IELTS Writing Task 2 Idea Generation Live Lesson.

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everyone Chris here from alt advantage comm with another lesson and today's lesson is a little bit different because it's a live interactive lesson one of the great things about having this jam board night and doing live feeds on YouTube is we can get your ideas and evaluate your ideas and interact with you so that's what we're gonna do in this lesson we're going to show you a task to a question we're going to ask you to come up with ideas when we put them up on the board here and then we'll talk about those ideas and evaluate those ideas and interact with you and help you with that so if you are watching live feel free to comment in the live feed but if you're watching the recorded version of this at a later date feel free to interact in the comments and obviously it won't be live but the key thing about commenting and on one of these lessons is it's not really going to matter if it's live or not it's the actual action of doing it because if you're just sitting back watching a youtube video about IELTS you might retain 10% of it but if you are actually interacting with the lesson and you're commenting and you're doing something then you're going to retain most of it so it is for your benefit and I'm not doing it just to ask you for more comments and so live tasks to idea generation so what are we going to do in this lesson so the first thing we're going to do is I'm going to give you a little test all right so the test is very very simple I'm going to give you a task to a question and ask you to generate one idea just give me one idea then I'm going to look at all of the comments that are coming through live and we'll put them up on the board and we will evaluate them and we'll talk about which ideas you could use which ideas you might not want to use and the reasons behind them then I'm going to do a demo so I'm going to take the same question and talk you through how I would think about it and I'm gonna give you a really really effective technique for idea generation not brainstorming all right I do not encourage any of my students and to brainstorm it's completely useless and will lead to a bunch of irrelevant ideas I'm gonna also give you a checklist that you can use to evaluate your own ideas because I won't be with you on test day and then three I'm gonna give you test you again by giving you a question and asking you to learn from the demo and think of new ideas for it okay so let's get going so here's a question in many cities more people are living alone why is this the case is it a positive or negative development so it's a double question it's one task to your question but it has or to one task to task but it has two questions all right for the purposes of this lesson what we're gonna do is we're gonna delete this delete this second question and just focus on the first question okay just keeping things as simple as possible for the purposes of teaching for the purposes of this lesson alright so what I would like you to do without any help from me think about this question and generate one idea okay so just give me one idea all right so take your time take 30 seconds take a minute to think about the question and then think of one idea all right don't take any more than 30 seconds you can overthink these things alright so let me have a look at the live comments coming through Wow some of you have ideas already great so thank you - Gil ray huh a lanky chow-chow Gursharan douche Williams sorry if I'm mispronouncing any of your names Nick matvey growing excellent great okay so keep keep the ideas coming and I'm gonna put them up on the board here so okay so privacy many of you are saying this one I'm not going to say if they're correct or not just yet okay stay away from family always could free down focus okay good excellent okay so we have a number of ideas all great thank you very much for those ideas what I want you to do now is I deliberately put some ideas on the left-hand side so let's call these ideas one okay so all these ideas here are Group one and let's call these ideas group 2 okay so what I would like you to do now is think about this one of these groups is correct one of these groups is incorrect all right it's a little bit more complicated than simply correct or incorrect so let me put it a different way one of these groups it would be quite easy for you to use these ideas in your essay and answer the question quite well one of these groups that would be very very difficult for you to use these ideas in your essay so what I would like you to do now in in the comments in the live feed which group is correct on why all right or in other words which group is not correct and why all right why are some of these ideas good why are some of these ideas not so good you think about them all right and think about the question all right so let me have a look and thanks to so many of you for your ideas it's great to see okay so Matt V says group two is correct if almost says Group one is correct group 2 group 2 group 1 good so there's a pretty much a 50/50 split which is really good because some of you are getting the correct answer which is great but even better some of you are wrong so you're going to learn something if you are wrong don't worry that's that's really good because you're going to learn something today if you are wrong most of you are saying group two are correct I'd say 70% okay excellent all right so some of you are wrong some of you are correct so let's look at why so as always if you want to find out why go back to the question so in many cities more people are living alone why is this the case okay so one group is answering the question another group is answering a completely different question okay so one group is answering the question why do people move to cities okay people move to cities for better job opportunities to study to get better health services or education services or better amenities that are shopping whatever that is that is why people move to cities is the question asking you why do people move to cities no the question is saying in many cities more people are living alone so the question is asking you why do people live alone in cities so let's have a look at these ideas again people live alone in cities to be more independent for privacy to stay away from their family for freedom for focus people do not live alone to get a better job people do not live alone to go to university people do not live alone to get better opportunities or better health and education services these ideas are answering the question why do people move to cities these group of ideas are answering the question why do people live alone in cities so why is this a problem okay many of you might be watching this and thinking ah these are close enough they're pretty good alright they're not these are not answering the question so you're going to go off on a tangent and you're going to be answering you know you're failing the most basic thing about writing a task to answer did you answer the question okay so many of you get really frustrated with the test and email me and say I did everything correct I followed your structure and my vocabulary was really good and my grammar was really good and I answered the question correctly and I still got a six point five seventy percent of you watching this video didn't answer the question correctly okay I'm plus there are many other things that you need to do correctly in order to get a seven or above so you can see how easily it is to mess this up but do not worry if