Ikigai Japanese Happiness Principle That Everyone Need to Follow

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[Music] according to surveys around 73 percent of Japanese citizens are perfectly content with their lives so they must have some sort of secret recipe for happiness right well yeah it's called iki guy and it can completely change your world the word iki guy actually comes from two Japanese words iki life and Chi reason put the two together and you've got the reason for being or the meaning to your life according to this philosophy you can only be truly happy and fulfilled with your life when you find this crucial thing a study from Tohoku University discovered that people who are lucky enough to find their ikki guy have better health and lead a more active and joyful lifestyle and that's probably why National Geographic reporter Dan Buettner called iki guy one of the main contributions to Japanese people's impressive lifespan now I don't know about you but I'm all ears at this point obviously finding this special something the reason for your being is a long and time-consuming process thankfully Japanese experts have narrowed it down to just four crucial questions you have to ask yourself question number one what do you love sit down grab a piece of paper and write down a list of all the things you love and when I say all things I mean if it can be cats ice cream make up TV shows everything that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside the longer the list the better so take your time and don't be afraid to add more weird and crazy details question number two what are you good at maybe you're an amazing singer or you make the best scrambled eggs in the world write it all down seriously even your craziest talents and abilities count like touching your nose with your tongue this will help you figure out how why your potential really is and how you can develop and use your talents to the fullest I don't know about that tongue thing but hey who knows question number three what can you actually get paid for look at both those lists you made and try to determine which items can bring you real money that will meet all your needs if you're great at singing cool you can be a singer if you make awesome scrambled eggs you can sharpen your skills and become a renowned chef use your imagination and forget about real life boundaries and there are tons of unusual professions out there so list them off question number four what does the world need that you can provide finally a chance to get philosophical first of all ask yourself what you personally need maybe a new useful service or another unique type of social media after that you can reflect on the question of what the world needs kindness talent discipline it can be anything the only rule is to be honest and express your own opinion not something you just heard and don't actually believe in your answers to these questions form the four main components of your life passion what you love and are good at mission what you love and feel the world needs profession what you are good at and get paid for vocation what the world needs and what you get paid for however it's worth noting that these things aren't the only questions you can ask yourself if you're still struggling to find your ikki I just to remember what activities excited you when you were a kid or what kind of work comes naturally to you maybe you're not a strong leader but an outstanding team player this fact alone can change your ikki guy completely so the more details you get into the better anyway now that you have all your answers in front of you it's time to move on to the next step finding balance look at all the things you wrote down and try to figure out what activity will combine these four elements of course you can always find something you're good at that brings you tons of money aka a profession but if you don't love it or the world doesn't need it then you won't feel fulfilled you won't have balance and inner harmony and remember no matter how much you want to you can't find your icky guy over in so take your time and explore all the options in front of you another thing you should keep in mind is that iki guy isn't always about career achievements it can also be your hobby or family and finding it won't make you happy every single day of your life we all have our bad days and it's perfectly normal and even necessary you're a key guy is more like your own personal beacon that shows you where to go whenever you feel lost and confused when you understand your life goal and see it crystal clear there's nothing you can't do now as you're just starting to get into the world of Ikki guys searching author and expert ken Mogi has a few ideas you can try out today develop a morning ritual morning is the ideal time to absorb new information and get your mind going take your list of things you love and try to incorporate something out of it into your daily morning routine right before or even during breakfast this will provide your brain with a healthy dose of happy hormone dopamine and get you ready for the day enjoy every single moment your past can't be changed and your future can't be predicted so why not live in the current moment while it lasts only the things you do today can impact your future so don't forget to focus on the present to find your happy hobby even if you love your job to the moon and back you have to relax and recharge you need something that brings you joy and also sharpen your skills and makes you a better person doing the things you love more often only nurtures your iki guy oh very helpful tips but it's worth mentioning that this whole Yuki guy business has some rules don't worry they're pretty easy to live by stay active take care of your body and mind surround yourself with good friends and family and never forget about gratitude nature is a big help when it comes to connecting with your egi as well so maybe take up hiking or at least go for regular walks in the park and like most things in life you're a key guy can change with time you evolve as a person and gain new experience so it's only natural that your values change as well important thing here is to always check in with yourself and make sure your current DQ guy still excites you if not it's time to search for it once again but this long and fascinating process is definitely worth the journey and what about you what's your personal recipe for happiness let me know down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share with a friend but hey don't go anywhere just yet we have over two thousand cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life [Music]
Views: 80,126
Rating: 4.9155846 out of 5
Keywords: Ikigai, inspiration, spirituality, happiness, how to be happy, your reason for being, concept og Ikigai, pappiness principle, japanese culture, japan, japanese method, find your hobby, meaning to your life, philosophy, career, morning ritual, ikigai how to find, happy life, long life, Japanese secrets, true purpose
Id: 68W4BbBinC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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