"Big Boss" Doesn't Realize That I AM THE CEO and OWNER of the Company ! I Bought Your Corporation !

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welcome to r slash entitled people where we share stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want thank you friends for subscribing to the channel and for so many likes and today we have four great stories so subscribe hit the like button and here we go the first story acquisitions and integration are rarely an easy task even more so when the firm being acquired do not cooperate and still want to do things their way the second story last day of work other people doing our jobs entitled lady believes i should be working and don't deserve to shop here manager has my back and tells her to f off amazing last day epic the third story person take the insults like a champ stick to it in front of hr and then make the entire company change their rules to save other small employee the fourth story maybe the guests should have been a little more careful before they claim to know the big boss the first story is bought a company full of entitled employees i 48 female don't come from wealth this has been a blessing that allows me to relate to people from different backgrounds i'm ceo of my own company which started really small and grew gradually into a very healthy structure i've given 22 years of my life to building the type of business that i wanted i still have some road to walk two years ago one of my partners and i came across a company whose owner was about to retire we put our heads together and decided on the pros and cons of the acquisition first of all i wanted to understand how the company worked management wise and if our own working platform would benefit from it this was even before we signed an nda and got insight on ebitda etc we agreed on just getting an appointment and pitching a project partnership it would be a win-win situation even if we didn't dive on the buyout initially i was treated super nicely over the phone we had our meeting but it was a complete disaster the company set us up for a meeting with department sub managers three of them acted really professionally the senior manager m61 was hostile there was no discussion on buying the company because it was an internal strategy for us he quizzed us berated us and raised his voice i quickly identified that he's used to treating his employees this way and this is how he works i don't know if he felt threatened by something or if he just wanted to go on a power trip there was one woman female 56 who kept making disgust twisting her lips faces to our surprise the senior manager suddenly changed his tune mellowed down and said he wanted the partnership he even had his assistant female44 assign a date for a full-on meeting with our out-of-state project partners we confirmed twice called on everyone accommodations were paid for and we exchanged emails towards the upcoming meeting they cancelled the morning of the event no apology and no reason at all his assistant denied everything and said we misunderstood even when we brought up our long trail of email conversations the assistant said let me check with the senior manager and came back with oh he says maybe some other time we went on full survival mode and were able to get a new venue and pulled a shotgun meeting with a willing and helpful company it's been very supportive since the beginning of my career it all worked out we tied down any loose ends and launched the partnership elsewhere covid hit last year and the company owner was more than motivated to sell he was no longer insistent on the initial price and we never told him about the incident because we don't actually know if the people were his teachers pets or would create any type of interference the company was sold with all terms satisfied by june 2020. the entire staff was notified after the fact and this is very normal there was no grand entrance nor any miserly attitude on our side do you know when a bully is sh in their pants when they suddenly send you elaborate emails of goodwill and telling you they're elated by the company's new direction we sat down with each director to hear their concerns and ideas nobody was wrecked into offering apologies the only hard conversations that took place were with the lady making disgust gestures who came in asking if she was going to get fired no we didn't and the senior manager who first tried to suck up to us an attempt to exert dominance later a desperate bid to retain his fading power we thwarted their strategy in both cases by demanding they put their perceived grievances in writing crickets nobody wants to admit to hostile meetings and stepping over boundaries in written communication we changed most of the structure cut down on happy spending by the staff and cut all their royalty treatment bs we value their expertise and know their long years on the job turn them into sacred cows but that was back then this is now nobody got harassed reminded of their poor attitude or anything we just took their untouchable status away nobody's indestructible some employees were let go but we got new employees for areas that were just underperforming for a true lack of a chain of command miss twisting mouth ladies department was upgraded and automated she only needs two people working for her not six we discovered she was the senior manager's favorite allies employee and had a tendency to mirror his attitudes to gain his approval hence the mouth-twisting and unsafe reactions the senior manager kept his job but he's no longer allowed to preach religious stuff or