Good Luck Charlie | Teddy's Video Diaries! | Disney Channel UK

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[Music] Charlie there you are nine months old in the cute you are and look how cute I am it's your big sister Teddy here and I'm making this video diary to help you survive our special family okay looks like dad taught you how do you bananas oh and there's mom looking lovelier than ever this morning not in the mood okay I think you've had enough bananas so [Applause] very smart always make mommy try it first okay is your older brother PJ doing today so mark at the last minute as usual the day's don't work this is yesterday's homework there's a chance you two will be in high school together there's dad preparing for her another day's work he kills bugs for a living honey come on we've been through this I don't kill bugs I'm a pest control specialist either way no no I didn't forget about you I was just saving the best for last Charlie that was your younger older brother Gabe you want to say something Charlie you ruined my life okay so it's taking Dave a little bit longer to get used to you you're kind of a surprise stop surprise were supposed to be good and cut that's how dad got my first kiss now you flew for the first time but the good news is now there is no good news I take that back it's a text for Spencer you won't stay hanging out with me tomorrow night oh I couldn't go wash your puke it on my jacket and one more thing when you're my age and you meet a cute boy do not under any circumstances ever ever bring him home if you do well good luck charlie Charlie steady here so right now you're nine months old and everything is going great well almost everything now what I'm about to show you is kind of disturbing so brace yourself mmm these sandwiches will be yummy woman yes they will yes they will mom and dad have been talking like that ever since you arrived and if it's not over soon I'm gonna go queasy wheezy well Charlie now you're home safe and sound and everything turned out okay for you it would have been okay for us to but when we got home mom started asking all these questions and no one really had an answer to the pee stains in the living room and that's when the truth came out and all the kids got into trouble the lesson is if you ever try to pull anything over on mom good luck charlie goodness I did better myself well Charlie Here I am waiting for you and mom cuz mom said I just had to see this whatever this is here we come whoa look at you two why are you dressed like that well we have a casting and the professional modeling business that's what an audition is called a casting so you're a professional model now don't act surprised teddy I think we all knew this day was coming Ciao Bella she's a model now find new raising parents was gonna be this hard never would have done it but soon enough it'll be your turn so good luck charlie hi Charlie Teddy here and Ivy so you're loving months old now and something really big is about to happen to you you're about to take your very first steps this is your biggest milestone since your first solid poop okay box I didn't get it on video okay you're my best friend again anyways I wanted to capture your first steps on tape but every time I put the camera on you all I see is this same thing happened with the poop well Charlie looks like we both took baby steps today you walked for the first time and I did something I didn't want to do when wound up liking it then I hope you like it too because you're already on your way good luck charlie [Music] - big sister tiny with the latest installment of my video diary how'd he turn that thing off it's breakfast time in a minute that noise here is our neighbor's annoying new dog ever since she got that little brat none of us have gotten any sleep Teddy I asked you to do something and I asked for a minute the breakfast is getting cold well then just put it back in the dojo [Applause] sorry you had to see that that's really bad me boys are building you new tree house so someday you can go up there and play with baby boo-boo you know just as soon as we find her head right now she's baby tennis bug but not as much fun oh and I want to recommend that you make the tree house no boys allowed especially if that boy weighs as much as dad because if you do let him up there well good luck charlie hi Charlie - big sister Teddy with my video diary so today I want to talk to you about best friends you bragging about me again yeah this is ivy she's my BFF sir I'm also her hero the wind beneath the wings the hip in her hop the peanut to her better I am the mouse that wouldn't shut let's see how we looking perfect hi David I'd marry us here she comes coolest mom in the world you with all this oh and just showing Charlie how much I love you love you too sweetie and I love you too change oh so mom um I've been thinking maybe you and I should start texting when you are a pretty cool mom right yeah sorry honey those