ILLENIUM Production Livestream

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yeah hey I think we're going OVS is so anticlimactic no not as cool all right to mute the call and see what stuff sounds like I'll just throw a song in here hang on yeah I have the Mewtwo what sorry wait what did the tech can you change the title and - opening iTunes is it interest [Music] you you you ah do is very left all right this is a test guys is our test I haven't posted on social media is the mic left or is the audio so weird yeah it's just the mic oh it's just the mic but the the song sounds regular that's right that's that's fixable guys mic yeah it's left how do you just make this one channel or a mono how do you do that in OBS guys anybody know how to make a OBS channel mono I see it's popping up his left here RNP nutter here no clue work it out guys come on yeah I can hear you're Anthony as long as I have my headphones on I can hear you they can hear you to think of OBS audio oh really yes wait how can they know cuz it's different yeah nevermind cuz I'm a genius and setup devices you know I want the universal it wouldn't be a hog heat no it's I know exactly what it's doing yeah see it's it's picking up right here in this channel one right here but for some reason I don't know I have no idea why it's doing that guys this is tough I've never used this OVS okay give me a second I'm on Mac yeah advanced audio property up wait wait Oh Mike aux know is centered seat Oh No Oh what's up what's up I fixed it I fixed it right all right what's up guys it's really hard for me to read chat come I have another house cats not touching him now I haven't posted in am fam everybody okay now okay I'm gonna hold on one sec I'm gonna grab another you you yeah all right well I don't need the headphones anymore later Anthony and say I'm still in the call I just not listening ox ableton turn down the mic that's okay kik-kik okay I'm on it I'm on it I think it's just cuz I'm moving away yoyoyo that's better you can hear me when I talk softly should we do something nobody should hear Anthony that's not how it goes all right what do we feel like making today guys I got a new bass it's pretty tight some drum and bass do that new flume drumming bass song it's tight [Music] [Music] something flew me so I'm just reading chat over here yeah his base is tight [Music] I'm gonna make a new song I'm gonna try I'm gonna start something sometimes I start stuff and it sucks and sometimes I start stuff and I'd like it so we're just gonna do it together here I'm kind of sitting on a bunch of edits and VIPs like I don't want to start something fresh this is an SD gr base I honestly don't know much about bases I can't this is like the first time I've played a base honestly thanks for the down agent a kiss mo sorry the mics kind of far away I'm just gonna kind of be yelling it's hard to talk and talking everything I kind of get into just like I just sit around and do like that like I kind of like that [Music] thanks for the setup clinking god I wish I could I need to post on Twitter and instead of hold it hold up tweet it and instead I just did Anthony does that sound like prey [Music] goddamnit see I always do that I do that all the time because I'm not like that good at guitar so I just keep making that [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay it's a different progression than prey prey is like [Music] yeah I played the guitar in fractures but I mean I play guitar in a studio way where it's like I played like [Music] I just played that and then I did that the little thing separately because I said but hey it works my favorite guitar riff of mine is probably fractures or the end of the house II remix I depends on what mood I'm in the Dawson I just got this bass so I'm trying to try to start something new something simple oh yeah i minimized my OBS well there's nothing in Ableton right now so it's kind of an exciting I don't start with drops so we're starting fresh I'm gonna be on music making twitch so you'll you'll see the super sauce come out at some point thanks for the sip I didn't get that sound whatever somebody give me some vai be a song recommendations to listen to to get inspired right now extra vai be something I don't know I know all those I know all those lark direct is that direct directs to dude oh god I can't read all these I can't read about what is that direct like the artists direct the song lark or artist large song direct directs the though [Music] the gravity take me on Buzz beautiful as it's been it's time for me to go I wanna feel the way business in my soul I've gotta go do see nice I like this [Music] all right let's do some piano stuff guys let's do some piano stuff if I stop reading chat when I'm in the zone which cuz I'm in the zone Fri I keep hitting this mic so you guys don't have this if your music makers key scape it's the there's gonna be kind of hard to make with those downs I appreciate it but it's kind of loud [Music] I've been obsessed with the afterlife Norwich recently [Music] I just like to get like a bunch of sounds I like like ready to go just for like if I like a progression I want to hear it in different kind of tones and some strings I just got these strings too and they are super nice [Music] what's the first car in this [Music] that's those bass chords that I was playing it's the bat that progression is so tight you get to switch it up [Music] you go to the one here not as cool in my opinion down no not as cool so much Chad I can't read all of you sorry [Music] [Music] like that that's just let's just start recording some I never make music to this many people I'm not gonna lie this is a first kind of kind of nervous so this has like a really sick oopsies I'm just doing two notes kind of like what hans zimmer does