ILLEGAL FREEDOM: Train Surfing Journey Across Croatia

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hi again friends your local neighborhood surfer is here i'm with my poison we're in croatia beautiful city of rieka we enjoyed it for a couple days now we're going to try to surf to split basically across the entire country it's going to be about 500 kilometers not too long at least compared to our previous surf since the railroad in croatia is not that um straight there's going to be a lot of zigzagging we're going to go north we're going to go south we're going to go everywhere basically all over the place right now it is about 10 a.m in the morning we're going to surf out of a yard a bit outside of the city it's going to take us about one hour to get there and the only thing we're not sure about is how long we're gonna have to wait for the train trains are going to run a lot less often but um i doubt we're gonna have to wait three days like last time there should be at least a couple trains per day and since it's the morning we have a pretty early head start that's it heading to the yard let's see what's there so oh okay we've made it to the yard it wasn't as straightforward as we thought i took the bus that didn't take us anywhere we had to wait for taxi wasted about an hour and a half but it's still daytime look at the scenery [Applause] it's in the mountains amazing it's crazy the only wagons at the yard that seem to have a good enough connection to ride out are the tankers really don't want these these are terrible to hide and hopefully there is going to be some others coming there are some wagons there but um they don't really seem attached to anything the yellow one further there so we're just gonna have to wait and see we can actually catch a train here it's gonna be insane [Music] there's not a lot of security slight problem is we're not sure where to wait [Music] so the wagons that would be perfect to ride would be this kind can kind of hide a bit on the side i guess this one would be kind of doable too because you can slip in under there the ones that are most likely to ride out are the tanker ones at the end there hopefully there is going to be another train just passing by slowly enough that we can hop on but the number one thing now would be to find a spot to wait somewhere [Music] [Music] all right decided to wait here not the most concealed spot but it's more like hiding in plain sight it's pretty chill out here it is 11 50 right now we're hoping that a train is going to pass sometime between 12 and i guess four because after that it's gonna get dark pretty quick this trip was kind of spontaneous actually poison just messaged me he's like let's do croatia okay now we're here we spent a couple of days in griego just chill there that's basically the background story alright the waiting game it's 12 30 right now i decided to switch spots the sun is just baking me like poison went a bit further and he found a lot more wagons stacked one of the connections was abandoned so going to try to chill in this abandoned workers wagon so far nothing has moved the station is properly dead [Applause] this little house is also a nice place to chill pretty abandoned uh the traditional black bear of hope will be nice fluffy and cozy when a train comes nearby interpretation's great so these wagons are basically the same ones that we see through google maps so i think they've been standing here for a while we'll see scratch that we started going back a bit because we just heard the look i might have turned on the look might have been finding the wagon connection we were waiting nearby so we're going to stay here and see if it starts moving that'll be perfect [Music] [Applause] yeah it's on all right chill inside the house yeah there's a guy [Music] i saw him but is he coming here man everything just started going at once the standard local mode of this one came in [Applause] so the wagons that just came are behind these tankers the locomotive detached and went back to the harbor those locomotives but with a bit of an update so it's good yeah we're waiting for the train and uh we need to catch up from the platforms um there's a bunch of as you can see like people and there's a people in the house who's waiting workers so we're trying to kind of blend in plain sight you touristy and this [ __ ] showed up the cuteness we missed it bad circumstances couldn't properly get to it in time both of us kind of sucky feeling but we know that the trains stop here how specifically they stop here now the passenger has to go through the freight waits for the passenger to go further then the second one comes and then it goes that's the concept at least that's what happened with this one there was a lot of people there were like conductors outside there were passengers and [ __ ] and we tried to move as fast as possible without causing suspicion but it's it just wasn't doable properly we're gonna keep waiting i think this part is pretty good something should come before four so it is 14 30 right now nothing so far the only trains that move are those tankers right there it's so [ __ ] to stay in between them the locomotive has side mirrors and people in the back so we would just be able to stay behind them and not move out at all so basically the train that we missed was the only good option so far still waiting not really