days are over text thumbs Tex Thames that's our mom from cool to embarrassing just like that good luck charlie well Charlie what a day I mean you almost got us arrested I have an awesome time at Spencer's party and quick totally trashed a store but amazingly mom and dad never found out so I think we got away with it you a question sure mom why is Charlie's mug shot all over the Redi Mart if I go down I'm taking you with me good luck charlie Teddy here on the couch where I almost got my first kiss with Spencer but she didn't nope no because I made the mistake of bringing the cute boy home where my dear family lives he wasn't that cute get out anyway still waiting on that first kiss but there is a dance this Friday where the girls ask the guys and this time I'm going to make sure I get it get what honey oh my first day plus in science daddy that's my girl well Charlie I finally got my first kiss tonight and now I can't stop smiling I mean who know the AMEX grandpa's car would turn out to be the most romantic place in the world okay I'm gonna try and stop smiling No I can't do it hey Charlie I want to show you something pretty adorable you and mommy are doing yoga together okay Charlie this next move is called the warrior Tom likes to blame her farts on other people but we love her anyway excuse me mom doesn't fart no she toots that was quite a toot you just cut well today was a bad day for the Duncan kids we learned that sometimes love hurts Kitty joke dislocated my shoulder Madison dislocated my heart well maybe love gets easier as we get older honey it's no kitty cat but at least it's a nickname Aimee Potamus well when you say it like that or maybe love never gets easier then again you might be the one to figure that out good luck with that Charlie today is a very special day happy birthday sweetie I love you baby girl you're the best I'm just here for the cake we're four out of five junkies are excited yeah here's something nobody has ever seen before Gabe is brushing his hair do you have to videotape everything we do this isn't a reality show oh I know it's not reality because he took a shower without being out fine turns out all he needed was a trip to the litter box but the bad news is Gabe's romance with kit is over oh the good news is anymore that's really good news so if your brother Gabe goes to give you a hug well good luck charlie don't worry that won't happen it's your big sister Teddy here or should I say your big failure Teddy I just wanted to show you how sad I look after I got my first B and I just want to show you how happy I look when I got my first beat [Laughter] [Applause] sorry you had to see them charlie no more fish sticks for you but thanks for all your help with mr. Dingwall because of you I got it and I learned that not everyone is going to like me and I'm okay with that I'm working on being okay with that but just in case wish me good luck charlie amazing how a little piece of cloth can make someone so happy even when it's covered in tire tracks and wet sweat I'm gonna wash it after you fall asleep but it's so funny because we love our blankie so much and then one day we forget all about them like if you're like me you'll grow out of yours by the time you're five if you're like Gabe Craig yeah you might bring it on your honeymoon good luck charlie hey Charlie so everyone except for me was on the news tonight and now they're all watching it on the Internet that's right the Duncan's have gone viral you talk really cool see that's the great thing about this family we can laugh at ourselves and hopefully you feel the same way when you're older and realize everyone in the world is seen you pass gas boyfriend Spencer hi Charlie cute I hope someday you find somebody as great as him but it might be tough so good luck charlie yesterday was a school talent show and I hold in my hand of the winning check for $25 which is made out to PJ Duncan yeah based on your cuteness charlie and mine anyway I on the other hand over the school some money for damages and Irwin said he'll see me in court so my advice is if someone ever tells you you're bad at something you love don't give up just you know make sure you don't do it in front of the whole school and if I ever offer to teach you how to dance well good luck charlie hey Charlie it's me PJ I'm taking over Teddy's a video diary to tell you that even though she didn't want to admit it she did something really nice for me today guess sometimes we really do care about each other who knows maybe this is the start of a whole new Charlie hi Charlie I'm here with your sister who's having her first broken heart yeah my first there's gonna be more oh honey this is it by the time you're watching this you might be experiencing your first heartbreak so just remember it always gets better and I just wanted to say you were right about Spencer it's too bad you won't have a little sister looking out for you and you're my age we never know oh we know Charlie