Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives!

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hi it's Katrina while you may have heard stories about loyal pets saving their owners lives stories about wild animals rescuing humans are far less common from a pack of lions protecting a vulnerable schoolgirl - dolphins protecting swimmers from sharks here are nine true stories about wild animals rescuing humans number 9 Lions save kidnapped schoolgirls in rural southwestern Ethiopia in June 2005 a 12 year old girl was kidnapped by seven men while on her way home from school the men were attempting to force her into an arranged marriage she didn't want and was obviously too young for the girl's captors held her in a hut and attempted to relocate her a week later as they evaded the police but to their surprise they were chased away from the girl by three lions the Lions remained at her side for around half a day until the police arrived to escort her to safety when the authorities arrived the Lions simply left as if they somehow knew the girl was in safe hands in the words of Sergeant Wanda Moo Adagio they stood guard until we found her and then they just left her like a gift and went back into the forest the girl was treated for injuries caused by her abductors but reported that the Lions did her no harm lions aren't known to instinctively protect humans on the contrary they have a reputation for attacking people one wildlife expert theorized that the girls cries may have resembled the meowing of cubs prompting the Lions to get curious and not to harm her Wendy Moo stated that without the Lions help the girl's fate could have been much worse as it unfortunately often is for young females who are kidnapped in the region number 8 deer chases attacker away in February 2012 an Oxford Ohio woman was attacked and dragged behind a building after leaving a party the assailant who seemed intent on robbing the woman tried choking her with her purse straps his plans were foiled by a heroic deer who charged out from underneath a nearby bush and chased the attacker away thanks to the deers intervention the woman's injuries were limited to red marks and bruises and she did not require hospital treatment she also did not lose any of her belongings after the attack the woman was assisted by Sergeant John Varley who stated that he couldn't recall a similar incident throughout his 17-year career Varley believed that the deer was stirred awake by the commotion which scared it causing it to dart out from the brush and scare the attacker away number seven beaver comforts orphaned boy a young boy from Ontario Canada named real Gindin was camping with his parents when they decided to go fishing real stayed behind on the shore while his mom and dad headed out on a boat within minutes of their departure the boat reals parents were using tipped and sank reel helplessly watched from land as they drowned in an attempt to get help he set out on foot for the next town the Sun set during his journey and real realized that he would be spending the night outdoors and laid down on the ground he felt a warm furry body snuggle up next to him and assumed it was a dog the boy awoke the next morning to find three beavers laying beside him temperatures had dropped below freezing throughout the night and their body heat had spared him from freezing to death real successfully trekked to the nearest town and lived to retell his ordeal number six gorilla saves three-year-old boy in August 1996 one parent's worst nightmare came true when their three year old tumbled into a gorilla exhibit at the Brookfield Zoo in Illinois as the boy lied on the concrete below surrounded by some seven gorillas zoo visitors panicked and cried out for help a western lowland gorilla named Ben T schwa picked the boy up in her arms cradled him and carried him to a doorway she laid the boy at the feet of awaiting paramedics who took him into their care witnesses told zoo officials that the boy had appeared unconscious after the fall but by the time he was delivered to the paramedics he was alert and crying the boy was taken to a hospital and made a full recovery binti choir's apparent display of maternal instinct was especially surprising due to her upbringing she was born in 1988 at the Columbus Zoo in Ohio and was regarded with indifference by her mother binti schwa was bottle-fed and cradled by humans and eventually became socialized with the help of other female gorillas she quickly became famous for her heroic act and within days of the incident camera crews had arrived from Germany England Australia all over to catch a glimpse of the gorilla who passionately saved a toddler's life number five dolphins save lifeguards from sharks in 2004 lifeguard Rob house and three teenage lifeguards including his daughter decided to take a swim at ocean beach near Whangarei New Zealand suddenly they were encircled by seven bottlenose dolphins a dolphin followed house and one of the lifeguards as they drifted from the rest of the group to see what the dolphin was doing housed of underwater and spotted a great white shark swimming nearby he then realized that the dolphins were protecting him and the other swimmers from the shark to avoid startling the teens house didn't tell them that there was a shark in the water the incident was witnessed from the shore by another lifeguard named Matt fleet who took a boat to further investigate fleet noticed the shark and the Dolphins continued circling the