《一日系列第三十四集》邰智源和KID要去IKEA賣傢俱?!-一日IKEA員工One Day IKEA Staff

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lemme tell you I think Chen BaiHsiang's pretty nice today Chen BaiHsiang I think today's not bad I think your plans back then for example like One Day Jade Mountain or like One Day... - Firefighters - like mountaineers or something... something like that way too tiring lemme tell you all those are useless 'cause right now during this hot ass summer no one wants to watch that 15 seconds ago I should... should've hit you guys already but KID's... that performance... I was like stunned from the bottom of my heart I felt like... really happy very satisfying even I'd... feel bad beating you guys nah lemme tell you in a... hot ass summer came to such a nice and fresh place Heaven today your One Day Checking Girls Out Series (One Day Checking Girls Out Series??????) Absolutely valid One Day what?! checking out girls ser... checking out my ass and lemme tell you I just saw a yellow special feature: light yellowish shirt ma'am he said he wanted to get to know you (super awkward) (a grandma already) oh grandma already... thank you the hell you're... red... yellow yellow not her Taige heard you never actually been here right?! I've really never been here almost never... but I went by here lots of times lemme tell you Taige today straight to the topic today we're doing... One Day IKEA this is the job that people been dreaming about for real ain't even lying this job is really heaven a place with such tremendous atmosphere plus you'll be with lots of furnitures together your taste of these things will then slowly improve but I think that's not the reason 'cause your eyes kept on drifting towards your right... like staring 'cause... lemme explain to our viewers that logic behind our camera angles in a moment the person coming into the frame will be standing on the side hold up hold up hold up yah what was she the one I just saw right now? maybe then let's welcome her in right now aight? let's welcome Welcome Manager Carol she's a manager heard that or nah?! are you really the manager here? uh huh~ aye she's like (ignoring Agong) I have to tell you something manager hold up can you promise me just one thing? it's just your phone's...LINE please don't give it to this dirty ass scum (hsueh chieh = female senpai) hsueh chieh that's not how it is since for me because every time I enter a new profession I'd like to have some good connection with them hold on aye BaiHsiang I don't wanna film this episode anymore How so?! Carol only faces Taige for the whole damn time staring at him and then... completely ignores my existence hear me out I'll just say one thing that'll change your mind next week Carol's going on vacay at Hualien lemme tell you Hualien's my territory really? what about Hualien?! Hualien's my territory aight? Hualien king then if you don't mind Imma be with him first (Andy Lau - "Icy Rain") first I wanna ask Carol working under IKEA's this... profession for about.. how long couples of years - she doesn't wanna reveal her age - to be in the position as a manager - she doesn't wanna reveal her age - only in a couple of years - it's really not easy would you.. be like since you work here right? would you regularly be switching up different styles of the furnitures in your house? generally I'd switch things up season by season aye that sounds like honestly it's a.. pretty easy job seems like there's nothing tiring about it not quite the way YOU see it honestly since we need to take lots of consideration for our customers taking into accounts of issues they night not even think of normally they'd provide specs of a space but you must fully consider for them such as how every single spot could be utilized and decorated because we do provide home furnishing services y'all even provide this to be honest I'm IKEA's.. like a heavy user myself so I know their entire servicing process they're like (Step:1 Purchase furnitures at the store) you just come here and pick the furnitures you want (Step:2 Customize based on measured space allocated) then they'll follow the measurements of the space in your house (Step:2 Customize based on measured space allocated) after they helped you... customized them (Step:3 Checkout w/ shipping fee) you just gotta pay the shipping fee (Step:3 Checkout w/ shipping fee) and then.. course it's after checkout (Step:3 Checkout w/ shipping fee) after 2 days they be (Step:4 Deliver and assembly) like a whole squad (Step:4 Deliver and assembly) and come knocks on your door (Step:4 Deliver and assembly) just a few seconds... (Step:4 Deliver and assembly) they'll have everything identical to what you wanted OK you're hired okay thank you let's go let's have some fun in Hualien hold up hold up a sec hold up.. hold up... I have.. haven't even finished asking aye... Miss Carol us two today we really wanted to see if we have a chance to be IKEA's employee - see if we have a chance to be IKEA's employee - yah let's say if we're barely starting to acquire internships for us which department should we start with? IKEA is like a big family so actually we have a lot of departments or how about we start from interning for the restaurant department umm... I think you've already eaten enough of our food how about you start as a food tester for your internship?! 