If Everyone’s God is the Same, then Why Many Religions? - Dr Zakir Naik
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Channel: Dr Zakir Naik
Views: 136,964
Rating: 4.8457727 out of 5
Keywords: Zakir, Naik, ZakirNaik, DrZakirNaik, Allah, Allaah, God, Muslim, Islam, Islaam, Comparative, Religion, Comparativereligion, Atheism, Atheist, Christianity, Christian, Hinduism, Hindu, Buddhism, Buddhist, Judaism, Jew, Sikhism, Sikh, Jainism, Jain, Lecture, Question, Answer, QuestionsandAnswer, Logic, Reason, Science, Misconception, Misunderstanding, PeaceTV, Dawah, Muhammad, Mohammed, Hadeeth, Hadith, Saheeh, Sahih, Man, Woman, Human, Humanity, Problem, Solution, Rights, Media, War, Peace, Similarities, Debate
Id: -Ws3e1iT3fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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