If Not Now, Then When? | How should God's Church deal with homosexuality and abortion?

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so today in general I think we Christians are against sin but I think we're very divided when it comes to the definition of sin now you think about it because sin means something different to each and every one of us again where we come from our background our culture eraser where economic status sin can mean different things we excuse it so what do we do if we turn to First John and you turn with me and hopefully you'll be up on the screen First John 3 4 gives us the Bible answer to the definition of sin that's the only only definition that matters you agree with me the Bible definition of sin let's read it okay here we go whoever and you can read it with me if you want whoever commit a sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law so sin is the breaking of the Ten Commandment law of God right transgress means to to to that so now the Ten Commandment law of God many Christians will argue that the Ten Commandment law of God was nailed to the cross have you ever heard that before a lot of people say it was nailed to the cross and but if it's nailed to the cross if there's no law there's no you all help me now I want you to talk to me today if there's no law there's no sin okay so I'm just I'm this is not a sermon on the Commandments today but I have to set the stage up a little bit so I'm just going to be open and direct with all of you I love you but down deep every Christian knows the Ten Commandment law of God was not nailed to the cross is that too blunt is that too blunt I mean honestly you can say what you want to but you don't really think that the Ten Commandment law of God was nailed to the cross right and why not because if they were nailed to the cross then you could do anything you wanted to do you could rape you could steal right you could do anything that you want to do the Ten Commandment law of God was not nailed to the cross what was nailed to the cross keep going the Mosaic law the law of Moses was nailed to the cross Common Sense will tell us that okay now as I said before people could do anything they want if there was no law there's no sin then people can do what they want rape who they want they can steal they can slander and on and on and on with no negative consequences for their actions but the Bible says there are consequences for actions let's look at Romans 6 23 hopefully that they'll put it up on here for you if not turn your Bibles Romans 6 23 says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord now I do want to say that we're saved by grace so I don't want to get off here where people say oh these Adventists they think you're saved by keeping the Ten Commandments we don't believe that right now you can be lost by not keeping them but you're not saved by keeping them am I right okay so let's do this let's look up to we man cannot earn our way we cannot earn Heaven work our way into heaven so I'm just throwing a few scriptures out to begin with setting the stage here for what I really want to talk about Ephesians 2 8 go go to that with me give you just a second Ephesians 2 8 for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourself it is a it's a what it's a gift salvation is a gift of God is that what it says now if we don't believe it we'll give you the most well-known scripture in all of the Bible John 3 16 sat with me for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life isn't that beautiful isn't that amazing now what we find out while God loves us sinners enough to die for us he hates sin there are some things God hates he hates sin why does he hate sin because God is life and the wages of sin is death sin is a result of rebellion against God am I right the devil rebelled against God in heaven so again we can't work our way into heaven but Jesus says in John 14 15 who knows what it says if you keep my Commandments say it again if you keep my commandments so they are not ten suggestions right they're 10 what okay so as I said well this is not meant to be a sermon on the Ten Commandments I'm only established in the fact again that the Ten Commandments are valid because we're going to get into something pretty deep right now okay all right there's a great controversy going on between Christ and Satan for the soul of man we're going to read about that John 10 10. got your Bibles ready okay the thief cometh not but for to still kill and to destroy but Jesus says that I am come that ye may have life and have it more abundantly so now this is really simple this is really um what do you want to call it Elementary stuff God wants to give you eternal life and the devil wants to kill you is that pretty simple is that what it says God wants to give you eternal life but the devil wants to do what the devil wants to kill you now that doesn't seem like that should be too difficult of a choice to who you want to serve am I right so whose side are we on I want to be on God's side how about you okay now though we're living in the closing moments of Earth's history God has a true church did you know that God has a true church do you want to be a part of that true church I do okay what's he called that church anybody know the name Remnant while some of you are used to this you you've maybe grown up in this God has a Remnant church and what is the remnant church it's a mirror-like image can we say of the pure undiluted early Christian Church would that be fair enough to say one that doesn't compromise in fact through the Dark Ages God's always had a Remnant Church now they were my minority and today they still are but he's always had a Remnant church but it's always why is it a minority well let's go back to the Bible today the Bible is the basis for everything if you look at anything else folks you're going to fall off the wagon see the devil doesn't care which side of the boat you fall out of just as long as you fall out am I right so why is it that there's so many people many many more people not serving God than serving God well let's look at Matthew 7 13 to 14. all right we're doing a lot of scriptures aren't we in this fun don't we like to do scriptures all right it says enter ye in at the Straight Gate for why it is the gate and Broad is the way that lead us to destruction and many there be that go there if I said there at somebody and say that's bad English but because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it so basically it's much easier to do what you want and be lost than it is to surrender your life to Jesus is that what we're saying so so far I just want to make sure we're on the same page all right so who makes up this Remnant church and how does it relate to sin now as the preacher said about in our little story a few minutes ago and the boy said the little preacher said what he was against it he's against him so are you against sin today we all should be we all should be but I have to tell you here's where it gets serious the devil hates the remnant Church of God I'm looking right at you at home in the cameras the devil hates the remnant Church of God and how do I know that let's look again Revelation 12 17. we're doing a lot of Bible today and the dragon who is the dragon the devil and the dragon was wroth or angry with the woman the true church and went to make war with the what remnant of her seed which do what keep the Commandments of God and have the testimonies of Jesus Christ so the devil hates anybody who is part of the remnant church and that of course is those who have said Lord I submit and commit my life to you and I'm going to serve you come what may The Remnant church will be willing to give their lives unto death if necessary for the cause of God am I right so now when today we're going to have to think about this when you call yourself part of the remnant church when I say I'm part of the remnant Church we're going to examine if we really are the remnant Church of God is an end times Body of Christ made up of very dedicated Christians who are so in love with Jesus they would rather die than to compromise for truth now the remnant church will keep eight of God's Commandments oh I'm sorry they'll keep nine of them man you all are wide awake you're here you're on me this way I got to be careful Again The Remnant church will keep all Ten Commandments right so again thus the reason for my sermon today so now we're going to move into some fun stuff I'm going to call it that all right the Seventh Adventist Church we're going to do some self-examining Seventh-day Adventist Church claims to keep how many of The Commandments of God all the Commandments and of course that's a major identifying Mark of a Remnant Church right we just read about it but my question is now hang on are we the remnant Church are we the remnant Church or are we becoming a part of the apostate Church that's blinded