Charlie so um I have a little advice for you if you ever want to fool a parent and make them think they're cool dad is definitely the way to go just ask him about his job and pretend you're interested stupid technology yeah III can't even imagine what kind of gadgets they'll have when you're a teenager so I totally so um I decided not to put the Spencer video online I mean just because somebody hurts you doesn't mean you need to hurt them back so do what I did find some friends don't be get through it oh it wouldn't be good done talking to your sister are we gonna put the Spencer video online ah I know that's kind of the whole point of what I just said I don't you I mean I don't get a lot of things but I really don't get you Skyler isn't she pretty wish her good luck charlie hello Charlie thanks to a strange little dude named Austin I think I'm finally over Spencer in fact I'm about to defriend him right now well we're not good looks like I have an email from Austin oh he posted the Teddy the tiger pictures all over the Internet wish me good luck charlie Charlie we're back home from your first family vacation or you also went to your first wedding yet mom and dad renewed their vows of love okay food is surely and why is she calling her Bob Berman I have in the phone book as you can see everything's pretty much back to normal Oh times I polled you you've got a land the triple lutz where am I supposed to find another partner small enough to throw good luck charlie hey Charlie babe here I'm doing the video diary tonight because Teddy's having some troubles with her words nothing serious [Laughter] yeah anyway today was the first dad took care of you it went totally perfect okay there were a few problems but I mean you're fine so they're probably gonna make me take care of you again hmm good luck charlie Charlie there you are on your very first bike [Laughter] yep and there's mom stealing your very first spotlights good luck charlie going back to your crib and I'm going places too I got the lead in the school musical I'm gonna be the best beast they've ever had there's some really big news I'm eating healthy now because I decided to like myself just the way I am yeah she's not interested one more thing you ever draw on my face again good luck charlie well Charlie here we are the Duncan sisters on my 16th birthday can you say happy birthday teddy yeah okay well it's the thought that counts anyways big news is I got my driver's license which means I now have total freedom to go wherever I want Teddy I need you to pick up some things at the store while you're at the car needs gas pick up Gabe just cuz I don't wanna total freedom wish me good luck charlie it's about the counts well Charlie looks like before he spend any time in preschool you're gonna need to spend a little more time in P school all right you feed about our new school puse cool and I decided to go classy speaking of classy sounds like your brothers are home it is big screen we found in an alley we're gonna put it on top of the other one we're gonna make bunk TVs they'll be out of the house by the time you're my agent is not good luck charlie well Charlie here you are watching your favorite TV show the gurgles [Music] [Music] it's kind of annoying but I guess it's entertaining to your little brain oh the girls what'd I miss i'll charlie your second birthday turned out to be pretty memorable more memorable than my second birthday that's for sure still too soon anyways ah you never drink it to see the gurgles in concert but that's okay because you have a new favorite show buttercups if you ever want to see the buttercups in concert good luck charlie this is a new one hey Charlie she dad here I'm filling in for Teddy because she's getting ready for her new job she's working over at hamburger Hanks now so no more silly octopus costumes for her dad I'm ready can we go you were wanna say something to you a little sister no don't ever go over your texting limit unless you want to end up like me a dancing hot dog [Applause] good luck charlie what she said hi Charlie so finally tried doing something bad didn't turn out so good I got punished [Applause] punished always trans be a good girl because it's not Munster good luck charlie while Charlie if there's one thing your big sis once you know it's that it's important to always tell the truth that's right honesty is always the best policy true that guys yep where's the dryer I told you they'd notice just keep walking yeah yeah are they in trouble oh yeah your brothers are gonna need some good luck charlie true dat hey Charlie listen when you get to be my age don't pretend to be someone you're not just to impress a guy I just learned that I also learned that if you walk home from the park dressed like a giant chicken you're gonna be chased by a dog Hey Did you touch my pokeo cards no fire there's a big corner on my slug mark card one more thing if you fall for a guy with something in common of Gabe