If you don't like reading, I've got the book for you

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šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/AutoModerator šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 26 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

We should all post pictures of us reading fine literature to flex on Jaiden

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/bookwerm606 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 26 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Happy birthday to Ari

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/phoneguyplayz šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 29 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

PET is also a kind of plastic used in water bottles. Polyethylene terepthalate. So it really is trash.

And Iā€™m guessing the rest of the cast is the other kinds of plastics

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/DM_ME_CUTE_PICS_PLZ šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 26 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
so this is a weird video to follow up with after I just talked about how much I don't like reading for like seven minutes but I guess it kind of works out because since you've obviously seen that video right we don't have to talk about my tragic reading backstory that's left me in soul-crushing shambles so what book could someone like me who's been forever ruined from the past haunting memories of reading call a favorite Harry Potter Lord of the Rings Grapes of Wrath nope none of these revolting pieces of literature hold a candle to the masterpiece leave it to pet the misadventures of a recycled super robot is this a joke I'm not sure yet I read this book in sixth grade when I was 11 and I'll preface it with yes it's a manga do I want to get into the debate of manga comic books or graphic novels are considered real books I don't think so I don't actually remember how I stumbled on to this book I remember owning it so it might have been a gift for my parents or a friend but your guess is as good as mine we can say it's a gift from the Lord leave it to pet the misadventures of a recycled super robot is about this nine-year-old boy nabooru who recycled an orange juice bottle the recycling plant wanted to say thanks for recycling and sent this little bottle robot called pet to rescue him whenever he needs helpers in danger sounds great but the catch is pet is actually trash just kidding pets childish easily distracted and overly confident in his abilities which results in him making situations comedic ly worse and not being able to fix anything also I don't know if you've picked up on this but this is not a high reading level book don't make fun of me for liking it the book starts off with pet introducing himself as nabooru and his friends are being picked on by bullies but when he arrives to save the day no one understands what pet is or is supposed to do or why he's here obviously what would you do if this thing walks up and starts talking to you so ped explains i'm the orange juice father you recycled the other day and Navarro's like i don't know what you're talking about and pets like i can't believe you don't remember freak and the dynamic grows from there there's not really a specific story it's more episodic chapters where the characters are in different everyday scenarios that just get a little out of hand and pet of course is being a little bag of trash complicating things that should have been an easy fix or weren't even problems to begin with chapter 7 is a good one navour is out fishing with his friends and his line is caught on some rocks so it calls for pet leave it to pet what seems to be the problem and aznavour is explaining pet gets overpowered by the current not a problem it's like it never happened ped assesses the situation I see your hook is stuck at the bottom of the river catching catching I know exactly what to do whoosh and he cuts the line off no more is like what the heck dude and pets like what you wanted that old thing and he's like yes of course I wanted it more characters are introduced later on but my favorites are p2 we're in his debut when he's describing how he's the new and improved pet model with his 200% faster speed larger body but lighter weight he blows away because he's so light and pets all ding that's awesome and explodes off his arms and legs to try and be lighter - I wish humans could do that also bottle doggy is a great character you drag his limp body around on a leash I think the reason I love this book so much is frankly a lot of nostalgia not sure a 20-something year old would pick this up and deeply connect with bottle doggies character arc but the author Sony Shi Kenji also created in my opinion a really cute little knucklehead I just want to have in my life and 11 year old me was obsessed with that became one of my favorite characters for a bit and I would draw him all the time in class we had our desks arranged in groups and I had a bit of open space on the side because my desk was on the corner so I drew a little pet and stuck him on the side for the world to see how much of a stand I was no one cared why are you drawing orange juice I would make my own little original characters of bottle robots that I would want I believe the original term might be trash sona and recycled extra things in hopes I could have my own I was really big on imagination and stuff as a kid so anything that played around with enhancing reality and fun and creative waves was right up my alley and it taught me how to recycle so you're welcome greta thunderbird i don't think i've ever heard anyone talk about this book ever it seems like it's slipped under the radar for some reason and i think it deserves more love because the humor in it was suitable for eleven-year-old me and I bought the book to read through again and the humor is still suitable for me so either it's fun for all ages or I haven't mentally progressed since grade six of course naturally there's nothing wrong with having things targeted towards certain age groups but I think there should just be more things like pet the misadventures of recycled super robot bringing families and people of all ages together with this charm froggy hat and massive glistening samurai muscles I'm telling you there's something in here for everyone sure the story is pretty simple but the humor which I always value the most is great for all ages and doesn't try to dumb anything down to baby younger readers I think it's easy to think kids are children until they're not but they're still people and can tell when they're being talked down to now go file your taxes pathetic little boy anyway I just really like the book it's cute funny pet reminds me of Ari if Ari was a recycled super robot made from an orange juice bottle you can read the whole thing in like 20 minutes if not faster if I were to critique one thing I wasn't too keen on how they kept introducing new recycled robots and the crew just started getting a bit too crowded by the end in my opinion I liked when it was just a few characters and would have liked to see them play around with more ideas instead of just bringing in a new character to depend on new ideas for but bottle doggy was a masterpiece he can stay there's actually three other books that come after it but I haven't read them because I'm worried that they won't be as good and I want to remember pet as the example of perfect literature it is are there hundreds of books that I would probably enjoy more than this one if I gave a chance yes but am I still gonna end the video without giving a reasonable explanation for me not trying to find them yep hey again it's me thanks for watching the video I wanted to say thank you to everyone who stopped by the charity livestream the other day I was blown away the entire stream and you can probably tell by the fact I couldn't get myself to do anything the first 30 minutes because I was so blindsided with support if you missed it I was hoping to raise $30,000 and we raised 260 thousand in four hours so thank you to everyone who is there participated donated everything and thanks to Sean for putting it all together I had fun and wow you guys are just amazing but don't let it go to waste make sure you still stay inside stay quarantined wash your hands everything we're all in it together anyway thanks for watching my video about a recycled orange juice
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 8,287,036
Rating: 4.9591584 out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations, orange juice, jaiden animation favorite book, jaidenanimation reading, leave it to pet, favorite book jaiden, pet jaidenanimation, i dont like reading
Id: _XyHn2bpEFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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