ILS to Minimums | Pilatus PC-12NG Flight Vlog

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[Music] all right let's grab the weather dew point one two celsius altimeter three zero one three remarks density altitude six hundred ocean municipal airport goshen indiana automated weather observation one two two zulu wind zero three zero at zero four visibility niner sky condition clear temperature one three celsius dew point one two celsius altimeter three and we'll call it clearance morning south bank clearance plot of standard two on november golf on the ground to go ocean request ifr to echo x-ray x-ray buy this 921 november golf hole for release to go to the airport you're clued to the echo x-ray x-ray airport that's filed maintain three thousand expect flight level two one zero one zero mass after departure departure frequency 132.05 three one two six nine or two on november golf i'm holding for release here in goshen cleared to echo x-ray x-ray as filed under three thousand expect two on oh in ten minutes departure thirty two oh five squawk three one two six is correct advise number one ready for departure what room will you be coming off of come off runway niner and i'll let you know we're one number one and ready all right clear this file just direct three thousand that per initial out to the flight director expect twenty one thousand and ten minutes departure on thirty two five and squawking three one two six six twelve self and ground level go ahead and set the heading bag to zero nine zero for the runway heading and brakes work got bait available russian traffic plot of niner to november golf taxing runway niner goshen well welcome aboard the pc12 everybody hope you guys are doing good today today we've got a flight from here in goshen indiana out to davidson county airport in lexington north carolina right between greensboro and charlotte to be about a two hour flight and weather is pretty good here down there in lexington they're reporting 300 overcast and 5 miles visibility and it's supposed to be broken 300 at our time of arrival so should be a pretty low approach but this ability to be good there's some weather between us and lexington but for now it looks uh kind of spotty pat a little patchy so could be able to find a way through it but thanks for running along let's go flying all right let's plot us nine or twelve november golfer number one in ready runway nine right ocean the release for departure off the ocean airport upon airing controlled airspace by heading zero nine zero at least for departure off of goshen and we'll fly heading zero nine zero nine to november golf all right so flaps are set 15 for normal takeoff trims are all in the green ice protection will come on probes and windshield heats on light initial separator is open ground monster we'll get flight idle we take the runway lights coming on and young amp is verified off and we'll go ahead and put in guard frequency and monitor there ocean traffic plot us nine or two on november golf departing runway niner and goshen all right condition lever is fly knight selected pass is clear let's go all right power is set air speed is coming alive looking for about 83 knots today for rotation this weight light left crosswind so put the controls in the left there's 83 rotate positive rate gears coming up and at 100 knots we bring the flaps up beautiful morning to fly nice and smooth here ocean traffic plot of steiner until november golf departing the area to the east goshen yeah they're on and taxing landing lights come on south bend flood designer 12 november golf two thousand climbing three thousand off goes and hitting zero nine zero decided to one november golf south departure i then climb and maintain one zero thousand i then climb to one zero thousand niner two one to vermont golf went over with all radar contact two miles east ocean airport turn right to our destination right direct destination one member golf okay it's clear on the right and start our turn in that direction and reset the direction and activate nav on the flight director and we'll transition to uh cruise climb 150 knots 177 maintain 250 knots contact chicago approach 128.2 see ya flat is one november golf contact chicago center one one nine point eight five chicago in 1985 one november golf swing good morning chicago plot a standard until november golf five and a half climbing one zero thousand number 921 november golf chicago center climate change flight level two one zero car maintained flight level two one zero nine or twelve november off broken areas of my precipitation plan at 12 o'clock and three zero miles which since one year to flight for three zero miles to survive if you need to deviate member golf will come all right looks like on the xm he's calling him moderate looks more like light on my xl see if we can pick something up on the radar out the nose here that looks light on uh onboard radar too okay cleveland center one two eight points one two eight six two zero all right we'll go and turn the inertial separator and the pulse lights and seat belt sign off starting to get a few little bumps here and there we're at 800 degrees at 13 000 feet really cool looking clouds this morning out there i don't know why you guys can see those clouds that are off the end of the wing there now but those look uh looking pretty turbulent over there they're not even really smooth looking eight point nine or two looks like it's blue skies above once we get through this layer center just gonna maintain level two zero zero southwest 430 contact southbound approach one two yeah there's 18 000 feet so we'll go to standard on the altimeter uh which is uh 29.92 inches of mercury chicago center good morning we're picking up a little bit of ice coming through the tops of these clouds here flight level number 921 november golf contact indie center one two eight point zero seven indy 2807 one november golf good night good morning indy plotter snyder tone november golf two zero zero climbing two one oh getting bright up here all right there we are at 2-1-0 i'll let george take it for the cruise here okay we're here in cruise at 21 000 feet or flight level two one zero got the power set at seven about 780 itt we still got the inertial separator open because we've still got visible ice on the airframe and the weather that i told you about when we were departing you can see here on the xm display most of it's kind of scattered light precipitation looks like we got a little bit of moderate um up here that's by uh huntsville 2265 in east center roger decided to maintain one seven thousand and uh zooming out we are all the way to our destination you can see it's pretty scattered all the way in further info though looks like we'll be good weather-wise uh we might have to kind of pick our way through this portion once we get there and then we'll have to deal with the low weather once we get to lexington but uh back to the west is better cloud ceiling so uh north and west greensboro is our alternate and for some reason we can't get in there we can pick an airport farther back along our route we've got plenty of gas for that i will see you guys on the decent [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] number uh [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we changed our course a little bit we're going direct to the slink intersection that'll take us just to the right of what's shown on the xm here as uh