《一日系列第二十五集》邰智源再度挑戰出海和KID一起當漁夫?!-一日漁夫One-Day Fisherman

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(Fuji Fishing Port) Once a fisherman Always a fisherman I just wanna be a fisherman if you ain't no fisherman how you gon be a MAN I'm gonna be a man today but before becoming a man lemme tell you Chen BaiHsiang I found sick ass place there's mantis shrimp in there (how bad do you wanna eat?!) I also found out something sick - gotta tell you right now - gotta tell you right now - what your shades are all reflecting me and Yung Wei gimme that hope you can be aware of that okay?! aye lemme tell you what I hope you and I go check that out not only mantis shrimp and also mantis shrimp's brother brotha mantis shrimp (cracking up) usually the preparations of a shoot is really... complicated and then halfway through you're like COME COME COME and then we... nah it's 'cause how - the hell you want?! - how dare you how dare you say Fuji Fishing Port ain't selling seafood in the morning? THEY DO got people to run seafood restaurants No!! Taige hear me out they be selling but they ain't got... their cooks here - cooks already came 6 in the morning to stand by - - cooks already came 6 in the morning to stand by - cooks ain't here how about we just go take a look right now what if there is if there is then we'll just eat stop the bullsh*t here go go go GO Chen BaiHsiang come look Chen Bai... why you in front of me please take off your shades who says they ain't opened here you could say it's Fuji Fishing Port First to open aight? saying there's no "mantis shrimp" where they at?! mantis shrimp mantis shrimps all here mantis shrimp aight? and then check this out... come come come come check this out Boston lobster aight what the hell you happy about? so lemme tell you your debt what needs to be paid needs to be paid ma'am may I ask you a question? if we want Mantis Shrimps for 2 CATTIES (1 catty = 600g) about how much would it cost? around... $1000 to $2000 NTD (USD $1 = NTD $30) that's cheap here here here ma'am has your cook arrived here yet?! yah yah they already here at 5... aye you know how a show works or nah? you gotta say "NO" so I could have my excuse for it - one more take one more take - gimme that one more take my ass lemme tell you before KID comes I'll have a plate first no bullsh*t what if KID appears outta nowhere all of a sudden right now I'd have to pay 4 catties then I would.. 4 CATTIES (Huang Pin Yuan: How can you allow me to be in sorrow) then now you and KID gonna set sail and become fishermen when we get back on land we'll cook 4 catties of mantis shrimps lying to everyon all day everyday for real lemme tell you I'll pay up a deposit right now pay up first a famous producer a famous producer production budget's only got Spare Changes the hell's that 76 NTD probably only afford to buy blunt locust lobster's feelers let's get to work alright?! okay Starring Tai Chih Yuan AKA Taige AKA Agong Starring KID Producer Chen BaiHsiang AKA Chun Cinematographer Henry , Yung Wei Film Editor Chia Chun Muyao4SuperPlaying One Day Fisherman Chen BaiHsiang is today our long-awaited One Day Fisherman Series damn you just went straight for the title usually you be saying some random bullsh*ts nah nah 'cause we're already at the port - yah it's obvious - obviously we be shooting - yah it's obvious - obviously we be shooting - obviously we be shooting One Day Cameraman (?) you right Taige - and I gotta explain something to you - and I gotta explain something to you - say it right now your shades are all showing me Yung Wei and Hung Chih and you kept moving your head lemme tell you Hung Chih and him don't even mind please take off your shades (please! - by Editors) I can't 'cause if I take it down I'll be like this what's going on right now? aight stop bullsh*tting we're just doing an opener and you took up 20 minutes today's most important thing: if you don't say something about it captain is boutta turn into a human jerky aight? you know what's great about a fisherman?! you know what's great about a fisherman?! say it take a look behind you all the kids out there have you ever wondered where do fish come from?! course they're from the seas nah most kids would be like fish are from the markets of course 'cause their moms all bought'em from the markets but they never would've thought actually these bulks of fish were all thanks to these fishing boats and fishermen who put their lives on the line sailed deep into the seas to round'em up here for real sailed deep into the seas to round'em up here when we're shooting the yacht you was straight up a little pussy can't believe you dared to challenge fishing boat what's up with your finger?! - LGBT - lemme tell you yacht is a safe environment yah when one resides in a safer environment they tends to let their guard down but if you're a fisherman yah when you work on a fishing boat you be busy af already how you gonna be