good luck charlie well Charlie looks like my reporting career is hit a little bump in the road oh oh oh my feet are killing me mom why did you wear your heels to work oh they make everything an event star wouldn't take them back huh laughed in my face this is a good lesson charlie if you try to pull a scam you're gonna suffer the consequences here I here give me that camera no mom I'll do the video diary think I don't know I've got something I'd like to say to Charlie stay out of my closet yeah next time you take a pair of my shoes you can take it from here good luck charlie well Charlie I don't know how you got him to do that but thank you we'll be enjoying this for years you want me to spit up cuz I'm not afraid to go there Frankie baby hey Charlie you remember my old boyfriend Spencer right totally stopped him in battle of the band yes yes ma'am it did it also felt thank you want to keep it down over there what are you doing we are watching the big game in the comfort of our own hot tub which is every bit as good as being over at Bruce and Lucas's house I know it's not sometimes I wonder if recording moments like this is just gonna scar you and I guess we'll find out later good luck charlie that was a very short recital it was awesome it was like a monster movie I I said no videotaping in here hey Charlie well we all got grounded for pretending to be mom and dad but there's some good news mr. Duncan oh please call me Bob yeah turns out I was worried about nothing my new boyfriend is dad's new best friend maybe I do have something to worry about and things are cool between me and Skyler after I explained I wasn't married to my sister yeah that would have been awful talk about puke in the picnic basket what oh it's an expression woopsie what boy oh well that should put a dent in the old friendship and of course your swing set has now collapsed three times good luck charlie well Charlie storms over sun's shining Gabe had a great party and ooh best of all thanks to Samba sizing dad's lost two pounds it was so excited he's now graduated to take no sides [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah you like challenge hey Charlie listen don't have a lot of time gotta go meet Derick we're still breaking up yeah yeah you know we'll just uh we'll continue to break up until he gets it right mom let's go we're gonna be late from a game okay okay okay um I have my sunglasses your teeth and who's responsible for that sorry hey don't you ask me mister well in this house it's always something good luck charlie hey Charlie so I learned a very important life lesson today and that is never wear a pair of accidentally stolen earrings to make-a-monkey because if you do your neighbor might say something like oh my goodness that girl's just not fighting the hand and mom's back at work actually her boss quits for some unknown reason and so she got a promotion why daddy gets one of these yeah and a couple of years when all of us kids have left the house they'll be all yours good luck charlie well Charlie um Chicago was good and bad mom finally got on TV good Aunt Nells changing her will to leave all her money to pet schnauzer Mitzi bad um as for me yeah I'm just glad to be back home where everything's normal what are you looking at I don't know not helping well that's just about as normal as it gets around this house so good luck charlie hey Charlie so this is a very special video diary it's the 15th one and so I want to make sure that it's really good I'm recording a video diary and a little bit difficult with Jimi Hendrix playing behind me you can tell I was doing Hendrix anyway this is your 50th video diary and so I wanted I caught in hi Charlie it's your big sister Teddy here and I'm making this video diary to help you survive our special family one down 49 to go honey so then Gabe's friend Jake said to mom you can't do the hoop you're too old so mom said playdates at your friend's house good luck charlie and if you ever drop your binky and a vase wish me good luck charlie that one seems kind of lame don't will it happened well Charlie your first trip to the pet store didn't go so well when we weren't looking you put a little something in mom's purse a bunny okay wait stop this isn't working that's so obviously mrs. Dabney's cat with bunny ears it's two o'clock in the morning you want me to run to the all-night bunny store really don't appreciate your attitude don't snap at me I'm nobody jump the feds and nab the cat all right forget it let's just get him back before mrs. Dabney notices get the lights hey Charlie so um I'm finally getting the chance to do your 50th video diary and I want to make it I want to I want to make it really special Teddy good luck charlie well Charlie we both hit big milestones this week you started preschool and I got my first car unfortunately my milestone only lasted a mile anyway turns out you're very independent which is a good thing not all duncan kids let go so easily [Applause] [Music] Charlie I learned a lesson from Gabe this week when life hands you lemons you go to homecoming with Emmett yeah but the truth is we're probably gonna have a good time and it's just one dance until prom what do you have on me oh not much Teddy says yes to prom ty says yes to marriage that one took a bit of editing if he thinks that's gonna happen he's gonna need some good luck charlie well Charlie dad brought PJ back home and now he's showing mom the pictures he took in New York bugs and rats got more oh speaking of photos got my school picture back today Wow if the trend continues next year I'll be toothless involved wish me good luck charlie Charlie well I did the right thing went with dad to the bug convention made him real happy unfortunately so happy he invited me to go again next year I'm gonna be a mosquito what are you doing just measuring your wingspan we're gonna be selling the Duncan Zephyr sounds beautiful now someday you're gonna be going to these bug conventions yeah good luck charlie hey Charlie here we are in Hawaii I'm in my bed mom's in my bed you're in my bed but we still have the good bed because I mean die can you scoot over it's better wish them good luck charlie I want to make a toast I want to make a toast to the love of my life my very beautiful wife Amy happy anniversary and thank you for making me these luckiest men on earth I love you isn't that sweet mom and dad finally got to have the romantic moment in Hawaii as for me not so much but that's okay if his family vacations are about spending time with family Teddy what want to go for a walk here goodbye Charlie well Charlie Marylou sang the national anthem and I won the car well you won the car seems the contest was sponsored by a toy company uh I really got to read the fine print so not only did you win the car you also won the bowling tournament I don't know why I'm leaving these video diaries for you you should be leaving them for me Teddy huh getting good luck charlie well Charlie as you can probably see uh Duncan's take Halloween very seriously oh oh I wonder who that could be why it's dad hi I'm Bob bob's bugs-be-gone how's your vermin ashley tisdale i'm mom well well I'm not an exterminator I'm a pest control specialist did I ever tell you about the time I went to Southwest Denver Community College me my doughnut me want donut Wow things are getting ugly we'll see you at Thanksgiving well Charlie my trip to the dark side went very well I showed her the way turns out I like scaring people and I'm good really scary give it a rest marry charlie mom and dad found out I ditched and now I'm grounded it's called consequences something you get used to when you're a baddy-baddy still we're in the middle hey what are you doing nobody Oh diary while you're grounded no video diary while I'm grounded excuse Kenna lame I don't know how else to punish you you don't really do anything we see you don't think I'm bad well I'm bad I I'm so bad I'm not even gonna say good luck charlie you just did needless to say I'm still unpublished but the good news is so is mom I think we learned a very important lesson I look good even in a trash can Wow that's one of the lessons so empty so abandoned I guess it'd be safe to say I feel used Vijay the poor kids been here for ten minutes pay him already [Applause] hey see you tomorrow sometimes there was nothing left to say but good luck charlie Charlie it's been a strange week I had a dream that my frog was a prince and then my ex Prince showed up as a frog and now I have to kiss him over and over stay tuned [Laughter] hey mom what you doing walking in place don't you ever do that keep moving well that's our mom she sees a camera and she can't help herself good luck charlie and Charlie another Duncan family Thanksgiving has come and gone the good news is grandpa Duncan has also come and gone hey Teddy tell me what you think about this dear mrs. Dabney I'm sorry for our ugly words please forgive me sell your house and move to Phoenix immediately do not call first just surprise me Forever Yours grandpa I think you would sign it Frank oh oh yeah that's good I could use that anyway since we never got a Thanksgiving dinner PJ is about to deep-fry another turkey so just to be on the safe side wish me good luck charlie big life lesson today see when someone says they have a house on the lake they might mean they have a house on the lake kind of an offbeat lesson but well not really a lesson at all give me a break I've got to do a lot of these well at least one person in the family learned something this is boring if you think I'm gonna sit in this chair the entire 20 minutes oh good luck charlie good enough sight it better myself Charlie so big news this week I got a new old boyfriend named Spencer and an old a new car named Ed someday if I take good care of him you can have him Oh Edie not Spencer I just be weird who are you I'm Eliot I pay deeper to the play date we're playing hide and