IELTS Speaking Interview | Band 9 | Real Exam!

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good morning my name is rob wilson can you tell me your full name please good morning my full name is kate peterson and how shall i call you i would prefer my first name that is kate can i see your identification please thank you that's all good where are you from kate i'm originally from serbia from the capital city called belgrade but these days since i'm studying engineering here in london i live in the uk all right thank you so in the first part of the exam i would like to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about your friends how often do you see your friends i have two different groups of friends the people i know from college i see most days when we are studying and sometimes at weekends i have some good friends from my dance class as well we meet up for classes and often go to each other's houses and what do you like to do when you meet up with friends we love to chat about what's happening in our lives and we often go into town together and walk around the shops we spend age trying to own new clothes and giving each other opinion about whether something sweets us do you still have friends from when you were young not really i don't see the friends i had when i was very young as we all went to different schools but i still keep in touch with you once i meet at secondary school and one of them is my closest friend what qualities do you think make a good friend in my opinion you should be able to trust a good friend if you have a problem it's always important to be able to talk about it with someone even if they can't offer any help a good friend should be willing to listen that's what i like best about my closest friends anyway let's move on talk about the future do you think you will always live in the same town or city you live in now i would like to stay here as this is where all my family live and i would hate to be apart from them but on the other hand i might have to move away from my job so i imagine it's possible i could live somewhere else you think your local area will change much over the next few years probably yes we have a local shopping center which has suffered a lot because people are buying things online or traveling into the city center apparently they're planning to convert the empty shops into accommodation so that will be a big difference and how do you think your life might be different in 10 years time well i'm engaged to my partner so i expect i will be married by then and i have uh i have children uh also i hope i will be working as a software engineer because that's what i am studying any moment so are you optimistic that we will solve the environmental problems we face today i hope so yes people realize how serious the situation is and in the past few years our government has started to take more steps to deal with some of the problems in our country moving on to the second part of the speaking test i'm going to give you a topic and i would like you to talk about it for one or two minutes before you talk you have one minute to think about what you're going to say you can make some notes if you wish do you understand here is your topic here is your pen and paper so you can take some notes you can start time is up remember you have one or two minutes for this so don't worry if i stop you i will tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please a few years ago i visited paris with some friends we had a long list of things we wanted to do and places we wanted to see but a most important one for all of us was nother than the paris if you've never heard of it it's a large church or cathedral it was designed by the famous architect maurice de sally he was a famous bishop we read so much about it in our tourist guides before we arrived and the photos of it were spectacular so we decided we had to see it there were lots of other things we planned to do so in the end we decided to go there on the last day of our holiday we took the subway from our hotel and when we arrived and came out of the train station we couldn't believe our eyes in front of us on the other side of the road was this enormous building it was absolutely stunning the stained glass windows the columns that rise up in the sky and the stonework are unbelievable the building is still under construction but it didn't spoil the experience at all unfortunately there were also hundreds maybe even thousands of people who all wanted to get inside to see the interior and we decided not to queue it together all right thank you we've been talking about the subject of buildings and i would like to discuss this subject with you with some more general questions relating to this topic first do you think it's important to save old historic buildings of course yes i do there are lots of beautiful old buildings where i live that were built over 100 years ago they include lots of public buildings that have closed down and are no longer used quite often these get knocked down and replaced with modern office buildings or car parks i think it would be better to try to save them if possible are modern buildings as impressive as those built in the past [Music] i think a lot of them are the older the older buildings are usually built with bricks with lots of carryings on the outside whereas modern buildings tend to be made with glass or more modern materials that's the fashion today and in the future i think people will think they look as impressive as older buildings looks now what kind of buildings are most memorable huge buildings like cathedrals always have a big impact on people i think cathedrals in particular or other religious buildings are always very impressive because the architect spent a lot of time making them look beautiful inside and outside to what extent do the buildings in a city give its character to be honest i don't know i haven't traveled a lot but i have seen photos and videos of cities around the world some cities seem very modern because they have lots of new shiny buildings however other cities like london or paris have far more older buildings that make them feel more historic so yes i suppose buildings are important in that way why do tourists tend to spend so much time visiting important buildings when you visit a new city especially in a different country it's our chance to see famous places some people go because it's something they feel they have to do it's like a list of things they have to see but other people will visit a building because it's something they have really looked forward to seeing with their own eyes what makes a house a home i don't think it's the building that makes a house a home some people like some people live in very small apartments and others in large houses but they are all homes it's what people do inside that is important if it's warm and cozy with photographs of the people we love i think a place will feel like home thank you that is the end of this speaking test [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test real test, ielts speaking test actual, ielts speaking test video, ielts speaking 2022, ielts speaking test, speaking ielts band 9, ielts speaking practice, english speaking practice, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking preparation, ielts real exam test
Id: Iz3D35Mswhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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