give stuff away to his church we have a corporate responsibility program for that and any contributions need to be recorded nope you can't just give your pastor our discarded lounge furniture nope you can't rub your phd in theology in everyone's faces this shouldn't be your source of power by the way the past giveaways were never recorded and were verbally attested we weren't interested in recovering it because it was years ago i don't know how he feels about having to report to us but that's his problem also everyone is required to wear a uniform we don't need a fashion runway on weekdays nobody gets to show off their expensive suits unless on a casual day so far were functioning but have been effective at disabling their power trips we never fired them because part of what was going on came from the previous owner not paying attention to these details he's maybe 87 years old and delegated too much on them the formerly conceited staff know they can leave if they're challenged to act sensibly but good luck starting over the second story is snobby karen and the meat aisle face off so characters are me equals me obviously karen equals annoying and titled brat of a woman nm equals my lovely manager who had also lost his job with the store closing i used to work at a let's say higher-end supermarket in the uk they decided to close a few of their stores and we unfortunately were on the shopping list i love the people i worked with the actual job and the hours were great super close to home too but oh my days i could not deal with the customers after eight years in customer service roles i became jaded as hell but i digress fast forward to our last day we had other staff called in from multiple stores to basically do our jobs as the big bosses decided that this would be a tough day some people had been at the store for a number of years we're still in uniform sort of but it's fairly obvious we're not working today so we have a reduced bay full of high-end reduced goodies that i had been previously dying to try mainly heston stuff and a lot of cheap prime cut stakes etc i dutifully call my mom to let her know that along with my discount there's a big old meat sale shall we stock up reply was a basic heck yes i grab a trolley and start stocking up two minutes later it looks like i have completed a trolley dash happy with my selection i start to head towards the checkout at this point i'd like to also add it was my manager who let us all know about the big old meat reduction and basically told us to get our butts over there for first dibs so heading towards the checkout and i was slammed into my cart that is my you guessed it a karen these were not well-known creatures at the time we mainly referred these people as a-holes so the interaction starts with karen trying to select things for my trolley she was in there like a mole in a hole rooting through my shopping me excuse me sorry that's my trolley followed by a tired but friendly smile karen what do you mean your trolley you work here me yes karen so you proceeds to look me up and down in a condescending way can't shop here me sorry but i can shop here and you're rooting through my trolley i then try to go towards my original checkout destination she proceeds to grab my shoulder and verbally undress me in the middle of the aisle her flow is along the lines of i'm a rude bee and should not be shopping here as i work here and all the goods in my trolley should be for actual customers and i'm a bee for hoarding reduced goods i then roll my eyes eight years of sh from people just like her and that i'm saying goodbye to a job no other lined up as of yet and leaving all my friends i've had it i turned to her and tell her in no uncertain terms to get her effing hands off my trolley and leave me alone her eyes were like saucers i remember the look on her face quite clearly as i'd been dreaming of the day i could just tell a customer to f off instead of killing them with kindness it was ace no regrets she proceeds to storm down the aisle towards my exasperated boss who had clearly seen what had occurred karen then starts yelling at him which was hilarious guy was like 6-2 and karen was approximately five two she started with the finger wagon excessive pointing at me i probably didn't help as i was smirking the whole time after her rant she looked him as much in the eye as possibly could and managed to ask him what he was going to do about it his reply nm miss i'm going to do sweet fa about this the store is closing i have no job she has no job get a life and f off red i mean karen went beat root red stuttered and no words left her vacant hole of a mouth my manager smiled at her and simply walked away he looked super satisfied with how he handled it i paid for my stuff placed it in the cafe fridge and made my way to the canteen i was greeted by nm with a beer genuinely the canteen fridge was stuck with san miguel sweet thanks we toasted a successful customer interaction and spent the rest of the day acting like children we played rounders in the delivery depot our managers had an epic game of hide and seek and the whole of our store ended the night in our favorite pub with a sweet 500 pounds courtesy of management stash behind the bar it was a sweet last day and made all the more satisfying thanks to a karen the third story this call has been recorded for equality and training purposes about a year ago i was working behind the counter for a liquor store it wasn't particularly busy and my boss was stacking shelves nearby when entitled customer walks in she gets several bottles of alcohol and comes