CRAZY IL-62 Takeoff! - Reaction

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this is crazy guys all right i have just been sent one of the most crazy take off uh videos that i think i've ever seen uh it's a guy called ms7822 who um who shot this amazing footage there's a link to the full video here in the description but it was a friend of mine who highlighted to me so yeah without further ado let's let's have a look at it the video is about 50 seconds long and um start off normal enough you know i'm betting that the ms aviator 22 was just you know out here doing some normal flight spotting and i was expecting to see a normal take-off so we can see this this the aircraft is an illusion 62. it's a four-engine quite rare russian aircraft around about here you would expect it to start rotating and it doesn't still doesn't now it starts rotating yes it almost takes like the shrubbery next to the runway with it you can see that it's flying debris and it's taking the gear up but it is hardly climbing that is some craziness right there okay all right guys so um yeah this actually has me a little bit loss of words um when you take off with a transport category aircraft it doesn't matter if it's cargo or if it's passengers you have to do some serious performance calculations all right you have to make sure that the aircraft is within weight and balance limits you do that when you get your load sheet and then when you know what kind of weights you have um then you have to you know take in the weather data so what's the temperature like what's the pressure like what's the wind like what kind of runway are we using is the runway wet is it slippery is it dry and you take all of this information in and you put it into either your manuals if you're doing it manually or you you take up your electronic flight bag and you input the data there okay and the reason you do that is because you have to make sure that you can safely take off from this runway and there are several different things that might happen basically we calculate on three different scenarios the first is that all engines work and that we are able to take off okay if that's the case you have to make sure that the engines can produce enough trust for us to take off and be at the screen height of 35 feet at the end of the runway with a 15 of runway to spare so you have a 15 margin if all engines are operating now the other thing that might happen not on a specific video on that uh is if you have an engine failure all right so you accelerate up to v1 speed you have an engine failure there and you decide that you are going to take off all right so it's just off to v1 that case you have to continue to accelerate now on the remaining engines uh you have to rotate at the rotation speed lift off and you still need to be at 35 feet at the runway threshold okay and the third thing that might happen is that you accelerate up to v1 and just prior to v1 you have an engine failure and you decide to reject the takeoff and in that case you need to you know first of all have enough times about two seconds to react to it and then you perform the rejected takeoff maneuver and you have to stop within the available runway distance that's the accelerate stop distance okay so that has to be satisfied on every single takeoff and if you cannot do that it turns out that you have too little engine trust well then you either have to get off some cargo or some baggage or some passengers or you have to wait until the conditions improve that might be by letting them clear the runway if there's contaminants on the runway for example or get the braking action on the control something like that now there's no choice here right because you have to make sure that you have the available safety margins on top of that after takeoff you also have to abide with certain performance criteria the takeoff is divided into four different segments first segment is from takeoff up until you take gear up it's not too much requirements there and it's a very short segment second segment is the segment that has most performance requirements on it it's the second segment climb from when the gear is up until about 400 feet or when you start accelerating to retract the flaps and during that second segment if you have a two engine aircraft you need to achieve two point four percent climb okay that's quite restrictive if you have a three engine aircraft you need to have 2.7 climb and if you have a four engine aircraft like in the case of the illusion 62 you have to have three percent climb right so you need to be able to climb away from the runway then you have an acceleration segment where you don't have to climb much at all and then after that once flaps are up then you have the fourth segment which has slightly lower um climb restrictions on it so the second segment tends to be the segment that is most restrictive and as you can see on this footage right here like these guys are taking the gear up but they're hardly climbing at all they're just kind of floating away in the ground effects towards those hills there which would be really interesting to see how this video continues actually but this makes me really really sad to see and actually i'm shocked to see this because dude like these guys are rotating basically on the on the threshold markings here if something were to happen there you know they they have no chance and if they lose an engine they will not be able to climb it's obvious so this is not the way it's supposed to be i don't know what the background is behind this this is obviously a cargo aircraft i don't know which airline it is that's flying this but no matter what they are not at 35 feet under any way shape or form in this video even though it seems like they have all four engines operating because there's no tendency to a yaw or anything so they had four engines operating at what i assume is max trust and they were maybe 10 feet off the ground maximum crazy guys if you find stuff like this on the internet videos that you want explained or maybe you've done something funny yourself in the flight sim obviously not in real life then you can send that into me you can go into my discord server there's an invitation to discord server down here just free to join for everyone and you can you know send me the link there there's a specific part in the server for coming with suggestions and crazy like this or you can send it into mentor.pilot that works as well i'd love to to do more reaction videos and explain more stuff to you and i hope that you like it as well so that you have subscribed to the channel and that you've highlighted the notification bell and before you go guys we have to go down to ms aviator 22 and we have to send him some real mentor love all right so make sure you subscribe to his channel as well give him some thumbs up i think he has about 600 subscribers or something right now so let's see if we can get him up above a thousand that would be really cool have an absolutely fantastic day and i'll see you next time bye-bye right guys i really hope that you liked that if you want more content like that more aviation content but then check this out i hope that you have subscribed to the channel and that you've highlighted little notification belt see you inside of the mentor aviation app and have an absolutely fantastic day [Music] bye
Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 597,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Il62, crazy takeoff, crazy takeoff Niš, takeoff explained, takeoff performance, aircraft performance, aircraft facts, breaking news, breaking aviation news, fear of flying, fear of flight, boeing 737, Mentour pilot, mentour pilot Boeing 737, Boeing, Boeing 737MAX, How to become a pilot, pilot life, nervous passenger, nervous flyer, nervous flyer help, Boeing 777, Boeing 747, Airbus A320, Airbus A380, Airbus A350, Landing, takeoff
Id: RtczJXovuvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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