by Satan's snares and once you think about it because for years we say oh I'm part of the remnant church I'm part of the remnant church are we really have we been looking at ourselves lately here's the problem today instead of trying to destroy Christians physically as Satan did during the Dark Ages he infiltrates the church through uncommitted Christians listen to me closely who dilute and compromise the Ten Commandments of God see during in Dark Ages the Catholic Church killed 50 to 75 million people you're a Christian will get rid of you but all that did was fan the Flames of Christianity why because people was fleeing persecution but they took their Christianity with them and so it literally spread Christianity the devil I hate to say he's smarter today but in this day and age he's not out trying to kill everybody physically he's trying to come within the church and destroy the church from within smart plan but we got to trust God so the remnant church will no longer listen to this you'll no longer be we will no longer be the remnant Church of God if we compromise any of God's Commandments now I'm going somewhere I'm hearing a lot of amens I'm not sure I'm going to be hearing these in a few minutes so I'm going to be looking at you to see if you're still amen and when you hear something you don't like right now we're thinking about somebody else but we're going to be talking about ourselves in a minute so I think we should put this to a test anybody want to do that and see if we're the remnant church or not two hands went up good we'll we'll do it we'll do it two of you some of you are like oh yeah you don't want to commit that's okay all right so since we're talking about Sin in the church is it okay today if I decide that I want to do this sermon on adultery and murder that okay is it okay if I decide to talk about drugs and alcohol and gossiping anybody offended yet I mean they are sins right so what if my sermon today exposes the devil's deceptions and inroads he's made in the church when it comes to homosexuality and abortion okay some of you looking uncomfortable already all right why these sins have made great inroads into the church because we've here's why we've led to society around us dictate how we respond to the acceptance of sins in the church now I got to thinking about it everybody wants to say what their you can go on Facebook you can see books written all over everybody has a right to say what they want to say when it comes to homosexuality lifestyle and abortion but to Christians we're the quietest ones we don't want to say anything because nobody wants to get people upset at you nobody wants to have people mad at you right so we've allowed the words and I'm going to tell you how it gets in words like inclusion fairness Equity political correctness and whatever else to interfere with our spiritual eyesight now is that making any sense have you noticed that the church is following in the world in the footsteps of the world to normalize the sins of homosexuality and abortion okay some of you still with me I brought this up so if you throw things at me all right all these all these pages should be thick enough to stop something all right but I have to tell you the remnant Church of God will never compromise any of God's laws to walk in step with the world we won't do it now I want to make it clear that the sins of homosexuality listen closely the sins because here's we seem to be out of balance somebody's on this side oh abortion this is sin this other oh it's all okay there has to be a balance God's very balanced so I want to make sure that this that's clear the sins of homosexuality and abortion now listen close are no worse than the sins of adultery and murder right they're no worse but a lot of times we want to point fingers because these people aren't somebody's not like us so Sin is Sin is Sin say that with me can you memorize that Sin is Sin is Sin and it's all if it's within the Ten Commandments if it's breaking the Ten Commandment Lord transgressing God's law it doesn't make any difference which one it is with Adventists we're great about preaching about the Sabbath but we don't want to preach about some of the others why not it's too close to home right it's much easier to talk about the sins of other people than ourselves it's much easier to talk about the apostasy of other churches than ourselves maybe I should shut up and sit down y'all can I go on can I can I go on for just a little bit okay I know for a fact that many Christians including pastors and leaders have fallen prey to Satan's deceptions Christian pastors and I hate to say it some of them in our church too they've taken the same sex marriage abortion out of the sin category and put it into the gray area category right we don't do that with other sins why this one we're going to find out okay I'm ready to give you and in today's society you have to be very careful in how I say this when I use talk about a bomb or a bombshell so today I'm going to sit and give you a few spiritual Bombshells all right that means no damage is going to come just spiritually that may be here to shock to give you a little shock waves now we have Pastors in educational and Health Care leaders who are now on the same page with much of the secular world I'm not just talking about other Christian churches we're part of that too some are even joining with the apostate churches and rebelling against the Ten Commandment law of God what are they doing they're attempting to make void the law of God and the name the same thing and I'm going to prove it to you in a few minutes in the name of things like inclusion Equity you can guess it social justice political correctness all of those things now don't be shocked but the Bible did predict this a long time ago so I want you to look we've got to stick close to the Bible today okay let's look at Revelation 2 4-5 you all ready nevertheless I have this against you you can read it with me that you have left your first love remember therefore from where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent now those are some serious words coming from the Lord himself right many of us Christians have left our first love so I want you to think about your life today you remember when you first came to Jesus remember how excited you were no one could stop you from sharing your faith with the world could they no one can stop you but now today x amount years later we're just kind of The Quiet Ones around in fact I know people that get perturbed when someone new comes in and says hey we need to have Evangelistic series hey we need to do this they're like oh just calm down a little bit we're okay we're doing okay but we don't want to that's when you lose your first love we today if nothing else I'm praying that the Lord will impress each and every one of us to come back to Jesus fall on our knees and say Lord give me that first love that I once had when I first accepted you as Lord and savior of my life give me what I need to be a witness for you fill me with your holy spirit that I can go out and make a difference in this world today each and every one of us folks should be praying for that every day every day now I'm not a I'm not up here preaching because somehow I think I'm worthy uh or have a right to perfection even though what Yvonne said while ago it sounds like I was perfect thank you babe that was sweet that was sweet of you just telling how nice I was but uh what a wonderful woman thank you so much but I'm up here because God is willing to use anyone that's willing to be used to take the gospel message to the world which includes you right everybody as I've said before I'm not a theologian but I can tell you that prophecy through prophecy I'm able to read and understand the back of the book it's so important Daniel in Revelation knowing the back of the book and I've always said you know I don't have to worry because I've read the back of the book and the back of the book says that we the Christians overcome Satan right and in the end two words we win it's really simple so that's why most churches don't teach Daniel Revelation the devil doesn't want them to because the Prophecies of Daniel Revelation tell you there is Victory and Jesus is coming soon and going to take us out of this troubled world that right now is so mixed up Jesus has to come before very soon or as the preacher said once if he doesn't he's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah right okay Revolution Revelation tells us that we Christians who are faithful to God will overcome the devil and we will gain eternal life through Christ Jesus our lord now that should be I want you to think about that now listen closely we cannot trust now salvation is personal we cannot trust our pastors to get us to heaven our friends our family our culture our race who can we trust only Jesus all right let's look at Revelation you