sea... seasick that ain't possible right? plus we're experiencing a day in the life as a fisherman fishermen are truly hardworking individuals we must be grateful for their dedications that's true let's welcome captain Yah?! He a human jerky already Let's welcome 40 years of experience Captain Ho Cheng Hui Let's welcome 40 years of experience Captain Ho Cheng Hui - Captain Ho Let's welcome 40 years of experience Captain Ho Cheng Hui - right here please Let's welcome 40 years of experience Captain Ho Cheng Hui - captain captain Let's welcome 40 years of experience Captain Ho Cheng Hui - hello... Let's welcome 40 years of experience Captain Ho Cheng Hui thank you thank you today umm thanks to your sponsor we'll be able to set sail onto the deep seas you get seasick once you're out? we won't at least we won't be seasick uhh typically saying.. we've heard... if you ain't usually on a boat.. it's possi... that's him you will some people will if you get seasick then you'll puke you'll get dizzy "our host is seasick" One Day Sea Fishing... "switched a place to sleep.. still dizzy.." One Day Sea Fishing... so you meant that you suggest this kind of people should... just don't go (Agong's scared) nah then you can't be a fisherman please stop finding yourself some excuses I get it I get it but it's like we shouldn't risk it right? for those who're sick or something yah like that yah yah yah so then I guess we could go right? Captain Ho I@#%&@# then let's go aight captain heh captain One Day Fisherman Officially Starts let's go look at our coast guards are saying goodbye to us that's right this time gotta come back with a big catch aight? no problem let's go let's go Let's GO YAH!! bye bye just go huh just go y'all coming back in a moment or what? we ain't going back (silent.) go straight to fishing - is he going back up?! (back ashore) - NO - is he going back up?! (back ashore) no no go go for real for real go out already ain't coming back no more yoohoo (still not talking) sick~ (still not talking) Brave Warrior (Republic of China Military Song) (still not talking) yeah (still not talking) so sick ayo~ sea is calm~ s'all good~ no waves at all (celebrates) yeah~ (celebrates) yeah~ ~ yah~ now it's fun to watch s'all good s'all good you actually thought Ching Ching's gonna be here? (@chingching_hsu) having a cup of tea with you on the nice evening?! Taige that plan y'all said ain't none of it was according to that what now huh the f*ck's all this Chen BaiHsiang mofos said what? aye that only KID sails out and you stay ashore? and take Ching Ching out to eat or something can you describe a bit about what you think should go down instead?! Describe yo mom!! normally what should happen instead? pissed as f*ck don't even wanna talk AHAHA we actually heading out (Agong bye bye) okay we're now already on our way yup that's right we're in the bridge of the ship don't underestimate a fishing boat from its look on the inside you could say it's got whatever you can think of compass sonar everythang's here so now you could just change the setting to get to your familiar fishing ground to fish right?! yah yah so all these relies on your experience right? right all relies.. relies on your experience we're now having this satellite configured directed to directed to this spot still got 9 nautical miles 57 then we'll get to this spot then how long would it take to cover 9 nautical miles?! (1 nautical mile = 1852 meters) about one hour then we'll be there oh that's pretty close only an hour to get to the fishing ground? yah yah yah the aren't we gonna be back between 3 or 5? aye we still gotta drop the fishing line about how long does it take to drop all the lines to drop everything requires... 1 hour gotta drop for an hour? takes that long? so for our fishing technique which technique are we using?! (fishing technique) we use droplining with a pole behind it - ah that's how y'all fish - just drop'em like that about much fish could be caught in one trip normally speaking sometimes... could catch a few hundred catties... hundreds of catties (1 catty = 600g) few hundreds of catties could catch hundreds of catties? could catch hundreds of catties? yah 1 catty of this sometimes 3.. $300 or more NTD (NTD $30 = USD $1) yah yah yah once we're back they could sell... tens of thousands... $150K ye that's for sure or else how they even gonna survive? yah so one.. one month could cover how many trips?! if the weather's good then we move out everyday we're out that so today you guys had to come during the day or else we mostly do it at night fish at night? yah about 11 to 2 at night 11 - 2 go out → drop the line, catch, go back on sunrise - go out around 11 to 2 11 - 2 go out → drop the line, catch, go back on sunrise - start dropping 11 - 2 go out → drop the line, catch, go back on sunrise - keep dropping till sunrise then we head back really? is it easier to catch at night? nah at night.. during the