another choice we're gonna have to wait till tomorrow if we have to uh let's go there this is not good that's it this is the this is the front we cannot go any further there's nobody in the back anybody there is he gonna see us through the bend we can't just sit here come here just stay here this is the one this is the one hopefully nobody's just gonna come through all right wait wait wait wait uh no wait a bit more wait a bit more till that wagon passes we're doing it [ __ ] yeah all right i'm waiting till the tunnel comes because now i cannot jump in people might see all right here's the tunnel yeah boy we [ __ ] made it what is this [ __ ] [Music] [Music] so it's a small station [Music] now it can be no way they saw us ah [ __ ] [Music] i hope it's not that train stopped i [ __ ] hope you were insane you were hiding pretty well i think by the way the time right now is 15 30 plenty of time to get to the first station we're gonna stop at the switch trains and see everything around in daylight i think a passenger is coming okay so we're going to go to the first big freight station where there is a switch the station right now we're gonna have to ride for about two to three hours huh okay approaching another station it's kind of slowing down again hopefully she's gonna pass it this time it keeps stopping let's get it going if it's going to stop at every station previous time there was a break going by i think i hear it coming actually well it's single track by the way there's no two direction waited a half an hour in this yard this is a low priority trade but it's moving yeah boy foreign [Music] wow okay it's another station i don't think so i jumped kind of late but i don't think so the train was straight no god damn it is almost six right now we've been in this yard for i don't even know it's definitely over an hour the sun is going down i'm cold as [ __ ] we're both hungry we're not even halfway to oglen [ __ ] at this point by the time we get it it's gonna be almost midnight it's definitely gonna be dark all right please don't stop please don't stop you son of a [ __ ] dude we literally road for eight minutes i think less than eight minutes [Applause] it's ridiculous it wasn't even 10 minutes that we rode and if it's gonna wait for another hour and a half this is impossible we're gonna be at the goddamn station in like 10 hours because there's like over 10 small stations before the main mobiling station if it wasn't this cold it would be doable but now it's like it's cold and we can't even make much noise eighteen 20. we've been standing here for half an hour and i want to show you something you probably can't see it but neither can i there's no locomotive we are not sure when but sometime through the waiting and detached and we didn't even feel it we're just going to make sure so we're going to get out of the train and sneak around to the front but what the [ __ ] we're just your center middle of nowhere [Applause] you son of a [ __ ] [Applause] all right so we've got three options basically wait here until another train comes and stops and we can hop on it or a locomotive comes and attaches to this wagon connection and pulls it further or the third option just leave somewhere up here wake up in the morning and continue waiting here for something to stop this is a pretty small station it's not even a station with a sorting locomotive a load has four tracks so something should stop here to let something else pass so i'm going to chill a bit and try to figure out which of those three options we're going to take damn bro [Music] beautiful we found a toilet at the station going to wash up refill our bottles go to the woods and sleep that was the plan we're thinking there are four tracks here something has to definitely stop tomorrow or maybe even this evening but we're gonna camp where the train dropped us off that's the time [Applause] so i'm going to head somewhere to the left find a nice place to camp and wait a second there are berries in these woods we googled around a bit um the area that we're now is prime bear territory they dwell in these woods permanently i think this is the brown that we're talking about so it's not that aggressive but if they're hungry they're desperate yeah we're [ __ ] basically now the territory is not just localized to the area of this station it is quite a huge territory spanning all the way to the station you want to get to and further beyond that but they're pretty thick woods up there and uh we're going to try to camp there teeny tiny bit worried we're going to sit down and eat right now to minimize the food smell we might be overreacting but it's quite scary thinking about it they're sneaking up on us at night so yeah we need i'm gonna go up unless there's gonna be afraid coming by in the next hour or so and then we're just gonna hop that but everything's red so i doubt it yeah the good old canned meat that's basically the most efficient way of carrying food for me it lasts pretty long it's not that good but it fills me up it tastes good enough kind of like cat food but cats are animals too just like us [Music] tastes especially a good one i haven't ate for like six hours we're hearing a bunch of noises around us from the woods really not a given confidence but um [ __ ] we'll see god damn it i'm gonna continue eating put on my thermal clothes and then head into the woods baby [Music] a locomotive came maybe it is going to attach to our wagons or there in the back you can't see it behind the red lights it dropped off some wagons even if the lights are red there might be something coming yeah we're not going to go to the woods to get eaten by the bears just yet we're going to try to surf out of this [ __ ] all right so the locomotive is still there we're at the end of the connection we're just gonna wait until it starts moving we either ride out this train something random or sleep it's gonna be called deeper way right we'll see which option we end up with oh and it's pulling open wagons if it stops here this is the one we're getting i think it's stopping they're moving they're moving come on be careful it's so dark how the [ __ ] did we caught it in pitch black darkness i didn't even see the [ __ ] jump on it i just felt it hopefully this piece of [ __ ] is not gonna stop but what the [ __ ] it's red and it's still going that doesn't make any sense you son of a [ __ ] you best not stop here it stopped what it's going back it's going to read [ __ ] you [ __ ] it's all red it makes sense oh it's going to connect it's going to connect to the other rocks all right hopefully it connects and then goes out the guy is going to pass here so we need to stay quiet [Music] right [Music] it's moving we're moving it is nine come on just leave the yard i don't know where we're gonna end up but we're going towards the right place [ __ ] yo we're out of here this is going to be a long and cold ride but at least we're going do the start the stars are so beautiful you can't see [ __ ] but they're [ __ ] amazing they're like this is special this is something special the stars are just the silhouettes of the mountains you can't see [ __ ] believe my words it's [ __ ] amazing 9 30 we're halfway there making good progress we're really close to the border of slovenia that's kind of cool another hour max and we should be in ugly okay big station i think we're gonna stop here not sure for how long yeah pretty big station hopefully it is now going to just decouple here and leave us we're more than happy to go on all right wait and see oh boy the locomotive has disappeared once again i feel betrayed but i'd fool me twice i guess that's the way we need to go and look at those beautiful red signs i don't think we're going anywhere tonight [ __ ] are they gone they're gone let's get the packs and let's go there [Music] they throw it like a rock in a train and went back into the yeah they're trying to get rid of us but are too scared to come okay so we're waiting for this train with the locomotive attached to mode it started moving a tiny bit we thought we needed to hop on it then it stopped immediately then it moved a bit and it stopped together some other trains went by this was still not moving just waiting nearby randomly and the cabin crew they went out and they went to our side to this side where we were waiting and they just kind of walked back and forth threw a rock at the wagons i'll tell you what happened so the train very randomly stopped here we're not sure why but we're just gonna move a bit back so we'll be more away from the locomotive that is a station there but there didn't seem to be anybody there there's a green light to that side so i think it's gonna let something pass okay we're off sweet okay 12 24 right now hopefully we'll be in the station at one okay we're in the city we're approaching the yard the yard is basically there the plan is to have that in the yard and just go to a more foresty area i think this train is actually passing the yard it would go further than the yard we need oh these were the most complicated couple hundred kilometers i ever served we made it we're here it is almost won right now we're gonna head forward to this tree area not getting less to buy bears and wolves and go to sleep wake up yard train etc but for now we need [ __ ] rest bro goddamn oh yeah i can actually tell the story what happened with the two crew members that walked out and kind of [ __ ] around kind of looked in our direction maybe they were like a bit scared to approach us i started explaining the situation and we started going we ran i barely made it that's the story we're here going to set up the hammocks now we're on this forest path a bunch of trees surrounding us it's really foggy so it's hard to see it further the fog is very thick i'll find something this is kind of outside of the city but there are definitely paths here [Music] that's somebody's house oh come on yeah you see [ __ ] all right found this little spot at the end of the forest road somewhere there is some like old ass sheds and even a tree house i'll show you in the morning if we don't get killed in the night okay time to set up the hammock hopefully it won't freeze tonight i have a lot of layers on the sleeping bag is rated to minus seven but i really doubt that hopefully it's gonna be good enough around zero because that's what this night is going to be right now it's probably around two this is poison setup he's cooning as well yeah we didn't think it would take this long to get to oglen we were actually worried that we might just uh surf to split in one run and then we're gonna be like oh we didn't even get to surf that much it's just you know what i mean anyway this is plenty the forest is eerie everything is dripping around