guys are a great audience you're going to come with me wherever I go because she's she's talk she's come here let me shake your hand thank you I'm taking her with me everywhere she goes she's with me some of the rest of you are not getting it and it's over your head she got it she she she's getting it all right you with your Revelation 12 11 now okay and read it with me and they overcame him Satan by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they love not their lives unto death that's a lot that's powerful isn't it that's going to be the remnant church that's the remnant Church they love not their lives unto death folks are we at that point I don't know that I am but I'm asking God lord I want to be like that I want to be like that I can only be like that when I turn my Eyes Upon Jesus right look full in his wonderful face and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace see God is looking for people to stand up and be counted I got to remember my audience at home I'm talking to you all here I gotta I focus in I'm still looking at you at home folks it's okay I'll concentrate on you here we'll look back to cameras but God is looking for people to stand up and be counted we're in a crisis in the church and many of us aren't even aware or worse you are aware and choose to remain silent the political climate in the church is much like the world oh I got there you go that I told you you get quiet I knew it I knew it I knew it it's easy if I said something about some other Church everybody's praise the Lord and when I say the political climate and in the church is much like the world two people said me and her said amen all right all right we got it all right as soon as someone brings up the topic of homosexuality and abortion which is the sixth and seventh Commandments by the way Christians draw a line in the sand now why because we don't on other subjects right I can tell you we're driven by political correctness rather than the Bible so today for those who think I'm paranoid now I'm going to get into some really heavy stuff right now for those of you who think I'm paranoid or just homophobic let me first give you a few real life examples of deceptions affecting the leadership even in this church I love this church I love this church I never intend to to leave this church right that's not my intentions if if if they start teaching things as a church as a body if we start teaching things it's not biblical I'm going to leave I'm leaving because my loyalty is to God where's your loyalty all right but right now this is the closest thing I know to teaching all the truth Seventh Adventist Church and I'm so thankful that I've had an opportunity to to be a member of this great church that has the vision to take the gospel into all the world but today I'm talking about the acceptance of breaking the seventh commandment of thou shall not commit adultery now including homosexual lifestyle so adultery is wrong is that right all right homosexual lifestyle is that wrong I don't know why I can get more people to say and I've tried this out before I can get more people if I say to a group of people adultery is wrong they'll say yes it is I'll say homosexual lifestyle is wrong people are afraid to open your mouth because somebody's going to jump down your throat say well you shouldn't be talking like this okay I'm going to read you a statement and this makes me sad actually but I'm going to read a statement this is from Dr Richard Hart president of Loma Linda University now I want to say that I'm not picking on Dr Hart it's just what he wrote and published publicly tells me he wants people to read it because he put this out publicly so I'm going to help by putting her up on the TV screen so we all can read it and I'm going to quote him now you read it hopefully it's up on your screen we got it on the screen we have justices Richard Hart from Loma Linda we have just ended the month of June designated as pride month this is a societal attempt to recognize the lives of those who identify as lgbtqi the purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact lgbtq I wish they'd shorten that it takes too long to say it every time individuals have had on history and to acknowledge the prejudice and hate many have experienced in addition it is an opportunity for those who do not identify in this way to connect and support when Loma Linda University Health participates in months with the S of recognition we are working to heal and restore relationships as I believe Christ would call us to do May each of us open our hearts to all those around us who are deserving and in need of this love and acceptance now did I read that right he says I'm gonna just say what he said he says they celebrated pride month now let me ask you why would Loma Linda celebrate anyone's sexual preference they don't celebrate mine or yours right unless you're with that group all right now he he continues Loma Linda is celebrating the impact lgbtq people have had on society now if Loma Linda is going to celebrate sexual preference why not celebrate adultery pride month right his statement would read like this the purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact adulterers have had on history and to acknowledge with the Prejudice and hate many have experienced I bet they will right I bet they do ask the wife or husband or whatever I bet they do experience it so why not celebrate that people would think he was nuts to write something like that all right do I need to sit down you can tell me when to sit down I didn't really want to do this anyway the Lord knows I didn't really want to do this anyway but here I am okay or how about this one why don't we celebrate thieves pride month it would read like this the purpose of this commemorative month is to recognize the impact that thieves have had on history and to acknowledge the Prejudice and hate many have experienced now you may laugh at what's the difference it's all sin it's all sin right but it's not politically correct to say these other things so now to be fair to be fair he does say and I quote as I believe Christ calls us to do May each of us open our hearts to all those around us who are deserving and need of this love and acceptance now that part sounds good right we Christians should open our hearts to all those around us who are deserving a need of love and acceptance that's the truth that's that's the truth we need to love everybody am I telling the truth okay so why am I sounding alarm on this statement by Dr Hart I'll give you the answer these statements representing Loma Linda Health are actually uplifting the sin of homosexuality and then celebrating it with the homosexual community now what's missing this is what's important what's important what is missing in this statement are you with me nothing in his statement identifies the fact that homosexuality is a sin but see here's the good news why not tell them Jesus can Deliver Us from all sins right he can Deliver Us From Any sin but if we don't tell them the truth how are they going to know now let me say this because I wanted this to be fair I want it to be balanced and I want it to be with love if it's not with love then I shouldn't be up here today so don't get me wrong homosexuals I'm gonna look right in a camera and tell you homosexuals should be treated with love we treat everyone with love right Christians we don't have a right to mistreat anybody because they don't agree with us you always have to ask what would Jesus do Jesus loves some of the sinners he oh I'm sorry he loves all of the Sinners and so do we so again what is wrong with the statement that Dr Hart wrote this is a classic case of the church listen closely compromising or diluting the pillars of the Christian Faith by substituting political correctness for Bible truth it sounded good but if you don't bro if it doesn't draw people to repentance and to God then what good does it do right just makes you feel good in the area and people like hearing that type of stuff now for our non-adventist viewers today listening and we have lots of those around the world I am really sorry I don't have time to unfold the importance of the prophetic message of Revelation 14. because this message is all about worshiping our creator who in fact created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve right you've heard that before so instead of instead of Loma Linda celebrating pride month with the lgbtq community they should love them enough to tell them you should preach this I'll sit down while we'll take turns me and her are going to take turns she and I are going to take turns preaching this she's got it before I do okay now listen to this when do we when do we as Christians ever uplift sin now I want to ask you do we do any of you have any family that is addicted to drugs or alcohol you don't have to raise your hand but this very serious do any of you