Ill have one someday

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[Music] what's going on everyone um I'm just here at the shop I just wiggled this uh dump trailer out of the shop here I have a job that came up um kind of short notice uh as you see I have the dump trailer with me I wiggled that out of the shop here um I had a job that came up last or kind of short notice so I got to run and go pick up my skid loader and then run to my land to go grab my brush mower I have a brush going job to go do so that's why I'm going to I got a bunch of moving parts for today uh as far as going and getting the skid loader just uh disconnecting the plow from it and getting everything over to the job fortunately fortunately the job that I have is uh it's actually right right down the road from my property uh that my wife and I bought so at least once I get out there and got the brush motor I only have to go a little bit uh a little bit further north but all it let's uh head over there go pick up that brush mow and get our day started here sure it's kind of hard to tell on camera but uh yesterday we had a freezing fog came through come through I should say and kind of Froze all over the trees and kind of gave that um you know classic movie snow Christmas movie of uh all the white trees and all that it's actually kind of neat that was my first time experiencing a uh a freezing fog um luckily I didn't or I shouldn't say luckily but I didn't have to go on salting or anything last night but uh everything besides the pavement kind of had like this film of of uh ice on it which is kind of neat to see so anyways I'm on my way I'm going to go head over to my accounts at my uh my skider parked at right now and then uh we'll grab that I think I'm going to I think I have to fuel that machine up uh my biggest concern for today is if I can actually get the skider uh get the skider up the the ditch to go get the brush mower um if not my neighbor who is building right next to me I do have his phone number and I could probably call him and ask him to uh use his driveway to bring the skiner up there but if I don't have to do that I'm not going to but I guess one way to find out is once I get there to see what happens but another bummer to today is I am getting sick um my son is sick right now he actually my wife just took him into the um urgent care this morning he has a ear infection which is his second ear infection in the past 4 months here so kind of concerning but got antibiotics for him and we'll just kind of watch him on that but the whole family is getting sick right now which is never fun but and there's still work to be done so it is what it is so all right we'll see you guys over there just stopping at home here quick CU I just realized that I don't have a chain or binder in my truck anymore I haven't needed the chain or binder recently so just thought about that on my way to go pick up the skid loader so be good to have it with obviously just got here to the skid loader H just kind of thinking to myself it's crazy on how much snow has melted in one week we had 26 in of snow and literally the only that's left are the snow piles uh created from plowing all the snow off to one side but the rest of the snow is all godone that's just uh that's just wild to see that I haven't fired this thing up in a long time now yeah I'm going have to stop and get fuel in this it's got maybe a quarter tank all right chain down let's head off to the land and see if we can get that brush mower I just rolled up to the land here um there's too much snow here to even try getting up to ditch here uh I just called my neighbor um he's going to get waiting on a phone call back from him to see if I can borrow his driveway I cannot wait uh till this summer to put my own driveway and I feel terrible asking asking my neighbor to do that but what I got to do right now so I'll catch back up with you guys when I got an answer here well I did make it over here it is pretty soupy and my neighbor said yeah I could use his driveway so ran over there and it's going to be a struggle getting this stuff loaded back up over there hopefully it's not too bad but we'll see see what we can do I me luckily now I got a little extra weight on here maybe that'll help but we'll see I'm going to put it back high gear and just bbop over there I think as long as I get squared up and I can just have a straight shot then I'll make it but it's just if I got to start turning and uh moving around that's when I'm going to get myself in trouble here so see what we can do I'm going to back the truck up cuz I set the brush more in the box there and then we'll go from there so far so good put it back in low range all right that's done let's uh pull this truck ahead and get this thing loaded back up this Winter's been an odd one it' be one thing for it to get all the snow and all that be nice if the ground actually froze up which that has not happened so makes for a big muddy mess so I'm curious to see once I get to my other job here if um it's going to even work out we'll see though all right cool chain this down strap that down get out of here clean up his driveway a little bit too got everything strapped on