'cause.. actually purchasing items requires logistics for sure so first we'll be heading to logistics department straight to logistics? yes oh so the logistics... department's manager would she be... just like you?! yeah~ I'll be leading you guys I've prepared lots of hsueh chiehs today for you guys - I've prepared lots of hsueh chiehs today for you guys - are you gonna be leading us for the whole time? - are you gonna be leading us for the whole time? okay... then we'll do logistics first yes OK IKEA logistics yo~ Starring Tai Chih Yuan AKA Taige AKA Agong Starring KID Producer Chen BaiHsiang AKA Chun Executive Producer Aliang Cinematographer Yung Wei Special Thanks to IKEA Hsinchuang One Day IKEA Employee we're now already at this logistics center so this logistics center after taking a look just now it's actually pretty... aye don't let him get away with that aight?! he's doing those... strippers' moves don't let him get away is that so? yah is it like that... okay enough enough... Okay!! Logistics we gotta stay professional yah so actually for logistics center on the daily basis about how many cargos would be coming in? - 5 cargos at least - oh 5 cargos everyday aye 5 cargos sounds like... a little bit one cargo's super.........long I have a... question that I wanted to ask for our viewers 'cause I think hsueh chieh's... charm is kinda like... are you Scorpio?! uh huh~ you Scorpio?! you're Scorpio? lemme tell you for my whole life I've been with 6, 7 Scorpio girlfriends including the one right now also (so lovely) I'm a Scorpio killer lemme tell ya.. lemme tell ya for my whole life I never had a Scorpio girlfriend wanna try?! I think Scorpio is pretty sick what you mean if you wanna try? I didn't even... aye I didn't say anything but you're the one trying?! (Sh*t luck) I gotta ask... this department also has.. department manager right? yup just for you guys today I've also arranged a hsueh chang and hsueh chieh (male senpai + female senpai) Oh! One on one... yes that's right that's good... Welcome Logistics Department's Hsueh chang hsueh chieh - let's welcome these two Welcome Logistics Department's Hsueh chang hsueh chieh it's Alice Tzeng (Taiwanese actress) looks like her huh this is (Logistics department hsueh chieh: Yu Shan) (Logistics department hsueh chang: Hsiao Yu) this is our hsueh chang Hsiao Yu Hsiao Yu come come right here... right here please (awkward) Hsiao Yu (awkward) Hsiao Yu come here please come... (awkward) right here right here I heard... I heard him just said KID fan and he's also a... Muyao fan Ah this is?! this is Yu Shan Yu Shan Yu Shan lemme tell you I just came back from climbing the Jade Mountain (pronunciation: Jade Mountain = yu shan) couldn't even get you faster what you mean climbing Jade Mountain?! f*cking sexual harrassment (2 pairs of mountains if you know what I mean) sounds like you climbed Jade Mountain by yourself or something lemme tell you Yu Shan come over here aye normally in this logistics department.. what kinds of jobs are you guys responsible for normally I'm mainly focusing on ordering management then what about Hsiao Yu?! I'm responsible for dock works normally which includes when the cargos arrive we gotta go inside the cargo container and get them cargos... unloaded - so this place is called a "dock" right?! - yah so would it be possible that let's say whether it's your colleagues or say it's just regular customers seeing you here they be all happy right (?!) 'cause like (Zheng Yi (1983) - "Light Rain Just Comes in Time~") Hsiao Yu Just Comes in Time~ (Pronunciation: "Light Rain" = "Hsiao Yu") don't you think she really looks like Alice Tzeng? Taige doesn't know who's Alice Tzeng?! you don't know who's Alice Tzeng? I know She's been in a movie Which movie is it? C'mon say it! Say it C'mon say it Say some aight lemme tell you.. lemme tell you Initial D yah that's right really? for real or nah?! nah I'm lying Secret (2007) but for this logistics job today I wanna ask which particular tasks are we responsible for? mainly we'll be conducting devanning (unloading cargo) procedures taking cargos out?! so today we're coming out of the closet right? (Chinese character "櫃" could imply "cargo" or "closet") I really don't wanna keep hitting you stop cueing these okay okay (good boy) (good boy) so later on we'll let you guys take a look at our standard procedures understood understood alright start start working logistics works okay Hsiao Yu Just Comes in Time~ at this time we're gonna be.. ordering food that's right ordering food is... right ordering food is right?! yah aye... just liek how they say docks it's special terms OKAY the hell am I supposed to say then I'll admit if I need to hit you later on that'll be cancelled out let's deposit 2 of them first makes my job easier later those two later I won't have to whip out my fan so our cargo right