day sharks will come and eat those fish Why fishing during night time? fishing during the day, fish that're caught will be eaten before getting pulled up. - they'll eat.. eat your Why fishing during night time? fishing during the day, fish that're caught will be eaten before getting pulled up. - eat your Why fishing during night time? fishing during the day, fish that're caught will be eaten before getting pulled up. - they be eating all the baits Why fishing during night time? fishing during the day, fish that're caught will be eaten before getting pulled up. - all eaten Why fishing during night time? fishing during the day, fish that're caught will be eaten before getting pulled up. - yah? Why fishing during night time? fishing during the day, fish that're caught will be eaten before getting pulled up. - they.. Why fishing during night time? fishing during the day, fish that're caught will be eaten before getting pulled up. - Heading for the fishing ground prepares to rig baits we're now here at the back of the ship and there's a lot of.. fishermen are starting.. starting to rig the baits and their baits are kinda special they've got every hook's got a squid bait so they just got all the baits rigged I learned some just now I'll show you guys how it's done You already know how?! - that fast?! - I got it I got it it's like you grab a handful first and then get'em hooked one by one okay I haven't got it yet (one success) - (one success) oh they were rigging pretty fast oh they were rigging pretty fast thing to remember is that they hook one end so the other end would move around making it look real can't hook in the middle so all blackmouth croakers eat squids right I think fishing with squid baits is kinda luxurious for real?! to them they're like steaks so before they get to the fishing ground they have to get all the hooks done yup back then my dream used to be being a deep sea fisheries' fisherman for real!! so every time they head out it's always like a couple of months so that to me I think it's like pretty exciting it's like on vacation aye our viewers can't feel us actually us 4 we're already drenched in sweat it's really burning here and this this place's really... smelly smells like a fish market right?! it's like compared to a fish market it smells worse smells worse bit worse... (so honest) yah and now I've got the gist of it but what's dangerous about it is their hooks are circle hooks gotta be careful to not hook your hand!! so first you gotta use your hand... once your finger gets it all the way down then pull it down to the inside of the circle hook already smooth af already smooth af - kinda dangerous already smooth af Preparation - rigging baits aight since we're still noobs and also for us to come work here today actually it's it's not their usual working hours usually their working time is at night and later on after they take us back it's possible that they'll take another trip to fish so no lie it's very tough so we bought some snacks and coffee to thank these guys for their service and then later on if we accidentally get to international waters then.. don't have to worry about getting dumped into the sea I'm giving you guys some gifts here here for you for you for you for you this is ra.. ramen also y'alls favorite Indonesian ramen and coffee all for you guys thank you thank you thank you thank you good work today really appreciate you guys thank you thank you and now we're here at their bedrooms so you can see their... space for sleeping is really small and then it's pretty much combined with their working space.. together so it's really tough it's like everyone be b*tching about that if a fish is like $1000 NTD they be like So expensive!! So expensive not expensive at all Because this is thanks to them working relentlessly out in the seas and risk their life , burning their life exchanging them for the convenience we enjoyed honestly if you just think about it it's like aight 1 fish I'll just pay you $2000 yah? not even kidding bruh aight and then check this out right now here's their beds this is the one that they sleep on this is the place where they sleep actually it's pretty convenient and look they got they got chargers they got charging cable and then this is where they usually sleep at and this place accommodates about 5 , 6 people this place looks like just one spot right? there's another spot inside pretty much they just sleep in here so their living environment is honestly much worse than what we've imagined and also I'm here at their bedrooms now right? then if I just take a step over it'll be the place where they cook so the place where they cook and their place where they sleep are pretty much at the same place so then actually outside of here is where I was rigging baits so in such a crowded space they fit almost 10 people here... actually very very scary to think of and very tough and now we barely experienced about one