If She Laughs... THIS Video ENDS

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daniel stood alone in the safe house kitchen while verbally moving his lips he said to himself by golly i could sure go for some doritos right now and he made his way over to doritos gosh working those doritos me i'm hungry he reaches into the cabinet when suddenly he hears a strange noise what could it be out of the darkness flies a bat it attacks daniel oh my gosh daniel gets up onto his feet and he fights that bat he's like i'm gonna show you who's boss it flies into his face daniel finally gets a hold of the bed and he says i know what to do i'm gonna throw him into the honey throw that bat in the honey daniel goes around to the other side of the kitchen counter and he says to that bat listen here bat nobody attacks my face but wait the bat is making noises still the bad attacks the bat even though it's covered in honey wow how can that bat still fly i don't know but he's flying oh my gosh and the bat flies up into daniel's shirt up in his shirt inside his shirt the bat flies up inside of his shirt oh the back is just dancing around in daniel's shirt the only way for to get the bat out is to do a funky funky dance [Music] and that is scene we almost got v to laugh almost not completely melvin's laughing daniel why'd you do that daniel you told me to my shirt's freaking ruined look at this oh no oh gosh i'm sorry i made you do that daniel but he's been feeling kind of down lately i don't know why but we need to cheer her up that says i shouldn't let you narrate for me later better watch out boy wasn't that awesome i'm just not in a comedy funny mood right now guys i can tell you're feeling a little bit down but all of us are gonna make you laugh by the end of this video that last one was called narrator where the actor has to do anything the narrator says next one's starting to be get ready they're gonna laugh your socks off regina genera enters the kitchen and she says to herself boy oh boy i could sure go for some brownies she makes her way over to the brownie container not me regina is confused she reads the lucky charms box lukey [Music] brownies yes i can read wait these are not brownies and she notices the very obvious white and blue container in front of her oh those must be the brownies she opens up the brownies she notices inside is a spider she thought lucky charms were brownies so maybe this is just a spider-shaped brownie so she reaches in it bites her ow she's been poisoned she starts acting like a mad woman but wait she suddenly gets a burst of energy she's not dying she's going crazy hey i didn't tell her to do that but that's cool she asked me for help [Music] regina no longer has kovid so she is safe she pulls out her imaginary phone out of her pocket and she calls her doctor dr melvin hello i got bit by a poisonous spider oh okay where were you beaten i was bit in the fingers how many legs eight how many eyes i don't know i'm dying okay i'll come help you dr melvin grabs his tools and rushes over to the safe house to save regina's life okay hello i'm here to save your life regina asks dr melvin how do you hear such poisoning turn off the venom of the spider i have to have extreme flavor hydrate yourself to remove the venom this is gonna make me more sick doctor you need the apprehensions regina asks dr melvin where did you get your doctorate degree youtube how is this going to help my spider by doctor you have been bit by you have been you have been bit by you have been you didn't answer my question one dollop of this will heal your spider butt don't hear me i'm seriously going to throw up you have to throw up when she throws up she will remove the venom from the body suddenly regina learns she has the powers of spider-man and she swings out of danger no it's just not crying your eyes are crying yes that's the better the venom will be removed through the eyes no i was gagging i'm pretty sure i saw you giggle a couple times i did give you a chuck or two yeah it's got two chucks there here and there let's see the socks v they're still on are the socks left off situation i'm gonna give them a situation if they're gonna act it out simple your scene daniel needs chad's help opening a safe but doesn't want chad to see what's inside what a great day for lucky charms dad where'd my lucky charms go daniel give your lucky charms back you help me open this safe why what's in there uh nothing then why do you want me to open a safe [Music] everyone knows the safes are always one two three four five six daniel did you change the locks why don't you be smart and use something on the table you idiot you but that was my soul that turns into an umbrella it broke that big i've just about had it with you see this is an umbrella that transforms into a sword and you just broke it i'm sorry oh my gosh this just in chad opening the umbrella brings bad luck and he drops the sword into his big toe ding it down daniel you brought me bad luck you better go to karatemart.com and get me a new one i will if you can open the safe let me see do you want me to open it or not okay open it but if you open it don't look inside my little private don't hit me in the face my right hand don't don't do it i don't like it when you're my arm why you're gonna hit me in the face with that hammer i know what to do be quiet the luck picking expert thank you mama all you gotta do is oh oh my gosh she got it don't all you gotta do is drop it okay wait no daniel we're making a youtube video right now and everybody wants to see what's inside of it sure but not you oh my god the dude almost kissed me did you guys see that you know what i would love to see you give a sloppy kiss to me i'll do that i don't believe you guys are in love show me that you weren't be in love fine daniel we spooch you'll show us what's in there yeah let's give him what he wants yeah that's right we gotta make it romantic though let me get in your lap okay romantic is that good enough for you daniel all right since that was really pleasant to watch i'll show you what's in the safe i lost some circulations in my legs okay v here you go wow look at her eyes and her mouth they're huge why is this and you're safe daniel because it's funny and it makes you laugh yeah how are you feeling v you laughed a little bit on that one i did i feel a little better but not completely better we have to keep making you feel better we have to get v back to 100 yes let's do this [Music] now melvin must sell chad a weird item but chad and melvin can only talk in questions if you guys mess up and don't say a question regina's gonna blast you whoa so melvin sell chad and i hi can i have your minute what are you selling have you ever had problems with your hips have you ever had problems with your face why don't you consider this [Music] [Applause] question are you paying attention even order order regina bat okay go ahead can i introduce you to the hula hoop how does it work i think you could benefit