have any family members who are duck addicted to alcohol and drugs if so I'm sure your heart aches for them right because you see them sinking deeper and deeper into their addictions yet because you love them you'll do everything within your power to help them overcome that which is destroying their lives including loving them enough to tell them the truth now let me ask you this in relationship to this article we just read so do any of you celebrate the fact that your loved ones are bound by drugs or alcohol no you wouldn't do it can you imagine you have someone Bound by drugs and alcohol and you celebrate drug month when drugs are the very thing destroying your loved one's life I mean folks that's how ridiculous this stuff is and somehow the devil deceives us and we're okay we're going to lift up and we're going to celebrate the lgbtq you don't do that for any other sin why that one why that one if I sound upset I'm not really upset I'm going to call it righteous indignation because we Christians do that when we get upset we blame it on God right we just say it's righteous indignation no I'm not upset and I'm going to talk about it in a little bit in my sermon I'm not really today and I'm going to give this in advance I'm not really down on at all and I promise you before God this is not a sermon downplaying people who are homosexuals or about abortion what I'm really more upset about is the leadership of all of us as members and leaders of our church that we don't give the people the option to see that there is something better than where they're going whether it's alcohol drugs or sex additions or anything else we have something better but we love everybody right okay why should we join hands in this case Loma Linda why should they join hands with those in open Rebellion to God's laws because I'm going to tell you the remnant church is To Be A peculiar a separated Church separated people from God right Satan must love seeing us join hands with the likes of lgbtq community and the media like did you know Disney if any of you read that Disney Sesame Street and even our public schools are openly promoting the lgbtq agenda your public schools everybody's promoting it and Disney and Sesame Street what in the world is going on folks okay there has to be a reason so what's the end game I mean if you're if you're playing ball Reggie's over here if you're playing ball you got to say the team makes a different move all right now I didn't expect that they switched that zone to 101 what's their end game they got to have some plan what's the plan so what is the end game these secular organizations what is their end game the goal is to indoctrinate our young people with lies from the Devil these lives will destroy the or they're out to destroy the god-ordained family unit of one man and one woman now this comes directly again from the devil's Playbook right they're blatantly trying to destroy our children's minds and bodies as most of us sit quietly by and do or say nothing or worse yet so many of us are so spiritually dead we don't even see the deception you had enough all right all right all right now again I have to make this clear we should love how many people all right and and and should we accept people into Fellowship I'm going to let you think about that for a little bit later into the church too many of our Christian churches are more like Social Clubs than they are hospitals for sinners so if they have a need we got to be there and they gotta know because this lifestyle whether it's that or whether it's sin of adultery whether it's lust whether you have all kinds of generational curses it's not fun people aren't enjoying it they're trying all of this stuff out there to find some answers to their troubled world they're out there acting like they're having the greatest time of their life they are not so they're looking for all these things as they say in the wrong places but you won't find Jesus there and sadly you'd not find any much in many of our churches because we're Social Clubs we got our own little agenda going and we really you talk about evangelism many of our churches don't even have an evangelism budget we don't even have an evangelism budget but we should be reaching out to those who are looking for answers and wanting to find truth in this trouble mixed up world right okay why because this way we can teach them that God loves again how many of us but here's what's really important God Saves us from our sins finish it with me thank you not in our sins you've been reading my notes she's been reading my notes over there that's right he saves us Say it With Me from our sins not in our sins but these kind of statements make us believe that we are saved in fact has nothing to do with salvation so apparently if it's not sin it must be okay all right so we see the difference okay if any of you still doubt we as a church or quickly compromising with the world let's look at an excerpt from a sermon by the iconic and legendary preacher Dr C.D Brooks anybody anybody love Dr CD Brooks he's sleeping in Jesus right now but this was this was some years ago on the subject of homosexuality he preached this in the public this to me represents the bold and straightforward biblical truth taught by Adventists on this subject for the last 150 years adultery homosexuality doesn't make any difference instead of acquiescing to political correctness I'm going to put the quote up here and I quote this is Dr CD Brooks now I can't say it like he does only Dr C I won't even attempt it because all of you say don't do that just read it not only Dr Brooks can say it the way he says it so I'll say it like a white guy all right okay as in the days of lot and lot lived in Sodom and the word sodomy has come down from that age in that town to suggest all that is elicit and sensual and salacious and filthy involving sex this is an Abomination to God sodomy takes into consideration numerous kinds of perversion including lesbianism and homosexuality which were the principal sins of Sodom and is the reason why God destroyed those cities with fire wow that's the way Adventists used to preach right in fact in fact I wish When You Wish wouldn't you love to hear him tell us about it himself let's see if we can it's never going to be right to commit an old friend it's never going to be right to shack up and live without benefit of marriage it's never going to be right to practice homosexuality what the doctor says of the psychiatrist I don't care what the weak preacher says it is wrong our job is not to make people comfortable in sin it's to preach spiritual regeneration I'm telling the man who does that you can make it you don't have to live like that and I'm saying to you if you've done the worst thing I've mentioned tonight the same God that saved me can save you and he's going to save prostitutes he's going to save us he's going to say dope at it bless God they're going to be some homosexuals in heaven but all of them will have welcome by the blood of the Lamb I'm not going up there doing it all right crazy [Applause] he didn't he didn't mince any words did he have mercy have mercy he didn't mince he didn't mince any words see today only a few years later even in Adventist circles no one would dare refer to practicing homosexuals as and lesbians has been perverted so as in one of his sermons he actually referred to transvestites or transgenders as having a mental illness now do you think if he were alive today that he'd be allowed to preach the same sermon on any of our University campuses I don't I don't think so either so a question what has changed what has changed follow me closely now listen to this diluted I'm going to say it really carefully diluted Progressive Christianity says we celebrate pride month and we honor the sin and The Sinner by showcasing the lgbtq lifestyle to show our support now in contrast because we talk about the undiluted message undiluted Christianity patterned after the Bible says that we love all people and we treat them in a christ-like manner including homosexuals and adulterers and anyone everybody else the difference is we don't celebrate the sin of homosexuality so when why should we we don't celebrate the sins of the adultery or pedophilia or lust or alcohol we don't celebrate those sins right so we don't publicly join hands making statements showing our support of any other groups or organizations open sins think about that do we we don't we don't publicly make statements about people's well here's a here's these thieves we got a a bunch of Thieves we're meeting over here less up left we want to show how much they've done for society you don't you don't do that you're not going to do that but in this we do because of politics she keeps taking my lines from me because of politics good girl good girl according to the Bible homosexuality and same-sex marriage along with all of the other sins we're not