it's kind of cool all right gonna eat yep okay all cozy it is 2 30 right now took a while to eat and get inside hopefully we'll sleep till the sun rises talk to you in the morning good morning 7 30 right now sleep wasn't that comfortable it was quite cold the forest was quiet though the trees were dripping the whole night everything got so moist my hammock my sleeping bag my sleeping bag and math protected me from majority of the cold but i couldn't really get good enough body temperature without getting out of the hammock and i didn't want to do that so it was a bit torturous but uh i made it through i'm gonna try to get out of the havoc it is terribly cold goddamn he got cold as hell i got cold as hell it's not that fun we basically went to sleep at 2 30 and we woke up at 7 30. so those five hours weren't really sleeping it was more like laying and waiting for sun to come up we're out the hammocks going to go to the city warm up a bit find some warm food and go to the yard see what's there i'm gonna start backing up before we go i want to show you these little wooden houses that we found along the way yesterday we wanted to sleep in them but they were too damp in summer and dryness this would be awesome there's the tree house we really wanted to sleep up there but it probably is like moist and uh wood rot smelly inside anyway that's basically it there's nothing in there so this is the road we followed we just kept walking until we passed all the houses and all the houses and forests that were hidden ended up near those sheds goddammit is called it should be like 18 degrees today but not in the morning so this town it's actually not that big the best place of course would be some kind of a fast food joint quick warm food toilet everything in one place but most likely we're gonna have to find a small store buy whatever we find there go wash up in the toilet in the train station now we're actually not considering surfing out of this station thinking of going one station forward towards the capital zagreb the whole connection from the next station to split has no electricity so the locomotives have to be diesel which is going to be fun for us because we can like run around on the top and not be worried about becoming fried chicken hopefully we can get to split by tonight i really do not want to spend another night in these sleeping conditions oh [ __ ] it's beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] wow [Music] yeah we jumped off right there on the right of me walked the rest of the way it seemed a lot further yesterday than it is now this is the smallest town looks pretty cool hopefully we'll find a nice fun place to eat here we go again boys all right the total was lovely and apparently there is lidl in this town surprisingly this morning could work out pretty well i feel clean i only need to eat them [Music] okay got the food now going to eat yet our train is at 10 38 we only need to ride one station taking a passenger yeah we got about uh 15 minutes to get there plenty of time feeling good got some good food got some extra water balling continue surfing so train is actually not going to austral one of the uh conductors told us when he saw us walking in the station but there's a bus right there he said that's going in about 30 minutes good it's full time [Music] foreign all right we are in our stadium this is where we're gonna try to catch train towards split that is literally the track split that either goes to riyaka or to split so hopefully there's going to be a train there going to there and to the left with the easel the only shitty thing is there is basically not a lot of people living around here and this is not a quite active passenger station so the guys that are in the station when they see us it's going to be really suspicious so we got to kind of cross the tracks gently and move behind for their locomotives i'll show you now we need to get to those wagons not locomotives and there are people in this building okay as most of the time decided to take a longer safe away we're going to walk all the way around through this paved road to the end of the station it's probably going to be a kilometer to two kilometers to avoid walking in front of the building [Music] okay there's two trains ready to go but we're gonna go around them yeah so these are the ones that are waiting to go to the capitol they all have people inside and the people who have to see us we're gonna go further [Applause] all right we are on the other side of the station now these tankers don't have a locomotive but the other two have and they're going to leave towards zagreb the first two tracks are free the way we tell if it's going to split is if it has a diesel locomotive because there are no overhead wires from here to split right just gonna wait [Music] by the way right now it is 11 32 let's start waiting [Music] decided to change locations this is dead nothing's driving past it is three now we're going to go right on the bend we're hoping the trains slow down there maybe there is not only going to be train going from this side to there but also from the other side to there if they do slow down that is the prime spot to catch them but if they don't and we still see a train go get tired of this lighting but what are you gonna do [Music] okay so this is the band this track leads to split that track leads to riyaka