If Green Goblin Lived Spider-Man? All Scenarios Explained

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[Music] what is going on you guys missed the part here back again with a brand new series where i dive deep into fan fiction scenarios and break down a certain event in the timeline and see what possible outcomes it could lead to for the launch of this series i thought let's do a throwback to one of the original fan fictions on this channel if norman osborne survived the final battle in spider-man 2002 you already know the outcome to one of the branched realities but let's break it down and do four possible scenarios of norman osborne staying alive in this trilogy this poses the question of so many outcomes but i'm going to be going with the most realistic outcomes for these branch realities in act 3 of sam raimi spider-man before we explore the multiverse and the spider-verse do make sure to subscribe and request your fan fictions in the comments down below i do take requests and the one with the most upvotes will be the next fan fiction give me your hand believe in me as i believed in you i've been like a father to you be a son to me now [Music] [Music] [Applause] in the original spider-man 2002 timeline it was near impossible for norman osborn to get out of the warehouse and succeed in his plan he did get lucky near half of the battle but at the end of the battle he came up short using his glider to try and kill peter parker this was impossible because of a few reasons he lacked the strength to defeat spider-man and the other reason is that norman didn't really stand a chance against spider-man spider-sense which gave peter the advantage and killed norman so it was at this moment where they had that standoff where norman osborne's outcome of the winning became about 50 to zero percent he was defeated and that one last ditch effort was the nail in the coffin for norman osborne which led to all the original spider-man events with doc harry osborne and even venom let's say norman osborne after all odds somehow someway he didn't end up coming up short in the last stance in this alternate reality norman osborne uses the glider to his advantage and jumps out of the way using the rest of his strength to defeat spider-man spider-man turns around at the last minute only to be sent flying into a wall being impaled by norman's glider defeating peter parker events changed very quickly in this timeline peter parker would be dead and norman osborne would be roaming free becoming so happy that he killed the wall crawler for good in this branched reality norman walks up to peter slowly fading away as blood is spilling from his mouth in his eyes he can see norman just walking away as his own life slips away knowing that he failed and that he wasn't the hero he could have been peter's face drops on the glider slamming into it and he takes his final breath dying spider-man is officially dead and the most logical way this timeline plays out is that norman osborn rips the glider off of a dead peter parker taking the body to the daily bugle hovering over it norman's plan had succeeded and he still would run oscorp as usual oscorp would become a bigger company and norman would go back to the way he was because over time he would see that there was no point in being the green goblin norman osborne could still use the green goblin as a symbol of fear and power getting anything he wanted and threatening people like j jonah jameson the daily bugle would print out papers saying spider-man no more and papers like spider-man identity revealed most likely he needed to take out people close to peter parker like mary jane and even his own son harry osborne he knew that if there was any traces of him leading to being the green goblin it could be the end of his reputation and the company so things had to be kept under secret norman would spare peter parker's aunt may trying to look like the good guy by paying for the funeral otto octavius would be hired by norman osborn and since he wasn't dead in this timeline the company wouldn't go through a transfer with harry osborne so there wouldn't be a power shift within the company things were more organized and most likely wouldn't have failed the renewable energy project most likely would have succeeded because norman would have been able to fund it with some of the best scientists over time in this timeline harry opened the secret door and he would see the goblin suit glider and equipment harry would become hobgoblin being angered of not getting his father's approval but the tipping point would be when he learned that his father killed his best friend harry osborn's butler bernard would expose the secrets that norman was hiding and at this point norman wanted to finish everybody off clearing everyone that peter parker knew he targeted mary jane and since peter is eliminated in this alternate timeline harry osborne and mary jane would get back together and harry would become hobgoblin and he would be plotting for a way to take over his father's company and killing him taking revenge for peter parker norman would try to kill mary jane but harry osborne would stop this leading into a city fight it was good versus evil once again norman being the most experienced fighter takes the upper hand jumping off of his glider