Iconic Singers Give Oprah Advice About Turning 40 | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network

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well everybody surprised me you're in Gladys Knight Patti LaBelle oh you're the Franklin this was an idea month month months ago I said but me and my executor producer Debbie DeMaio see now she said what you wanna do for record I said well my ideal thing would be to have all of you here but oh well I'm sure and I said what that'll never happen cuz how could we get them all together and I should have started planning it a year before and I just wanted went women to sing and dance if you want to we're over 40 and I said well we'll invite some guys but you know it'd be a celebration of all of us right who are getting better as we're getting older so this is gave up on that idea said I'll just do look quiet dinner thing you know that's what I thought I was doing to this party get in the house well we want to talk about one of the things that I I really want for myself is to is to get older and more graceful and can do it with wisdom and clarity so you all could share with me well you know what I found what happens and and it was so wonderful for me when I turned 40 honest to goodness a light came on really I mean I came I said oh so that's what it is yes read it that's what happen you know I'm feeling that womanís yeah let's go girl yeah I got another couple of years I don't know what's fascinating to me about what's fascinating to me about it Camille Cosby had said this to me a while back I said what is the big deal about Tony but and she says you just get to the point where you just don't care about everybody else's stuff for him being in your stuff that's true very true dad that's very true that you feel your own confidence a lot you have a sense of self like you've never had before what is that I just don't know I knew what I wanted to do I knew what kind of man I wanted I knew I got him - you did yeah you know I mean the holeshot you know I just became a better person yeah not a different person to say what are the greatest lessons you've learned that you've been taught getting to this point that I shouldn't be afraid to reach anything that God is gonna give me and that's another year um most people are afraid of turning oh because they think oh it's more wisdom and I've learned that I because of Mark all my sisters losing them at such an early age affording me I'm 50 I'm like 150 baby 49 you know you see I'm 14 I'm 55 I'm 49 what yeah forty-nine cuz we just say made so go tell Pitt but I like to take fifty because it makes me feel grown really good like I'm still figuring a special lesson well yeah you're special I mean it's nothing but wonderful things that come into your life and you know you relax I'm relaxing more I'm chilled out I mean well it is very balanced my husband can take me you know he does I mean I used to be a crazy lady I'm really cooled out now really with age comes home and wisdom Jo and Didrik know okay so for you what is it been what has it been the greatest lessons hmm just relax and go with the flow go with yes better yeah everything yeah when you see a salmon swimming upstream is going the wrong directions what I say try to say try to get with the current try to move with the current of life not a need to be built is gonna be built on that day yeah if you got some it will be built up yes well what a pleasure what a pleasure to have you two together you've never done this before no never done this before ha ha sat down together we sit together quite often for an interview on national television so tell me how did you pop the question to the most beautiful woman in the world we're always looking for ways to live our best lives especially on a daily basis with me today is dietician and health fitness specialist Rebecca scritch field and we're discussing ways to sneak good-for-you habits into your daily routine
Channel: OWN
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Keywords: own, oprah winfrey network, own network, oprah, oprah winfrey, Iconic Singers Give Oprah Advice About Turning 40, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Talk Show, #oprahwinfreyshow, Oprah Winfrey Show, oprah show, oprah interview, maya angelou, Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Have and Have Nots, Iyanla Vanzant, Oprah Life Class, Lindsay Lohan, how-to, season, episode
Id: zLTzX59ND7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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