hoping they're going to slow down here enough to jump on that's the waiting spot oh yeah not the only ones we decided to wait here all right it is 16 30. nothing has passed into the direction of split we're going to the passenger part of the station and we'll just ask people working there if there is a train to one station further from here that's the current plan that's the best we can come up with because we waited here the whole day [Music] so we are in pulaski ghost town except for one old man sitting at the station that standard yeah we're gonna try to find a store or something there's nothing right now at the station hopefully there's gonna be something later this evening or in the morning never wanna ride a passenger again at least not if i have to because felt like we didn't fit it at all just like terrible feel so with that chimney right there there is what seems to be an abandoned factory 80 meters fast food enjoy i will enjoy some fast food in 80 meters it's pretty modern thank you actually a lot better than i expected she made some proper burgers um there were a lot of options it's weird to find these type of places in these rural areas very fun everybody's nice now let's go explore an abandoned factory damn this slice is huge all right looking for a stairway to the second floor all the arrows are leading this way sweet hopefully a bit closer to the roof [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] look at this bad boy god damn this thing is a monster i'm gonna be really good it's so warm hell yeah okay we're at the tracks it's dead right we've decided to take a passenger to the next station with multiple lanes it is nine right now yeah it is getting really really cold we can't keep exercising we get more tired and we get warm at this point [Applause] well the station does have wagons they're tankers that sucks they're basically the same ones we see through google maps so uh that's probably not good heading towards this uh seemingly abandoned station building maybe it's a place to sleep it's not far if not then we'll walk around somewhere until we find a place to sleep don't really want to do it in the station because we're not hobos we have some class all right okay found an entrance to this abandoned grain tower a bit off the street near the tracks we're gonna try to get to the higher levels hopefully it's good enough ah could hang our hammocks from these pipes yeah they're strong enough apart from a friendly rat living upstairs and some pigeons living in these uh weird empty grain holes i assume we're pretty alone here it's gonna cover us from rain and wind potentially yeah these bikes are also strong enough to support our mags don't have much more to add i like it let's start saying it got the hammock set up about five minutes ago we saw a freight going to the direction of split basically the first doable train today it's pretty cool pretty promising we're gonna wake up around 10 tomorrow if we manage to sleep that long start doing our thing so far it looks to be a pretty good night yeah it is 4 am hopefully we'll get some tomorrow talk to you in the morning good morning it's 9 30 right now i actually slept pretty good i wasn't cold the only downside to this place is the noises you can hear the temperature tonight according to the weather apps was about two i guess since it's not so moist in here it wasn't as cold all right i'm really curious how the outside looks let's go over this [Music] i definitely heard the movement in the night that we're trans passing not sure which direction right now there does not seem to be anything parked i'm pretty sure there will be though seems like an active yard hopefully we won't have to wait the whole day but actually before we do anything i will climb the roof of this and get a nice overview of the town and after that [Music] so [Music] hopefully this should be enough nice looks pretty cool yeah as you can see nothing's attached up the yard there's only sorting locomotive i see a bunch of sheeps there nice mountains in the distance we're actually at the end of the town the center is somewhere that way we want to get to a store so we're going to have to pass the station maybe 30 minutes one way get some more water and uh some food but this is pretty good [Music] all right get a head down [Applause] ah okay going to the store you know the routine the store is about 30 minutes away one way it's gonna take us about an hour to be back at the station but hopefully we won't miss anything all right this is a very interesting town actually it has so many rundown buildings every other building is just abandoned or is being restored would be interesting to know the history look we're basically right next to the center it's weird but cool we did some googling let them know in the 1990s during the course of the croatian war of independence ghostfish suffered greatly during the battle of ghostbitch the town was held migration forces throughout the world while the rebel forces of the river lake of serbia occupied positions directed to the east and often bombarded the town from there buildings still shot up we passed the police station the first floor the police station is patched up on the outside the other floors are just filled with holes from guns he patched it up here a bit going to the second door here it is all [ __ ] up by bullets uh they also try to patch