I'LL HAVE A WORD WITH YOUR MANAGER AND GET YOU FIRED r/TalesFromYourServer #StayHome &Listen Stories

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welcome to our slash tales from your server it's the place where waiters share awesome stories about their guests the first story is chronically understaffed one of harass me every day hope you like being even more understaffed so I recently got a job at a local brewery for the most part this job was let's say decent they were basically a two-star restaurant posing as a 3.5 star they wanted the waiters to memorize the ingredients of all the food off duty memorize the beer making process despite literally nobody asking about that they had tests you had to take after a while or they'd withhold your tips despite all that 95% of the staff were decent human beings except for one Jeff first a little context they claim that they give you four days of training before putting you on the floor theoretically you'd be paid a decent wage during that time except for the fact that once you started actually working the floor they just combined you're on tipped wages with your tipped wages so you're basically working for four days to $3 an hour without tips still you need to Train I get it day one the restaurant is swamped with customers and they have only one server in the front I spend the whole day running dishes day two and three actual training day four really day three they get swamped again and they decide enough is enough and give me tables day five introducing Jeff note that at this point I should only be on my first day actually being a server with two extra days of training under my belt he introduces himself by asking if I've been telling the truth about being a waiter before as it certainly didn't look like it talk about an introduction I was busy so I didn't have time to respond but this sets the tone for our subsequent meetings now we're going into the holiday season so things are very busy and I'm working full-time and while everyone else is supportive and encouraging Jeff finds it utterly impossible to say anything in a positive way I'd forget a soup spoon and he'd make it out to be the literal work of Satan meanwhile the kitchen is consistently sending the soup out at 70 degrees and the dishwashing staff are leaving eight or nine tubs of dishes in a line forcing the waiters to basically do everything but throw the dishes into the dishwasher for them this culminates in probably the worst day of my life I'm extremely sick to the point we're talking or moving makes me miserable but I don't want to leave them short-staffed so I mentioned in passing to a different manager that if someone else wanted my shift I'd be happy to let them have it if they wanted some extra cash mid-shift I have a rare three minutes where we're caught up and one of the other servers checks our respective takes and finds that mine is a full fifty percent higher than either of theirs so I offer one of my tables that I had already seated and taken their order to the waiter with the lowest tag which he happily accepts about an hour later this phenomenal d-- has the gall to come up to me and tell me that i wasn't pulling my weight because he heard I was asking you to take it easy and have less tables he follows this up by saying that since I wasn't pulling my weight remember up 50 percent he was going to have me switch to being a Buster after the holiday crunch was done and he still didn't believe I was telling the truth about being a waiter previously seriously I very nearly blew up right then and there but I was tired and sick and didn't have the energy to deal with his BS so I kept on going hit the end of my shift voted every bit as silverware I knew to find and asked a different shift manager if I could leave and he said yes I clock out and this absolute a clown comes up to me and says he didn't give me permission to leave he sends me back to start folding more silverware off the shift using the crappy stuff they keep for the waitstaff not only that but he said that I was going to have a test on the ingredients the next day despite having barely worked there for two weeks and the official policy being you were tested after a month I was raised not to be rude but that night was the angriest the darkest I've ever felt in my life I wrote some very dark things when I finally got home I knew I couldn't hurt him in any meaningful way nobody would take the word of a new employee over an established manager and I didn't want to overly burden my actually good co-workers but at this point I have nothing left to lose if I'm going to lose my job anyway I'll do it on my terms so the next day I went to the office I told them I was going to work one more day told them everything about the SH manager that my leaving was 100% his fault and everyone else was good that last day I worked my a off I worked harder than any two other employees combined I gave one of my most helpful co-workers a chunk of my tip from the previous day as thanks and I left with my head held high I don't know maybe it didn't hurt him at all but even little things can stack up and I hope that someday when his career comes crashing down it was my straw that broke the camel's back the second story is after 15 years this Friday is my last shift in the services industry so here's a list of all my favorite customer complaints not 15 years to the day you understand would be far too poetic and magical but 15 years roughly I started working in a Chinese buffet place when I was 16 