in time but different progression so it's just like the bass and then the lead [Music] kind of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you're at last [Music] [Music] add eggs eggs I feel like the dynamics [Music] because I need a mouse pad [Music] I'm doing all that to make you more sound more natural [Music] all right so that's how we start okay let's go maybe we can grab some so for all producers out there I don't know if most you guys are watching just because it's fun or if anybody's producing but this is a so we ran a minor and it's a six this is it if if you're a minor is the one this is a six four one seven progression and it's just you've got your base notes right here and then so the first chord two six seven six major seven chord and then you just got a minor chord another minor chord and then a sus four seven chord the only reason I know all that just cuz set the sky Trevor taught me all that stuff when I was first started music I didn't even know it like a base root now it was alright you find some real nice goodies in this sphere some soundscapes I just like to literally go find some random it's a little too scary [Music] that's like I'm hitting one minute [Music] so a lot of these are chords which kind of makes it a pain in because I want just likes [Music] yeah now that's a courtier thing gurgle see like I love that type of [Music] I'm just like popping at different places so that it gets not super repetitive [Music] [Music] that's one so if I like find something that's kind of cool like I might use it for a glitch I'll just record it I'll just record like a bunch of it freeze it and have it for later in case I want I'm not gonna put that I like to be an attractive kind of intense pain skin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry when I'm doing when I'm doing stuff I'm pretty bad if I can reading y'all but I mean I'm just gonna leap this progression and see if I can come up with anything on a guitar so this is I use this kind of guitar I'm just going deai with my guitar and then I have some compression some EQ Inge and then a Guitar Rig which has like the meat of stuff in it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's really [Music] I think sound of walking away is like this [Music] she had someone the subs yo search smash double gin [Music] [Music] well ain't that a that is see every time I like something might did that already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not hit me eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that might be kinda lame [Music] [Music] [Music] no that comes out of nowhere [Music] I don't get why it doesn't [Music] [Music] hello babe oh yeah yeah [Music] I like the progression but the movement is so slow like you barely even catch them [Music] [Music] Oh Sam what's up brother slowly add kick-drum so what I'm missing guys I'm in the kick drum yo you guys want to see some joke this what was this plug don't forget to open this other project do-do-do-do-do-do-do I think I titled it like weird this is dangerous Phobos boom found it shits about to get take a turn that's I asked for Phobos why is he giving me spire - what all right I'm gonna close and reopen this it's not meant to be spire fam there's again I want Phobos let's try the a yeah there we go there we go ready to get weird shits about to get weird where was the crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a weird-ass time [Music] gathering weirdness one moment there's some things happening it's pretty intense but [Music] okay I'm gonna mute all these because these are kind of intense but this one's cool okay now let's add some tonal star [Music] this chain [Music] [Music] [Music] chosen [Music] maybe that's a little wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] more sausage sausage [Music] [Music] Kong is coming [Music] [Music] Sinclair [Music] [Music] sub squad absent coos I'm John how you bub ke dev you ever wonder why thanks for the sub everybody else I can't get to all y'all this is a loot insane you guys are crazy as I think this is moving a little too slow but I like some aspects going on here it doesn't have like a a popping thing that's like your candy yet but it's a massive cool stuff going on [Music] [Music] I don't think I like that thing it's too weird oh my god my foots asleep ah yeah it's kinda like an inch show it's not like it doesn't feel like a song right now just around but this is how things start you just kind of keep around till you're like ooh that's sick as what was this again I forget what I that's tight I need like an element around with this bass first we don't really figured out how to make this thing sound cool yet but guys wonder if I can just do like the chords with these [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I can't reach [Music] [Music] I did not mute the strings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] see what happens when you don't know how to play instruments I can't reach this I'll write that right all right let's I can't play this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] anything yes you guys are just saying yes does this it I don't care if it sounds like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guys like that timing it's impeccable timing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think you get more interesting you [Music] [Music] [Music] really Adam song is it out it's the freight you guys are listing like all the blank songs see this is I liked it and now it's something else ready what song definitely not that Adamson different cords [Music] it's not it's the sim it's not the same notes or the same chords but it is definitely what are they doing yeah they're not doing that's like a different top notes but it's [Music] no it's not copyright it's different