leaving out the other sins but it is the sin so I need to see that I want to say this clearly again for those watching saying oh he's down on this sin is no different from any other sin we've just discussed so my point is why do we lift up this particular sin and celebrate it for this community I don't get it well maybe I do because we're fighting against flesh and blood powers and principalities right powers of Darkness so today it's different than the world we've been living in and most of us were raised in but once again how does that happen it happens from compromise so when we as a church compromise or dilute the truth on any open sin here's the trouble it doesn't stop there why because listen closely sin is Progressive in its moral downhill spiral now what I'm talking about is very important I hope you get this there's a reason we cannot as a church it's not because we hate people there's a reason why we cannot as a church celebrate the lgbtq agenda its agenda is much broader than the goal of doing away with the biblical household consisting of one man and one woman it's much more perverse and deceptive and demonic than most Christians seem to realize it is a progressive agenda now I went to the dictionary because some people say oh that's a political word no it's not the dictionary defines the word Progressive and I've got it here in quotes and here's what it is you ready I got it up here Progressive is this Progressive as this happening here we go quote happening or developing gradually in stages proceeding step by step in other words it starts like a snowball effect as small then it begins rolling down the hill what happens gets bigger and bigger and faster and faster and larger and larger this is the way sin works it may start off small in our life but soon it will progress right okay think about it alcoholics usually don't start out as alcoholics how do they do they start drinking a beer maybe another beer they drink a little more and then a little more then all of a sudden they've got to go to a little bit harder and harder liquor right until their desire for alcohol overrides almost anything else in their life am I right same with the progression from pot to hard drugs right you go from cigarettes to pot to hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine they progress same with Progressive Christianity when we do it in the name of inclusion Equity fairness diversity You Name It We cannot allow open sins in our church now you may say you may say well after all aren't we supposed to accept people the way we are the way they are okay let's see how this acceptance Theory works in the church as mentioned when we celebrate the sins of homosexuality and to be fair any other open sin it will progress as a Cancer and continue to grow now if our church agrees with the statements like Dr Hart put out that we should celebrate the lgbtq people and their agenda of pride month then we listen to this then we must also be open to accepting these people into church membership and even leadership in our churches now why because as we mentioned earlier Loma Linda's statement does not call out the sin of the lgbtq community of homosexual relationships they only celebrated so if we join with them you accept it because okay these kind of statements leave no hint that this lifestyle is Blasphemous to our Creator God and that there is Need for forgiveness and repentance right God can give us victory over any sin God can give us any victory over any sin so now I've said more than probably most people dare to say but I got to thinking about it the world says what they want to say as often as they want to say it and this strongly in these grade schools my daughter goes to the Melodies going to to the libraries she says Dad you wouldn't believe the literally pornographic books that they're putting in public schools showing certain acts homosexual acts and giving them to our third fourth grade students and telling them you need to try this now look if they can say what they want shouldn't we be able to use the Bible and say what we want but you notice if you criticize somebody else they don't like it now you're homophobic so if you think I'm homophobic and out in left field and you think this could never happen in our church I'm going to tell you that I hate to say this it already has happened now let's read a great scripture Isaiah 5 20. get your Bibles or look up on the screen Isaiah 5 20 says woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put Darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for better wow this scripture has never been more prophetic than it is now God Is Watching and shame on you Church boards that submit to political correctness I'm looking at home those of you at home rather than stand up for the love of Truth we know of it we know of at least one of our churches who's already ordained a transgender man as an elder in the church I watched his testimony on YouTube now here we go I have to be careful but gender dysphoria has long been described by the medical profession as a mental illness now I want to say have any mental illness in itself is not a sin right it's our duty and privilege as Christians to join with people who want and need prayers and need love but just because I disagree with transgenders does not mean I'm transphobic it simply means I got Common Sense enough not to buy into all the lies spread by the community with the help of government leaders in the medical society and hopefully you do too did you know that up until the last few years the American Psychiatric association listed transgender people with having a mental disorder called gender dysphoria for decades transgender people were diagnosed by the medical profession again as a mental illness now everything's changed lately that's changed gender identity disorder has been listed as a mental disorder since the third edition of the DSM more than 40 years ago so let me ask you does acquiescing on gender dysphoria change the fact that it's still a mental illness okay why are they normalizing a mental illness why would people why do they want to do this obviously it's from pressure from the community right LGBT it's definitely not science nothing's changed there okay here's my point while this is happening in the world it should never be happening in the church we expect it in the world we would be fools or foolish not to expect every bit of this stuff we see we'd be fools not to expect it in the church but we as the church have no control while we don't have over the APA or the who World Health Organization acquiescing to the mental illness transgen of transgenders we do have the right to control or the right to hold people to biblical standards of what qualifies a person to be a deacon or elder or Pastor in our church without compromise right we should have that control now the devil has a plan we as the church play along with when we celebrate things like pride month with the lgbtq community and again I've Got Friends I have people that I know and love who are homosexuals today again we're not picking on that because all sin is wrong I have to just keep saying that no matter what it is adultery is as bad as homosexuality it's just that no one is calling out these other sins because it's not politically correct so I feel like it is time that we have to do it 3abn has been called to give an undiluted Three Angels messages one that would counteract the counterfeit into all the world and if I don't do it now when I'm at my age and as close as we are at the end of time when am I going to do it right so that really was supposed to be the name of my title the title of my sermon today if not now when the reason I came up with that it said Danny as old as you are now and as close as we are to the Lord coming back if you don't do it now it's going to be too late when are you going to do it but as a church folks we're losing our moral compass even in the church that we love to refer to as the remnant Church now some years ago I wrote a book entitled The Forgotten commandment now why did I write it I wrote it because we as Adventists realized that most of the Christian world has forgotten the fourth Commandment so the same thing is happening with us today the world is forgetting the sixth and seventh commandments so why wouldn't we do the same thing so we have to call Sin By Its Right name or we fail God and the people that need to hear the truth so again this is not homophobia this is not whatever we have to tell people the truth it's what God's commissions us to do so instead of caving into the demands of a Godless Society we should be all about the business of the church and what is that to help heal people mentally physically and spiritually yes Sinners Progressive it will continue to rid us of a moral compass compass with every passing day evil seems good and good seems evil now it doesn't end there as Paul Harvey