If You Are Experiencing These Stages, Your Reality Is About To Change

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Spiritual Awakening is a deeply personal and transformative Journey towards a deeper understanding of who we are and the purpose of our existence it means looking inside ourselves questioning our beliefs and values and seeking a deeper connection with something greater than our everyday existence an inner Journey that takes us beyond the limitations of the mind and leads us to a state of expanded Consciousness each person can describe their own spiritual journey in a unique way but it often begins with a feeling of discontent in our lives we often experience discontent as if something is missing as if there is a deep call for something more meaningful it's as if our soul yearns for something more meaningful than the ordinary as if there is a deep call for something that can't be found in material achievements or superficial success this is the the beginning of our spiritual awakening the first stage of this incredible journey this feeling of discontent can manifest itself in various ways and can vary from person to person but it often includes the following aspects feeling empty questioning one's purpose feeling disconnected and others for example if you feel trapped in a career that doesn't bring you personal satisfaction you experience deep professional discon intent and consequently you begin to question your purpose in your career or in a personal situation such as the loss of a loved one a breakup a serious illness or a traumatic event this can also lead someone to question the meaning of life and seek deeper answers we begin to question the purpose of our existence and whether there is more to life than the worries of everyday life we realize that financial success social status or other worldly achievements don't bring us the lasting happiness we imagined so remember discontent often serves as a trigger that makes us question The Superficial layers of life and pushes us to search for something deeper and more meaningful this search for answers meaning and connection with something greater than ourselves is what often leads a person to the beginning of a journey of Spiritual Awakening it is the first Spark that ignites the flame of of inner exploration and spiritual growth we recognize the need to explore our inner World in search of answers and understanding the initial discontent served as a call to this inner journey and Enlightenment is the answer to this call Enlightenment is the moment when Consciousness expands and the world view is transformed revealing a deeper and more meaningful reality during this stage those who walk the spiritual journey experience a profound and transformative Awakening the perception expands in a remarkable way reality is seen in a new light as if our lenses have been cleaned allowing for a clearer vision every aspect of life becomes more Vivid and meaningful the senses are heightened and the world is perceived with a depth previously unknown Enlightenment leads to a fundamental change in one's perspective of Life spiritual value become the center of life and the search for inner growth service to others and contributing to a more loving World become priorities the Illusions fall away and we begin to see the true nature of reality this includes an understanding that life goes beyond superficial appearances however this journey can also involve moments of resistance moments when we Face our fears doubts and uncertainties these are the moments when we question our ingrain beliefs and the thought structures that have shaped our lives so far it is at this point that we can experience anxiety Confusion And even disorientation but resistance is an essential part of the Journey of Spiritual Awakening it's where our true strength begins to emerge outlining the path to Enlightenment and transformation where we find Solutions and growth in our vulnerability it is the moment when the soul faces its own inner turbulence and the search for deeper understanding meets resistance amidst the storms of change we struggle to find firm ground the certainties we had before are Swept Away by the wind and temporarily everything seems in disorder the feeling of solidity disappears and the Soul feels a drift however it is within this storm that true Inner Strength begins to flourish we discover a resilience that we didn't know we had before and the uncertainties and challenges become fertile soil for our personal growth so remember the storm serves as a test of determination because in the end we realize that as the internal storms calm down we emerge with a strengthened purpose for we recognize that our Inner Quest is a path worth taking after facing resistance and intern struggles we reach a decision point this is where we often come up against the abyss the abyss represents the jump into darkness where the security of old certainties is Left Behind surrendering to the abyss can also be an act of courage and Trust in the process because it's when we give ourselves over deeply in the search for our inner truth leaving behind the layers of ego and illusions that surrounded us at this stage we may experience moments of loneliness and isolation because we are on a personal Journey a solitary journey of self-discovery facing the inner Shadows that emerge in the process this Solitude is a kind of catalyst for spiritual growth it is the moment when we begin to face our own Shadows fears and insecurities which from my personal perspective is an opportunity for inner reconciliation to accept all parts of ourselves including those that have been ignored or rejected I believe that this is an experience of spiritual rebirth where the old identity is released and a new more authentic one emerges because it's a moment when we Embrace transformation and it's here that we understand that the abyss is a passage to a new level of awareness and understanding I would even say a deeper understanding of the essence of life after facing the abyss we reach a state of deep connection here we understand that separation is an illusion and that everything in existence is interconnected this is the stage of Oneness which is marked by a profound sense of unity here we no longer see ourselves as isolated beings but as each being an integral part of the whole of existence we realize that every human being creature and element of nature is an essential part of this great whole understanding Unity brings with it unconditional love at this stage we love not only others but also ourselves with a love that transcends the ego and this love extends to all life forms and to the Earth itself we begin to see ourselves Beyond human division and conflicts perceiving the harmony underlying diversity this expanded Vision further deepens our understanding of life we begin to integrate an understanding of unity into our daily lives and start to live according to our principles of love compassion and respect for all forms of life and now as we become more aware of our connection to the deeper essence of life we realize that life is full of meaning and purpose and as there is this strong connection with the very essence of life we begin to notice signs and synchronicities more clearly we notice meaningful patterns in life events