notes but it's definitely like you don't want to do something there people would be like just send it I mean yes it is I probably shouldn't publicly call this out but it you know I think I'm gonna do it simply because what song was it okay hold up I gotta find something you guys will love this I might do it just because okay does this sound similar you guys you so with that said I don't care I've invited I'm honored I'm honored I was never let I was never nobody told me but I don't give a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's good enough I'm just doing one at a time it's easier [Music] that bottom layer whatever I'm doing it a bunch of times just because I'm trying to get like the tone perfect but it's not perfect but whatever it's good enough [Music] [Music] those ones you get [Music] I know it sounds like you're being picky but I just I go slow on this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's build [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is this fun guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's my first one is alright right maybe [Music] forget [Music] [Music] so you hanging over better or what it's gonna go [Music] damn it I can't believe I spilled that's a different progression now we kind of destroyed the strings but look it that still feels it kind of out of tune I don't know how well this does this works this auto-tune and then just throw it to an instrument we're in we're in C major change my [Music] okay now I'm gonna put it so I'm gonna save and then I'm gonna save a new version so that I can start with this more cuz then I don't like if I freeze in and it's no big deal I took the rap it was the front of man we're gonna people gave me like wait it's not that's what's my age again that's not the one we're even remotely close to this is Ableton yeah you just low-latency in Ableton I just put latency way down and then my speakers have like a low latency mode and I not so low but I during the recording process I just I always do low latency tell these DS thanks this up Travis thanks bruh what was I about to do oh yeah so this is dry by the way [Music] the effects this is a suite EQ I use it for good cars all the time to waves all the pic noise it brings out so nice [Music] so it's nice it's nice I'm gonna with some other sounds to see if it sounds any cool with some other guitar processing I use this one's gonna have like no lows in it it'll probably be shitty so that kind of like so this kind of phones it up I think I like that the best so far this is a fun little thing Guitar Rig so I've been using guitar I used to use Guitar Rig like only and now I used Kemper's way more which are awesome but I used them on the tour so I don't have any of my studio right now so I'm back to the old ways but this is what I use like for fractures and pray this is what I did for prey oh the blink things dude yes so this plug-in with a super low audio input is sick [Music] [Music] you understand what I'm trying to see which sounds more natural because I recorded it unnatural so yeah I gotta try to like rehumanize it which guitar do you guys like better option one super dry option two [Music] let's see if I can meet somewhere in the middle with like let's throw this in here let's throw what reverb is all the reverb have okay how would I put up it up gonna throw a little bit of reverb on this one [Music] there's my feedback [Music] wait why isn't it tempeh saying [Music] I think I like wet guys I think I like number two I think it can be a little more like a high house more highs well my cutting there's like unnecessary amount of stuff on here just cuz I saved this is a if you guys are producers this singer sound of a awesome way to make things wide yes [Music] kind of like that noise in there ready for the sip let's just dive in alright that's good enough [Music] [Music] I'm gonna say key that is sure [Music] all right I got a little carried away with the sausage [Music] and now is just get a little vein tang [Music] look at this 6k viewers this is the most we've ever had what's up fam fabfilter is absolutely at B so are all the sound toys plugins that see there's a little bit of delay on there let's see if we add like echo boy it's dope [Music] [Music] all right let's make some cool drums how about a papers [Music] [Music] so I hear like definitely like a filtered rock kind of travis barker ass thing but i also want to try these because there's some dope in this pho boast that would make it like more industrial like that's cool we already did that but not as glitzy and weird but like because there's some dope breaks and in here that'd be kind of cool we got to use this thing - that was just me I use a lot of like a lot of times here if I was just working fast I would like like I really like there's these drums and part of that's why in the second half they're super sick that I'd probably start with this was at 140 so in my opinion I think reusing your stems just you made in the past is like one way to keep a cool sound especially if you love it a lot which I have these drums I love I think I use them first in gold just aspects of them then you like recut them up your sampling your on shape pretty much but I want to change the groove but I want to like industrialize them a bit but I'll use that how do I make these good question those lots of phone filter stuff my sound design it's a lot of it is audio I mean I'll take samples yeah I'll do some of it I'll do some of it here in a second I want to with this Phobos thing first though cuz this already has like a bunch of that in it it's not like I'm making the kicks in serum and though sup yes this is Sean bro we got how many viewers we have right now 6,200 famous Sean's getting this food stay six feet up with Sean hog alright I gotta find some