running dishes and scrubbing pots I saw two grown women fight over a double-booked table it came to blows one push the other over fried shrimp and cheap Prosecco took flight the husband's tried to intervene they were unsuccessful and on that day I became a man I would jump from services to retail to hospitality then back to services hired fired rehired fired again promoted demoted burned scarred and have held almost every position in a restaurant outside of general manager to which I am very grateful for after 15 years I've finally bagged a non services job my last shift is Friday everyone at the place I currently work is sad my manager is sad the regular customers are sad I am pretending to be sad but the one thing I'll never forget is the stories the tales of Karen's clawing their way up through the pits of heck at night they fill my dreams asking if the chicken is gluten-free and demanding to speak to the manager I don't think I'll ever run out of stories or stop enjoying the look of horror spread over people's faces as I recite them for those who have enjoyed the luxury of never working in our sector so without further creative ramble here are the top complaints I've received from customers organized in a list in no specific order because that sounded like too much work what do you mean you can give me a beer give me a drink you or I'll have a word with your manager and get you fired smug look context fast food restaurant thought it was a good idea to serve beer we were open 24/7 and stopped serving beer at 10:00 p.m. every weekend or around any major sporting event as the bars closed in the drunk zombie stumbled home they passed our sign beaming like a lighthouse in an otherwise empty and dark Street a small tiny part of their brain we call the Nugget Center would light up and a voice would start screaming nuggets in their ear they stumbled in through the front door see the massive POS advert for our new branded beer and immediately come to the conclusion they could continue drinking here this was particularly bad when large groups of tracks suit wearing sluggers would swarm the place trying to convince me to keep serving them often with the wonderful phrase show me the rule where it says I can't drink here to my sushi is cold context or my fish is raw or where's the meat why is it alright or why is it so small kind of complaints you get from people who have no idea what sushi is and just want try it because it's the office trend pretty confident and anyone who's worked in a sushi place has had to deal with these idiots Bree my disabled child said the food I ordered from my disabled child was cold you know how hard it is for me to have a disabled child and how disappointed my disabled child was when my disabled child ordered your food did I mention my child is disabled context takeout place not exact words but roughly this was the context to their argument their food was cold their child was disabled she genuinely shouted the word disabled louder every time she said it and she said it at every opportunity she also had no child with her the best part the receive for her food was dated seven months prior or excuse me I booked why am I not allowed to sit down context the building was on fire no I'm not making that up a large neon sign it overheated and flames started erupting from it the restaurant had been evacuated four fire engines were parked outside the alarm was still going off and the place was filled with smoke the fire had been put out by this point and the GM had returned to the building to turn off the alarm while the fire department examined the sign enter stage left woman in early 50s stands by the police wait here to be seated sign FF notices her wanders over and tells her the place is obviously closed she Huff's and leaves walks outside and pulls out her phone she downloads the restaurant app makes a reservation for that day then walks back into the restaurant which is still full of smoke demands to see the manager and proclaims loudly that she has a reservation and the law requires we serve her she was not alone over the course of the next few hours which we were still around several more people would attempt to walk into the smoky dark restaurant a few laughed it off oh I guess I need better glasses then haha and another demanded to know why we were closed drag my GM outside and tried to point to the opening times posted on the door see it's not 10 p.m. yet you should be open 5:00 the ice in my water is wandered down my water I demand a free replacement and six what do you mean your staff won't go to McDonald's for us we paid to be here seven the customer demanded a free replacement on her cappuccino because it was too wet context I mean how do you respond to that after biting down my tongue to resist the temptation to point out the coffee as a liquid which historically has always been wet I get her to clarify after a bit of back-and-forth and with a lot of tutting it turns what she actually wants is a baby Chino some weird drink made up by upper-middle class people to give to children who want to sit in on the fun of having coffee with Sharon from Jazzercise class it's all foam with some chocolate powder sprinkled over the top eight guy comes in orders two cheeseburgers two coffees in a cake hands me five dollars and looks genuinely offended that it didn't cover the full cost context he wasn't old enough for it to be a generational thing but the look he gave me when I told him the price made me think he'd misheard me saying something