said page two anybody remember Paul Harvey a few of you did we've almost all died off haven't we okay we have some of our SDA universities Christian universities and Seventh-Day Adventists who allow and condone LGBT students having their own meetings on campus and allow them to openly I don't know if I say this word right but proselytize the straight students to join them in their on-campus meetings but the same Administration who allows gays and lesbians to flourish on campus refuses Ministries like coming out Ministries to meet with the students on campus and offer them an alternative lifestyle to Jesus Christ so he's coming out Ministries is made up of former lgbtq people how many watch them on 3abn they have found victory over the sin of homosexuality through Jesus Christ it's no no different than going bringing someone in who's not been an alcoholic who's found victory in letting them talk to your students that have a problem an addiction with alcohol it wouldn't be but on this one they won't do it why because it's not politically correct to do so I would ask our universities I'm looking right at you how can the students learn if they're not being taught once again these institutions are so concerned about inclusion they're failing their whole purpose of a Christian Institution and what is that it's the teacher young people in the ways of the Lord we're to teach them that whatever sin besets them God will give us victory Jesus will give them victory over any sin he gives us I want to keep saying that today there's no sin so big God cannot forgive it right how can we say we love people once again as brother Brook said it if we don't tell them the truth okay how about this for a shocker I've given you you wanting another shock or is that enough all right we're going to go our time our time's winding down but this this one really shocked me I didn't think much in the church could shock me now this is a public statement so that's the only reason I'm putting it up I'm not dogging anybody when somebody puts something up publicly on the airwaves they must want people to read it well we have a bigger platform than they do so we'll help them all right so we're just helping them this is a public statement made by a biology Professor named Brian Ness at Pacific Union College quote I would like to assure you if you are lgbtq plus that you can find comfort in knowing that God loves you and that affirming theology means you can still love the Bible be faithful to its teachings live out your your self-identified gender and marry the person you have fallen in love with even if they are of the same sex and gender as you [Applause] he's got out of his feet and what gets worse I could give you many examples of teachers and professors supporting the lgbtq lifestyle and even some of our pastors now get this are baptizing I looked all this up I did my homework baptizing homosexual couples into the Adventist Church God will not continue to bless open Rebellion against Islam no matter who does it you hey compromise is the death nail to the church our health and our Educational Systems and to our own individual salvation and let me say this we're not the remnant church because we claim we are I'm going to say it again we're not to Remnant church because we claim we are well you got quiet because some of you want to stick to it the remnant church will do what we'll preach and teach the undiluted truth though the heavens full that's what Jesus is coming back for a purified bride or purified church one of people who will be willing to give their lives unto death if necessary for the cause of God so again I want to be clear that my emphasis on the sixth and seventh Commandments today is not and I stress is not a homophobic reaction to the LGBT community or the individuals who choose to have abortions we're talking about that in just a little bit I'm so we won't keep you too long but to be clear I'm not talking about gay rights or ignoring the fact that the law in the U.S protects the right to marry now listen closely no matter my personal beliefs there's no room for discrimination against anyone because they choose to live a different lifestyle than you or may do you agree with that homosexuals should not be discriminated against I can't say that any plainer that I'm already saying it because I want people to know this is not about dogging anybody same-sex layer the government legalized same-sex marriage when President Barack Obama championed it all the way to the Supreme Court so today same-sex marriage is law of the land and we Christians are a commissioned to love everyone including homosexuals so let's don't forget that it's also our responsibility to share Jesus with them so today my condemnation is not directed at lgbtq people I believe that it's high time we stop being silent and hold our leaders accountable [Applause] somebody with me all right we have pastors and teachers who are openly compromising God's Ten Commandment law in the name of same as the world political correctness inclusion Equity social justice and whatever tag you want to place on it for many pastors your silence on the sixth and seventh Commandments is deafening I've talked to Pastors in this church one of them very well known Pastor in this church he says I don't preach on those subjects I said why not well I you know the Sunday law is coming I said don't take this wrong forget the Sunday law right now we need to be talking about today not what may happen that we've been preaching about for a hundred and some years let's worry about what's going on in the church today trying to fill the needs of the people and quit worrying about what may or may not happen and who's going to bring it about he's more interested in finding out which side of politics is going to bring in the Sunday law then he is worrying about what is happening well I don't preach on homosexuality and abortion my church because it doesn't affect anyone I said well how do you know only God knows the heart right anyway I'm get back to my schedule here all right you should teach the truth even if it goes against the political grain of some of your members I believe most people are looking for answers to find peace in the midst of the storm and honestly are they finding that in you and me the Seventh-day Adventist Christians do we have what people are looking for and that's Jesus in US Jesus says I if I be lifted up from this Earth will draw some men all men unto me God help us all I'm sorry to say but the truth is we Christians including Seventh-Day Adventists we've been giving a mixed message to the world for a long time this is turning people away from Christianity and what a shame the Christian churches not just ours all of them they're dropping the Ten Commandments one by one by one first they dropped the fourth Commandment now they're dropping the sixth and seventh Commandments yes sadly and shockingly enough we find that Christians including Seventh-Day Adventists and even some of our pastors now are supporting and I hate to say it abortion which is the breaking of the sixth commandment of Thou shalt not murder now you're getting real I'm about I only have a few minutes left so hang with me don't walk out yet all right get this there are some pastors who tell their parishioners they're against abortion but they believe a woman should have a right to choose what happens to her body now let's ask is this biblical no it is not honestly I never thought I'd live to see a day where a pastor would tell their flock that while they're against abortion they believe a woman has a right to kill the baby inside her womb the woman's womb is just a babysitter right for the real live human being inside her body it's not her body now God made her the caretaker of the baby Insider I've seen many women marching with signs that says my body my choice but notice she's not talking about killing her body she's talking about killing the baby inside her body all right and it seems a great majority of babies aborted stem from the mistake that the woman made and now because she's inconvenience she kills the little human being inside her body but guess what men w-e-n-w sorry women men m-e-n you don't get out of this we always talk about the woman having an abortion that's not just a woman that's had an abortion and you need to man take your responsibility also there would all be far less abortions if men would be responsible for their actions by supporting the mother and the little child they helped to create men are just as responsible for abortions as women in almost every case God is the creator in His Infinite Wisdom does not and I repeat does not differentiate listen to this closely does not differentiate between the born and the unborn child did you know that nowhere in the Bible does God differentiate so oh well you can kill this baby no nowhere human life is human life now this is deep but did you get