Illegal Pets You're Not Allowed To Own For Very Good Reasons

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there are a lot of exotic pets out there from cute little hedgehogs to giant crocodile monitors exotic pets seem to be all the rage nowadays however replacing your golden retriever with a wolf dog isn't as simple as it might seem in the US there's no federal law regulating or banning exotic animals instead state and local legislatures decide what you and your neighbor are legally allowed to own oftentimes they'll make you jump through hoops to own these beautiful but potentially very dangerous creatures number 10 owl unfortunately for most of you muggles keeping an owl as a pet just isn't on the cards the United States only allows people who are trained and licensed to keep owls even then it's only allowed in very specific situations such as if you're rehabilitating the bird permits from the US Fish and Wildlife Service are required and your permit can be revoked at any time and get this you who aren't even allowed to possess an owl's feather without first obtaining a permit when it comes to owls the u.s. means business so why does the US make it so difficult to get a pet owl for one owls are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 the law was written to protect all of the birds that migrate between the US and Canada secondly owls could be dangerous they aren't all as obedient and sweet as Hedwig in 2017 a great horned owl killed in Atlanta families dog in 2015 a Seattle man was struck by an aggressive owl during a walk through the park his head was cut open by the birds claws still convinced that an owl is your dream pet don't forget that these giant birds are nocturnal they will keep you up all night cooing and destroying your house owls are fierce carnivores that will spend the entire night looking for something to hunt number 9 ban dogs never heard of ban dogs this job literally has ban in the name ban dog is a term that refers to non purebred dogs that have been selectively bred to be strong protectors and guards the term originated in the Middle Ages and was used to refer to dogs that were bred to be fighters in other words they're bred to be terrifying just look at this terrifying monster band dogs are not a recognized breed but they're illegal if one of the parents is a breed that's outlawed and governments are trying to get rid of them as their behavior from mixing breeds can be unpredictable they're banned in parts of Romania Switzerland and the u.s. usually ban dogs are some sort of mix between strong breeds like Mastiff z-- and pit bull terriers even if you're a big fan of those breeds keep in mind that ban dogs are designed with fighting and aggression in mind they're stubborn dogs who will attack if they want to but that hasn't stopped people from breeding and adopting them in 2017 more than 30 Americans were killed by pit bulls and Mastiffs compare that to shark attack fatalities there were only five worldwide it's no wonder that hundreds of US municipalities have been these unpredictable and often aggressive dogs number eight wolf dog here's a variety of dog that just might be more intimidating than the band of the wolf dog also known as the wolf hybrid is half dog half wolf apparently people really get a kick out of bringing giant aggressive animals into their homes they're estimated to be over 100,000 wolf dogs in the United States most of them are a cross between the gray wolf and a Siberian Husky or German Shepherd dog wolves are obviously wild animals so it shouldn't come as a surprise that crossbreeding them with a dub can get you into some legal trouble 40 states have made it illegal to own breed or import a wolf dog these 125 pound beasts are also illegal in parts of Canada and most of Europe and I for one am very thankful that wolf hybrids are illegal can you imagine encountering a wolf dog at the park wolf hybrids can be massive just take a look at Yuki who is currently living at a wolf sanctuary in Florida don't be fooled by Yuki's adorable smile there's a reason that so many states define wolf hybrids as wild animal their behavior is super unpredictable compared to your average dog there are loads of gory stories of wolf dog attacks but I'll spare you the details let's just say they are 100% capable of ripping off a human head number seven penguin some people really like the idea of keeping Penguins as pets sure I get it they're cute little birds in their tuxedos they're to die for but these birds really are best left in the Arctic one of the most important reasons that penguins make awful pets is their diet a penguin needs to eat around 13 pounds of fish per day that's about 90 fish every 24 hours I don't know about you but I definitely don't have access to such a large supply of fish not to mention penguins are super social creatures they become depressed in isolation and thrive in groups of 20 or more in other words keeping Penguins would require a cold saltwater pool big enough for 20 penguins to play in and a supply of thousands of fish per day good luck cleaning that pool out every day in the United States all species of penguin are protected that means that the only way you'd be able to get one is if you purchased it from a zoo however that's virtually impossible to do there are a bunch of permits and licenses involved in owning a penguin and zoos aren't exactly known for selling their animals sorry to disappoint those of you who thought you were going to be a proud penguin owner someday if it's any consolation penguins probably aren't as cute and cuddly as you thought scientists who study penguin behavior have frequently found that penguins are actually pretty creepy they sexually abused baby chicks attempt to mate with dead females and kidnap each other's babies not exactly the sort of behavior you'd want to come home to after a long day at work number 6 Lions the reasons why owning a line is a terrible idea pretty much go without saying but apparently that hasn't stopped people from trying in fact so many people have tried to bring lions into their homes that states had to start writing laws against it these states have outright banned lion ownership and these highly regulated they require specialized permits that are very difficult to get but if you live in Oklahoma Nevada North Carolina Alabama Delaware or Wisconsin congratulations you can technically adopt your own Simba lions are very serious predators and no matter how cuddly lion cubs may look you can't take away their instinct to hunt unfortunately one Chechnya man didn't realize that until it was too late Michael process was 34 years old when he was mauled to death by his