in midair doing a front flip and the goblin knives and paled harry osborn killing him harry would try being the next hero but as spider-man he would also fail norman osborne could kill mary jane in this timeline and he would break her neck after the fight with harry osborn norman could use his son's death as a cover-up hiring people to cover his son's death up and leave no trail for the green goblin being the convicted killer the city eventually would become corrupted and norman osborne just like the kingpin ruling with an iron fist the timeline can go two different ways the first way is a darker take where norman osborne just rules as the green goblin before somebody exposes him and that could even be his butler bernard that tries to expose him but fails or another take on this timeline miles morales becomes bit by the exact same spider from the field trip becoming the next spider-man eventually defeating norman osborn and swifting the city's power back to the people officially destroying oscorp this most likely could lead to miles getting the symbiote and fighting dog as he would be the next villain in line norman needed to die to make peter become a stronger hero and learn his true power that he possessed within himself he didn't want to kill norman osborne but he had no choice dodging the glider to save himself and marry jane this created everything from harry osborn's revenge to the rise of doctor octopus in the second movie during the standoff where norman gives his hand begging for help peter doesn't take it and leaves norman broke there was a chance at this point for peter to either take his hand and knock him out cold or just knock him out finishing the job once and for all but it would be too late and the events were already in place and the glider either way would have shot in the air behind him but what if this didn't happen the second scenario can be run in many different ways peter knocks green goblin out before norman calls for his glider or the most realistic scenario peter senses the glider and in time uses his webs to pull norman out of the way in time we are going to be going with option 2. peter front flips hearing the glider chute into the distance and in this timeline he uses his webs in midair to catch norman osborne the glider blades would shoot into the wall stabbing into it norman sees this happening and he looks up to see spider-man spider-man punches norman in the face and peter webs him up this would change the entire timeline because now peter and norman know each other's secret and this timeline plays out almost like the original amazing spider-man comics where they both know each other's names and identity but they don't tell each other because peter cares for his friend harry osborn he would web norman up trying to tie his hands up he would web him up and peter would pick up his body leaving him for harry osborn there wouldn't be a funeral for norman osborn so now harry doesn't have a grudge against spider-man and peter in this new timeline could be more secure with his identity knowing that norman still knows who he is norman osborne gives up being the green goblin to run his company and harry osborn most likely would go to college with peter parker almost like the new animated series tv show norman osborne would have memory loss like the original comic books for getting peter as spider-man this needs to happen to complete the spider-man 2 story norman wouldn't be able to corrupt the company and rule the city like our first scenario because he has ptsd with spider-man and losing the battle he could remember parts of the fight but things were starting to go blurry he would get projects done like otto's renewable energy source and peter would still find a way to meet otto octavius and go to the demonstration as spider-man he would go to the demonstration and he would save norman osborne and not harry osborne spider-man and doc ock would still fight it out and otto would demand telling norman osborne that he wanted the tritium and this time they would make the deal harry osborne and mary jane would be held hostage as prisoners for auto so he could gain leverage on norman osborn to get the tritium mary jane most likely would go back with harry in this timeline making peter jealous and sad knowing that he was the one that could have had the girl but with norman osborn and now otto octavius he wouldn't be able to go with mary jane because it was too big of a risk doggock and spider-man would fight on the train and dog would bring spider-man back to the osborne residence house otto would take the tritium from norman leaving norman could do two different things here in this alternate timeline kill spider-man for his defeat in the first film or allowing him to live figuring out his identity once again norman removes the mask to learn once again that peter parker was spider-man peter broke norman's wrist and he would kick him to the ground demanding to know where otto octavius was since norman osborne gave up being the green goblin he wouldn't use the goblin serum and his body would be restored into a regular person peter yelled at norman demanding to know where mary jane and harry osborne were he said enough games norman and in this timeline he still loved his son and after hearing this he needed to help spider-man