seek and I've been hiding for almost five hours they went to baseball practice oh oh wait there's only one thing left to say oh hey you're here why don't you say Charlie this is it last few moments on Edgewood Drive like I said I'm gonna miss this place come on Teddy let's go I'll edit that out later see you at the new house good luck well Charlie we're back to being a one house family one home family and we couldn't be happier I'll let it found out later Oh so Spencer and I were fired from super Adventureland apparently Ben Franklin kissing George Washington was deemed historically accurate although they did like each other a lot hey guys PJ got his head stuck in the swing set again okay I'll get my tools I'll get the butter there's no place like home good luck charlie well Charlie Gabe's not going to military school and I'm no longer considered a jinx so yeah everything is looking good here hey Charlie well almost everything what happened Jerry my barber is what happened that's painful you should see my legs [Laughter] and you're related to him so good luck charlie well Charlie ivy and I are looking for a new internship and oh I guess we have to be more careful with what we say around you otherwise people might find out they're too perky are you gonna pick up ivy mrs. Watts no I'm just really annoyed okay let's go so I'm going to my first hockey game cuz I was the only kid who knew and dad's birthday is okay running a little late gonna have to beat your face in the car hey I'm the winner wish me good luck charlie well Charlie they say you never forget your prom but I'm gonna try real hard Vijay where you going all dressed up Taylor's graduation back in like 20 turns out good news mom's not really having triplets oh and I took mom's prom dress to the dry cleaners where it got destroyed cost me 10 bucks extra you'll thank me for it later what did you just say wish me good luck charlie hey Charlie so exciting times for the Duncan family tomorrow you turned 3 that wasn't exciting enough one week ago the new baby was due let's see how the babies do it now I want you out Duncan kid number 5 is late and Duncan kid number 2 is getting on my nerves moving on anyway I'm hoping for a baby girl I'm hoping for a baby boy yeah me too how many younger brother to pick on I'm tired of picking on my older brother oh boy or girl doesn't matter to me whatever mom wants I want touch me never again I think again I've kept the camera on just a smidge too long right Charlie guess who got an a on her European history final turns out the perfect place to study is that a tow-truck office at six o'clock in the morning well I am very proud of you and sneaking a frown I graduated in other news everyone in the family has picked out two names for the new baby mom and dad are gonna choose from one of these so any favorites mom I'm not saying I see that candy and hotdogs have made a reappearance if you're watching this with your little brother hotdog wish him lots of good luck charlie well Charlie you were a little chicken and uh apparently so was dad hey hey I was not chicken I was exiting the lake in a rapid fashion no dad it's all right I'd rather have a live coward than a dead hero oh thank you son live hero would have been the best meet have you got a rank oh he wants your live hero live coward you know dead hero dead coward that's dead coward those guys are losing you guys mind I'm trying to do a video diary here just say good luck charlie be done look it's not that easy it's good luck charlie well Charlie it's been kind of a big week I I helped deliver a baby a little brother Toby and you finally got your kuddle me Katie would she lost interest in five minutes after you got it doesn't matter Gabe's still paying for it he worked out a little agreement with mom and dad Gabe diaper change and it's a doozy I mean wish him good luck charlie well Charlie grandma's gone home and everything is back to normal huh good I really don't have a bad side well maybe not everything [Applause] may I speak to PJ and Gabe this is Dabney you got it you got a little something someone put food coloring in my hot tub boys you have a visitor you better wish your brother's some good luck charlie well we have had quite a weekend but you know what it's all behind us now so why don't we just forget it and move on with our lives some of us won't be moving on with anything for the next two weeks me yeah can you dig it where's your good luck charlie hey Toby Gabe here so I want to tell you everything that I've learned about girls that's it anyway if you ever need any advice in the future what what what are you doing making a video diary for Toby well that's kind of my thing not anymore so the next time I have a crush on a girl wish me good fortune Toby oh you've got to be kidding me jealous what no confused what does good fortune Toby even mean it means that Toby has a good fortune not to here good luck charlie good fortune Toby Charlie um I went to tea