"If You Are Living In A Glass House, Don't Throw No Stones" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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praise the Lord this is the day that the Lord has made and we are rejoicing and we're glad in it I'm so grateful for this day that the Lord has allowed us to see thank you for joining us wherever you are in the world I'm grateful for that i-it's my prayer it is my prayer that our God would bless you in incredible ways I'm going to be ministering from Matthew chapter 7 today talking about judging as a matter of fact there's a song years ago that the temptations used to sing that said if you're living in a glass house don't throw any stones and I'm gonna be preaching about that today about God's instructions Jesus instructions to us about being critical of other people I believe it'll be a blessing and a sound teaching for your life be blessed father we honor you this morning give you praise glory as we intercede and pray for one another we give you thanks for your loving kindness your tender mercies that you give us day by day we come before you today praying for one another interceding for the persons whose hand I hold we call their name out before you and we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who join us father we pray in the name matchless and wonderful name of the Lord that you would have your way in our lives work miracles on our behalf we pray this morning God we pray this hour this moment for you to speak to us challenge us change us mold us make us allow your name to get the glory and the honor save somebody that needs to be saved we claim that backs that backs restore him we claim that backslider give us shirts to those who have doubts edify believers Almighty God and let your perfect will be done we give you praise ahead of time for what we know you're going to do put a hedge around this place by and every distracting spirit and father let the power of your holy spirit do what it is he's ordained and desires to do and we give you the thanks ahead of time in Jesus name Amen [Applause] all righty open your Bibles to Matthew chapter seven dr. Akers has read this already but I want to read it to you again beginning in verse one judge not that you do not that you be not judged for with what judgment you judge you will be judged and with the measure you use it will be measured back to you why do you look at your body look at the speck and your brother's eye but do not consider the plank in your own eye how will you say to your brother let me remove the speck from your eye and look a plank is in your own eye hypocrite first remove the plank from your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye I'm tithing this message today if you're living in a glass house don't throw stones [Applause] you can't be seated I don't know if you remember the 1975 song by the temptations titled if you live it in a glass house don't throw those stones I didn't know I liked most temptation songs I did not know the words to that song all I knew was the title and the refrain if you're living in the Glass House don't throw stones so when I was preparing for this message I decided I will go and get the words to the song the lyrics I looked them up and and the song is about if you got your own mess why are you gonna be critical of somebody else's mess and that's what I want to talk about for just a few moments today because there is a warning from the Lord Jesus and the midst of his Sermon on the Mount right here in Chapter 7 many of you know that Matthew is 5 6 and 7 Matthew 5 6 and 7 is his Sermon on the Mount and it is through his Sermon on the Mount that Jesus is talking about various and sundry topics a whole lot of topics he talks about and he spends these several verses here these first five verses of chapter of chapter 7 and the midst of his sermon to talk about judging and and his sermon then is still applicable today amen thank y'all for that rousing information and amen because if the truth be told there's always somebody nearby who's critical of somebody else yeah y'all might not want to admit it but some of you have been guilty of judging other people and you ain't got your own life in order I know that's not good English but it's mighty good preaching somebody said that's good preaching the term judgment the Jesus speaks - he warns us about passing judgment condemning people making a decision about somebody call us somebody's actions into it into question or somebody's heart in the questions what I should say it means to form an opinion about somebody and I thought we should spend a few moments and take a look at this and I won't keep you long I promise it'll be one of the shorter sermons you hear me preach at the eight o'clock hour today y'all missed that that went over your head you'll get it later I just got two points and I and then I got a sub point to one of these points my first point is don't judge others write that down don't judge others plain and clear don't be a judge of others and the Bible is clear about us and I think sometimes I have to spend time challenging people to understand that that that God has not called us to judge people's motives or heart you cannot there is no spiritual gift that allows you to look at somebody else's intention motives or their hearts for why they do whatever it is that they're doing and yet for many people they go past what they see in behavior and make a judgment about a person's intentions their motives and their hearts thank all 17 of y'all for that rousing affirmation it is a warning from the Lord that that if you judge others the same measuring stick that you use to judge others you will be judged by the same the same criteria