try to fight otto octavius and get his son back he would reveal where otto was working and spider-man picked his mask back up leaving norman would cry knowing that peter was spider-man and how he lost to him once again norman osborne would become the green goblin once again in spider-man 3 and spider-man would reveal his identity to mary jane and harry after saving them and defeating dockock dock wouldn't die in the final act but he would be defeated pretty bad he would go to jail and spider-man would find a new value in being a hero after his friends found out that he was spider-man he wouldn't tell them that norman osborne was the green goblin because he didn't want to hurt harry this timeline would shift because norman osborne remembers everything that happened to him he would become the main villain in the third movie and spider-man would still have the symbiote norman osborne and spider-man would fight it out and spider-man would almost turn into venom defeating norman at the start of the film the events of spider-man 3 wouldn't change too much because flint marco and eddie brock would still be in the mix of things peter slowly became consumed by the symbiote ripping it off and it would still find his way to eddie brock learning the truth behind spider-man he would visit the osborne resident's house and since norman thought venom was spider-man there would be a massive fight but venom would win he sided with green goblin and green goblin would almost become the leader after being recruited green goblin would break out otto octavius in jail and it would almost be like the sinister six but it would be the sinister iv venom sandman auto octavius and green goblin we can branch these timelines into two new alternate paths the villains win against spider-man or spider-man wins teaming up with sandman convincing him to help him defeat the rest of them i would go with option 2 having spider-man and sandman defeat venom dog and green goblin spider-man would use a pumpkin bomb from green goblin's glider killing venom and spider-man would have his rematch going one-on-one with him at the construction site spider-man kicked norman back and he would fall to the ground onto a pole being defeated spider-man would rush in and they would have their hands locked up norman laughed trying to kill spider-man for one last time and he had a pumpkin bomb in his hand but it would fail and he would be kicked in the gut and sent flying back with the bomb in his hand and it would go off killing norman osborn harry learned the truth about this knowing that peter killed his father and he would become the hobgoblin in the fourth film after all that i think at the very end norman somehow would still die or at least become so tired that he can't physically keep up with sandman and spider-man and spider-man would also forgive sandman and eddie and otto would be thrown in jail and the symbiote would die in this alternate timeline green goblin breaking spider-man and destroying his spirit was a very very possible thing near the end of the film norman had the opportunity to take everything away from peter by testing him he wanted to see if he would fail as a hero and for this test he would become a full hero by saving the children and the love of his life norman osborne failed to see that he could have broken spider-man right then and there by snapping mary jane's neck and throwing her body down into the water he didn't do this because he knew that he needed to test him and see if peter would succeed because he wanted to put the blame on him just in case he did fail then only then spider-man was to blame for either the kids dying or marry jane let's say things play out the same but in this new scenario norman osborne can see the flaw in his own test he wants to see how far spider-man will go and see where his loyalty really lies with the selfish needs to get the girl marry jane or to save the people of new york norman sees that this plan just won't work because he wants to have full power becoming peter parker's mortal enemy by doing this he assumes the best way to break a hero's spirit and take away their power and everything they love he knows what he stands for and in this new timeline norman looks at mary jane as her shoes fall below he laughs as he squeezes his hand on her neck she begs for help but an echo of a snap could be heard and the kids started to cry spider-man couldn't even believe this and he would be completely broken norman osborne crushed her neck killing her he tossed her over the bridge and spider-man screamed crying as he grabbed her body and the children norman osborne saw this as an opportunity to escape leaving peter to drown in his own guilt and sorrow the new timeline would be forever changed now because peter still doesn't know who the green goblin is because of the ending scene when he beats the life out of norman osborn norman osborne would quickly get on his glider leaving and spider-man would be holding the dead body of mary jane the end of spider-man 2002 would be very different because in this timeline peter has now lost uncle ben and now marry jane harry osborne would also be mad at this because he assumes spider-man killed mary jane and that he failed to save her from the green goblin there would be no final scene at the end of this