with Spencer's mom and we had so much fun we decided to keep that party going in the emergency room yeah I don't think mrs. Walsh will be talking to me anytime soon or to anyone but dad what are you doing Toby for a walk doesn't really look like a walk no it will be eventually well don't you need the diaper bag well you survived him for three years all you need is 15 more good luck charlie hey Charlie so big news looks like I'm staying on the volleyball team after they make a few minor repairs to the gym speaking of minor repairs so this is what happens if you let mom help you with the school project it's not my fault really because Gabe said you ordered the words dude stick them together I don't recall exactly what I honored well consider yourself warned if you ever allow mom to help you with a science project good luck charlie but Charlie looks like mom's gonna be staying at home for a while and since we got new childproof locks we are hoping you will be too open seriously it's gonna be really great to have mom at home for you and for Toby and well for all of us you're gonna be with her for three meals a day good luck charm um once again mom interfered with one of my activities but this time she actually helped yeah thanks to her the team really bonded and uh we'll have a chance to bond even more at our court-ordered community service hello who baba llama ding dong I got here oh yes you are well looks like babalawo ding dong has a new friend wishing good luck charlie hey Charlie well I wasn't really planning on doing a video diary right now but mom told me to turn the camera on so something is up ooh don't ass exploding Donuts lesson learned okay are we done now yes with phase one [Music] wish me good luck charlie okay all right Charlie uh well Teddy still can't talk so dad's gonna fill in for the video diary so uh good luck charlie I thought that was pretty good we all right we okay uh Charlie I guess I'm supposed to say more so all right well okay so this week Teddy learned a very valuable lesson about being near self telling the truth going for teamwork teamwork team work Oh Oh because if you don't work as a team then the team don't work come on that's pretty good I got a bunch of that [Applause] [Laughter] good luck charlie charlie so crazy Halloween for the Duncans there was a bat in the house then for a short period of time gaben mrs. Dabney were friends and then Spencer and I celebrated our one-year anniversary with a romantic dinner and a clown attack but it wasn't actually that bad and for me then again I'm not afraid of clowns clowns in my house at least he's talking how's my house wish him good luck charlie charlie dad returned all the clothes so there's one less teenager in the house and in other news hey keep it down in there they've got in trouble at school so now he has to interview our neighbor Burt for real now where was I 1983 1983 the first-class stamp cost 20 cents and the zip +4 code was established now the zp4 was originally supposed to be just as ep-3 now this is where it gets complicated so just stay with me it's gonna be there a while wish him good luck charlie hey Charlie well you finally got your first picture with Santa Claus it was a day to remember although I hope you forget the part about me attacking Santa Claus and then going to jail maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that hey Charlie so you finally got your first picture with Santa Claus but I'm mentioning for the very first time any chance I could say good luck charlie I've never said it before oh yeah sure of course good luck charlie hey you got your first picture with Santa good luck charlie well Charlie I got my SAT results back and let's just say I did pretty well I'm trying not to be supercilious did I use that right who cares tests over hey check it out the sequel to the littlest unicorn just came out Revenge of the littlest unicorn have you seen Charlie uh yeah and she told me to tell you that she's not home who am I supposed to read this to hello Toby chapter one Junie had an axe to grind sounds like there's gonna be a beat-down in butterfly land eeeh better wish Junie some good luck charlie Charlie here we are in our hotel room and we are not on vacation good use well get comfortable cuz it's a doozy Charlie get out of the bathroom hey come on guys huh not so bad kind of an adventure I'm just trying to make the best of it what you caused it's not totally my fault then whose fault was it I'll get back to you on that I need a hand so how we got here is kind of a long story let's just say this is the worst day in Duncan family history Eddie now coming to be continued I'm back um where was I oh right worst day ever my termites and we don't have a place to live oh yeah it's a disaster well not for you you have your own apartment oh yeah what makes you feel better see you well the rest of us have no idea where we'll end up but I'm sure we'll be fine but just in case which is good luck charlie