lifeguards until it left 40 minutes later according to dr. Rachelle Constantine of Auckland University School of Biological Sciences instances of dolphins assisting humans in this way are rare but not unheard of number 4 Whale saves a woman from shark man Hauser was swimming off the Cook Islands in October 2017 when a humpback whale seemingly randomly appeared nearby the whale repeatedly bumped into the woman with its head and belly and attempted to carry her on its belly back and head it also tried to put an an under its pectoral fin several times despite being a marine biologist nan had never seen such strange behavior from a humpback whale after exiting the water and returning to her research vessel she figured out why the whale had been acting so weird a 15-foot tiger shark was lurking nearby and the whale had been protecting her from it although it's rare there have been other recorded instances of humpback whales protecting humans and other animals from predators a humpback whale was photographed protecting a seal from sharks in 2009 that's a tough job off the California coast in 2017 humpback whales stopped killer whales from attacking baby gray whales humpback whales have a natural instinct to protect their own young and it's believed that this is why they become protective of other animals but this kind of empathy for other species is extremely rare in the animal kingdom number 3 bear saves man from mountain lion in 2012 a 69 year old Northern California man named Robert Biggs was attacked a mountain lion while hiking during one of his many gold panning and hiking trips to whiskey flats he encountered a mother bear her yearling and her cub on a stream Bank after taking a few moments to admire the bear family Biggs turned to leave he was attacked from behind by a mountain lion and fell to his knees using a rock pick he was carrying Biggs hit the lion on the head suddenly the mother bear came forward and grabbed the line by the neck and wrestled it to the ground where the two scrambled for a few seconds before the lion freed itself and ran away the bear calmly returned to her cub according to Biggs while he wrapped his injured arm with a t-shirt Biggs believed that the lion was targeting the bear cub and that he got in the way his wife Suzanne Biggs was shocked when he returned home covered in blood and tried convincing him to go to the hospital but he refused before the attack the couple never worried about a run-in with large animals and people are way more afraid of mother bears than mountain lions while Robert enthusiastically continued venturing off into the wilderness Susanne stated that the attack would make her think twice about returning to the area number two dolphins save fishermen in 2002 a 36 year old Australian fisherman named Grant Dixon was sailing off the coast of Queensland when his fishing boat sank the boat went down in rough waters near dunk island after its nets got caught on seaweed Dixon reached an inflatable dinghy with one of the ship's crew members who decided to try swimming back to land and disappeared Dixon clung to the upturned dinghy while bleeding heavily and was surrounded by hungry sharks he felt it was only a matter of time before the Sharks attacked him especially since one shark kept swimming closer and closer towards him a pot of dolphins intervened and chased the Sharks away and for several more hours Dixon continued drifting in the Pacific Ocean he was rescued by a passing cruise ship nearly two days after his trawler sank a subsequent extensive search failed to turn up Dixon's to missing fellow crew members and he is lucky to be alive number one elephant saves girl from tsunami when the tragic 2004 tsunami struck Thailand eight-year-old Amber Mason was riding a four-year-old elephant named Ning dong at a resort in Phuket the water quickly rose tuning noms shoulders as he dashed away from the water and to higher ground Kerry little amber to safety on his back ning Nong had been commanded to run inland by his guardian who noticed the oncoming disaster amber recounted the onset of the tragic wave in a BBC interview stating everyone was running out of the sea and my mom began crying because she thought she'd lost me the little girls mom Sam credited Ning Nong for Amber's survival if she had been on the beach on her own are with us on the beach she would never have lived the grateful mother explained the elephant took the pounding of the wave as an expression of gratitude for saving their daughter's life Amber's family announced that they would make a monthly monetary donation to Ning noms Guardian thanks for watching would you like to hear more stories about humans being saved by animals let me know in the comments below remember to subscribe and I'll see you soon bye you
Channel: Origins Explained
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Keywords: origins explained, 10 wild animals that saved human lives, wild animals saving humans, animals that saved lives, animal heroes, animals saving people, wild animals that saved people, animals that saved people's lives, awesome animals, amazing animals, rescue animals, animals rescuing people, animal rescue, amazing stories, animals that helped people, saving human lives, amazing, animals, saving, people, human, lives, wild, wildlife, creatures, origins explained top 10
Id: mllqeVSsIl0
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Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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