up to the counter i estimate she looks under 20. me good evening before i serve you do you have a valid id ec i don't need id i'm 25. me i'm sorry ma'am but i'm required by law to side id from all customers that may be under age ec well i don't have any id just sell me the alcohol me i'm sorry if you don't have valid id i can't serve you so ec goes absolutely abe she screams at me calling me amongst other things a pedophile an r and a fat piece of sh me i'm sorry that you feel that way but i'll have to ask you to leave the store still screaming invective at me and then the manager she leaves the store as this is not an unusual occurrence the boss and i laugh it off and get back to work thinking no more of it fast forward about a week i'm working again when the boss calls me to the office to get a phone call from hr me hi what can i do for you hr we received a complaint from a customer that you were exceptionally rude to her on date queue due to this we've signed you up to a mandatory course on customer service it's at exit y time and date me hang on a second i grab my phone and switch on the record function me sorry could you repeat that hr repeats me my manager was here for that incident he'll confirm that i was not rude to that customer hr yes he said that nonetheless you have to attend the customer service course it's mandatory me hang on so you're trying to tell me that my manager and i are lying hr no but we got a complaint so you have to do the course me so let me get this straight despite the fact that i was not rude to the customer and my manager says that i was not rude to the customer and she was literally lying about it i have to attend a course on customer service hr yes me do you know what workplace bullying is hr what me workplace bullying hr what why me you're punishing me for an event that did not happen that qualifies as workplace bullying i suggest you take me off this customer service mandatory course hr i can't do that you have to attend it me no problem i quit i'll see you in court i should mention that this call has been recorded for quality and training purposes i put the phone down and chat with the manager for a few minutes while he tries to calm me down from the incandescent rage i'm feeling a few minutes later the phone rings again it's hr supervisor we stick it on speaker and i record again hr soup what's this all about so i explained what hr told me and he questioned the manager and myself after a few minutes back and forth he says okay i'll take you off the course me that's not good enough hr soup what me i'm a victim of workplace bullying i'm taking you to court hr sub that's hardly necessary we fixed the problem right me no i've been insulted and then been told that the company does not trust me nor does it trust my manager i prefer to take my chances in court as i have direct evidence of workplace bullying hr soup what can we do to resolve this me two things i'd like a raise and you to personally send a memo to everyone stating that they cannot just send people on mandatory training courses unless there's actual evidence that wrongdoing has occurred hr soup i'll see what i can do anyway i got a small raise in a memo with sent out requiring review of customer complaints before any mandatory training was required of staff so i took the win the boss and i had a good laugh about it and he admired my bravery in standing up to the dreaded hr what peeves me off most though is the thought of how many staff had to attend mandatory training for something that was entirely the fault of some ec and the last story is we know the owner owner i don't know them very simple story i'm sure we've all had those customers that would mention that they knew the owner i was reading another sub and thought i'd post a simple enjoyment i had during my shifts night audit many 12-hour shifts three days a week i worked part-time at a vegas hotel in the 2010s and every day we'd get about five to ten people that would bring up that they knew the ceo and owner the owner lived on site and often would be on his laptop or phone on the couches placed across from the front desk he had some pretty awesome laid back rules the rule of today anytime a customer mentions they know the owner or ceo write it in their notes section and inform me in person now he didn't care when we informed him since he'd usually let us know someone he knew would be staying with us usually the owner would be up bright and early go for a swim and back to the couches i guess it had the strongest wi-fi but he was always there at checkout time so when the guests would come to turn in their keys i'd look up their accounts and see the note that mentions they know the owner i'd then proceed to call over the owner that his friends are here 9.9 out of 10 times he'd look up and simply say i don't know them the look on the guest faces were always priceless i wish i could have taken a polaroid of each one i hope you enjoyed the video and if you liked it don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 158,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, reddit funny stories, entitled people reddit, rslash entitled people, entitled people top posts, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit top post, r/ProRevenge CEO, r/ProRevenge Owner, boss, slash start, Big Boss, CEO, r/EntitledPeople CEO, r/EntitledPeople owner, CEO Doesn't Realize, Boss Doesn't Realize, Company, Corporation, r/MaliciousCompliance CEO, I Am The CEO, Owner
Id: gS8axyWYMVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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