now has just got here from Taoyuan's warehouse so now we're gonna open the container up and then doing our devanning works yah doing our devanning works for devanning works - what are we responsible for?! - right please hsueh chang as for now first of all we have to first handle these bills of lading (BoL) and on this doc there'll be a bill of lading number so for these numbers each set only has 1 unique number - the only one in the world!! - only one BoL number yah only one can't even change it first of all it's bill of lading number second of all it's after you pulled the cargo out there'll be a set of stickers in a moment I'll give'em to you guys each item in these containers will have its own 8-digit iten number - yes - so we'll be having you guys matching this... matching this item number and also the quantity very sick and very precise so when we're devanning also gotta... so now we gotta take a few pictures first so it's before we open the container door we must take photos of its outside and its inside and also its seal kinda like an evidence right? yah yah yah to record our cargo's completeness yes yes yes so here we'll... have Taige I'm taking photos right? then... what he doing?! so then... we'll have KID help us double check each item's item number and quantity and then rip this seal off stick it on the top right hand side of the item this's easy I'll do this Taige you don't even know how to turn the power on huh lemme tell you 'cause every camera's model is different you gotta find where that ON and OFF button first (?!) aye let's say for example this one is belongs to a kind of a... heh yeah then let's take photos right now just take it then is this... is this able to take selfies?! selfie oh I got it I got it here hsueh chieh look over here aye... Taige (hsueh chieh's so nice) no need for that aye I can't hear sh*t for a moment no bullsh*t now.. now first... I already hit you you still taking them ain't happening Logistics job: 3 pics (door, seal, inside) - okay I'll take them Logistics job: 3 pics (door, seal, inside) - gotta have the entire thing in frame Logistics job: 3 pics (door, seal, inside) - oh nice (these eyes?!) (Complete) First pic: Exterior pic aight that's good aight here take a pic of this seal nah just press halfway through and it'll autofocus Please do tolerate this old man who has been reemployed countless times He simply has yet to understand how to work a camera at this age... Aye how is it possible that I wouldn't know... no way.. you wouldn't know how to focus - yah (heh heh) - right? hsueh chieh take a look (Complete) Second pic: Seal pic - that quality goddamn sharp tho (wtf are you proud of?) - so up next we're gonna be opening up the container door opening the container door right? once you open it I'll be taking the photo how do I lock it up? I'm busting my ass off and you're there taking selfies KID lemme tell you... where am I... where am I right now?! Taige did I went too hard right there? I kinda felt bad what just happened?! hit him again I wanna see!! I was like this kinda like this aight now it's ready to come out... coming out (rainbow) then now we'll have KID help us stick the.. stickers alright no problem hsueh chang this is already... done with the pictures taken hand it over to you alright? so now we're having one of you right.. to help us who drives a forklift? I'm responsible for forklifts Hsiao Yu comes just right in the goddamn time~ carry on with your work we'll have to try and.. understand the entire stickers process 'cause you know sticking stickers... should also have a certain level of difficulty then you... hurry up and start we'll be watching you working that forklift Logistics works: unload the cargos using forklifts Yu Shan how long have you been here? (wow wow wow wow) about to go into my 10th year 10 years and you're still getting your skincare so well - did you came here when you're 10? secret <3 point is that you've been in this logistics department for 10 years do you know how to work a forklift? I... don't know aye don't underestimate hsueh chieh like that thinking that she's all... chill and sh*t not even driving them forklifts she's still busy look she's so busy that there's a pimple on her nose look NO need to do that I got a zit right here too how come I never see you caring for me you're okay no one ever pays attention to you anyway hsueh chieh do you know the name of our show? Muyao... Muyao4SuperPlaying (bingo!) have you watched it before? (One Day) Convenience Store Aliang you barely joined Muyao and you hit us? Aliang you got the balls to hit us?! I let you guys get away bunch of times already he's already done already you guys can... stick stickers first y'all talked way too long I haven't even got to the pimple's part forget about the pimple look at her her little bowtie's upside down nah her little bowtie's upside down (none of your business) lemme tell you Aliang's really still a newbie he'd still feel bad actually... I didn't I didn't I didn't hold up for the entire time AYE you seen me right for the entire time I was all asking her like this