Iconic Moments | Shake It Up | Disney Channel UK

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we were young and my brother and I used to fight like this my Grandmama would always say BR By Night flip un flop what just happened why am I shorter forget that why am I a girl I have your face I have your guess this is freaky Flynn if I didn't know any better I'd say we just switched brains wow I really got the short end of that stick apparently I accidentally used a curse that makes two people switch places Flynn is now in Cece's body CeCe is now in Flynn's body and I am now in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you I have no idea how to undo it a karaki maybe she'll know what to do no no no the one thing I do know is that if you mention this to any anyone you will stay like this forever it's sort of like a sub curse to the main curse okay now I'm totally lost and have no idea what's going on sick I feel like my brain is made of mucus which is actually what the ancient Egyptians believe to be oh forget it I'm too sick for fun fact great you can rest here and watch Flynn while I go to the big shoe sale at clner I'm dying me too up to 50% off now Rocky you have to watch Flynn carefully I need to know that you as responsible as me really see I blow more responsibility into this snot rag than you have in your entire body correction much [Music] more half price new shoes in my bag you to be a door right there uhoh uhoh F you are so busted rocky rocky rocky where's what the heck happened in here I have no idea where is Flynn I have no idea why is there no DP I have no idea hey James what are you doing here oh yesterday after Honor's history you forgot this pencil and I wanted to make sure you got it back oh thank you I was running low on disgusting Che up pencils wait a minute you came all the way down here just to give her that oh it wasn't a big deal just a couple trains a bus transfer on a 10 block hike okay see you later someone has a crush on CeCe what are you talking about James has a crush on you no he doesn't this is the worst Musical Ever you're totally wrong and you know what I'm going to do well it's last 15 years of your life are any indication I'm assuming that you're just going to bracingly walk over there and address the issue with all the subtlety of a jack camera that's how I do hey James you want to laugh Rocky thinks thinks you like me like like me that's hilarious you want to go out sometime me go out with you sure why not when in where I'll have to get back to you on that I didn't actually expect you to say yes guess what someone has to crush on CC I was right let's not start this again Flynn did you finish my favorite cereal no I don't eat your healthy cereal my blood type is marshmallow positive well if you didn't eat it all then who ate it woo man does not own Ultra fiber flakes he merely rined them Logan what are you doing here our parents just got engaged and it's bad luck for the daughter of the Bride to see her future step brother before the wedding or after damn our sister wakes up a little gruy doesn't she um steps sister speaking of which it's only 10 steps to the front door why don't you take them Logan and I are going to go a bond we're spending the whole day together why did you do something wrong and you're being punished blink twice if you're doing this against your will come on don't be jealous you see I always wanted a little brother and now I got one yeah and I always wanted an older sibling you have an older sibling sorry I meant a fun older sibling oh we went to the history museum again I mean really how many times does he expect me to go there it's not like there's anything new to see it's the history museum I just feel like James and I aren't working out like this relationship just isn't going anywhere well if you're bored with it imagine how I feel hey Rocky CC can I talk to you for a sec hey what is it I just don't think you and I are really working out oh well then maybe we could go to the gym together I mean it would be a nice change from all those museums no no CeCe I just feel like this relationship isn't going anywhere we're not really a match if I didn't know any better I thank you for breaking up with me I am wow I never thought I'd even get a girlfriend let alone be the one to break up with her well guess I'll see you around yeah see you so what was that all about James just broke up with me so there is a new exhibit at the history museum your relationship high five Loa NOA what's the big deal I thought you weren't even into him I'm not but I was going to break up with him but instead he broke up with me because of her outstanding achievement of forgetting her record her brother's favorite cartoon the winner of the butthead sister of the Year award goes to Cece Joe ah nothing to say well that's a first oh I get it you're giving me the silent treatment well jokes on you cuz I don't care okay fine the butthead thing did cross a line just get over it okay look I'm sorry all right you win just talk to me please okay I'm going to go write an apology poem okay CeCe I need your advice all right