If She Didn't Have a Nose Piercing, She Might Have Won the Debate

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do you view democracy as an American value as something that's very important to the fabric of this country no where is democracy in the US Constitution oh okay so are you hold on where is the word democracy I don't think the word democracy is in so where is the word democracy in any of the founding fathers a lot of the founding fathers had extremely elitist viewpoints around who should hold on hold on I just want you said the word democracy so I want to get back to Our Roots yes where is democracy mentioned I don't in The Federalist Papers the Constitution or the Declaration I think it's good that this country has moved away from things that were The Federalist Papers and it's mentioned negatively as a problem so you ask me is democracy a fundamental American value I say no because I go back to our roots and do Hamilton Madison and Jay oh I know that Hamilton was anti-democracy like people thought that people should be owned as I want to be clear I am I Am pro representative government but I'm not pro democracy that's a big difference and that distinction is important but you ask very specifically about democracy which is not an American value it never has and never should be cuz what is democracy democracy is majority rule no matter what that there's no provisions of checks and balances no inalienable rights no separation of powers pure if the majority gets it the majority wants it as quickly as possible I don't advocap pure democracy I do understand that we live in a representative like we live in a republic representative government and you might say I'm splitting hairs on words but I'm not well that's coming from a place where on some level we have a level of democracy in this country and people people vote and is part of their Civ duty to vote Yes do you not think it is in the greater interest of this country at large that its citizens are as educated as possible to therefore be able to participate in that system I think they should be as wise as possible and I don't think that education and wisdom are the same thing in in fact I think I think college uh uh disincentivizes the cultivation of wisdom in the age where like there is such a hypers saturation of and we've seen this like extremely polarizing um different like like people are getting their news from wildly different sources people just don't interact with the other side at all do you think that being an autodidact in any sense of the term is going to give you a thorough and rigorous education if you are like so likely to end up sucked into these holes where you're never interacting my only form of learning I meet a lot of cool people I learn from people like you and others I mean I'm listening when you're talking it's not just a shtick um you haven't won me over on any of it but you had an opportunity to um but I'm I'm glad you attempted to but yeah I mean you learn in other ways other than just sitting in a classroom listening to a professor drown on for 90 minutes and pretending to read his book and paying 20,000 a semester to cheat on the exam at the end of the semester I think college is what you make of it I think I agree people are selling themselves short on their education they you you can listen to as many podcast as you want you can meet interesting people and Academia does have like an actual level of like you you have to prove that you're worth your salt at least to have peer-reviewed papers published you don't have to do to start a podcast if you get a PhD yes but hold on so is is your cont ention that I'm not informed or not worldly or not wise I want to be clear I'm not making any claims about your specific level of being informed I'm saying the general like rhetoric on the right against education against higher education specifically why do you think it is is it because you think we hate smart people or is it that there's something happening here that we really think is troubling I think it's it's much easier to control people who are less educated see now you're a conspiracy theorist so no it's anti-intellectualism is a Hallmark of fascism you think we're against higher education because it largely has created an ungrateful unprepared generation that goes into the American Body politic and does not share the core American values of freedom of speech gratitude for our founding consent of the governed in fact it's hyper radical and it's against it's against our Traditions our norms and our customs and it has it's created massive fissures we call that the woke mind virus if you will okay that makes it's not because people are easier to control in fact we love learning it's all I learn every day in fact that's why I'm Pro Hillsdale College where it's probably one of the hardest colleges in the country to get into and graduate from the problem is that when you are learning largely trash and crap and you're not going in the pursuit of truth beauty or or goodness and you're not trying to inculcate wisdom or good character there is there's no oversight on online political punditry to make sure that you're in pursuit of w wisdom and goodness you directly profit from propagating viewpoints that are more polarizing and that deeper into more conspiratorial hold what you're doing is you're actually insulting the audience not me because the vast majority of this audience actually enjoys watching my videos and they enjoy hearing from me I never I never said your audience didn't enjoy watching your you say I'm profiting the way you do profit like you you fin make a ton of money who do you think rewards me the audience rewards me because they find that I bring some value they learn from Whatever Gets on a specific but it's easy to attack me as exploitation say is actually very popular and resonates people thank you for your time I appreciate it thank you
Channel: Charlie Kirk
Views: 783,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charlie kirk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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