If I Laugh I Roll

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my idea today you're gonna love this it's it's who doesn't love this stuff right if i curse i roll if i die i roll what is the third one i did which one is it if i if i get a sub i roll guess what today's challenge is if i laugh i roll not one roll though ten every every laugh is the most expensive laugh of any ganshin player's life a ten roll and we're gonna roll on the new weapon banner because apparently the new weapon banner is actually just nice the new bow uh mohoyo just released the most power crept bow of all time this bow is probably the best bow in the game now it's called a polar star bow so rule i have to laugh okay i have to make an audible haha if you just hear my nose breathing if you see me smile listen that's not a laugh alright and if you laugh too you have to roll in chad and youtube if you're on youtube you laugh you have to roll 100 each laugh and i only get the rule ten [Music] it's gonna get heavy so you know oh all these are just like terrible all of these are just like bad events dude that's so funny it's just it's just like the irony it's just it's funny we music jesus wait i want to say that again what the hell care got out human sneezes cat also sneezes at the same time i'm so confused did they they they both sneezed at the same time but the fact that they both sneezed and the cat heard someone else sneeze scared the [ __ ] out of the cat [Music] why did he scream screams get me dude why did you scream why okay like why did he scream at the end why does he [ __ ] scream this looks so dangerous it's just bad yet uh yo you see that plane [Laughter] classic the classic distraction and then the surprise you know what i'm saying to say plane where's the plane [ __ ] cart flies into the sky see that plane jesus how did they get how did they get it that high is my question [Music] oh my ah dude i tried to hold it in so bad it just kept going why did it keep going [ __ ] me i've gotten this bath bomb at a party about a year ago and you know i wanted to try it out so here we go i've never used a bath [Music] bomb i [ __ ] up holy sh oh it's raccoon just eating the colored cheerios that's cute that's just cute [Music] sorry [Music] [Applause] do you know what timer is dude i'm getting pissed i couldn't tell it was a fake leg dude you can't tell and they just [ __ ] fell off i dude that that caught me so they're laughing you know they got humor you know this is cool this is creepy you know you know this scene reminds me of this reminds me of has anyone seen uh what's that one movie it's like if they go to like sweden and they like do some crazy [ __ ] on some farm mid summer thank you midsummer yeah i don't know something about cows just remember mid-summer dude you have a nice day damn what the [ __ ] [ __ ] i laughed is that no there's like no the the video ended the video ended i laughed at all right all right yeah yeah yeah nobody's master got it i don't want you here and i don't want you here i'm stuck with you almost almost [Music] it's always the bad quality videos dude it's always the bad the shitty [ __ ] quality videos man like look at this [ __ ] cat dude i'm i'm questioning why i just it's broken why did you get it upright hey can you guys see my keys yeah one second so if someone's gonna come out the windows not gonna be keys called it that's a video that is a video that is a good video that is a great video why is it echoed why is it echoed i have no idea what i have no idea what happened ran all the way along upside down bro she's broken [Music] i'm very excited about my new fridge it's gonna fall dude every time i see any like liquid it just falls wait wait wait wait [Music] [ __ ] all right what do i know no i'm pretty sure it's not i think i laughed nine times i was actually expecting like 60 so i can get the soft pity and roll but i'm gonna guess our goal with these 90 rules since i laughed nine times we want this bow this broken this broken thing this monstrosity of a bow they put in wait what's my pity check my pity it's four it's five four i can't count five my pity's five looking great if the if in the first ten poll i get a bow i'll i'll gift dish a hundred subs [Music] that was close okay not that bone but the [ __ ] the five star okay don't don't don't don't don't be like that 20 where 15 this is 25 here [Music] oh they added a skip button that's convenient 35 early pity is at 35 right maybe [Music] okay how many left 60 60 left 60 rolls for me left [Music] wow [Music] no no luck for me today to be honest guys that's cool but you know what keep moving forward wow i'm at 55 wait what the [ __ ] is this oh it's the new weapon oh nice okay yeah i forgot they added to four stars is it 65 oh sheesh next to 70. [Music] give me give me a sec guys oh actually i should totally be playing from permission to swipe right now as long as a banger it's a thought of wishing more but the truth is that you're poor your credit card has been declined again when you're feeling your favorite part just tell yourself to the feeling your own copium dude my [ __ ] my bank just locked itself they were like hey what the [ __ ] is that to me then my family 1975 on twitch 109. give me that ball baby come on i'm getting permission to swipe da na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na gum [Applause] i would like to thank uh otsu for this beautiful cover permission to swipe genshin fan cover easy easy clap right easy i owe 20 more pulls we're at 75 with you the 95 i will fulfill the promise maybe let's go to the standard banner because we could get gene hold on what is my pity on this banner i have it guaranteed on this well the best chance since we've been guaranteed here is not here this should be standard banner i'll use the last 20 on this okay this is about it okay unlucky all right cool thanks for watching youtube if you enjoyed me laughing at stupid stuff and rolling because i laughed because i i can't contain my laughter for some reason because i'm a i'm a child subscribe did you know actually done on my youtube analytics did you know 50 of you aren't subscribed to the youtube channel click the subscribe button now click subscribe and vote vote for tuanzo queued up hyperx gg vote every day until the 22nd of october actually to be honest this video might go up after that date so it doesn't matter to be honest say bye say bye twitch if i youtube [Music] twitch now is your chance to send a message to youtube we are connecting platforms we're sending messages across to each other it's like it's like it's like like a
Channel: Tuonto
Views: 1,543,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, wishing, rolling, genshin wish, genshin roll, genshin impact wishing, 5 star, tuonto, challenge, react, tiktok, you laugh you lose, funny
Id: Ff_NLsiPjJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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