If you can’t find a job right now, you’re not alone …

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you know I've applied to literally hundreds of jobs at this point as you can imagine you feel like what am I doing wrong it's still really tough to get interviews right now it's still very tough if you can't find a job right now you're not alone we keep hearing that software engineering is supposed to be the safest bet out there and yet most people I know haven't even been able to land a tech interview there's so much competition out there and you just really got to stand out in this video I'm going to share some valuable advice from aspiring software Engineers that I got a chance to sit down and chat with and they had some great insight about dealing with rejection staying motivated in a tough job market and even how to stand out from the competition the first piece of advice came from Aaron this is Aaron he's a boot camp grad who's applied to over 700 jobs most of which never got back to him my name's Aaron uh I was a teacher in a former life of martial arts uh worked with kids with autism as well and you know I was a recent group C campg grad uh so new to Tech and you know I've applied to literally hundreds of jobs at this point as you can imagine but I've had also wins as well I've had I I'd say probably a greater than average but yeah it's definitely difficult to get responses other than you know we were moving forward with other candidates there are a lot of people like Aaron that don't come from a traditional Computer Science Background which can sometimes make it harder to get your foot in the front door if this is the case for you you really want to optimize your strategy by making it as easy as possible for recruiters to actually see your resume this means you might need to do some application hacking okay that sounds super intense but I didn't need hacking in the bad way just the friendly borderline increase or odds type of hacking so first off pick the right jobs to apply to definitely certain websites I felt like I got better responses from as well like LinkedIn is is a tough one for me like I don't know that I've really gotten much except for maybe one maybe two jobs uh so I think platforms do a better job as far as um you know maybe just filtering the amount of people probably so you're competing a little bit less and also probably applying for jobs that are like more recent or maybe you shouldn't apply to jobs that are posted like you know 10 days ago 20 days ago not only did Aaron pick platforms that he was getting responses from but he was only applying to the jobs that had the least amount of applicants and he was trying to apply to these jobs as soon as they were posted this is really important to know because it is a numbers game at the end of the day it doesn't matter if you have amazing skills it just matters if you have the best skills compared to everyone else that's in the pool of applicants that are applying when I was applying for big tech jobs back in the day yep that's me I had to use similar tactics to get my foot in the door one strategy that I accidentally stumbled upon was applying to the Microsoft Office in Atlanta I had lived in Atlanta for 6 months so recruiter actually reached out to me to see if I'd be open and joining that location in Atlanta rather than going to the Redmond office something as Tiny as location can make the biggest difference I found out that the competition was a lot more intense in a place like Redmond that it was in Atlanta especially because the Atlanta office was opening for the first time in Atlanta they were still searching for talent in that area because it wasn't a big Tech Hub yet so look for opportunities wherever you can find one it's the sum of all small opportunities that will eventually give you your big break however it is important to acknowledge how difficult it is to still get a job you may already be using a lot of these strategies I'm still not finding much of anything just take it from Salon she's applied to over 2,000 jobs and she's only gotten seven responses back despite having a really solid experience so I have been actively applying for jobs I think over a year now it is actually very difficult to get an interview right now um and what I've been doing is I've been applying online I've been networking and I am I printed out my resume I've been going to Career Affairs and giving out my resumés I'm trying to Market myself basically I have applied to around I think 2,000 jobs but I am not getting interviews so this can be the most unmotivating part of the process spending the majority of your effort to apply for jobs interview and even create multiple versions of your resume without actually getting a job it's exhausting I know I've been there I remember feeling so hopeless when this happened to me like I wasn't good enough to do anything and now I know I wasn't actually actually the only one you feel like what am I doing wrong like why am I not getting where where I should get and it is like driving on a dark Road like you just have to drive you don't have to think too much about it maybe hopefully I I'll land somewhere and um something that I also want to share is that um during my informational interviews I talked with people who graduated in the 99s 80s and I also talked with people who graduated 2 years ago and surprisingly everybody told told me that the job market was so bad when they were graduating it was so difficult for them to get their first job and I think none of them are lying it's just difficult to get your foot into the market and uh this is something I tell myself that you just have to keep going and just take help just go for a therapy please go for therapy and she's right honestly we have to stop telling people The Narrative that getting a job used to be a breeze I got my first software engineering job in 2018 and trust me it was not easy I even had my school's career fair at my disposal but it was still really difficult to get hired at the time so what is one do when your chances are really Slim for getting hired Aaron another Aaron said it best definitely just going back this grit just keep applying cuz that's all you realistically can do if you're not getting interviews maybe spruce up your resume try to reach out to more recruiters Engineers on the companies you want to work with see if you could get a referral like that that could boost your chances I would say you got to go times 100 to really even be able to get that first interview or such there's so much competition up there and you just really got to stand out you just have to keep moving forward at the end of the day it can be a tough process and it can Harden you to the job market but connecting with others that have similar experiences to you will help you cope with rejection you're not going through this alone and you don't have to eventually things will get better and jobs will start open up again you just have to hold on to hope I know you can do it I believe in you guys oh and if you're interested in hearing more about software engineering content feel free to check out my latest video and with that good luck
Channel: Pooja Dutt
Views: 71,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unemployed, Can’t find a job, Jobless, How to find a job, Software engineering, Hard to find a job, Interviewing rejection
Id: q1nQhG3nLXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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