hundredth of their labor only so yah not even painful at all aight and then y'all remember when I kept saying my dream is to be a fisherman in the deep sea fisheries? I think I'm good for now I think it's too harsh heading for fishing ground... where Agong at though?! Agong's seasick again now we're ready to drop the hooks so we thought dropping a few thousands of hooks should be a pretty simple task so we were gonna help out but just now the fishermen said actually dropping fishing line dropping hooks is something really really scary and dangerous task because as long as just one of the hooks accidentally hooked just one spot of your clothes you'll have your entire body DRAGGED DOWN with it and you'll never be able to be rescued back up because you'll get dragged by the hook sinking to the bottom of the sea so this is a very dangerous job and even to them it still requires intense vigilance so they wouldn't let us go near these hooks parts where they're too close so now they've already started to place the buoy onto the sea it means that we're now ready to get these our fishing hooks into this this body of water at the very end of the rope they hooked this heavy anchor so it's ready to utilize the weight in order to drag these hooks one by one into the sea so just now we actually just after we're done rigging these baits we waited for almost about 2 hours mainly because the captain told us out of his experienced eyes if you just drop'em hooks anywhere ain't gonna be fish on your baits outta nowhere gotta wait for this current to come so we waited for around 2 hours right now it's almost afternoon at about 2 and now we're preparing to drop the baits down and y'all could see that right now baits are already on their way down dropping fishing hooks we can't drop the hooks at least we can carry stuffs yah we're now doing some you know like newbies like we can't do much of those skillful tasks so we're here helping to get these emptied I guess baskets? take them back the so-called rookie jobs rookie baskets rookie carrying baskets when about 10 of them are done we'll stack them up over the back there's like 20 something left very tiring is that heavy?! pretty heavy and also ain't easy to apply force very tough All fishermen out there Y'all the real MVP!! For real so tired alright just asked the captain so then now we're officially gonna explain this to everyone it's Dropline fishing: thin fishing rope tied with countless hooks, along with baits, then dropped down into the sea one by one, 3 fishing lines today, one line requires 8 stacks, total 24 stacks. - right now we're dropping 3 fishing lines so three fishing lines every one of them's got that thing that we just saw got 8 baskets so one fishing line is carried by 8 baskets and they called them "8 fetuses" so each line's got 8 fetuses we're dropping 3 lines so there's 24 fetuses so today we're dropping "24 fetuses" to fish but then usually they do one line with 6 fetuses they'll drop 30 fetuses or it's 42 fetuses it's like a multiples of 12 and 30 like that looking forward to this should be able to catch a bunch of fish and then captain just said there's a chance of getting lobsters let's go ask the captain how's today's fishing condition go let's go check out how today's fishing condition aight captain for now we've already dropped the second fishing line right yah so from today's currents do you think today's fishing condition is... should be good good good normally typically saying on average something like this if it's 24 fetuses about how many catties of fish? (1 catty = 600g) 1 , 2 hundred catties 1 , 2 hundred catties 1 , 2 hundred catties with just that? yah so then today shouldn't be a problem to reach that today we should have... should even if we didn't get 1 , 2 hundred catties at least a hundred catties for sure oh for real? since we got here already around 12 and I waited right there waited for a long ass time was it because we gotta wait till the time when the current gets moving right?! yah wait for the current to back down from being that strong yah drop'em when it's not that strong those fish fish will be more likely to eat the baits they'll eat eat the baits after they eat them they'll get hooked hooked just like that so for those currents do you tell by experience or monitoring some... machines or something or is it by timings? for timing we've got got that schedule lemme show this to everyone 'cause they've got day 1 to 30 (lunar calendar) this is this month's tides (Dr. KID: tide table) Tide table shows the time of high tides, after the high tide recedes, then the fishing hooks goes down. After high tide, speed of current decreases, allowing fish to eat the bait more easily. - the time of the tides after they check the time then they'll get here to the fishing ground and estimate this tide's current has about one and a half hour look from 12:30 and then one and a half hour wait until the