it here a bit but the wall is all over there we're gonna pass the police station again i'll show you how terrible that looks it's pretty cool though back to the tracks but first let me show you the police station so this is the corner of the police station and you can already see bullet holes going all the way up to the top windows they obviously patched it up here around the windows but looking a bit up a bunch more it's so surreal because shootings here have been about 30 years ago but they're very slow to recover their buildings and um community here i guess the economy is not that great the city is not just uh you know abandoned buildings and bullet holes it does have some beautiful spots we're just walking past back alleys and spaces and stuff feels weird yeah the buildings here in the center are a bit better looking but there's quite a lot of more uh abandoned and shut up stuff than i was expecting to see it's 12 30 right now hopefully we didn't miss any trades okay the station seems pretty quiet there are some workers standing near the main building we're going to try to wait here on the platform this uh wagon line is obstructing the view of the workers to here and i don't think they will come here it is one let's see what happens it's about 3 30. something finally came just got to get it anybody on the platform let's keep going back we need to get to that red sign shadow sort of anybody watching [ __ ] of course of course so but huh okay this is where we were this is where we are now we're making great progress this is a big yard that we're anticipating the train is going to stop that we're about halfway to there from there it's maybe a couple more hours to split i think we can make it to split by the evening it's very good so all right quite close so i hear people [Music] yeah let's move so okay faster i think it's coming right through [Music] all right go yeah it's very good that we got off so there was one dude coming out of the locomotive on our side and there was one dude coming from the back on our side and the dude was coming from the back he was checking the wagon so is he climbing on each wagon we're not that far from split maybe yeah of course we just need to be in the back of it but now we can't go somewhere near the yellow car there [Music] all right the dudes are walking back and forth in our train i'm pretty sure they're checking it there's somebody at the back of the station there on the tracks it's moving no oh [ __ ] you can't get them we can't get them what the [ __ ] well that was unexpected damn damn we should [ __ ] how the [ __ ] were we supposed to know that's the first time this ever happened to me now we're gonna [ __ ] wait god damn it probably the most unexpected thing that could have happened we expected the train to not move we expected the train to move we expected us to run and be spotted but the train to move half of itself well we made some very good kilometers um we're pretty close to split hopefully something is gonna come when it gets dark and it's pretty easy to maneuver the station we already went through i think the most scenic part already apparently i was spotted at the big bridge right as i was getting out poison noticed two guys on each side right at the beginning of the bridge right okay so now we're going to look for a store admire this beautiful abandoned hangar building thing [Applause] oh there's a little right would you know just between all the abandoned stuff all the tracks lead to little [Music] it is about six right now i got my animal food i'm going to wait most likely we're going to catch something in the dark wow this does not taste good holy [ __ ] [Applause] nah damn it [Music] we've noticed that the wagons have these papers on it actually says where it came from and where it's going this is a yard nearby split and these are the wagons that were left when our main freight departed that means the freight was not going to split it's very good that we actually missed it these wagons right next to ours also have a paper attached to them and it says saline this is also a yard right next to split yeah the stuff to split just does not really want to move god damn we're so close basically what we're thinking is we're going to wait till 3 a.m right now it's 12. if nothing comes we're just gonna take a passenger at 3 30. we're sick of waiting and we're not that far from split so we did it oh it feels good this was such a convoluted journey we'd have never expected it to turn out this way i think we're gonna set up the hammocks here sleep a bit get our energy back and let's head into town live life a bit maybe swim in the daytime too it's beautiful this is fun [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: shiey
Views: 2,485,491
Rating: 4.9085541 out of 5
Keywords: awesome people, insane people, crazy russian, pov exploration, shiey, pov urban climbing, ILLEGAL FREEDOM, путешествия на товарных поездах, путешествия, трип, приключения, нелегально, автостоп, нелегальные путешествия, товарные поезда, грузовые поезда, путешествия на грузовых поездах, freight hopping, freighthopping, trainhopping, trainhop, train surfing, трейнсёрфинг, hitch-hiking, hitchhiking, hitchhike
Id: wuKgi8HT-J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 41sec (4241 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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