you made that mistake it's a really good lesson and you can learn from it so let's look at how I would do this okay so what you need to do first is you need to take time to actually read and understand the question think about it this way what is the examiner actually asking me to do what do they want me to do with this question they don't want so what many of you did was you just saw the word cities why and you thought why do people live in cities so you did it too quickly you you need to invest the time and buy time I don't mean ten minutes or 20 minutes I mean one or two minutes if you're thinking about the question for one or two minutes you're thinking about it for two minutes longer than ninety percent of students most students will look at the question and immediately just start planning and writing make thinking about the question part of your preparation time it is not a waste of time it is an investment of time all right it's like saying wearing a seatbelt is a waste of time all right it does take time but it's going to save your life you know it's it's there are things that do take time but they're quite important next you need to think of an idea all right so step one is understand the question and then think of an idea the worst thing you can do is brainstorm brainstorming is a complete waste of time it takes too much time and it leads to irrelevant ideas we need to think of a way to immediately think of ideas really really quickly that are relevant or specific that answer the question so how do we do this what we do is we look at this and instead of thinking this is a task to question this is IELTS this is really complicated just simplify it break it down ask yourself one direct question that will lead to the idea that you need so let it's better for me to show you what this looks like to demonstrate it so instead of me thinking about it in this way what I do is receive this information process it and think what is a single question I could ask myself that will lead to a relevant idea why are more people living alone in cities so you see how I did that I looked at this looked at this information thought about it ask myself one question why are people living alone in cities if you ask yourself that question then there's no way that you're going to think of any of these ideas you are going to ask answer with one of these ideas because there's there's no other options so you've limited your options I'm simplified it and made it easy for yourself and you can apply this philosophy to anything in IELTS true false not given questions matching headings questions task one academic writing letters speaking part three speaking part two if you just simplify it and break it down and make it easy for yourself then you can do quite well if you over complicate it then you're not going to do so well so this is going to generate ideas so you might have oh you might have one two three ideas normally when you use this you'll just think of one idea immediately but let's say you generate two or three ideas then you need to ask yourself these questions about those ideas because you what you don't want to do is generate two or three ideas just start writing and then halfway through your first main body paragraph be like actually I don't know what I'm doing these ideas are useless you want to make this part of the planning process so you do all the thinking before you start writing again a really good investment of your time so the first question to ask about what to ask about an idea does my idea answer the question so if your idea was moving for better job prospects no doesn't answer the question alright so scrap that I number two does my idea make sense okay it's a really easy way does it make sense if it makes a hundred percent sense to you then it's probably going to make sense to someone else if you're unsure about it and you haven't really thought about it if it doesn't make sense to you it's definitely not going to make sense it's not logical and it's not going to make sense for anybody else so maybe your second idea just doesn't make sense any sense so now that you've got a relevant idea that that is logical it makes sense now you need to ask yourself these final two questions probably the most important questions can I explain how this answers the question and can I support it with an example why do we think of these questions because you're going to be doing this in the essay when you're writing your main body paragraph you're going to have your main idea then you're going to explain how it answers the question and support it with an example if you can do those things then it's a good idea so let's say you think of these two ideas okay so you think about them like yep independence privacy so this one makes sense it's logical I can explain it but I can't think of any example just scrap that one privacy it makes sense answers the question I can explain it and I can think of a good example this is your one move on and just go with that one okay I highly much easier is your essay going to be to write if you have a bunch of ideas like that okay so now that I've demoed that what I would like you to do your task put it in the comment section and of the video just answer this question you can do one of three things just give me one idea for this or one idea for this if you don't have time all right or you could do a plan you could plan out your answer if you have a little bit more time or if you've got lots of time you could just do the whole essay and I can't guarantee that I will be able to give everybody feedback because there's quite a lot of people subscribe to this channel and but I will go through it later today and I will comment on some of them even but the most important thing to remember is you're not doing this to get feedback it would be great if you could you're doing this to get to activate what you have learned just watching YouTube videos is not going to help you improve your writing actually doing something and this is why we've made this lesson a directive is going to help you okay so try that I put it in the comments and I will have a look at them tonight and we will make another lesson on Friday and let me know what you think about this style of lesson there's these interactive lessons rather than me just lecturing you getting you guys involved and helping you out interacting with you let me know what you think about that and I will make more of them next on Friday subscribe if you want to be alerted next time we go live normally about midday UK time by 12 1 o'clock something like that hope you enjoyed that and if you need me you can comment or you can send me an email chris at il2 advantage com thank you very much guys hope you enjoyed that lesson and let me know what you think about it if you hated it let me know if you liked it do you have any suggestions for further lessons and it's always great to hear from you thank you very much and have a good day bye bye
Channel: IELTS Advantage
Views: 63,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, IELTS Advantage, IELTS Test, English, Pronunciation, live lesson, Band 7, subscribe,, IELTS Writing, Chris Pell, lesson, IELTS listening, tips, ielts listening, international english language testing system, ielts speaking, grammar, listening, In this lesson, Live IELTS Task 2 Idea Generation, how to generate ideas for Writing Task 2, Idea Generation, Writing Task 2, comment, english, Ideas, Teacher, IELTS Writing Task 2 Idea Generation, Live Lesson
Id: lnP6Ha1htts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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