that you use to be critical of someone else come back and fall upon you as a matter of fact the Bible is clear you will reap what you sow what goes around comes around what comes around goes around it comes back to you and so I've learned in my life to be slow and not to be critical of other people but you have to recognize I can't be critical of another person until I have walked a mile in their shoes it's very easy to be judgmental about somebody in the judge in the form and opinion but Jesus is crystal clear to us about don't pass judgment don't pronounce the sentence don't condemn them don't make a decision about them don't call them in the question don't form an opinion about him he says it right clear don't judge others as a matter of fact in the Greek it says do not judge it it's removed judgment from off of the plate of your of your evaluation don't do it put it on the background put it in the backdrop don't do it and I think that that's something we all ought to put in the arena of our lives and then that's my first point here's my second point how do you how do you know what the marks of judgment are how do you know what the marks are I got three sub points to point to I got three sub points my mind my point to is what are the marks how do you know what a judgment looks like what are what are the things that a judge does and I got some verses I'm not gonna read them but I'm gonna give it to you because I know y'all gonna write them down and go and read these scriptures because that's what the eight o'clock crowd does the twelve o'clock crowd don't do it but I know that 8 o'clock crowd does they take wonderful notes and they go home and they studied and they review the dynamic messages that the pastor preaches every week so they can get it in their soul and spirit here's the first here's the first mark of a judge you condemn others but fail to see your own problems and that's what Jesus says right here in verse three he says why are you looking at the speck in your brother's eye but do not consider the plank in your own let me put that in today's language why are you being critical of the splinter in your brother's eye but you don't see that there's two logs protruding from your own eyes why are you so quick to take the splinter out of theirs but you can't see that you've got issues why are you critical of somebody else's addictions but you don't see your own addictions why you critical of the young lady with the short miniskirt on and you've got spandex on yourself grandma come on look at me [Music] why are you talking about somebody else with a drug addiction and you can't leave the cigarettes or the dick alone [Applause] let me let that soak in for a few moments Jesus says behold take a look at your own self Romans chapter 2 verse 1 jot it down don't had time to turn there but it says it's whenever you judging somebody you're really condemning yourself you know when you're pointing the finger and being critical of somebody else there's three fingers pointing back at you and people are critical of other folks especially when they see something that's everything their own life but they can they don't see it in themselves but they're quick to see it in somebody else I'm doing the best that I can verse verse when you when when you do it the way God wants you to do it before you look at somebody else you examine your own self first correct your own problems before you try to help somebody else look at where your shortcomings are recognize what you need help in and try to do something about your own issues here's our truth for the matter I don't know everybody in here name I don't know where you live I don't know what kind of work you do but looking at I can look at y'all right now see everybody here got some kind of issue everybody who got something anyway right look at your neighbor say I think he talked about you he talked about you [Applause] matter of fact look back at your neighbors say I know he'd talk about me I know you talk about me I know he's being critical I know no I'm just trying to lay it out there Jesus said I'm just giving you what Jesus said and he said why are you trying to help somebody else when you don't see that you got your own problem yourself matter of fact in verse number 5 he calls you a hypocrite look at your neighbors say you a hypocrite if you're guilty it is that word hypocrite means to be a play actor hypocrite means to be putting on a mask to put a mass up in front of you and act like you're one way when in reality you're different than the way you're pretending and perpetrating to be and church people is full of hypocrites who act like they've gotten every item crossing every T and got it all together when really they all jacked-up themselves that's why I try to tell y'all every time I come in here every time I get an opportunity I don't got a B I don't cross every T I'm a jacked-up Joker and I don't deserve to be where I am but I'm thankful that God gives me another chance to get it straight and get it right I'm spending enough time trying to correct my own problems before I try to act like I don't have no problems and try to straighten you out and the more Christians would work and focus on themselves it's not worried about somebody else the church would be so much better we the church is a hospital we are not this is not a social club for Saints it's a hospital for sick people stop getting shocked and surprised and critical because somebody don't live up to your standards you ain't living up to your own standards I'm sorry to ask you to do this again but look at your neighbor say stop being so critical about the people stop talking about them stop pointing the finger at them stop being being critical stop