Wenn Sie 2 Kartoffeln und 1 Ei haben Kartoffeln so gemacht Schnell Rezept

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Cut two large potatoes (500 grams) Today I'm preparing another extraordinary and super delicious potato dish Thanks for the likes! How to support my channel! Pour cold water over potatoes Boil potatoes until tender 2 pinches salt 1 teaspoon paprika Black pepper A bunch of parsley finely chop 2 tablespoons cornstarch Divide the dough into 5 parts Press down lightly with a fork This is a very tasty way to cook potatoes! 1 egg A pinch of salt Breadcrumbs A tablespoon of parmesan cheese Basil I advise you to always use basil, it gives the dish an incredibly delicious flavor Dip the potatoes in the egg Breadcrumbs with basil and parmesan Friends, write in the comments how you like this recipe like! What an interesting and unusual shape, isn't it? Pour in hot vegetable oil What a tasty potato! Fry hash browns until golden Remove excess fat with paper towels This is delicious! Now let's prepare delicious snacks! your favorite bread! Salt Italian herbs Smoked pepper Garlic powder Olive oil Parmesan Bake in the oven at 200°C (400°F) for 10 minutes You 're done! All of this is delicious! Thank you subscribers and viewers for watching! Subscribe to new videos! Enjoy your meal!
Channel: Erstaunliche Rezepte
Views: 3,931,205
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Keywords: Erstaunliche Rezepte, lecker zuhause, rezept, rezepte, asmr, asmr cooking, billiges rezept, Wenn Sie 2 Kartoffeln haben, bereiten Sie dieses leckere Gericht zu, yt:cc=on, Günstig und einfach Rezept, Kartoffeln zu Hause haben, Eier mit Kartoffeln, Rezept für Eier und Kartoffeln, 2 Kartoffeln, 1 Ei, Kartoffel wie man kocht, Kartoffel, Essen, Rezept, Kochen, Backwaren und Kochen, Mittagessen, was man zum Mittagessen kochen kann, leckeres Abendessen, schnelles Abendessen, Kartoffelgericht
Id: QRTF3y1ywX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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