going to head off to the job now um I'm at the end of the driveway I had to move out of the way for these guys here but all right uh that one smoother than I thought so I will catch you guys at the uh job so I've been playing around a little bit here uh just some really uh thick undergrowth over here uh it's kind of taking up the property overtaking their property a little bit so they wanted me to clear out to some more of the mature trees that are in here and uh just kind of open everything thing back up and push back this bug Thor all right good morning guys it's the following day um the brush motor on my skider just wasn't doing uh exactly what I wanted it to do on this job so I ran out and picked up a fean uh to rent now that's the nice thing about that New Holland that I have it uh it it is a high flow machine so I am capable or the machine is capable of running an attachment like this so let's get this thing unloaded and uh go try it out it be my first time running a feon on this machine so I'm kind of curious to see how it goes hopefully I can pick this thing up out of the truck cuz it is pretty heavy for the machine so I'm hoping that I can at least get it out of the back of the truck [Music] oh definitely a heavy attachment that's for sure all right switch this thing over to high flow get her plugged in and see what we can do here something's not right here well I got to run to the I got to take this fitting off run to the hardware store now and go get a mail and dang it kind of stinks I was hoping to just get here and get to work right away but guess that's not going to happen today just got back from my local hydraulic shop I got to get some teon tape put onto these threads and then it will be Showtime I think I got tlon tape somewhere in here yep nice and tight hopefully this all works out for us all right all right going to keep these in the truck for the scoer with me then we'll get after [Music] it all right it's working let's go try this bad mama jama out kind of excited about this cuz uh I've ran Fons in the past just not on my own equipment I just want to stop for a second here there is a chunk of concrete that's up there that I want to get moved obviously don't want to run these teeth into the concrete that's for sure man is that thing impressive I'm just going to walk this tree line here quick see if there's anything else that stands out at me that needs to be picked up picked up and moved something that I got to keep in mind while I'm coming down this path here is there is an old fence line that had barb wire through it and that's kind of the path that I'm running right now just chopping out you know two ft or so of this yeah cuz that stuff is Right There by that big tree so I don't want to come into the fence line too much more but want to kind of ride that fence line just to make it clear everything up fun fact for you guys I'm actually allergic to Buckthorn too so if you had sick on top of doing this stuff it's really uh messing with my my allergies too that's for sure I'm going to keep plugging along here anything exciting I'll uh show it come back onto the camera I'm going to take a break from the camera here for a second cuz it's just uh going around and mowing stuff down so catch back up with you guys in a second here well about an hour has passed fast uh nothing too exciting has really happened here just uh going out and waling up this tree line uh got to say this thing actually worked out really good um especially being on a uh underpowered machine you know most people that run feon they have 100 horse machines uh this is only a 75 horse but uh I'm pretty impressed with the way it worked out my wife comes everywhere with me that I just pulled a hair of hers off of my chin somehow but um no I'm pretty impressed with the machine it's definitely something that I'm going to be advertising more on is doing some land clearing like this uh the reason for that is doing concrete work and all that you need you need to have employees and you need to have people that can help you uh this type of work there's good money in it one and secondly I can do this all alone I don't have have the overhead of having an employee and you know it's honestly a little bit easier on the body than doing concrete work or any anything like that but um I just got a little bit more um got a little bit more cleanup to do here I'm going to just go through do one more pass and get this all cleaned up really nice um one thing that might affect the way that this uh skider runs this feon is if there was brand new teeth on there obviously with brand new teeth it's going to take more power for that drum to spin but um these teeth I don't know if the camera can pick it up but it they're they're pretty shot I guess that's just part of having a a rental you know um piece of equipment doesn't get used it gets used in abuse uh cuz it's not whoever uses it it's not theirs but other other than that um it all went pretty smooth today it did jam up on me twice which uh wasn't too big of a deal I was trying to take up uh take too big of uh pieces with it sure if I had sharper teeth on there I would have mulch them up just fine but when you get into the real