being high high-minded like you didn't died at every I and crossed every team has though you have arrived you have not arrived and the moment you think you got it all together then there's a part there's pride when you think you got it together and you don't you don't get everything right and you don't got to where you need to be pride has it it into the arena of your life a person who is a judge er condemns others but fails to see their own problems my assignment here today is to tell you focus on your own issues Jesus says recognize the Splinter in your own eye recognise see that you got it before you're critical of others hold on let me give you a second characteristic of a judgment a judgment number two forms opinions based on appearance or suspicions let me give it to you again I know went kind of fast but a judge reforms opinions based on opinions or suspicions it's dangerous to make a judgment about somebody based on what you think you saw Matt in John chapter 7 verse 24 Jesus says that men judged by what they see but God judges righteous judgment men go by what they see and everything is not always what you think you see I've told the illustration on many occasions over the years about me picking up my my friend wandering I picked up one of my friends school buddies who wanted me to take him here just got paid him wanted me to take him to the the liquor store the cash his check and I said sure no problem then I start thinking about it and I thought about the fact all I need is one of those nosy church people to drive by and see my car at the drive-in window of the liquor store or even parked in the parking lot of the liquor store and they wouldn't ask me they wouldn't check into it matter of fact I thank God I didn't do it I said to him I park across the street let you out let you walk across to me but you know if this has been some years ago but if it had been some years ago and I had pulled in the parking lot or to the drive-in window in today's age the Saints would have pulled up and pulled out their cameras come on Hanah and it would have been tweeted and retweeted and Instagram there the pastor is a drunkard [Applause] the minister is toe-up they wouldn't have the integrity to come and ask me about it so I said to my friend Billy I'll just wait across the street while you go cash your check when we are not to form opinions by what we think we saw because what you see is not always what you think you saw in first Corinthians chapter 2 jot it down read it when you get an opportunity verse 15 says a spiritual man carefully examines all things divinely carefully researchers investigates what do you think he may think he saw I just had to deal with a situation just this weekend where somebody drew some conclusions about somebody that they didn't think they were worthy to be in in in leadership and and once I did my research or no matter I was able to draw conclusion that the people who made a judgment had not done the research to find out [Applause] and I got mad because people are creating and making judgments on other people without checking out the facts and some of y'all go about what somebody told you don't you know by the time somebody tells you it been twisted and turned and added to and so on so put a little two cents in and added the imagination by the time you get it it's been all twisted and turned and there's nowhere near the truth more people ought to be saying ouch than just that one person right there some of you need to go and apologize to some folk to whom you have misjudged as a matter of fact let me add this to the to the discussion because a lot of you a lot of you are participants in in gossip [Applause] let me tell you what gossip is right after I tell you what it is just just come on up to the all-time I have an altar call you can tell me okay gossip is when somebody shares information with you you're participating in gossip when they share information with you and you are not a part of the problem nor the solution y'all so convicted y'all can't even clap on that right there yeah yeah when you are participating in conversations about somebody and you're not a part of the problem nor the solution you are engaging in Gaza I can always tell when I'm really when I'm when I when I hit that button at the 8 o'clock Corral y'all get quiet y'all don't say nothing when I'm talking about somebody else y'all be saying Amen pastor preach but when I put the finger right on what you're guilty up y'all don't say nothing that's why I think I should stay right here for a few more moments slander let me tell you what slander is slander is when you tell the truth about somebody with a design to hurt their name or reputation and the truth of the matter is everybody here in here got something in their life that somebody else could be slanderous about you yeah everybody hit a nut something with somewhere hooked up touch something mess with some said something thought something wanted something that's true about you you don't want nobody to be blasting yo your shortcomings and your failures but you quick to go and tell somebody else about somebody else's issue and then you got to nurse a child is to truth it might be true but do you want people blasted the truth about you out to somebody anybody here like me glad that God has kept some of your stuff covered I don't know what about you but I'm thanking God that he kept me covered if you knew everything about me you and sit in this trucks right here today but thank God I'm covered by the blood of the Lamb I'm covered by the lily of the valley I'm coming by the bright and Morning Star he has washed all of my sins away and he covered me that's so good high five your neighbors say that's good right