you didn't touch anything? nah I was like this hsueh chieh you mind if I ask you is this hsueh chieh's hand?! this is my hand both your own... - both my own... Hsiao Yu hsueh chang's already... already carried... hurry up and go help aight Logistics works 2: confirming item number & quantity I know I know how to find it and the quantity is is 1200 right? Taige take this so I'm sticking this on the top right hand side right? right here is it 60? aye item shortage it's missing one pretty much means we have to double check is it 18? its quantity is 18 that's right OK we're good now if you guys are all good next up we got another step that requires these boxes to be sent to different floors so I'll be using the forklift to send them up through our machine it'll get sent directly to different floors through the conveyer belt? yah directly get sent to... aye that's sick Logistics works 3: send cargos to appointed floors using conveyer belts the whole thing goes in? don't have to keep staring at it doesn't feel right don't you feel it's kinda like... Taige - remember alright - Taige - remember alright Taige gotta remember alright Taige bye don't forget your money!! (joss papers) we'll... head to the next department okay thanks for Hsiao Yu hsueh chang's instructions thank you Hsiao Yu hsueh chang thank you Yu Shan hsueh chieh I'm truly Go! Tell her how grateful you are we're all waiting let's see how you show your gratitude... well then... let's move on to the next department thank you thank you for real brotha thank you thank you... thank you this place is the sofa section and this area is this year's most important section every store in the... world allows you to sit like this? all allowed to sit like that because we'd gladly welcome our consumers to try and so they could feel their comfortness so Taige the department you guys arrived is the sales department this's also their... frontline in contact with the customers yes yes yes 'cause right now our clothes are just like yours now (so tight) like goddamn (so tight) check out them sales also our sales department right now in our sales department there's also a rather excellent sales right? of course~ today I've prepared a PREPARE for us??? - a very talented mamasan may I ask are you a mamasan?! (embarrassing) just a very talented hsueh chieh leading you two to reorganize our showrooms together so this hsueh chieh is?! Welcome sofa section's Hsin Ru hsueh chieh - Welcome sofa section's Hsin Ru hsueh chieh - hello - really cute - for real so we... we're gonna be following Hsin Ru hsueh chieh yes we're gonna be reorganizing our showrooms together with Hsin... with Hsin Ru to do it right?! that's right hello Hsin Ru hello Hsin Ru's so quiet I can't really hear Hsin Ru... too.. get a hold of yourself okay? okay? hsueh chieh may I ask if.. do you guys have to stay up after night shifts to reorganize the customer-induced messiness in the showrooms yah so after our customers messed them up we'll have to return everything to its original and clean condition but how messy can a customer get?! isn't it just letting people sitting on some... sofas - how messy could it possibly get? - yah the messiest is probably like... like this how do you get this messy? are there customers that's this messy? yah was this customer like drunk driving and drives... all the way here or what? so you guys are responsible for getting these messy showroom furnitures reorganized to their original looks and then they'll be they'll be ready for tomorrow's business hours like that right? so we're gonna be following hsueh chieh to reorganize them together yes then let's start okay let's reorganize them go organize the sofa this nip just kinda need to... cover it up the f*ck you doing hurry up and organize the sofa organize them sofa okay then I'll organize the sofa with you hsueh chieh where do you normally hang out aye aye we're organizing things already where do you normally hang out?! lemme tell you something goddamn amazing I didn't hear anything you said but just from looking at your face I knew something ain't right so I just hit him first - just his dirty ass look - yah ah for real I wanna... I wanna ask our hsueh chieh let's say there's actually a customer that gets here all messy and stuff don't you think it's pretty annoying? uhh... I think kinda annoying (so honest) but... if our customers get'em all messy that means they're actually going through our items more seriously (such a positive mind) and so they actually need to flip'em over to go through them?! they might need to check on this thing on the bottom do people come here just to sleep?! sofas are alright if it's the.. beds and mattresses section in the back on the weekends you'll see a bunch of people lying on top of them like a whole family sleeping right there? like why the hell would you do that? for real? does that count as them being difficult? don't think so 'cause... this place is for everyone to... they got some really positive mindset they be thinking like aye people are just here to try them out try lying on them so... if they actually slept