timeline but there would be another scene spider-man would be swinging in murdering criminals in an alleyway choking them to death at night and beating them to death he realizes that green goblin was right all along and that the city was going to turn on him and they would turn on him spider-man failed to save mary jane everyone would turn on spider-man and he would be broken peter's soul couldn't be repaired and it would be beyond damage he would give up being spider-man and harry osborne would work for his dad being a co-owner of ozcorp norman tried keeping to himself more distant from peter and harry after he killed mary jane because he still wanted to run the company and also do more oscar projects since peter is broken he didn't know how to come back but aunt may would ask peter where spider-man was and how he was going to get another job after leaving the daily bugle otto octavius and norman osborne would still have their experiments with the energy project and it would blow up actually killing otto octavius in this timeline because in the original timeline peter was the one just in time to stop the machine but since he's not there he wouldn't have been able to stop it the explosion would be a lot worse and otto was electrocuted to death and norman's company would be all over the news and the daily bugle the daily bugle printed papers out saying norman osborne responsible for otto octavius's death norman couldn't stand the news and he thought he needed to get rid of j jonah jameson before he starts trashing him and his company because he would lose a lot of money and most people wouldn't want to invest in the company if they found out more about the project and why the project failed and this would be all over the news because spider-man's no more so spider-man isn't getting any more publicity within the city green goblin would break into the daily bugle as this was happening peter wanted to find work at the daily bugle trying to regroup and fix his life back together he knew that he needed another job somewhere and as he walked on the streets of new york city green goblin would be flying in the city peter would run into an alleyway and fight the green goblin and the daily bugle and he would defeat him once again green goblin would try to escape but spider-man jumped out of the building following him he would swing fast and far seeing a trail of smoke he would find the green goblin going to the osborne resident's house and peter would fight him there learning the truth about norman osborn they would fight in the house and peter would kick him in the gut finishing the job off norman begged for mercy and harry osborn ran to here talking behind a wall he would find it and he would open the door to see his father was the green goblin spider-man would leave norman broken and harry would cry running out of the house spider-man started swinging and harry wouldn't even be able to believe it in this timeline spider-man 3 would go very different because harry would have his father in prison and spider-man would become a killer harry took over the green goblin mantle becoming the hog goblin seeking revenge on spider-man he still blames spider-man for killing mary jane but he also blamed his father peter bonded with the symbiote and in this timeline he would become venom killing criminals hobgoblin and sandman would team up in the final act of spider-man 3 but the symbiote consumed spider-man would win not being able to unbond with the symbiote and he would become fully evil at the end of the film norman osborne would laugh in jail knowing that he turned new york city's greatest hero into new york city's worst villain the final act of the film was the breaking point for norman osborne he was cornered and like the first two scenarios it would have been a real miracle for him to survive when he shot his glider out to spider-man there was no possible way he could have cheated death in the final act because peter found out who he was and he was broken and beaten in the corner i feel like there could have been one way he could have cheated death and that way could have been him using a lot of his technology we don't really see norman osborne use a lot of his tech but this is the only way he could have survived ng to death running away and escaping to fight another day in this alternate reality spider-man had norman back in a corner like the original spider-man 2002 timeline but this time something would change norman had a pumpkin bomb with he was beaten and he had the bomb in his left hand he wouldn't tell spider-man to stop because of how badly he was getting beaten so in this timeline he didn't have the ability to call for his glider and spider-man pinned norm into a wall beating him and he started crushing his hands he looked to see the green goblin drop the pumpkin bomb and spider-man looked in shock as it was blown up green goblin and spider-man fell down towards the warehouse and parts of it crushed peter and norman osborne peter parker would break free looking around to see nobody in sight he screamed for green goblin and looked around green goblin would escape coming home to see harry osborne he threw his green goblin mask on the ground exhausted and this new timeline harry didn't know what to do and he yelled at his dad his father knew that