you know how C peruso didn't get into Harvard right it's a college anyway I got to thinking on paper Stacy prusso is flawless I mean she has a million activities a million Awards and A+ average but she's never been on what no not a horse he never been on a sports team Athletics was missing from her application and it's missing from mine too I know you think dance would count but it's considered part of the Arts bottom line I have to add a sports team yes I agree with you there a lot to take on what was all my other extracurricular activities but don't worry I'm Rocky Blue I can handle it we want want to join your spirits squ yeah I think we could really help you guys I mean we know style we know Rhythm and we know how to keep the tights from getting stuck up your butt and we could teach you everything there is to know about dancing that is so awesome of you guys but we're good aren't you guys maybe just a little bit worried about embarrassing yourself at next week's pep rally not at all we're calling in sick that day then why did you even even join the Spirit Squad uh for the free period cuz otherwise we'd have to take JY and that's not how we roll okay okay look you guys really need some help and we really need an outlet for a dance but mostly you guys really need some help so maybe we could just give it a try yeah show us the one dance you do that can really make your crowd Roar and not with laughter there is something we've been working on to pump up the football team good enough good enough good enough or not oh get it you can be the beauty let's get out of here no I think we can really turn the Spirit Squad around all right listen up ladies good enough is not good enough not in Rocky Blue's book all right was a little effort you guys could be great everyone deserves at least one Shining Moment and I think that this pep rally could be yours all right now who's ready to shine if you say yes Rocky will do all your homework for a week oh yeah I well I'm calling it Shay cross day I want my first nighttime date to be something Unforgettable beautiful flowers for the beautiful lady wow it's going to be pretty hard to forget that why does it say muleo because I got to the florist right before closing and this is all they had left hey why are there four plates uh well you see I probably should have mentioned this to you sooner but I kind of invited CeCe to come yes but it's not going to be like last time I promise because she's bringing a date that'll be fun right as much fun as dinner on the Titanic well I bet dinner on the Titanic was really fun you know until the not enough life boats thing iceberg get it this way hey guys I want you to meet my date his name is jper Carrington III hello Rocky oh silly Meep I totally forgot you guys do know each other Cas Carrington III's the guy who always beats you every year at the Academic Decathlon in fact what's that cute little nickname you have for him my mortal enemy so cute yeah I have a cute nickname for you too second place um where are the lifeboats I want to get off this ship while I still can what's wrong I'm in a funk and not the blend of Soul meet Jazz and R&B kind again I know I'm going to be sorry I asked this but what does that mean ever since sh It Up Chicago burned down I feel like I don't even know who I am anymore my life used to be full and now I'm just sad Bo and unpopular you left out ridiculous okay since when are you unpopular I wasn't invited to Amber's party if I was still on the show she would have been all oh CeCe you must come to my party it would be delightful and it would have been all oh of course my darling I wouldn't miss up for the world when was this party 19th century England you my friend are going somewhere this Saturday night because I booked us a gig at of bar mitzvah you did really that's amazing we're going to dance out of we're going to dance out of they're going to be all e you danced lovely Arab Mitzvah and I'm going to be all oh jolly good pip pip and all that see see it's a bar mitzvah he's turning 13 not having high tea with the queen I want you to meet hold on Tina all right we have a lot of work to do all right the last thing I want is a repeat of last year when not only did CeCe find out about the surprise party but she was the first one there here's an idea why don't we throw a party for me instead that would surprise her yes yes no I've written down everyone's assignments they're an invisible ink and code so you're going to need to hold them up to the light and use the decoder ring the instructions are also made to self-destruct so um don't hold them too close to your face gln here's yours TI actually with me dece okay I know what I'm doing as Charles deal once said a true leader keeps an element of surprise up his sleeve what is up with you Deuce I mean you're dressing nice and quoting to G it's like you're a totally sorry I'm like what I miss different person
Channel: DisneyChannelUK
Views: 209,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w_A_ej5AdOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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