well fell asleep that means our beds are very good right? aye so I think this area of... of service is actually pretty thoughtful and caring actually I think this job not only does it allows us to learn some new things but also kind of a self-adjustment of our mindset - yah allowing consumers to really feel that ah very comfortable and so I'm willing to buy it - is kinda like that right? - I think that's pretty good yes let's organize aight then let's start organizing okay alright okay Sofa section: organizing works the side with the zippers gotta face the bottom yah (this is ???????) this thing is... aye I think... my styling is pretty good huh actually it's gotta be neater let it drape over here yah aye it's fast pretty easy but... you gotta consider this every day they gotta reorganize more than 7000 items did I place it wrong? nah but like why do you leave the middle empty? empty in the middle is more comfortable for sitting sitting here and then you could just grab... lemme try if it's comfortable lemme try too think it's actually pretty... pretty comfortable Chen BaiHsiang's not here so f*cking nice~ this cut is pretty good makes me feel like... heh heh heh (why only me though) alright done organizing or what?! I'm gonna ask hsueh chieh so are you allowed to use your authority to make discount for customers on your behalf? nope then can you make discount for your friends? Carol can we make discount for our friends? NO wanna ask hsueh chieh like on a single day just reorganizing the sofa section alone would take about how long to finish?! about... 30 to 40 minutes so like you guys during the day y'all gotta organize the messed up furnitures from the previous night? actually when our stores are closed at night we'll start reorganizing already so that... tomorrow when we work during the day it'd be - faster - BaiHsiang: easier so from your perspective when someone's picking furnitures what's your criteria for a difficult customer? like asking a bunch of questions and end up not buying? or like what? I think not buying after a bunch of questions that's okay (angel) 'cause they're just not being able to make a decision yet or (angel confirmed) they just haven't found the one that they like you right okay Taige time to end the scene for the sofa section this job ain't easy but.. it's not over yet up next you're gonna get their umm... show rooms' set up all reorganized organizing this room? a bunch of rooms... every single room organizing rooms is my favorite 'cause I know who's gonna be organizing the rooms with me Hsin Ru I think it's about time if you'd say yes think we should pick a date~ what f*cking date you picking? What now? Getting married or what? What? Picking a day to make it public or what? I was just saying it's time.. for customers to come pick this sofa up it's about time we should've get it delivered already get it? so y'all ain't in "that kind" of relationship? -we're colleagues! -colleagues? OK sorry Taige my mistake I wouldn't talk... like this aye Hsin Ru okay I'll leave alright? aight you leave Carol let's go LEAVE MY ASS How the hell can Carol leave?! what@#% Where the f*ck y'all going?! How the f*ck y'all leaving from there?! You go Go on GET OVER HERE what can't you leave me alone... for my fantasy scene? This time for real! It's time! start working alright? aye and did you know what we rehearsed.. what we lemme borrow you for a sec when we rehearsed it was supposed to be like when I take Carol's hand I should be like this just kissing myself but I went off script I was like KISSING AGAIN?! HOLD UP f*cking rapist lemme tell you next time I'm fantasizing don't let anyone come in messing your dreams IS what I'm here for Transformation Complete so now again we're gonna be restocking is that right? yee pretty sick (the hell are these 2 doing????????) Okay!! Time to skip ahead look at this chigga... the hell is this my way of wearing this... probably the first person ever what are we doing? now hsueh chang's gonna teach you guys how to use what's that called... hydraulic manual pallet jack to restock these cargos Again let's welcome Hsiao Yu hsueh chang hello now we're restocking gotta get'em restocked to the top right? yah so now over there we got 2 pallets of cargos ready for you guys to - practice a bit - OK no problem Hold on!! Hsueh chang before you leave lemme ask you a question do you always restock at night?! is it necessary to be this late?! (Time right now 11:40PM) so that it wouldn't bother the customers at the store walking then let's get moving so now I'll be teaching you guys how to use our pallet jacks okay... so now we can use the pallet jacks right? yes no problem alright Now we're gonna use pallet jacks! HELL YAH (loud af) why are we talking this loud? I'm afraid they can't record our voice it's mainly 'cause middle of the night - we gotta get pumped - yah yah yah 1. Press the lever down, pump the handles up & down to lift the load - first 1. Press the lever down, pump the handles up & down to lift the load - it's got a lever right here 1. Press the lever down, pump the handles up & down