he's been exposed as the green goblin harry would have flashbacks of all the events with norman osborne when he threw a pumpkin bomb at the expo laughing at him when he was dying he knew he had to do something and harry would try running out of the way but norman would throw a pumpkin bomb laughing killing harry osborn harry went missing in this timeline and since peter parker doesn't know who green goblin is peter went to the osborne resident's house to see if norman was all right it was a trap for peter and when he walked into the house he would be caught off guard to see a glider shoot into the air but he would dodge the attack peter became shocked seeing that norman was the green goblin and they would fight in the house spider-man defeated norman osborne and the company was taken over by quest aerospace because now there can't be a transfer to harry since he's dead and otto wouldn't be able to work for oscar since it would have been shut down and taken over norman still knew peter's identity and jail but would still keep it and he would also suffer from memory loss only remembering the fight between spider-man and the green goblin there would be a funeral for harry osborn and peter in this timeline revealed to mary jane at the funeral that he was spider-man explaining why they couldn't be together spider-man still would lose his powers and norman osborne would break out of prison getting a brand new hobgoblin suit over time he would figure out his identity and hobgoblin went to the daily bugle showing jay jonah jameson and eddie brock proof that peter parker was spider-man it was all over the news and peter would be exposed but he wouldn't come out of the shadows because he's already given up being spider-man mary jane and ant-may would figure it all out and peter would try to return as spider-man and they would tell him to return and he would spider-man and hobgoblin fought within the city and peter would defeat him again they would throw him in jail and the world would learn that peter was spider-man the events of spider-man 3 wouldn't happen but peter still would get the symbiote trying to remove it and he would the symbiote wouldn't go on to eddie brock since he knows peter is already spider-man it would die not bonding with anyone and peter would take some of norman's test creating the mark 1 suit in this alternate spider-man 4 spider-man would have the mark 1 suit and he would go up against the sinister six norman osborne would be leading the battle and it would have mysterio shocker sandman and even vulture sandman would join norman and they would try to defeat him but like our original scenario sandman betrays norman osborne siding with peter defeating the villains peter would forgive flint marco for killing his uncle ben and peter would date and end up marrying mary jane in this timeline i feel like this timeline is one of the most realistic scenarios because norman osborne if he ended up cheating death he would have been tormenting peter so much to the point where his identity would have been revealed somehow publicly to the daily bugle and i still think even if it happened it would have turned out kind of like the 1994 spider-man mark 1 universe and i do believe that otto would have been sidelined in this alternate timeline since quest aerospace did end up taking over ozcorp so a lot of those events in spider-man 2 and 3 would be completely different so let me know in the comments down below what your favorite timeline was and which one did you pick and which one did you like but anyways as always do make sure to subscribe like share and turn your notifications on so you and your friends are all up to date with the latest content but anyways as always guys i do want to be more active on youtube this video really took a long time to make this took over three days to make and create it's an official new series on the channel so if you guys want to see more scenarios where i break down different scenarios in different timelines do make sure to let me know if you guys want this because i don't know if you guys even wanted or not i had to bring something new to the table so i thought why not do this but anyways as always throughout the multiverse is trying to destroy all of space and time what if spider-man the animated series what if events went differently what if madame webb chose a different group of spider-man to defeat spider carnage coming soon in animation format by using a special power for my chair he poses no harm to any of you wow thanks lady because i thought i was lunch sorry my bad out of my way spiderman i'll do [Music] you
Channel: MissedThePart
Views: 24,700
Rating: 4.9396629 out of 5
Keywords: Green Goblin Spider-Man 2002, Spider-Man 2002 Alternate Ending, Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Alternate Endings, Marvel's What If Ends Explained, Green Goblin Kills Peter Parker, If Norman Osborn Lived, Green Goblin Kills Mary Jane, Spider-Man 2002 Ends Explained, Spider-Man Endings, Spider-Man Alternate Endings, Spider-Man Fan Fictions, Spider-Man Fan Scenarios, comic books, peter parker, green goblin, Tobey Maguire, Norman Osborn Lives, Green Goblin Dies, spiderman vs green goblin
Id: hqMcslSucik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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