sea is calmer then we'll start dropping the hooks so then the fish will be like since the current isn't that strong they'll be more willing to come and eat those baits right if that's how it is wouldn't this paper make me an expert already?! yah it ain't much so I can be a fisherman now then I'll just take this paper yah? oh okay okay captain where's our chief officer at though? our chief officer - AYO - chief officer's here right here wow he just just got offshore for about 5 minutes and he's dead why don't he just sleep at home aight don't bother him 'cause usually at this time he'd be dizzy if you get him up he's gonna puke all over... all over the ship then I'll get back to work I'm dropping the 3rd fishing line aight captain carry on go go go last fishing line dropping... tough job, KID nah been tougher for Taige (so touching) doing a bit more really ain't no big deal 'cause like keep sleeping then Taige like you never even been here like why you even here? huh the hell you here for? what tryna get everyone's sympathy or what? alright right now our 3 fishing lines in total of 24 fetuses have already gone down into the sea so now we gotta wait for captain's order so we'll then get to the front of the ship and get all the fish up... one by one stacking a big catch and bring'em back so hopefully today we'll be able to catch a bunch of fish and a big haul of fish and let us make our return to the port with our massive catch so in the mean time what're we gonna do so I heard they're using this time cook for themselves to eat but on a fishing boat what CAN we eat? I don't even know either let's see what they're cooking 'cause I took a peek into the fridge moments ago saw they got some carrots and veggies would it be that boring? is there meat~? (wanna eat meat) we can eat meat right? cooking time aye cook more yah? we gotta eat too (Indonesian: "makan" = "eat") if it's spicy s'all good and then he already got this sautéed this kind of three cup neritic squids f*ck smells bomb aye can't believe even on a fishing boat there's stir fries you (?!) Taiwan or Indonesia Indonesian he just 'cause just right now we gave him some ramen he asked me you wanna eat Taiwanese ramen or Indonesian ramen since we're already here gotta have some Indonesian ramen let's eat Indonesian's Indonesia's got peppers aight Indonesia's got peppers Indonesia's too spicy look at this kind of.. Cockroach Running For Its Life it's like they got less of.. Oh!! As we're cooking there's a cockroach running around if they run around that's okay for survival on the seas these are all okay look cockroaches running around right here see that okay side dish X4 aye they're actually pretty professional they ain't f*cking around when cooking the ramen they've got peppers and onions sautéed along with eggs and some veggies then put these spice packets in and then on the side they cooked some neritic squids along with the main course if you're out working on the seas honestly with these hot ramens lemme tell you Gourment , Bomb aye on the real though truly admire these guys because they're here putting so much effort into serving for everyone but ironically their beds are right here really can't take this. (they deserve better environment!) what you guys are seeing right now are actually KID's sweat that are shining lights this room is at least 36°C (96.8°F) hotter than that and since we're cooking so we can't turn on the fan they still got fans though aye they were making soup ramen now it turned dry now 'cause we cooked too many packs ohh that combo's too damn bomb this goes well with noodles thanks for making your dick for me to eat (pronunciation: "goes well with noodles" = "down south") aye even though this's just some normal pork ribs with chicken ramen but on a fishing boat you know what this pork ribs chicken ramen meant? this is Michelin 3-Star Cuisine also cooked with their seafood hands they didn't even add any salt at all~ Chef of the Day aight everyone let's see... everyone everyone let's move to the side first yah a bit of private talks yah? okay okay bit of private talks (what did KID found out?) - come come come come come come bit of private talks pretty dope I think this onboard cooking is really dope can you describe this this... feeling it's like when you realize there's a bunch of cockroaches inside HAHAHAHAHAHA you be like it's... still pretty damn good when a human's trying to survive this is the scope into the origins of life because it's nothing more than just hunger this thing... they ain't got no time to care so much stuffs they ain't got no time to care so much - no time to care so much but you can I think you can care that much no no KID you don't really have to No really don't have to I gotta let everyone experience that we're really doing One Day Fisherman that's how a fisherman eats KID don't! For real! Don't hold me back! Don't hold don't don't don't hold me back KID you