pet lion in March 2019 owning a lion is illegal in the Czech Republic but that didn't stop him from keeping to large lines caged in his backyard his goal was to breed them but he was killed before he could Michael's father found him dead inside the male lion's cage with the door locked from the inside and if that's not enough to convince you that owning a lion is a terrible idea in 2016 an Egyptian lion trainer was killed during a live performance the audience watched as the lion cut open his face broke his bones and cracked open his skull me ow number 5 bears here's another beast you definitely shouldn't keep as a pet keep in mind that wild bears are already a pretty major threat to human life North America has seen 25 fatal bear attacks since 2010 since bears are pretty dangerous creatures 31 states have completely banned bear ownership Florida has not which is how Monica weld and her son Johnny get away with living with 14 bears for the welds bear keeping is a family tradition their family has been looking after bears who need homes for more than 90 years Johnny has even come to think of the Grizzlies and black bears at paradise ranch as his siblings the welds may still have all of their limbs intact but not every bear owner has been so lucky and 2009 Kellyanne walls of Pennsylvania was killed by her 350 pound pet ironically named teddy Kelly adopt a teddy when he was still a cub and had been caring for him for nine years when he turned on her the bear killed Kellyanne while she was cleaning out his cage and she was pronounced dead at the scene number 4 chimpanzees we may share a common ancestor with chimps but that doesn't mean they belong in our homes only four states have outright ban pet champs and then the rest it is possible to give one as long as you can obtain a permit pet chimps are even legal across the UK but that definitely doesn't mean it's a good idea to own one as they are ridiculously strong just ask Charla Nash who barely lived to tell the tale of her attack she was nearly killed by her friend's pet champ Travis who had actually become pretty famous after he appeared in commercials for coca-cola and Old Navy Charla went to her friend's house in 2009 and picked up Travis's favorite Tickle Me Elmo toy hi I guess Travis wasn't in the mood to share because things turned violent very quickly he completely tore up Charlie's face and body Charla underwent seven hours of life-saving surgery she lost her entire face including her eyes lips and nose she also lost both of her hands in 2011 she received a face transplant but she still needs routine care because of her injuries number three monkeys like chimpanzees monkeys can become incredibly aggressive they're also a major health concern unlike most pets like dogs and cats humans and monkeys can transmit dangerous diseases to one another they've even been known to transmit herpes it's no wonder that legally owning a monkey is no easy feat nineteen states including California Colorado and New York have completely banned their citizens from owning monkeys no wonder Ross Geller from friends was made to give up his monkey Marcel most states that do allow pet monkeys have pretty strict restrictions for example you don't qualify for a pet monkey permit in Florida unless you've loved over a thousand hours volunteering with monkeys and even that doesn't seem to be enough in 2018 a pet monkey escaped its owner's car and a Home Depot parking lot ran into the store and bit an employee not only are monkeys extremely destructive and potentially dangerous they can have a really hard time thriving when they're kept as pets in fact they can become so depressed that they self-harm taking care of a monkey is not easy and it isn't uncommon for them to become so ill that they have to be put down number two slow loris if you've ever seen a slow loris then it probably comes as no surprise that people want to keep them as pets these little primates are absolutely adorable they have soft looking furred big round eyes and the cutest little faces but slow lorises are not as sweet as they look they may only weigh two pounds but they have a secret weapon that they use at any moment a toxic venomous bite so only one is clearly not the best idea in fact owning a slow loris is illegal in literally every country that's because every country where slow lorises live in the wild including Thailand Malaysia and Indonesia have strict laws regarding slow loris protection since they are protected species removing them from the wild breeding them and trading them is very much illegal that's proudly for the best considering their venom is toxic enough to kill most people who have been bitten by a slow loris experienced severe swelling but some have experienced fatal anaphylaxis after a slow loris bite number one Komodo dragon ever dreamed of being a dragon owner then I'm sorry to disappoint you but owning a komodo dragon isn't as magical as it might sound first off it's illegal like the slow loris Komodos are protected by the indonesian government which makes them illegal everywhere else in the world but that's for the best because they'll destroy your house eat all of your food and if they get aggressive you're in big trouble their bite is strong enough to break a human leg in two I don't know about you but I definitely don't want any leg breaking monsters in my home to make matters worse they are venomous fiends whose bites can send you to the hospital there have been five reported deaths in the last 50 years along with many dangerous attacks in 2009 an Indonesian park ranger was nearly killed during an attack in Komodo National Park the dragon wandered into his office clenched down on his leg and didn't let go Mayim fought back and eventually got away but his recovery took six months it seems that no matter how many good reasons there are against owning certain animals we still just can't help ourselves which you still can that are owning a penguin after hearing all this news or have you been put off all together let me know what you think in the comments down below thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 1,059,853
Rating: 4.6988878 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, illegal, illegal pets, pets, animals, cant own, now allowed, banned, house animals, exotic pets, strange animals, strangest pets, exotic pet, cutest exotic pets you can legally own, cutest pets, wild animals you can keep as pets, weirdly cute pets you should own, most unusual pets you can buy, the cutest pets you could ever own, wild pets, exotic animals
Id: v4DytVbiNv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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