If American Psycho were about Programmers

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nikhil i just saw your instagram story cezon how impressive how on earth did you get a reservation there lucky i guess that's a wonderful vest don't tell me don't tell me let me guess patagonia tequila if you're so soft your compliment was sufficient kevin hello raj nice glasses how the hell are you paul has mistaken me for this raj hassan it seems logical because raj also works in infra and in fact does the same exact thing i do and he also has a pension for patagonia vests and gucci glasses raj and i even go to the same koopa cafe in palo alto although i order a slightly more expensive drink how's the gemini project going on oh it's uh it's all right oh it's interesting it's not it's not great oh well you know hmm how's uh how's cecilia she's a she's a great girl oh yes i'm very lucky hey paul congratulations on the leo project thank you jimmy listen paul bouldering sure when how about friday no can do i got a 8 30 res at ceson it's got a great sea urchin ceviche season friday night how do you swing that i bet he's lying new keys what do you think oh look at that very nice picked it up on amazon yesterday good switches they're blues and the o-rings are 0.2s that's very cool nikhil but that's nothing look at this that is really nice mx brown with point fours what do you think jesus this is really super how does knit would like you get so tasteful i can't believe that brian prefers zambia's keys to mine but wait you ain't seen nothing yet obsidian black mx green switches impressive very nice let's see john eldon's keys [Music] look at that subtle off black coloring a tasteful actuation force oh my god the keys aren't even labeled [Music] nikhil something wrong you're sweating
Channel: Joma Tech
Views: 4,682,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joma, vlog, captain sinbad, american psycho, programmer, keyboard, mechanical keyboards, christian bale, patrick bateman, software engineer, patagonia, engineers, silicon valley
Id: uHt01D6rOLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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