really don't have to my hand is here I'm not holding my hand is here what I do... don't eat it for real don't eat it really? but they still.. they still eat like that like that.. there's about like 2 , 3 cockroaches don't eat it... all of a sudden felt like.. kinda gross really wanna puke Time for harvesting - First rope of fishing lines fishing line is pretty tight that's really gotta be tons of fish dragging it down there WHEN YOU FISH! THAT'S THE MOMENT WE BEEN WAITING FOR! It's coming! woah first one woah a bunch of them were torn off by fish they're actually all baited but most of them are torn off it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming ro...ck rock but after it there's a ah puffer fish puffer fish puffer fish~ (Taiwanese Hokkien) look those hooks that we prepared that we prepared for so long and they still gotta tie them up beforehand these are all gone (only a few right now) for now there nothing it's just truly living on a career decided by the changes of weather everyone check out this fish deep sea fish when they're suddenly in an process of getting pulled up due to the change of pressure from inside its tongue their organs will all spew out oh there's more behind it saw some big fish BIG ASS ONE WOOHOO its tail got bitten off got bitten off by sharks this is because it's baited but its tail got eaten by a shark wow this fish won't expect a good price but to us though should tastes pretty good still by far the largest today this fish... very sick this fish if it's in a restaurant ain't cheap for sure today today's best performance , this is it SHARK this this is a type of shark do we KEEP IT or DUMP IT keep it? dump... dump it right small ones go back into the sea right?! and look at its face feels like it's smiling and its also got lips right here feels like it's smiling aight let it get back into the sea bye bye there's a big one after it SHARK (anotha one) REAL SHARK REAL SHARK (KID's f*cking excited) REAL SHARK (how many times?!) REAL SHARK (aight enough?!) AH!! do we want this? dump it dump it? aye don't be fooled by its look it's got a bunch of teeth aight let's get it back bye bye (saved my ass) actually the captain is also worried too looking through his eyes he kept on paying attention to every fishing line that comes up whether there's any fish or not because this ain't just affecting himself instead it matters Every crewman whether they can get paid or not whether they have anything to eat or not so his responsibility is immensely heavy WOOHOO woah jumping everywhere ayo aight after going through such a long time just now for about 40 minutes we barely got... our first rope up entirely so those fish y'all just saw right now even though it ain't alot but don't be nervous we still got 2 ropes to go aight? and now we getting buoys , floats all pulled back up fun fun fun but really tough though we're just watching from the side thinking it's all new experience and fun but they really worked so hard aye first rope it's only about one basket full so today's harvest hasn't gone well yet so for today it's possible that we're not earning (chief officer woke up...) I'm now at the front of the boat could say that I'm piloting this fishing boat onto our next fishing ground 'cause our first fishing ground actually our harvest didn't go that well also due to the influence of dayight or else usually if we're catching blackmouth croaker it's all at night time but for the sake of cooperating with the shooting today we're doing this during the day and then today KID did pretty well nah you worked too hard on the daily so today let your disciple do the work nah not even tough for me I was just in the cabin mapping routes and strategizing plans ain't none of y'all see that?! heh heh (awkward) heh heh heh for real man I'll quiz you one rope bouy's here this count as one rope one rope's got how many fetuses?! actually not much on a rope one rope's got about 200 Aight cut the bullsh*t when it's time to work I'll get back to work get yo head outta the gutter we're now onto our second rope second rope aight OKAY Imma get back in and kinda... discuss with the captain see what's going down I'm going back up Harvesting time - Second rope of fishing lines big ass one aye it's biting him this a BIG one!! BIG one Oh heh!! here it comes aye look aye it's okay aye aye it's okay it's okay this big of a fish.. only its head left got eaten careful aight puffer fish WATCH IT (Agong) puffer fish got pissed OH Don't joke around with that! (Agong) That's poisonous! (Agong) ah? nah this ain't poisonous it's too dangerous! (Agong barking) dump it! (Agong yelling) (good boy) OH dump it dump it KID got his hand injured I was just holding onto the puffer fish in my hand and it just went like this pissed.. BOOM next thing you know there's 20 HOLES on my hand and it just stopped the bleeding right now aye it's sick (crazy mofo) Return home - Crewmen maintaining nets