from this do suffer from any lack of dance moves i'm not sure do you want to give this a whirl i'm not really sure oh i'm wondering if i want to try it do you think i could try it wow how does it work what is she doing there oh hey have you ever done this before why am i so bad at it do i want to buy this don't you want a better relationship with your wife well how much does it cost how much are you willing to spend would you accept zero dollars yeah sure now chad has to sell melvin something only using questions do you ever get hungry why do you ask what would it take to get you to become a magically delicious fan of lucky charm do you think it will make me fat how could something so magically delicious make you fat come on is it just because of the marshmallows did you try it what do you think why does it taste like honeydew what is honeydew do you even eat this with milk do you always eat cereal without milk aren't you allergic to milk [Music] right in my cheeks why is so amazing haven't you ever wanted to be a leprechaun well have you ever found your plot of gold have you ever show me what's this brand new marshmallow i thought this was a cereal i thought i was asking about this marshmallow here did you notice on the back of the box it says free breakfast if you're wearing green am i wearing green did you graduate kindergarten well if you graduated preschool was that a question melvin would you like to buy my delicious box of lucky charms can i get a refund yes [Music] [Applause] daniel we're doing a great job of making me laugh i'm rediscovering my passion for acting me too man i've been excited to go watching you guys perform up there yeah i can perform better oh really you guys were doing great but like you could tell it was about here daniel are you really an actor i mean you were a hacker not an actor this video is all about being a performer i can perform this moment on i as i was saying from this moment on i am an actor daniel ponders the best way to make his relationship [Music] hmm i am daniel and i am an actor if i can make regina believe that i am somebody special then i might just get lucky dale considers the hottest rolls out there and he figures his best bet is that giant worm thing from dune so he figures to win regina's heart he will do the worm oh excuse me i didn't mean to do that [Music] and just then daniel's exciting dance moves alerts regina enter regina who wants to show off her own skills enters into the living room spinning a soccer ball on her finger oh daniel you're so sweet oh no i have to just do it again why can't you do that everybody can do that here give me the ball watch this i'm an actor i will spin the bottle on my finger okay then if you're so high look what i can do with my fingers wow i'm good no my sweetheart i must be the one to spin it give me that ball you don't know how to handle balls correctly watch me bounce it off my knee [Music] yeah you like that and at this moment regina's heart has been won over by the dashing masked soccer player she takes his hand oh sorry all i wanted to do is just take your hand and give you a little whirl oh i love me some whirls then regina grabs dale's hand and whirls him around oh my gosh regina don't you know how easily i get dizzy oh well i'll keep spitting you around please don't i'm gonna throw up on you you're my world daniel you're my hurls you almost made me crash in the v quaint well it's okay as long as you crash into my heart and then she spins the soccer ball again on her finger she has to spin it she has to spin it before regina spins the soccer ball regina spins the s on her finger firmly spin it on your finger we can't end the scene until regina spins it spin it all right okay and they embrace each other lovingly come here sugar smokings oh dale jumps into regina's arms hold me and they slowly look at each other making eye contact and without either of them smiling they touch nose tips without smiling without smiling they touch nose tips [Music] daniel suddenly starts laughing while frowning [Music] that was awesome melvin oh my gosh what is this me my sock fell home we better let her sock off that means be queen we'll be quaint you now have to make us laugh our socks off what yeah it's gonna be a group thing now chad v and melvin must act out of scene with us narrating the three friends waltz on up to the bucket smiles on their faces they look at each other and giggle yeah they find a treasure in front of them they decide to look through it with the bobbing for apples technique ew v loves it this is wonderful [Music] reminds me of you i don't juggle melvin does not find the joke funny he's really offended he gives chad the pinchiest of pinches not there it's the pinchiest thing that is the pinchiest no melvin snacks it off knocks it off v puts her hands inside the ball pit and finds a surprise oh wow a surprise v looks at the surprise and starts crying she thinks it's so beautiful [Music] i love it so much i love it chad stops talking v sets the fan art aside to hang up on the fan art wall later suddenly out of nowhere he's not he's not chad addresses the situation let me address this where's that chad takes out a nerf blaster blast [Music] not me v decides to take a dive into the ball pit v is happy about the idea i love this it's so great vee is so happy she sings a song a rub-a-dub-dub song you're bathing her melvin gives v a foot massage he uses his armpits to give the massage [Music] v loves it she keeps the straightest face v doesn't laugh at all melvin doesn't laugh either suddenly v feels something bite her bottom she gets out of the tub what's in there v tries to find what bit her hundreds of dollars that's a lot of bills y'all that wasn't supposed to be it there's something else chad is so excited at the treasure he's found he keeps spanking himself what a joy oh my gosh would you look at this i can't believe it look at this fat arch i love it melvin decides to hang up the fan art on the fan art wall without using his hands [Music] you got to smell [Music] we them together because of his saliva the spine ninjas are so happy to have another piece of artwork on their wall they boogie the night away they said they boogie [Music] daniel and regina come and join and we have successfully made the last first socks off we cheered shout out to all of you spy ninjas who get here in the first 60 minutes we're reading all your comments posted some of them here and shout out to all of you spy ninjas who make us fan art and tag us on instagram look at this amazing art right here go down the line wowie wow amazing you missed one ninja
Channel: Chad Wild Clay
Views: 3,778,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, chad and v, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz4, pz9, hacker, daniel, regina, melvin, laugh, try not to laugh, you laugh you lose, fun, funny, comedy
Id: S265eF9FikM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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