I'll Run a Multi-Level Marketing Through The Company - Does The Owner Know? r/MaliciousCompliance

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welcome to r malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of request thank you guys for subscribing likes and supporting in the comments today's first story is i can find the email address on the website okay if you say so this is without a doubt the best outcome possible from a bit of malicious compliance i could have achieved i was only aiming to support my wife's good deed but this paid me great dividends this is a bit detailed as it covers a long span of backstory with a very rapid response once the malicious compliance was engaged in the backstory i've had a shoulder injury for over a decade when it occurred i had an mri and was told the cartilage was fractured and tendon torn whilst healthcare is free in my part of the world the lack of income while i would be healing prevented me from doing anything until 2017 when i figured i had a well-paying job and plenty of sick leave available so i started the ball rolling on getting it fixed i was initially put through physio to try and fix the problem or at least strengthen the shoulder i completed the physio and as expected the shoulder was still an issue albeit stronger now forward to the start of 2018 and i had an mri i was told i'd hear from them in a few weeks to have a review six months later after extensive nagging from my wife i finally called the hospital to see what was happening nothing like being told that the case had been closed after a few firm but polite words my case was returned to the waiting list wife was happy i was content to be back on the list although rather confused that i'd been removed so i waited and waited and waited the setup my wife is a loving woman and i'm d lucky to have her after her nagging for me to chase it up falling on deaf ears although this is also because my work hours make me unable to contact the hospital during their office hours this tremendous woman decided to sort it out for me and find out what was happening i.e am i still on the waiting list after all it was now almost 18 months since the mri had been taken my wife contacted the hospital and after being transferred a few times was connected to the right department unfortunately she got stuck with an absolute karen the first response from karen after hearing from my wife was to tell her she's not authorized to discuss the case with her i've made it very clear in the past that my wife is authorized to act on my behalf i could only assume later that this may have been due to the reactivation of my status via phone my wife tried convincing her that she didn't require any details all she wanted was for karen to confirm if i was still on the waiting list karen however wouldn't give up so easily and continue to block my wife's request could karen call me to inform me of my status no blocked could karen email me blocked as you could imagine my wife was getting a little frustrated by now finally karen did something useful since she wasn't going to contact me i could contact her my wife reminded her that calling during office hours wasn't possible karen countered stating that's okay he can email us wife thanks karen what's the email there isn't any on our paperwork karen that's okay it's on the website wife i have a paper and pen could you tell me the email address karen it's on the website you'll find it there wife whereabouts on the website karen you'll find it on the website wife i understand you're telling me it's on the website what i'm asking is where on the website is it what should i be looking for karen i told you it's on the website at this point my wife was frustrated and tired from trying to jump through karen's hoops she thanked karen for her time and finished the call frustrated my wife contacted the local member of parliament for advice on how to resolve the situation during my evening drive i was listening to my frustrated and annoyed wife she regaled me with a pointless call to the hospital and then her markedly better call with the local mp member of parliament i felt anger and annoyance my wife had tried doing something lovely and had copped poor treatment from the hospital my wife told me when i got home i was going to write an email to the minister of health as that was the mp's recommendation after a moment's thought i told my wife no the malicious compliance i arrived home and told my wife that i was thankful for her time and effort but it was all right i would take care of the situation now and i'm sorry that she'd had such a hard time that day i opened my laptop and downloaded a program this program is designed for marketing it will scour through a website and pull any contact details email address name title contact numbers etc and compile them for people to then cold call employees of a company i typed up an email detailing my case history being dropped off and returned to the waiting list my concerns about the validity of an 18 month old mri for surgeons and the support of albeit's distinct advice from karen i identified her department and name dropped her a few times in the email returning to my email spider program i found a healthy 768 email addresses after some thoughtful reflection i removed an email address that didn't belong to the hospital leaving me with a still rather healthy 300 plus email addresses copy paste it into the to field then to continue to up my game i see seed in the department for the minister of health the minister of health shadow department for the minister of health shadow minister of health and then the local mp i return to my email and thank the mp for their assistance emphasizing how thankful i am as we're in the middle of an election it's amazing how helpful politicians are around election time i reread the email one more time to make sure i had captured everything i had wanted hmm it needed just one more item to highlight the importance of the email i would like to thank karen from support liaison for the limited support she was able to offer my wife despite her not being apparently authorized i would also like to thank karen for her clearly perfunctory instructions that the email address i needed to contact was on the hospital website albeit with no additional information as to the location of the email address i had to do some searching having followed karen's instructions i had found this email on the hospital website admittedly it is only one of the 319 at hospital email addresses i found i presumed one of the remaining 768 email addresses not belonging to ad hospital is not the one i'm after although i'll assume no response from this email is an indication perhaps it is or perhaps i should be trying the other hospital sub-domains and associated websites if for some reason karen's instructions have resulted in this being inadvertently sent to the wrong email address please forward this to the correct department or karen from support liaison i'm sure with her cursory instructions she'll be able to direct this appropriately with that little extra added i smiled and hit send as an amusing aside i found over 3000 plus email addresses when i included the subdomains i should point out that the hospital is a large group of hospitals covering a large region the outcome week one the following day i returned to work in my lunch break i did my usual catch up on emails except i noticed i had a few calls too 911 miss call 918 miss call 9 25 email 1 dear cyberphobia au thanks for your feedback and i just wanted to update you and let you know that i have spoken to your spouse and given her the following information at this point i have logged your complaint and sent it to the head of unit for ortho and referral management for investigation and response i can confirm