today since the two ropes'... total catch didn't go that well so the captain decided that we'll head back first afterwards they'll get back at it one more time so for now our crewmen ain't wasting time either using this time to put away the fishing lines and then reorganize the new fishing hooks get ready for another round at night but we ain't gonna be in that round at night they gonna be fighting for that round alright? through this One Day Fisherman experience felt like the only word to describe this is TIRING today you could say this deep sea fishing's.. rather successful today we gotta thank our Captain Ho Captain Ho we wanna thank you today really appreciated you're welcome but today's total catch is possibly affected by tides or something possibly led to... relatively lesser amount of an average catch so later on the captain is going for yet another trip (so hardworking!!!!) for real that dedication though for real that dedication though - you see that? Ain't easy to be a fisherman merely just getting to the fishing ground takes up more than an hour or two hours goddamn ain't easy at all - that's how fishermen are - yah yah yah so today I think in terms of captain's point of view... (guilty laugh) how do you think our... KID.. for today's work as a crewman How did he do?! not bad not bad his work's not bad thank you pretty good (tf you thanking for?!) thank you for me as a cap... captain how did I do?! can you rate it for us? also not bad (captain's so nice) all he did was sleeping right there and THAT'S NOT BAD?! Not a single moment was he not sleeping here!! Captain Ho aye aye don't be like that thank you then today we gotta thank our Captain Ho thank you it's nothing it's nothing good work good work appreciated appreciated really appreciated thank you Thank you Captain Ho About to arrive at Fuji Fishing Port~ time to go home BYE BYE okay thanks everyone heartwarming heartwarming gimme the... gimme the fan is it too hot?! first gimme the gimme the fan gimme that what now what happened?! lemme tell you our original plan wasn't even like this - then how is it supposed to be?! - it's always been planned that today is gonna be like he will go experience working as a fisherman the hell you doing then?! and I was gonna come take a look at the entire construction of Fuji Fishing Port who was gonna be with you though?! who'd be here let's say Ching Ching (@chingching_hsu) Jasmine (@xoxojasminedai) Lala (who's that?) Lala?! how did we get to Lala? Lala's pretty good too Lala... (@lalababy625) aight? and also mantis shrimp (still remembers) where's mantis shrimps?! wassup then bring'em in honestly though I think Camerabay is also going through some rough days it's like their budget is also limited - forget the mantis shrimps - but I think no no no I think a host who's willing to sacrifice for a show's budget.. this sentiment... quite touching for us heartwarming we'll head back first for real like let's not do this lemme ask you this you can't eat 'cause you had skin allergy again right? yah!! my entire body itches lemme tell you for this thing you gotta fight poison with poison - nah - after you ate it you'd be all set - really can't - furthermore mantis shrimp is an A1 protein source back on the ship ate cockroaches I've already got my protein replenished for real that's how it is huh? so Taige that's decided then let's just let's just leave first aye aye aye it's okay you can go first I'll go eat I'll eat 4 catties by myself Okay how about I take 2 catties back let Sharon have some Hats off to all fishermen and crewmen out there Tough work y'all doing this profession for you what do you think is the toughest part? the toughest part is big waves yah big waves and also long hours of work it's 'cause if you don't work that long can't catch any fish then lemme ask you this, captain for you doing this profession what'd be the happiest part? oh the happiest part is is just catching the fish just seeing the fish and landing them is already very very satisfying like that doing this what'd be the happiest thing about this? the happiest thing if we catch fish we'll be happy Taige represent for us and say One Day Series Success then we'll do the ending One Day Series Success (zero sincerity) aye you should at least say... One Day Fisherman Series Success Thanks everyone!! We are Muyao4SuperPlaying (please do~) Gotta subscribe to our channel also remember to follow our fan page and IG Twitter most importantly please help us share our videos!! That's all! Muyao4 See you next time~ Alright OK (Director) aye aye Where my SOLO at? What's my line? Aye What am I saying alone? Aye Chen BaiHsiang
Channel: 木曜4超玩
Views: 3,693,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 邰智源, KID, 一日系列, 漁夫, 捕魚, 木曜四超玩, 邰哥, 瘋神無雙, 玩很大, 漁船, 漁工, 海巡署, 鯊魚, 漁船移工, 外籍漁工, 海上生活, 大熱門
Id: 964vocYtqGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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