cool drum samples in here like not all these weird spaceship so this kind of takes just some time here angry dragons hey there's some cool illness in there it's half time I like the half time stuff uncle it is can you give me some of those yes there's pork belly sliders [Music] [Music] [Music] cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] am i doing oh yeah I get distracted easily this is the this fat filter phone thing I like bringing it down here a bit Chinese out when are we starting drums I think here time it's time with beads wait what is happening why can I hear myself ah [Music] [Music] that's gonna fit [Music] hey kid later as it starts building Ashley [Music] [Music] [Applause] perfect [Music] where things start getting big and you do like a big group right here just get ready to meet some power chords okay moving still need more drum stuff [Music] I think I like it better here [Music] yep I was eight [Music] [Applause] sometimes turns out cool upset that half quarantine going guys how's quarantine we survive in where did I say that Oh so I'm just gonna whip this up 12 and then put this ball home that's just sick shimmer we're gonna we're just creating some atmosphere here that's like cool that's all nice that's just the guitar creates like your own pad of itself it's nice that's what is rebirthing so I'll just like see what happens if we slowly [Music] that's gonna be there's a weirdness yeah you think it needs to be how long have fun there may be too much [Music] I can fix this how's the sound by the way for you guys it is the track loud enough because I'm producing really quietly right now it's muffled all right does it get significantly louder Shh is this too loud [Music] wait so what did Sean say well my voice is muffled yeah yeah yeah well it's perfect now kkkkk I'm gonna bring it up three you guys could turn down a little bit well now that probably shouldn't do that actually I'm just gonna take the second cord [Music] oops I did that dummy [Music] that's fine we just need more stuff we need more stuff [Music] I want like a kick we're gonna try to make it with this [Music] it's in Aries sometimes I forget how I did things I'll just grab it it's in like percussion other drums there's a lot of percussion in here that I don't know if I can grab it yeah [Music] maybe not maybe I don't want that maybe that was a giant mistake [Music] [Music] it's weird timing that's how it feels weird [Music] love Mike Shinoda he's the man can't Ovitz [Music] let's go I like a poof flute I wish there was more swing to it now ah goddamn it I gotta make it all swingy [Music] that's really a kind of a actually we're just gonna [Music] [Music] that's nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm being meticulous fam but it's alright alright just gonna cut these [Music] yeah this is all pretty pretty organic any already I think I could pull these back a tiny bit I think the tiniest of bits [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got a mute on OBS by the way it'll probably you guys to sound up there sounds pretty cool sounds pretty cool I dig it need the bigger legs [Music] and then I can't do the vocals fam it's not me not a singer I don't really tune my drums I don't know if I should be I kind of hear if it sounds I mean it doesn't sounds like I mean these are all there's definitely some tone in there but it whatever that's a cool a slayer Phobos Phobos yeah I qu it's bad it's bad don't do it yeah Phobos is cool especially if you guys are drum and bass or or nurofen's shit's really they have some kicks in there and I was around I'll find the project at some point but alright let's see if some power chord sound cool on this I want some like chill ones first I think it's I think this one's cool I'm just going to turn wait yeah no why is that doing that yo yo you okay all right good [Music] need my tuner again Nick is my guitar gets out of tune Lots [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's not where attitude Oh cuz I'm stupid I forgot to select the fan preset [Music] [Music] [Music] what am I [Music] cool bye now we're gonna do layers on layers families on layers [Music] footballs trip with the power I know I want footballs but I'm wondering if I should do real cords [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] every choice [Music] [Music] okay those will sound cool like way different process anything oops I hit the mic when I play guitar on the studio I might get Target my back is all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't think it comes in there I'm just around to see if I find some cool sounded let's reverse all these [Music] guys it's kind of cool guys it's kind of cool [Music] pretty tight pretty tight pretty tight % % % Egyptian 69 nice in the chat nice in the chat [Music] get an F good enough all right let's just this might be too aggressive right off the bat [Music] gotta turn them on guys [Music] super-aggressive [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's tough because I like the high one but the power course seemed to it up [Music] maybe a maybe like a synth plug I have so much stuff saved as Porter Porter reporter yes it sounds like like Porter Robinson plucks if you guys were wondering what that means no silence since since people people asking for since [Music] [Music] [Music] my anus [Music] [Applause] [Music] this projects so unorganized holy I'm gonna do a little reorganization yeah I got some drums here trying these those need to go on top this needs to get deleted these are just atmosphere layers this is nothing there's this morpho delete power so I'm going to put my drums up here I need to make a sidechain track so I just make a sidechain track with a kick [Music] [Music] and then this is how I sigh J and everybody's like do you use