rude about his mother he pulled out at 20 threw it on the counter then yanked his phone out of his pocket and made a show of calling his friend to complain about the overpriced restaurant he was in nine how to order a coffee in popular student cafe wander aimlessly around the store for 10 minutes stare at the menu for a further 10 minutes ignoring the man behind the till asking if you need assistance wait till the vendors start serving someone else then glare at them order a coffee that wasn't on the menu asked for it to be topped off with yogurt and crushed almonds stare in disbelief at the menu for another 10 minutes when informed the cafe cannot fulfill your request order a cappuccino leave the counter and await coffee by standing in the middle of the shop with your arms folded wait till vendor is prepared coffee brought it to you and started to walk away ask for extra sugar wait till vender returns with sugar demand a takeout cup leave requested additional sugar on the table as you walk out also includes this wonderful transaction at the same location them tea please me how do you like it them medium please me okay sugar them yes me how many them with milk please me alright so no sugar them uh just medium please speaking of which I really wish people waiting in line wouldn't jangle change and stare at me while I'm serving someone what are they expecting me to drop everything I'm doing and run over to them and say oh I'm sorry sir I wasn't aware you had money how foolish of me to serve that other person first just because they came in and ordered before you how crested me I do apologize anyway ten how can it possibly take you longer than five minutes to cook a full meal I can do it at home in less time context they had a lecture at 10 a.m. and made sure I was well aware of that came in around 9:40 sat down ordered coffee then at 9:50 a.m. asked her to full breakfast meals sit in I explained that it would take at least 10 minutes to cook both breakfasts and the extra coffee and they wouldn't have enough time to get to the lecture hall at 10:00 but they ordered regardless paid then five minutes later complained I was being too slow and now had to run they came back later and demanded a full explanation as to how it was not possible to cook a full breakfast meal in under five minutes line by line with exact cooking time specified 11:00 in an attempt to prise open the door you're still in there I can see you that means you're open stop trying to be lazy and serve me or words to that effect this was so long ago I can't honestly remember what he said I only remember that boiled ham face with its weird cheesy grin as he attempted to destroy me with facts and logic now I've seen enough stories on this subreddit to know I'm not alone when it comes to customers trying to force their way into empty closed restaurants so I won't bore you with the details only that our door was on a motor you turn the little key and the shudder comes down while closing one night two hands appear under the shutter just before it hits the ground and an effort is made to push the shutter back up thinking this might be an emergency or something I raised the shutter only to be confronted by a man who rushes the door glares at me and starts pounding on the glass demanding to be let in because he'd caught us trying to close early we've closed on time some half-hour go pulling the shutter down was the last thing we did at night 12 what do you mean he will not honor this deal made by the previous business context the restaurant sat on property previously owned by a large chain restaurant that restaurant had closed down nearly 12 years ago after moving to a different part of town yet people still came waddling in with vouchers and coupons for that company expecting us a very clearly different restaurant to honor them some arguments got very heated and if I could tell you the name of that restaurant you could go look at the hundreds of one-star yelp reviews complaining that we don't honor other restaurants coupon deals and finally 13 what do you mean you're open Sunday that's the Lord's Day yes this did happen we received a very long yet very polite letter from a local priest questioning our decisions to open Sundays and requesting we closed that day in order to give the staff time to rest and pray as our Lord in one religion did when he created the world and threatened to preach to his pulpit to people not to come to the restaurant on Sundays he also questioned a lot of other things that I won't mention in polite company but let's just say if you dyed your hair blue you were getting nasty looks from Agnes in the sunday squad and that's all I can think of for now go away oh and remember if you do go into a stylish Asian restaurant don't order the duck pancakes thank you for watching
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 25,815
Rating: 4.9096775 out of 5
Keywords: r/talesfromyourserver, r/, talesfromyourserver, reddit, cringe, stories, reddit cringe, cringe stories, tales from your server, r/idoworkherelady, /start, reddit stories, reddit story, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, reddit videos, reddit video, reddit funny stories, r/idontworkherelady, #StayHome, StayHome And Listen Stories, r/TalesFromYourServer fired, manager, TalesFromYourServer, get you fired, r/idoworkherelady fired, r/idontworkherelady fired, r/idontworkherelady manager
Id: EnVJ7dov_I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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