thicker uh real thick stuff then it kind of starts bogging it down which is to be expected but uh earlier in this video I had mentioned that I'm allergic to Buckthorn um I don't know if you can see it on my hand here if you can see those spots on my hand right there it's uh February right now mosquitoes aren't out uh I break out and uh my allergies really start flaring up whenever I'm around this stuff but it's all part of the work and you know it's something that I know of um just take some allergy meds later on and you'll be fine but yeah it's kind of weird how it looks like mosquito bites whenever I touch this stuff but all right you guys I'm going to get this stuff cleared up a little bit more here uh cleaned up a little bit and then uh get this thing loaded up and then I got to drop this back off tomorrow by 10:00 I wish I would have been recording uh when I went to pick this thing up for the fact that I got there at 8 o'clock this morning and who ever rented this feon head attachment before me they brought it back all messed up um hoses were ripped off of it and everything so um that's maybe why I had the wrong end on this hose and I had to go pick one up earlier but um before I take this thing back I'm definitely going to be taking my end back off that hose and returning it with the end that they had on uh so that way whenever I rent this if I got to switch it out I I'll have the fitting with me um I'm not going to even tell the rental company about that fitting it was only $30 to get that coupling so but all right guys I'll catch back up with you guys when I'm getting this thing loaded up and uh getting out of here well that's going to be a wrap for today get this thing taken off now somehow or another grab my hammer there all right okay sweet just like that we're in business okay I do have to take I'm going to take this end off take that end off once I get to the truck but and then put their end back on we'll get this thing loaded up the only thing that's concerning to me about when uh when I took this end off this female end off the first time I had noticed that the fluid that came out of this feon was red and I know the hydraulic fluid that's in my machine is green which I switch see it's switched over to Green but that's still kind of bizarre to me that it uh was originally red I hope uh whatever fluid was in there isn't going to mess with uh my hydro hydraulic system too much I I can't see it messing with it that much but you never know I guess time will tell wo sure that wasn't good for anything I'm going to have to regrab that that's too far too close to me got see this is kind of sketchy loading it into the back of the truck like this I don't know how well you guys can see I can barely see all right it's in there closed up shut off for the night yeah and there'll be a wrap on this project I'll have to come back tomorrow and pick up the machine and everything like that but other than that we are good to go oh man do I hate being sick now I'm just complaining but I'm sure you guys all know the pain of being sick and I'm sure uh me playing around with this Buckthorn which I'm already allergic to doesn't make my uh make this any better for myself get this thing strapped down and away we go that ain't going anywhere it's crazy how big these feon are that's you know it's a 8T utility box 8 8T deep 4T wide takes up just about every square inch of it but I don't know how interesting this video is going to be to you guys um you know I just spent the day going around brush Mo um I got a couple shots of it and uh I just wanted to get a video out there and show you guys some of the work that I do uh come winter time um this is something I'd like to do more uh something I'd like to do more of come summertime and just keep busy with it constantly and maybe just someday buy my own feon um these Vons aren't cheap uh the dealer that I got this from that I rented it from um it's 6 $100 a day for a 24-hour rental which seems expensive but you know there's a lot of money in in Brush mowing or you know land clearing like this um but anyways what I was getting at is I asked him how much one of these uh fods were to buy brand new he said $55,000 that's insane that's a one of those things you got to make a lot of money to justify having one or have enough work to justify having one one um my goal is someday to have enough work to justify having one because tell you what it's a lot of fun uh it's kind of brainless work you're just going back and forth and it's like mowing grass but for for men um but no it's a lot of fun uh someday I'd like to update my skiner and get a big track 100 horse track machine or you know whatever but uh those are all dreams and the things that will come eventually with time but all right you guys I think I'm going to end the video off here I'm going to head home go get this edited and uh get some sleep um obviously I'm not feeling too well so all right we'll see you guys on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: AMW Services
Views: 24,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J7_ATR7RX78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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