there that brings me to my third and final sub point this is my third sub point two point two and my final point I'll be finished a judgment number one condemns out this without seeing their own problems number two forms opinions based on appearance and suspicions and number three a judge er publicly exposes a men are you coming to the altar to repent of your sins [Laughter] now when you judging somebody you quick to try to get to get the word out you you want you want you want to expose the person and and this is best well let me give you this Matthew chapter eighteen I'm almost finished Matthew 18 verses 15 through 17 description says if a person is overtaken in a fault or a person sins against you you deal with them privately you don't you don't expose them in the public you deal with it private that's what Matthew 18 says so when you want to publicly expose somebody you're not doing it the way God says and this is illustrated I'm not gonna turn there but read this story when you get a chance in John chapter 8 the first 12 verses tells the story about the religious audience people the scribes and Pharisees catching a woman in adultery and they they caught her in adultery and they drug her to the temple where Jesus was tempted was preaching and teaching and in the middle of Jesus is teaching they interrupted his teaching and drugged the woman down to the front of the synagogue and they said we have caught this woman in the Daughtery and they said to him we caught her in the very act she was doing it [Applause] and they caught her I had to tell you what this what that language means y'all don't know what the very act means she was in the very act of it and they caught her and they drugged her down to the temple and brought her down to the front of the church they said Jesus according to the law we supposed to stone her to death but you appear talking about forgiveness and all of that what you trying to say now they were trying to trap Jesus if Jesus had said let her go they would have accused him of breaking the law because the law said if you catch a person and adultery you start of a death but if he said forgiving it they would have accused her of they would have accused him if he said forgive her a break in the law but if he had said go ahead and stone her they would have accused him of being a murderer so so here's what Jesus did he turned around nailed down on the ground and started writing on the ground the scripture says has though he heard them not he was giving them a chance to get away but they wouldn't go so he kept on writing on the ground and then finally when they kept asking him about it he looked up and said let he who is without sin cast the first stone then he'd turn back around and nail beg down and start right now the Scriptures don't tell us what he was writing but one by one describes the Pharisees the scripture says got convicted and left I think he was writing down the names of their girlfriends and chicks on the side [Music] reading when you're getting opportunity don't it don't tell us what he was writing I'm just suspecting that's by my imagination and then when he when he got up and looked around and he said there with all of the scribes and Pharisees were drunk in there were gone they had disappeared they had vanished he said to her where your accusers she said they're gone they're there they're not he said neither do I accuse you then he said just go and sin no more is anybody here glad that God has given you an opportunity to go and sin no more now I just got a few questions you bought the lady but where's the man hold up I got another quick question you don't commit adultery out in the open [Applause] [Music] you go to some dark secluded spot where won't nobody come and by the way scribes and Pharisees righteous leaders what you doing at a dark secluded place that you caught her in the very act what what you doing there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's great news one day we will all have to stand before the true judge y'all didn't clap on that like I thought you should and I know why do you slow to it because you're thinking about your life and your behavior and your choices and and I'm reminding you that one day you'll have to stand before the judgment seat of Jesus and give an account and and I know you a little bit skirt but I have not finished telling you the story that while we will stand before the judgment seat of God before the judgment seat of Jesus the great news is when we stand before him our sins have all been washed away somebody help me give God a shout of praise and a shout of joy coz though our sins be as scarlet they can be whiter than snow and I believe there might be somebody here today who needs their sins to be washed away I got great news Jesus died on the cross so your sins can be washed away that you can be you can be washed and made whole no matter what you've done how frequently you did it how recently you did it he has made provisions for all your sins to be washed away and I want to invite you today to come and say yes to the Lord if you hear today you're not saying you're not accepted the Lord you have not received forgiveness of sins you've not been born again come and say yes to the Lord Jesus so you're in a backslidden mode you want to rededicate yourself don't be ashamed come you aren't sure of your salvation you need confidence and assurance come right now he's made provision for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 32,982
Rating: 4.861496 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, pastor, church, baptist, john, jenkins
Id: tZ4oDhIH6oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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