it nowhere does God make a difference in the Bible a distinction between the born and the unborn child I had to really read that several times when I was looking it up to find it sinful man has no god-given right to murder the defenseless babies because God is love he cannot and will not turn a blind eye to the shedding of innocent blood Deuteronomy 27 25 cursed be he that taketh reward to slay innocent person all the people shall say amen he says cursed is the person who takes money to do abortions I mean that sounds like what it said to me abortions of multi-million dollar billion dollar business you see the problem is this from Heaven's point of view man cannot rightly decide to kill innocent babies no matter how many laws they pass right we can pass all the laws we want it doesn't change God's laws these laws will not stand up to God's laws of Thou shalt not murder only God can give life and only God can take life listen please God is always pro-life we Christians should always be pro-life when it comes to protecting the most vulnerable of all people the unborn child should have a chance to be born in the opportunity to do great things for God what about the baby's right to life now just think about it what if what if Billy Graham's mother had decided to abort him millions and millions of people heard the truth and I'm personally thankful that even though Pastor John Loma King's mother abandoned them and you can read it in his book she never aborted him John John has been able to fulfill his eternal destiny that God planned for him while he was still in his mother's womb yes before he ever took his first breath outside his mother's womb God had planned his Destiny and here's the scripture Jeremiah 1 5 listen closely please before I formed you in the womb I knew you and before you were born I set you apart I appointed you as a prophet to the Nations isn't that incredible that's coming from God before I formed you into womb I knew you wow it's easier to find let me say this it's easier to find Bible text I'm going to talk to you at home for a minute it's easier to find Bible texts that seem to support Sunday Worship in the Bible than it is supporting abortion though neither is in the Bible right remember Jesus is pro-life John 10 10 we read it earlier the thief cometh not but for to still kill and to destroy but Jesus says I'm come to give you life and give it more abundantly so Jesus is always pro-life aren't we glad about that and so one more time is the last time I'll say it in no case does God make a distinction giving carte blanche to killing innocent unborn babies now listen carefully let me explain what is wrong with a pastor telling his flock that he doesn't believe in abortion but he does support a woman's right to choose there's something really bad wrong with it I'm going to tell you what it is Godless murder as a sin right no one can change God's law murder is still murder you can try your best to explain it away but just trying to explain away like the fourth Commandment it'll never work you can't do it now here's the real problem when a pastor condones abortion by saying to a woman she has a right to choose to murder her child the pastor is denying that it is sin so if the woman trusts her pastor's endorsement of her sin of murder then she sees no reason to come to repentance to ask God for forgiveness which also places the blood on the pastor's hands that make any sense one of the devil's greatest victories and the Lord just gave me this little thing a little term has to be political correctness garbed in the cloak of Christianity I'm going to say it again one of the devil's greatest right victories has to be political correctness garbed in the cloak of Christianity after all because you know who wants to be deemed a racist a bigot a religious zealot or a fanatic or a hater so to speak so now I'm not going to give you all the scriptures because their time is running short today but let me give you just a few more scriptures that show how God views the unborn baby Psalms 139 13-16 I'm going to read it kind of fast for you formed my inward Parts you knitted me together in my where my mother's womb I praise you I for I am fearfully and wonderfully made no accident God made us wonderful are your Works my soul knows it very well my frame was not hidden from you when I was being made in secret intricately woven in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed substance in your book were written every one of them the days that were formed for me when as yet there were none of them now Jeremiah 19 4 because they have forsaken me and have estranged this place and have filled this place with the blood of Innocence we have to be careful folks about the blood of Innocence Galatians 1 15 but when he who had set me apart before I was born and who called me by his grace before I was born now on your own time read please read the story again of Luke 1 41-44 Elizabeth was carrying a real human being in fact who was that human being it was John the Baptist remember and he leaped for Joy these are real human beings we're talking about folks there are many more scriptures we could read today but I'll have to leave that for another time I'm not going to be able to do it but I'm sure there's still some doubters that saying well I think a woman should have a freedom of choice to murder her little baby well let's talk about that for just a moment and and and you may ask didn't God create us as free moral agents with the freedom to choose he did didn't he so that's why they say well I'm against abortion but a woman should have a right to choose well I'm going to talk about that for just a minute we got time okay yes he did creators as free moral agents with the right to choose but here's the big Capital but there are consequences to our church to our choices even on this Earth for instance if you shoot your mother-in-law because you don't like her can you claim your freedom of choice and go scot-free right sorry mother-in-laws I just that came to my came to my mind but seriously this kind of thing among Christians takes away our credibility when it comes to doing right and it makes us look totally hypocritical as well Common Sense even defies this kind of thinking you don't even have to be a Christian to know that just because you have the freedom to choose doesn't mean you have the right to break the law of God or the law of the land you do suffer the consequences of sin because the Bible says the wages of sin is somebody help me did Cain have the choice to kill his brother Abel yes he did did he do it with God's blessings no he did not did he suffer the consequences of sin yes he did dear Judas have the freedom of choice to sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver yes he did did he do it with God's blessings no he did not did he suffer the consequences of his sins yes he did at his own hands right he hung himself all right did ananias and Sapphira have the freedom of choice to lie about the sale of their property yes they did did they do it with God's blessings no they did not did they suffer the consequences of their lies right then and there what happened to them they both fell over dead did Jezebel have the freedom to choose manipulation and seduction as she misled the saints of God into adultery and sexual immorality yes she did did she do it with God's blessings no she did not what happened to her she paid for her sins with her life right then let me ask you did Satan have the freedom of choice to be jealous of God and cause Insurrection in heaven yes he did did he do it with God's blessings no he did not are there consequences for his actions yes there is I don't for Jester are or yes there is that English teacher thing get me now I should have let Yvonne tell me that ahead of time I should ask her all right so and here's what the consequences and Satan and his angels will be cast into Lake of Fire you're still awake stay with me a few more minutes Satan will be no more created in heaven to live forever without the effects of sickness death sorrow and pain gone forever yet because of God's love for man he created us as free moral agents with the freedom to choose between life and death for ourselves we do not and I stress do not have the right to choose death for anyone literally choose death for anyone else without suffering the consequences of sin especially the blood of the Innocents those who can't take care of themselves the the innocent baby when you think about that I have a great grandson I love that little guy he is incredible already and I just think what if his daddy and mama had aborted him already today is his birthday hey baby Danny his name's Danny I like that hey baby Danny he's watching today with his mama in Nashville happy birthday son today's his birthday is one year old so I think about shedding the blood of innocence and I think what if that little life