to lift the load - yah 1. Press the lever down, pump the handles up & down to lift the load - this will 1. Press the lever down, pump the handles up & down to lift the load - will allow the hydraulic fluid to raise the piston 2. Once it bounces back, it's ready to tow - once it bounces back 2. Once it bounces back, it's ready to tow - it be ready to tow No.. No - so now it's ready to be towed Taige you gotta pump it up first you gotta do this (Perfect Synchronization) I got it it's like in the middle oh it's all lifted up like this right? lift a bit higher (failed again) no you just... you just dropped it again Tsk Taige I really gotta teach you Restocking time: using pallet jacks to restock cargos about like this and then lift it up so now where do we send this to send to the store okay go this pallet jack is really goddamn important or else we be carrying them till we die Agong's restocking spot arrived of course we still have a small task we have to rip open all the wrappings Taige be careful - I know - your blade is too long lemme tell you a small trick when you let it go vertically press the knife down and it's opened aye it's really convenient here go that way aight here move over a bit move over a bit more Taige move over a bit more move over more okay go straight probably still can't (failed) I'll do it go straight go straight... Agong's Restocking Success onto KID's restocking spot this's like their most special mattress it's like they could be folded up for storage which means that once you bought this mattress you could easily take it home right away we gotta be careful with this 'cause this is all soft cushions Taige if you ripped it you're gonna be paying for all of them before we put'em up we have to make sure the item numbers are right yes aye hsueh chang lemme ask you usually for a night like this how much stuffs are you restocking?! can't be all of them right? sometimes depending on the cargo amount but basically if there's empty shelves we definitely hope they'll get fully restocked so that our customers can actually grab their items for purchase so hsueh chang lemme ask you when do you get off work usually?! normally speaking if we're restocking at night we'll gets off work in the morning so issa graveyard shift? yah graveyard shift of restocking holy f*ck okay I think today after a whole damn day like this think I'll probably die anytime now (tired as sh*t X 2) so ain't accurate if you ask!! I'll ask hsueh chang seeing how they restocked the cargos as of this job for these two's performance you think they're good?! Today's Performance 80 points that high? out of 30000!! then... what we doing tomorrow? is there more tomorrow?! no sh*t but because of our shooting issues can't really let you have everything... fully experienced tomorrow we're going to customer service center and there'll be hsueh chieh~ <3 (what kind of face is that?!) but I just wanna go back and sleep see you tomorrow morning okay now we're gonna be... here at this department to learn return and exchanges return and exchanges 'cause quite a lot of people are actually like they made the purchase but unsatisfied with the item afterwards and then came back to return it today we invited 2 hsueh chiehs right?! you're Tina this is Hsiao Le okay so in terms of the return and exchanges center this is the only department that wouldn't say "welcome" yup I got a question to ask let's say right now I bought a fan I used it for.. but we don't sell fans (revised) I bought a sofa and then after I been using it for almost 180 days later I came back for an exchange and after you exchanged it for them does this item gets a reset for another 180 days? counting from the date present on their receipt yes would there be some people like let's say some moms bought some kitchen utensils for example they clearly washed it used it and broke it themselves and still insisted to come here and say "I want an exchange" like that does that happen? yup they.. probably bought it for 2 or 3 days plus their used... pan is already burnt so if you're someone who has cooked before you'll probably know that this could be restored just by brushing and cleaning but they thought that their case meets to criteria for them to make returns - and then - but... no we'll still help them clean it up "I'll wash it up for you" aye I think if I were the boss having an employee like you I'll be really touched if you do that aye f*cking get her picture on the wall already aye so in this... this department dealing with these issues ain't that easy at all too much of those weird ass things yah so we're here today helping them we can just like with the customers using simply verbal communications returning an item is allowed but you gotta have legitimate evidence instead of coming in just to f*ck around and sh*t alright then let's let's do it for real okay real exercise excuse me hi I wanna return you're missing your original packaging 1. Return the unused item in its original packaging - I brought the packaging 1. Return the unused item in its original packaging - 1. Return the unused item in its original packaging - do you have the receipt?! 