volume shaper to use whatever nope I use good old Ableton compressors and then so I just saw a chain these both to just this channel [Music] like this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] trying to think if this is a real song where does vocal come in [Music] are so you could go faster too you go right into the drop [Music] 18 seconds pretty long and true I mean I could with some vocal chops here just doing instrumental I mean I do I make instrumentals and then I like to put vocals on them or what I would ideally be is I would be right now I'd have this and then I'd start writing the vocal and then cuz I'd stop a lot of times you'll keep going and then you like there's not really a room for vocal but it needs to be a vocal track a shorter intro would sound like like this I mean I can just make it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's try vocal stop right there I gotta grab acapella let's hear me sing I don't think so guys I don't think that's good idea I'm trying to think what came I in I'm an a minor so I wanted focal in white I want some I would do Billy but I like chopping up vocals that are a little more like ooh that new uh that new James Bond Billy let's take one of my vocals so that if it's actually dope I can use it I want to pitch it up like two or three so I'm thinking of a song that's in like G minor of mine which is like non F sharp minor and hold on lonely hold on has too many harms [Music] I think this was 152 food you're right I could do gorgeous Jesus it's unavoidable I can't listen so these two persons of these stupid songs [Music] what was this I like this guitar so I'm just looking for like dope tone a lot of times it's just fun to reverse this times to pump it up three [Music] so I'm gonna turn the delay off for zinging cuz that the noise it's kind of cool sounds pretty weird a lot of times this King this sometimes it's like oh my god that's so sick or sometimes it's like I quit music this is terrible [Music] let's try to there's some grouse there a lot of times if you have like a city vocal or something you're trying to chop it you can just take because those are the good frequencies anyways I mean super Odessa [Music] [Music] cool throw some side-chain on there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's part school I don't like that anymore [Music] laughs people producers if you want to know what's going on in this chain it's not it's nothing crazy I don't need this EQ since I'm phoning in at the end anyways but we have this reverb the holo-room vintage Valhalla trim and the vintage these are my two favorite reverbs then we got autism this cuz it makes it way more like washed out more EQ more set we're compressing the out of it and then we have a phone EQ that's it so I just keep running through it I just [Music] I actually liked that first part that's cool I want to see there's some course this is all the course I haven't even touched this yet [Music] [Applause] so meant that's all Victor [Music] I like the softer stuff a little better [Music] let's go [Music] like it well what's up bad I wish they could see you right now they can't see you are you doing sign language it's kind of tight what do you think she's getting peanut [Music] so yeah cool this first site that I'm trying to with vocal chops right now yeah hold up guys you got to like 66,000 it's crazy I love this point it's fun I first drove kind of like nervous yeah like everybody gets to hear about it guitar am i should make chicken thighs so good so much better than chicken breasts how long we been on somebody went up to the alright what is it nightbot make out so boring actually sing crashing so well anyway no I'm watching your righteous gemstone I mean I can sing yeah I know you great singer babe best it's beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] whatever you guys saying over here [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm looking for like a note how does it sound if we are actually doing this with the structure [Music] that comes it nice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I can't visit up it's a cord Stu to pull multiple nodes in [Music] is it that bad [Music] got an idea [Music] maybe a failure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] that's cool let's get somewhere Diggs all right fam I need an ear break I'm gonna do this more though now that we're all korone it out I genuinely do like three or four hours work and then take a break for like a couple hours and then go back sometimes I'll do like eight and then it'll suck so I don't want to do too much it's nice to take a little break but that was fun I will I'll let you guys know on socials and next time I do this I got it got it all set up on my studio computer now which is which is cool but it was fun it's nice to hear you guys input um cool I'll let you know peace out love you guys later actually hold on is Anthony's still here Anthony he's still in this discord car hello huh yeah are we raiding anyone let's read let's rage ah Sam rated them peace how hold
Channel: Meta 8D
Views: 105,555
Rating: 4.9654055 out of 5
Keywords: Live 9, Ableton 9, Ableton live 9 tutorial, Ableton tutorial, Electronic music production, Sonic academy, Ableton live 9, How to use ableton live 9, How to make music, How to use ableton, Learn, Rhythm, Lead, Bass, Beats, Beginner, Ableton live (software), Ableton 10, Ableton Live, Music tutorial, Vocals, Music production, Banger, Edm, Future bass, Ott, Serum, Nylow, Illenium, Twitch, Production, Music, Ship wrek zookeepers ark, How to make music like illenium, Future bass project file
Id: t1JPF6NRP0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 56sec (11276 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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