that you are on the orthopedic wait list and have been since the 27th of april 2018. i've put a comment on our database under her details as emergency contact that states all information about appointments can be given to mrs cyberphobia au as per direct permission from mr cyberphobia au i will follow up and escalate the complaint about lack of support given to your spouse by the patient relations coordinator she spoke to i will keep your spouse and you updated on the outcome of the orthopedics appointment as soon as i am advised i have a couple of questions i just need to ask you in relation to your concerns raised do you wish to have any response or outcome from hospital about this complaint relayed to the office of honorable local mp may i please have your permission to put your email address on our database please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss anything further regards not karen 11 23 miss call an appointment has been booked 116 email 2 appointment details i received an additional 38 automated email responses and another 5 responses from various individuals in departments wishing to contact me i responded to the email from the not karen and stated that i did not believe the details needed to be relayed to the mp at this point in time week two i attended my orthopedic appointment the expected two to three hour waiting room experience was a brief 30 minutes to see the surgeon as expected surgery was the outcome i make my way to the desk to provide my details to be put on the surgical wait list the nurse behind the counter makes a quip about it being a priority that's strange i'm not in urgent need for this i've lived with it for the last decade i get told i should have some details sent out to me in the next week or so detailing my priority week 3 i receive a call about my availability standards sort of stuff can i attend same day if they have a late cancellation i need a few days at least to ensure transition for my work on the friday i receive some paperwork detailing that i'm a priority too and should expect the surgery to occur sometime in the next nine months week four monday morning 9 20 miss calls 9 30 message from my wife call me i call her during my lunch break as she answers the phone i ask her so when is my surgery week 5 thursday morning i get stabbed jabbed and arthroscoped kept in for observations and then released today on friday only to come home and submit my first reddit post typing this one-handed has been a challenge my wife received a call checking up on things and to inform her that karen has undertaken a review of procedure if my wife would like a formal apology from karen whilst my wife was frustrated by her actions an apology wasn't needed knowing she had been updated on how to handle things so others wouldn't face a similar situation was enough for both of us not to mention my exceedingly short turnaround for surgery the second story is you run an mlm through the company and want me fired does the owner know cross post from anti-mlm edit this post has gained a lot of traction so let me clarify a few things dm district manager mlm multi-level marketing or bluntly a pyramid scheme i didn't get anyone else's texts i screenshotted text between myself and co-workers discussing matters pertaining to the mlm and the issues it was creating for the company namely confirming with co-workers that the former dm was leaving on company hours to pursue mlm leads who were clients of the actual business personal details will be light as a forewarning i work in an industry where your relationship with clientele and the integrity of your brand is everything if you get a reputation that is at all off it's over for you as the market i'm in is too small to skate by if you're the dodgy sort this is something we emphasize with every single team member at hiring and all throughout their employment about two years ago we had a district manager who was terminated over their involvement in an mlm as well as poor work performance they had recruited several staff members into set mlm including the future dm who would replace him we tolerated it as a company but there were strict rules in place about non-solicitation of staff and clients at the start of the year his protege was promoted to the new dm position and immediately started gunning for me she was adamant that i be fired from my position and that the facility i'm based out of would be fine rebuilding despite the fact that i typically bring in 50 to 60 percent of that location's revenue on a monthly basis the owner was beyond perplexed by this as she was continuously adamant about the matter but he didn't follow through with her request i eventually found out about this as she had been talking to several staff members and asking leading questions about my demeanor work ethic etc etc she also lobbied that i receive a pay cut which unfortunately did happen as she claimed the company needed to trim the excess i was needless to say highly suspicious i then started doing a little digging myself on her social media and discovered she had been soliciting staff members for this mlm as well as clients of the facility this also came at a time where her individual performance as well as the performance of her right hand man assistant to the dm was incredibly subpar i compiled screenshots texts everything i could showing her link to this mlm and violation of her non-compete clause as this mlm did technically interfere with it this was especially true of her solicitation of company members and clients i had the opportunity afforded to me to meet with the owner of the company to discuss improvements that we could make so that's when i had my little dossier all prepped and ready for him he was shocked and i could tell lightbulbs were going off in his mind everything suddenly made sense her long lunches the random disappearances throughout the day the odd behavior anytime she was asked about myself the poor productivity she had been using the company entirely as a funnel for mlm and i had a reputation in the company for having a very hard-nosed attitude with scientific matters as well as being rapidly anti-mlm due to what i've seen them do to others the first domino fell that night and it was a blisteringly fast turn of events her right hand man was terminated for his part in it and initially tried to cover for her but then was reminded this was now a legal matter and immediately spilled the beans on just how deep their misbehavior ran to top it off her time off request for a vacation turned out to be for her to travel to a seminar for it or as i called it tactical indoctrination she was terminated for this needless to say as a result of cutting these two out of the company our payroll decreased dramatically and i was awarded both a raise to beyond what my pay was prior to the cut and a bonus for putting company interest first as well as being diligent in pursuing this matter since this happened the company has had the best week period for summer productivity for as long as i've been there i have rekindled a love for my career we've begun new hiring and marketing efforts with our newly opened up budget and i have an mlm to thank for it i hope you enjoyed the video and if you liked it don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell button
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 47,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, /Start, malicious, compliance, reddit story, reddit top post, r/MaliciousCompliance store, r/maliciouscompliance owner, r/MaliciousCompliance i'm the owner, i'm the owner, owner of this place, manager, r/MaliciousCompliance fired, boss, r/prorevenge boss, i know the owner, marketing
Id: uTo2oRYV-d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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