2. Invoice is required for all returns and exchanges (if paid with credit card, the credit card must be present) - 2. Invoice is required for all returns and exchanges (if paid with credit card, the credit card must be present) - aye let's say 2. Invoice is required for all returns and exchanges (if paid with credit card, the credit card must be present) - if it's credit card 2. Invoice is required for all returns and exchanges (if paid with credit card, the credit card must be present) - they still need to bring that card that they paid with? 2. Invoice is required for all returns and exchanges (if paid with credit card, the credit card must be present) - to get it refunded right? 2. Invoice is required for all returns and exchanges (if paid with credit card, the credit card must be present) - yah (Yinzhang: Taiwanese personal/LLC name seal) for EIN you'll also need to bring your "yinzhang" AND you gotta bring company seal? yah how about I just bring my CEO with me?! aye sorry we talked too long 3. Confirm item name and item number - 3. Confirm item name and item number - and then just make sure 3. Confirm item name and item number - the product name and item number 3. Confirm item name and item number - are the same as what it appears on the screen 4. Have customers sign the return invoice 5. Hand them their return invoice and returned cash - 5. Hand them their return invoice and returned cash - thank you 5. Hand them their return invoice and returned cash - (Return Success) - that'll do it (Return Success) - this one we'll keep it this count as a relatively normal case of returning items also he's a very nice customer so I don't know if I could ask this but I wanna hear from you guys like have you guys ever met a returning process where halfway thru that they really boutta make you... lose your sh*t right when they get here they pound the table they pound the table and go Someone bring'em in! HOLD~~ TRIAL Justice Pao, 1993) would it be... like that? aye thank goodness that one we just dealt with was pretty nice yah but let's say... if there's really this kind of people tsk if there's this kind people AYE AYE miss yo sofa is f*cking trash I want an exchange Oh!! Your table is also trash - your reason for an exchange?! - just change everything May I ask your reason for an exchange?! - This sofa? Yo company's own sofa got problems and y'all need to ask me? I was feeling good that day right when I got back and sat on it started feeling sh*tty as f*ck and there's more I wanted earth grey ain't nobody want this stone grey what kind of sofa is this? so you just bought the wrong color What you mean just bought the wrong color? that day I farted on this sh*t you know that fart is still trapped in there? my girl used to have stuffy nose she smelled it and her nose all good now what kind of sofa y'all selling? exchange exchange it then do you have your receipt? this sofa?! Can't even recognize yo own company's sofa Can you even recognize yo own kids then?! lemme tell you this sh*tty sofa lemme tell you again hello sir is there any problem? this... good aye so do you still wanna return this? oh oh... no... not returning anything no one's returning anything who's even returning anything? no no so you're not returning right? no no so lemme ask you sir why you brought this sofa back? I... I brought brought this sofa here for what? I was trying to I wanna... buy more I'll buy one more oh just one more? nah nah nah... two.. two more I'll buy two more two more ????? aye umm how can I call you brotha? ah just call me King Kong brotha King Kong yes yes yes how many of these are left in stock? not much there's still 6 left 6 I'll get all of them all 6 right? you wanna get it with credit or cash? y'all accept credit cards here? yah yah yah no problem no problem aye how much is this in total? (NTD $30 = USD $1) I... don't need to sign right? aye... alright I think that's all that's all right see that after a day full of this... hardcore training now it's already you could say everyone's scattered like animals everyone's gone the parking lot that was full of cars is now full of carts - the parking lot that was full of cars is now full of carts - yah so now it's the time for us to work hsueh chang, for every.. for every night like this when it gets to the time for gathering up these carts are they always kinda everywhere? yes... just like what we're seeing right now usually before you gather them up what would you be doing still gathering up these scattered carts so you just kept on gathering them right? for us cart collectors it's just gathering scattered carts - just kept on doing this - yah yah yah for the whole day... sunrise to sunset so how do we gather them up can you teach... teach us a few things OK let's start from all the way up front right there Cart collectors' job: Gather all carts in one place, push back into the store very good what you mean very good do it together together... I was like those senior officer checking on yo ass yah and it's pretty slippery pretty slippery actually in the