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[Music] god works with men always all activities on earth are done for men through man even though it's orchestrated by god and this is why god is always searching for vessels to be used by him and this is also why god gave people different destinies now everyone has their unique purpose here on earth and this purpose is to help bring to life different possibilities that should be usable in today's video we will be talking about you are about to bring unseen into the scene now please like this video and share it to others to bless them and also subscribe to this youtube channel so you won't miss much more videos like this i want you to understand that god loves man so much and all he does is to make man's life easier but god is a god of laws he has some rules set that he bounded even himself by one is you need a body to fully function in the physical realm and this is why when god wanted to redeem man jesus had to come to earth in a body that was the way that god wanted man to take back the dominion he lost in the garden of eden when adam and eve had sinned from the beginning of time we see that god is always searching for vessels vessels that will be concentrated enough to follow him and these vessels will then go to help their fellow humans live better lives now we see this from the scriptures god is using specific people not because he preferred them but because they availed themselves to him isaiah chapter 6 verses 8 says then i heard the lord asking whom should i send as a messenger to this people who will go for us i said here i am send me here the lord was looking for who to send to the people of israel and isaiah answered god's call isaiah was a vessel used by god and since god is not coming down to help man overcome any problem we're facing he will use vessels according to 2nd timothy chapter 2 verses 20 to 21 or all vessels it says but in the great house they're not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and of earth and some to honor and some to dishonor if a man therefore purges himself from these he shall be a vessel unto honor sanctified and meat for the master's use and prepared onto every good work so we're all vessels serving different purposes now the difference between any two vessels lies in the question are you a vessel unto honor or unto dishonor from this passage it clearly shows that what you're doing doesn't matter as much as what type of vessel you are so we vessels have to determine what kind we want to be whether to be vessels of honor or to be vessels of dishonor just as the passage second timothy chapter 2 verses 20 to 21 describes we have gold and silver and wood and earth now let's say a random visitor comes to your house you know the type of plate you give versus someone who is very important and that's what the passage is trying to say all vessels are useful but at different degrees some are more important than others when you talk about vessels of dishonor you talk about vessels who are common these vessels aren't doing anything new or special for god they're just living their life now if you're enjoying this video please like it share it and subscribe to our youtube channel for more videos like this now the vessels under honor are people who are pleasing to god these people put god first and they walk with god to fulfill his plans for their lives now these are the kind of people who will bring the unseen into the scene these are the vessels that god will use being a vessel that god will use isn't difficult in fact god has already created us with the potential to be the greatest that we can be it's all in us there's nothing new for god to add ephesians chapter 1 verses 3 says all praise to god the father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with christ what we need now is the holy spirit to guide us into all truth the holy spirit is the only one who can tap into our potentials and make the unseen in us to be seen examples of vessels used by god going through the bible you will find that there are many people that god used but let's look at a few of these examples number one paul paul who was once named saul was mightily used by god saul was a student under gamalio gamalio was one of the finest teachers of the law paul was a pharisee and as a result he hated the way of jesus he was very dedicated and passionate about killing christians but after paul's encounter with jesus he became a totally different person he wrote most of the new testament books today and god used him to bring the unseen into the scene he brought lots of instructions of revelations that was and is still useful to the body of christ he was a vessel used by god number two peter peter was a fisherman he most likely would have gone unnoticed if he didn't encounter the lord jesus christ now this encounter he had while he was fishing changed his life jesus told peter in matthew chapter 16 verses 18 and i tell you that you are peter and on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hades would not overcome it with jesus also telling him again in john chapter 21 verses 17 to feed his sheep the lord jesus trusted peter and god used him as a great vessel number three moses moses is another great example born as a slave in egypt but adopted to be a prince in the same country moses grew up learning egyptian traditions but god had greater plans for him in the way i want you to know that god has greater plans for everyone else and moses are lying to god's will he earned the name the deliverer and with god's help he was able to do wonderful miracles signs and wonders that we all know number four queen esther esther was a local village girl she became queen after the previous one was removed for her bad behavior esther was placed there strategically to deliver the jews from being annihilated by haman esther rose up when it was time and made the iconic statement if i perish i perish in trying to save her people and of course she didn't perish god used her as a vessel to save the jews number five jesus christ our lord himself though god was a vessel used to save us from all eternal damnation and life without dominion jesus came from heaven to earth and took on the body of a man just to be like man and experience what man experiences and to take up all our sins so we can be set free now god used these vessels and they profited from it it pays to be a vessel used by god the beauty with god is that whenever he wants to use you you'll be the first partaker of his blessings before others begin to benefit you can bring the unseen into the scene by allowing yourself to be led by the spirit of god and trusting him to help you become the vessel that is good enough for his use if you enjoyed this video please like it share it and subscribe to our youtube channel for more videos like this god bless you [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Trailblazer
Views: 5,707
Rating: 4.9857988 out of 5
Id: A4mBiGWlr6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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