat I'm coming over if we want if we want to become big and strong like lunar and Draco we're going to have to eat the Roblox headquarters that's true I want to become big and strong I will eat the H I mean I guess I will eat the ah as long you guys are eating the small stuff I want to eat the actual building you know what be really funny if we eat around it and then the building falls over that will be sick lunar spider have you ever dreamed of being King Kong I know you're spider bite I have dreamed of becoming the most glorious spider of the world like don't you want to hang on top of a building and scream above it and say I am not to be messed with I am the bit star lunar go go climb up there I will be a star I'll be a f honey we're not eating fast enough Lun make sure to get on top of this one I know I know I know we're trying to destroy come on let's just eat we got ity Tipsy the spider down the building I see that the spider come up this building I don't know I saw some green legs yeah I know I just saw that but Draco what do like lunar you got shrink to go up yeah spider go into the building guys I think we have an odd neighbor uh-oh I am not Draco I am frogo fro I am drg killer of spiders everywhere weird what um drg I have bad news there's going to be a lunar spider and she's going to battle you on top of the tower soon yeah she I would like to see her try what's happening right now where is this spider let's eat this glass come on guys we need your brother tipping already the base come on what is this attached to I know wait there's a line right there oh Center what are those through this it's still connected you are about to watch Draco Zilla and Luna Kong or Kong at Lun Luna take this you [Applause] um y'all that was so antil climatic I thought it was going be you think this will be the last of little me yes you watch get my revenge guys once you wo W it's lagging but once you become a giant look at this this is sick I can just destroy everything hello you get money by destroying we don't bro no you know what I'm going to eat this um Luna's trying to mber you what are you trying to do this behold no frog shall eat thine spider God frog you didn't even eat me you just threw me cuz I was full but I'll get my revenge Draco I think what she's trying to say is you are gross and she don't want to eat a frog cuz she a spider we are almost at 30,000 I think that makes me the biggest in the server I am now the largest player in the server ye for now see how powerful I guys there was an employee down here under the building where right here a yellow Noob it's a noob there's someone hiding under here you can oh my gosh gold I apologize guys I did not know how could you I could hurt players you made me lose all my blocks you know who's the strongest in the animal kingdom what is that you don't know what I am broit are you a shrimp that's so cute um okay first off can you guys stop saying a that's disgusting I am furious I am not just a shrimp I'm a prawn shrimp do you know what spiders eat what they don't eat shrimp lunar lunar no lunar don't okay first off lunar no don't make up your own door watch rainbow guys why are you being amphibian where' that little shrimp go did you just call me little oh no I didn't I didn't call you little I called I just meant I just meant where are you oh uh I heard you like candy canes rainbow uh I actually don't like candy canes I'm going to move gold do you like candy canes yes I love candy canes I I love all types of candies like peppermint mhm also this is my lollipop nobody touch it okay okay so cute okay nobody touched gold lollipop you little shrimp you're going to regret that that's what you call Shrimp okay why did you take that dick I'm going to teach you I'm going to boil you I'm going to barbecue you for taking my own lemon lollipop r you should be scared little sh what kind of seasoning are you going to use maybe salt pepper a little lime I'm going to use Cajun stop talking about me like I'm an ingredient I'm a I have shrimp hey hey hey little little funny shrimp you better be careful who you're throwing candy Wafers at stop that true oh should I be scared of you rainbow you should be scared because I am the candy que I'm so good you should be trembling funny the tiniest in the server rainbow wrong person wrong person rainbow I'm you're in my way I'm just grabbing food and eating it rainbow you should get funny there get her I'm I'm a scared little shrimp a that's going to crush you oh my God he Li e that's disgusting I'm out of here Draco ah PR I'm hiding in my gingerbread house frog oh y being a Giant's awesome take this you can't get in here this the weirdest monster fight I've ever seen yeah you never seen a shrimp throwing stuff before you can't get my house is this a versus an amphibian fight or are you both amphibians or you shellfishes I don't know I'm I'm a Frog gold there's a yellow lollipop over here for you yellow lollipop where did it come from funny stop you're a monster you're not like this you're a shrimp you're shrim you're not a monster I got to hide I got to hide never catch me I am the scariest monster this server's ever offer o I thought I was the scariest monster in the Ser in the water funny can't swim she can't swim wait shrimp can swim yeah she can't swim she'll never find me in this Lake ha sucker shrim is the best lunar come here H what did you just pick a fight with me you know what I am it's time for a final battle lunar I am a butt a terrifying spider yes you are a butt I can't tell who's either the frog or the shrimp I am clearly the biggest one she just called me a butt I'm going to finally I got to eat my ah finally I get to eat my meal the spider get out of here yummy yummy I thought you were supposed to eat the world you reverse not each other I this game anymore everyone's taking it actual spider where' that shrimp go we got to run we got to run I'm kind of scared of this game now everyone's everyone's taking a little too far um I only have 70k yeah bangs this is what you get for thinking you can fight me is happening I show you who boss yeah oh my gosh he M Ribbit Draco where are you I don't even see you you're just a tiny dude I'm right here I'm right here shrimp you got to look really close do you think in this world frogs and shrimps can get along I you step back I can't see your I can't see your face I do let's get a let's get a hug little shrimp okay hug jackco now we will truly test to see who is the strongest in the animal kingdom his Frog versus spider versus shrimp yes audience please place your bets right now on who will win golden rainbow place your bets too winner get and I think it will be frog me too I say frog they look pretty strong what the and they can he spidery don't be salty spider spider just hurt us shmp I missed as I was saying how dare you not sh the spider really yeah gold you didn't vote Shri the fight starts now I'm just I'm just looking at the realistic facts you guys that spider no sh he Draco Draco no take this draco's carrying the shrimp oh and the shrimp took a hit hard to the sand the shrimp is on the ground and the fraud will die by the hands of the amphibian spider this oh the Anan spider and the she dropped me out of the map work together she who WIS by default shm just win well since I did win make sure to leave a lot of shrimps in the comment section for me it's not like I'm going to eat them I demand a rematch no I'm the wi fell out of the world I'm the best oh what the heck's happening won by default little shrimp wasn't a wimp after all little shrimp was the strongest out of all these wimps I'm going toat for now till next time little shrimp you better run [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 60,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox games, roblox eat, roblox simulator, roblox eat the world, roblox eating, roblox eat game, roblox world, roblox giant
Id: 4lDnZQbxPRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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