heavy precipitation and looking at it off the nose it looks just uh moderate um but we'll be well clear of that so looks like we'll be good going through this line of weather [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] all right we've got the weather over there davidson county they're reporting winds calm visibility three miles in mist overcast 300. temperature and dew point are both 23 and altimeter 3014 when the temperature and dew point spread is that close there's a possibility for fog so it's definitely not going to be great weather over there the minimums on this approach only take us down to 250 feet above the ground so it's going to be really tight visibility should be good seven eighths of a mile is what we need and one zero apparently it's at three miles got the barrel minimum set um on the pfd 990 feet msl or 250 feet agl and got the approach set up in the mfd got a little bit of weather a little rain to go through here on our way in but shouldn't be too bad it's a small band and it's only light rain there should be an exciting ils here one number golf content atlanta one two five point one five twenty five fifteen one november golf song number forty four 44.51 uh we understand this so senator plotted center to on november golf 13-1 descending 11. november golf atlanta center welcome back to cinema insane 7 000 the altimeter of charlotte 3313 thousand and three zero one three one off looks like we've got some heavy rain off our right here be right to the left of it through some moderate so pull the power back a little bit slow down might be a little bumpy going through there november 1 november golf contact greensboro approach 124.35 approach 24-35 on november golf so long slow greensboro approach plot of center till november golf descending seven thousand nine two one november golf greens for approach customers three zero one six advised with the weather information in davidson county expect the ios 46 i do have the weather in davidson county planning the ils six one member goal number nine november golf to send a main team four thousand what four thousand niner two one november golf three celsius [Music] [Music] overcast temperature two three celsius all right descent checklist status we've got ice protection as required all we need on is uh probes and windshield heats as normal and inertial separator fire control lever is set as desired and uh landing field elevation is verified there in the cabin pressure control system window approach checklist we've got the altimeter set ice protection set inertial separator set fuel quantity is checked we've got a one bar uh imbalance higher on the right which is fine landing gear we'll get accident landing lights when we're cleared approach good morning citation 1-0 conform yeah as we get and those clouds up ahead look like they're on the other side of the approach so we're going to be clear do the final final approach course then we'll just send through this soup and pop out and be on the ground there's 4 000 i'll set 15 psi here that'll give us around 150 knots remember 9021 november golf one zero miles from walker cross walker at 3 300 clear in our now our correction clear to ils runway 6 approach at davidson county go across walker at 300 and uh cleared the ils runway six then is that straight in uh yes very clear for the straight and uh ils runway six roger claire for the straight and runway six one of them we're off thanks remember nine three four i could turn left heading two three five vector for downwind and left two three five perfect for download all right we're clear for the straight end is down to four and one thirty on the head oh go ahead and delete the hold thank you and then we'll turn right on the and since we're approaching this from a pretty steep angle about 90 degrees i'll wait to arm the approach until we've started our turn uh to intercept the final approach course all right getting close to where we are below 165 so i'm gonna go ahead and put approach flaps in at 15 degrees all right 15 degrees of flaps are indicated about to start our turn to woke her oh we are clear for the approach run the taxi light on all right it's starting to turn to woker number one zero alpha uniform seven miles from pagan turn left hitting zeroly zero maintained three thousand dollars runway five right approach zero eight zero three thousand included for the ios five right all right we're almost glide slope so i'm gonna go ahead and uh put the gear down we'll blow 180 remember november 14th frequency on the ground with flight service king's advisory secrecy is approved okay over to advisory one over golf one all right gears down we're on glide okay verify that we got no flags and we're three miles from joveney which is the final approach fix this approach is 2600 so i'll set that in the altitude pre-selector in case we need to go missed and if we do need to go miss it'll be a climbing left turn i'll climb straight straight ahead to 1200 and then climbing left turn to 2600 and right now the bso vortec is out of service so we'll go out to the rob d hour marker there davidson county traffic plot of center to one november golf that's four and a half miles out johnny inbound on the ils runway six david scott's track all right turn on the lights all right a thousand feet to go no flags i'm gliding on path on speed a little bit high now two mile final runway zero six 500 to go no flags again i'm getting glimpse of the ground 500. two hundred 100 to go 50. there's airport on 30 degrees flaps minimums got amps away got three greens fuel's balance cleared to land all right welcome to davidson county north carolina everybody that was quite the approach i've done my last of the minimums a bunch of times and man my heart still gets pounding sometimes that was exciting on that one i was fully prepared to need to do a go-around that was that was right down to minimums broke out probably 40 feet above minimums there i don't want to run off the edge here there's a 60 foot cliff davidson county traffic plot us undertone november golf clear of their own way taxis are amp david's accounting all right we've got everything reset and uh we need to call clearance and cancel our ifr pull that back up on the approach plate 3507 gladys november golf good morning welcome to davidson county will you be quick turning or staying with us for a while we'll be with you for the day one november golf copy greensboro plot is niner two november golf on the ground davidson county council ifr this is the groundling gco dialing weather please acknowledge with two clicks all right so it's gonna dial phone number here but the phone number you're calling from is not linked to a website account to receive expedited service and access to enhanced capabilities please enter the 10 digit primary phone number associated with your website account or press the pound key if you don't have an account all right i guess we won't do that we'll call uh call flight services on the ground when we uh cut down here well guys i hope you enjoyed the video uh if you uh want to see more pilatus videos go ahead and subscribe to the channel i'm going to be alerted every time that i post a video hit the little bell button thanks for riding along and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grant Baker
Views: 4,305
Rating: 4.9686275 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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