front you're just maneuvering don't even... have to do any work aye direction direction (karma) got it got it.. direction.. Ram it! in! super heavy okay KID stop and just getting those scattered ones will do hello now the one going by the stage is me (ROC Military Parade) alright? very good nah 'cause I was aiming right there but he kept moving forward sorry we gotta do that again have to hit him again that one wasn't good please back up a little bit keep rolling go!! we don't do this aye.... aye we're hitting the pillar (KID's manager Debby) can't drive rock paper scissor loser's pushing or what winner goes maneuvering loser pushes aight cut the bullsh*t I'll push it you push it that's not even hard let's start already let's get it Start (not even moving) Taige what you doing you actually can't push it or you're just faking it Chen BaiHsiang boutta carry the team here I'll control its direction Chen BaiHsiang push! go Chen BaiHsiang's not bad so beautiful this should be some (??????????) little romance in this job right? let's go aye Taige actually you could just split them in half to push'em hsueh chang just said we don't need 80 , 90 carts together we can split them up - then why did you get us all tired as sh*t - gimme that thing was it me that was playing you?! YOU're the one playing us my ear my ear here here you push half of them aye hurry up and go (dead) aye middle of the night cart collectors have to do this for the whole day yah Chen BaiHsiang what are we doing next? we still got other things to do aye y'all just came back from a game show with water right? (drenched) clothes all wet what we doing after we're done pushing them we're already drenched about time to go home right still got other things to do what things you'll know when you see it tired as f*ck today for real not bad lemme say it I used to.. thought thought that IKEA employees are pretty chill 'cause there's AC and then the environment is nice but honestly I think their tiredness came from this... extreme emphasis on the precision of their SOP yah you gotta get every one of them done it's very good your trainings here are very well done our employees are all all carefully selected I could.. could feel it so I think after this whole day of work How do you think we do?! I think you two's performance today is pretty good definitely qualified to be one of us IKEA employees both of us?! umm.... even though I kinda you moved too close the hell you doing so congratulations to the two of you both qualified to become a member of our IKEA Group thank you Carol thank you... being able to be an employee here I think benefits and compensations or what not should be pretty good the point is I think every one of their employee is goddamn pretty really not bad all very good-looking so today I believe One Day IKEA Employee Success Thank you to everyone who dedicates their time in IKEA You guys have made Taiwan even more beautiful (Why choose IKEA for work?) Why did you choose to come to IKEA to work? started off from internship school's internship and then later on I feel like this place is great so I just stayed umm because Home Furnishing Design has always been my dream and then coming into IKEA is also like my dream because I know this enterprise is where I wanted to stay stay until I graduate from college and also IKEA is world's largest furniture retailer markert this is what I think the only reason I chose here (What do you like about IKEA?) What do you like about IKEA? they're just more opened to anything you mean in terms of men and women's relationships? or just the entire atmosphere? the entire atmosphere is more opened to anything pretty unrestricted they wouldn't try to put pressure on employees' opinions (Biggest challenge for now?) biggest challenge is to think much faster and also communications having to improve alongside the company our customer service attitude also affects our company and customers' impression regarding this branch so I think this is really important Daikon incoming call BaiHsiang BaiHsiang I'm Daikon remember that last time we're shooting that thing? that... that IKEA and didn't I uhh ran my card thru... for that one sofa (it's six) didn't you said that you're helping me uhh... REFUND yesterday I got that bill looks like... umm DIDN'T REFUND that money's still there can you help me ask them if it's refund failure or it didn't refund successfully aye hello.. heard that yah? aye... heard that? Daikon second incoming call BaiHsiang aye hello.. Thanks everyone!! We are Muyao4SuperPlaying (please do~) Gotta subscribe to our channel also remember to follow our fan page and IG Twitter most importantly please help us share our videos!! That's all! Muyao4 See you next time~ Alright OK (Director) Where my SOLO at? What's my line? What do I still need to say? Chen BaiHsiang
Channel: 木曜4超玩
Views: 2,893,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 木曜4超玩, 大熱門, 玩很大, 吳宗憲, 邰智源, 林柏昇KID, 泱泱, 溫妮, 許維恩, LuLu, 綜藝節目, 一日系列, IKEA
Id: 3ZPMr90WoNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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