already has brought so much joy is a separate individual well here's the good news folks God can forgive adultery he can forgive homosexuality he can forgive those women women who've had abortions you see he can and is willing to forgive all sins when we confess them to him praise the Lord this is not and I repeat this is not a condemnation for any woman who's ever had an abortion many struggle with that decision I've talked to them for the rest of their lives but God is in the business of healing and forgiveness in that great news again there's no sin too big God can't forgive it we serve a loving Creator God now all of that said I just talked about abortion I have to say this some of you on aren't going to like this either but I have to say it I cannot stand here and tell you today there are no medical exceptions for abortions just like I can't tell you if and when to stop a life support on a loved one each parent and sometimes their doctors will have to decide on their own so I don't want to go with extremes what we want to do is we don't go extremes here there I'm not saying there's never a Time that's between the mother God and the I can only tell you what the Bible says but we should love and pray for people every day making these tough tough decisions so each person we have to make our own choices we do have the freedom to choose we can choose life or death as free moral agents we can choose to to die or eventually we will answer to God we can choose life so but we're all in the same boat that's the good news right we're all in the same boat sometimes you feel better but here's what it is in closing we're all Sinners saved by grace it's not my judge to job to judge you judge someone else someone have an abortion someone having trouble with with with any any sin because we all live in with generational curses we all have sins that need to be forgiven so today please for those watching and listening I'm not criticizing people who don't live the way I live I believe that it is silence can be one of the biggest sins there is when we don't love people enough to tell them the truth we have to care so today is why I'm bringing it out again people will still we as the church we have all these health programs we tell people you got to stop eating pork why do we tell them that because you want them to live longer you're trying to help out right so it's the same way if the doctor goes to one of our health clinics the first thing he does is start a diagnosis why are you here for I have lung cancer what's this doctor say you need to stop smoking right but yet in this case what we were talking about today the same institutions they see someone with a problem but they don't give them an answer the answer is this is a sin but you can overcome it there is Victory because you're not going to read about it in any books you buy you're not going to hear any channels on television saying you can get victory over this because people are going to be too upset they're going to be too angry they don't want to hear it they don't want to hear it so today I'm going to leave it with that I had some more stuff we'll talk about I'll leave it for another time but I want today those of you who would like to be part of the remnant Church all right I'm going to ask you to do something today and you think about this there's something in your life today is the day of salvation and I believe that God has called us here he's allowed us to be here for a reason and before we can help somebody else we need to ask God to come into our own life and give us love because many of us have left our first love and we've run out of fuel and we're running on fumes anybody get that she got it we're running on fumes and we need to real fuel in us so we need to ask God Lord please please help me forgive me for my sins he says if we confess our sins in first John 1 9 he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness isn't that wonderful we serve a loving God so today it's my job and it's your job if we claim to be the remnant Church of God folks we need to look and act and be what God would have us to be and that's to not dilute the truth of the Three Angels message which is all about worship all about the Creator God and all about the ten commandments of God and all about his grace and his Mercy so today if you want God to do something special in your life if you've never been a Christian and at home you're watching you've never been a Christian you want Jesus to come into your life today is the day of salvation I'm going to ask Tim to come out and play if he's around just a little bit and we've read gen ladies around Yvonne maybe come up around the piano for just a just a moment Ryan's over there somewhere Ryan come up around the piano for just a moment and I want to give you a chance if you want Jesus to do something special in your life today if you want to invite him into your life for the first time because I know in a crowd this size there's people here that are you're here your wife drugged you all the way here from Ohio or November where Massachusetts you didn't really want to come but she didn't want to go by herself or vice versa but maybe you've never made that commitment to Jesus that Lord I want to serve you I'm willing to serve you please forgive me for my sins God will do that today maybe you're somebody in the church that you have been just kind of floating along maybe you seeing all of these things happening in the world around us but you want to be silent because you don't want somebody upset at you maybe even things in your church you see are happening that you know is not consistent with the beliefs of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church that are nothing more than the beliefs based on the Bible but you're quiet you don't want to say anything well I don't I'm just one little person no it's time that you stand up today but if you want to ask Jesus for a brand new touch today say Lord help me to be an evangelist help me to go ye into all the worlds what he says go you into all the world preaching the gospel to Every Nation every Kinder Kindred tongue and people if that's for you today I would like for you to stand with me right now we're going to have a prayer in just a moment Tim could you just play a little course of All to Jesus I Surrender I don't know if they can put the words on the screen or not but if they can put them up All to Jesus I Surrender if not maybe we can get through the first course or so ourselves you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will ever love and trust him in his presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah my eyes [Music] and save your eyes surrender [Music] maybe at home or here you still haven't made that decision we're going to give you just another moment or so I think sometimes we do too much talking as preachers or people up front we need to stop and let the Holy Spirit do its work so right now that's what we're doing I'm just trying to stay out of the way I want the Holy Spirit to do its work on each and every one of you here and those watching and listening Around The World God has something big for you to do before he forms you in the womb he knew you and he Sanctified you to be a vessel of Honor for him can you imagine what a privilege that is that God has blessed and Sanctified every one of you everybody to do something special for him on planet Earth what an incredible incredible privilege and responsibility we're going to do the chorus one more time then I'm going to ask my wife Yvonne to come up and say a prayer with us let's do the course [Music] ah I Surrender [Music] [Applause] eyes surrender [Music] let's pray Lord God we just praise you for the words that you put in Danny today to share with us Lord thank you so much thank you for being in our midst thank you for the holy spirit thank you for your word that is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths we thank you Lord and we know that you see all of the folks here and at home who are rededicating or dedicating for the first time their lives to you we pray Lord God that you will continue to lead in God all of us into your truth help us all to be one day standing on that sea of glass saying Lord this is our God we've waited for him and he has saved us because we'll be on that sea of glass we thank you and we praise you and we love you Lord hallelujah thank you for all that you do and who you are in Jesus name we pray amen for those of you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 193,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danny Shelton, Fall Camp Meeting, If not now then when, 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, homosexuality, abortion
Id: 6ELUkGLI87k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 24sec (5064 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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