that seem to happen at just the right time and coincidences that can't be mere chance at this stage we begin to just flow with the Rhythm of Life here we no longer feel like we are in a constant struggle against the currents but give ourselves over to the trust that the universe is supporting us on our path we feel in tune with the whole universe and realize that every challenge opportunity and encounter is part of a bigger plan it's a stage where intuition becomes our trusted guide we learn to trust our inner voice following the impulses that lead us in the right direction in the stage of Greater perception of signs and synchronicities we feel a deep inner peace this is because we understand that we are exactly where we are supposed to be and that life is unfolding according to a greater plan with this new perspective we realize that the true purpose of life is to be who we really are not who others expect us to be this is the stage of authenticity where social masks and layers of conditioning are discarded here we leave behind the personas we used to fit into external expectations and show ourselves to the world without reservation authentic expression becomes a priority we no longer fear judgment or rejection because we understand that our authenticity is more important than someone else's approval we no longer blindly follow external teachings but trust in the wisdom of our own heart and here we express our truth with courage and compassion it is an act of acceptance of the inner self we become friends with our own Essence embracing the parts that might previously have been rejected and we understand that imperfection is also part of the beauty of life we feel that our purpose is simply to be who we really are to be ourselves to live according to our values and to share our unique light with the world after embracing our our inner truth we enter the elevation of consciousness stage at this point Consciousness expands beyond the boundaries of the ordinary mind and the spiritual Quest reaches New Heights Here we perceive the universal Unity even more deeply we understand that everything is interconnected on a more subtle level than before and that Consciousness is intertwined with the entire universe we understand that our journey has a greater meaning and that we are here to contribute to the evolution of Consciousness at this stage we transcend the ego more completely and we don't just identify with the individual self but recognize the higher self which is beyond limited identities we also develop a deeper understanding of reality in a very simple way we could say that it's like climbing a mountain when we reach the top of the mountain we have a clearer view of the whole right in the same way way it's the elevation of consciousness it's like climbing a spiritual ladder step by step towards a broader and deeper view of existence allowing us to see the nuances and beauties that previously went unnoticed we begin to understand that life is a combination of our will and the will of the universe or God as you prefer this is the moment when we recognize that creativity and co-creation are expressions of our divine connection and that we are active Partners in the manifestation of reality this is the stage of collaborative co-creation where we tune in to the Creative Source of the universe here we understand that inspiration comes when we are aligned with universal wisdom creativity becomes an act of connection with something greater it's a stage that involves the conscious manifestation of desires and intentions this is where we learn to direct our energy deliberately manifesting what is beneficial for ourselves and for the whole we begin to see ourselves as agents of positive change in the world understanding that our creativity can be directed towards the greater good contributing to the evolution of Consciousness and the well-being of humanity we seek to increasingly improve our creative skills and expand our understanding of the process of co-creation for we recognize that creativity is a gift that must be cultivated but more importantly we recognize that even in our connection with the Divine Source there is still much to learn co-creation is like tuning in to the frequency of universal creation where the human mind unites with Divine intelligence it is an advanced stage in the spiritual journey where we become aware that creativity is a direct expression of the connection ction with the source of all existence this is where we learn to direct our energy and intention consciously we understand that our thoughts emotions and actions have the power to manifest the reality we desire so remember cocreation is the act of bringing into existence that which is beneficial to oneself and to the whole our choices affect not only our own lives but also all existence since everything is interconnected so becoming aware of your actions becomes an integral part of your spiritual journey be deeply grateful for the ability to co-create and try to serve the world with your creativity because expressing gratitude is also a way of honoring the Divine source of all creation and so we dive into an ocean of unconditional love and understand that love is the essence of everything and the force that sustains the universe for unconditional love is not just a feeling but a way of being at this stage love flows freely without barriers of separation or limitations unconditional love manifests itself as compassion this is when we feel deep empathy for all forms of life and understand that suffering is part of the human condition and a strong desire arises to alleviate the suffering of other others and contribute to their well-being forgiveness and acceptance become pillars of existence you forgive yourself and others releasing any resentment you accept life's imperfections and find beauty in vulnerability at this stage we transcend the dualities of the mind we understand that unconditional love Embraces all polarities and that truth is beyond divisions after all love is the bridge bridge that connects all things so remember we are all one each being is an expression of the same Divine love each of us is on our own spiritual journey and these stages are like signs that remind us of our infinite potential so Embrace this journey with humility gratitude and love thank you for embarking on this journey with me if this video resonated with you I invite you to like And subscribe to our Channel share this video with others so they can benefit from this message and don't forget to leave a comment below sharing your thoughts Reflections and experiences thanks again for watching and for joining me take care and see you soon
Channel: Spiritual Dive
Views: 74,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual dive, spiritualdive, spiritual, spiritual journey, spiritual growth, spiritual awakening, reality, change your reality, shift reality, higher self, inner power, you are the creator, becoming supernatural, manifestation, manifest, how to manifest, desires, imagination, thoughts, mind, mind power, consciousness, subconscious, subconscious mind, mindfulness, meditation, affirmations, personal growth, self help, present moment
Id: XH7OotD7_DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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