as you can see we are all still living in this hotel room and we are here because someone let termites eat our house it was not my fault of course not dad totally his fault anyway it's a little crowded with everyone here but we're doing okay what'd you keep it down over there just okay just be really okay what great news charlie we're rebuilding our old house and we couldn't have done it without you and your imaginary friend and me and the Muppets can I help you I saw the camera I thought maybe it's my chance to get discovered I'm just making a video for my little sister does she like jokes I guess knock knock who's there doorbell delivery doorbell delivery who no that's the whole joke I'm not sure you understand how knock-knock jokes work well whose a comedian here I'm not sure there is one the thing is I'm knocking because there is no doorbell you see I'm delivering good luck charlie hey Charlie so pretty exciting first week back in a Duncan house we got a new couch PJ almost quit another school and I'm gonna date with a guy who looked a lot like Spencer used now he's blond and angry he walks with a limp I'm doing a video diary oh I gotta get this looked at if he's still doing that when you're my age I should probably wish you both good luck charlie touch the food now hey Charlie so piece of advice when it's time for your college interviews just go to them don't let them come to you you know what actually this applies to everything playdates sleepovers first dates basically any social interaction somewhere else I'm hurting over here Gabe's a little cranky he went on a date and had a little mishap let me say I went looking for love and got a face full of Dabney maybe wish them good luck Charles well Charlie I made fun of cheerleaders all my life and now I am one my reward 27 hours on a bus Dody to pass the time Chelsea and I will be working on this puzzle she is there learn where the states are and how to pronounce them PJ hi there uh I see you got the babies going off yes I did make any new vets yes I did that's your gene pool good luck charlie I just sent in my first college application and thanks to you I finally came up with a great topic for my essay it's all about these video diaries I've been doing see I realized that I started making them to help you but as I went along I learned a lot about myself and our crazy wonderful family Ritchie you're not gonna believe who I met last night Russell sprouts it was amazing we showed eyeliner tips sometimes more crazy than wonderful good luck charlie well Charlie the mysterious warnings have stopped although I'm not exactly sure who did it I've narrowed it down to Petey's girlfriend Myron's girlfriend or Leon's mother the point is no nerds are using me as a romantic pawn as it were it's a chess joke and therefore not funny not this one not this one dad's been handcuffed to this bench for six hours hey Bob can we take a break I need to use the bathroom sugar Louie now we have to start all over better wish dad some good luck charlie hey Charlie so today's life lesson is about sleepovers as in don't have them at PJ's apartment wait what am I saying when you're my age BJ's gonna be like 30 you can't still be living with Emmett Chani my advice stands in other news dad hired a new guy Beau and I met him and that's all I want to say about that I just seen Gabe I made him one of those fruit smoothies he loved so much oh I think he went somewhere with Lauren Lauren they're so together and they were holding hands you know what goes well with his smoothie revenge Wow games gonna need some good luck charlie well Charlie the great blankenhooper sister feud is now a thing of the past and aunt Janie had a great time on a date with bob diddlebock they went on his private jet don't tell Mom excuse me we're trying to watch a game here sorry today's aerial coverage brought to you by the Dutch delights blimp what check out that blimp you got that look it looks like you and Jake and little Dutch boy outfits that's ridiculous get your eyes checked on Channel four we are famous I'm not sure what's going on here but somebody's gonna need something good luck charlie well Charlie I went on my first ever not date and I gotta say not bad in fact very not bad I guess you could say all teddy duncan is back back in the saddle I reckon hey teddy oh by the way the family's got a little pool going when will dad notice the new old couch something wrong dad yep it's the couch I'm always losing my phone in it man sometimes I can be so clueless you heard the man good luck charlie I turned 18 it was a pretty big milestone I'm a legal adult I can vote now excuse me no you are revealing your ignorance you cannot vote until you're 25 dad told me oh you're right my bad what are you wearing something I'm very comfortable in and something that I think expresses my unique Flair and style dad agreed to wear it for 24 hours are you trying to embarrass me but it ain't gonna work you do know it's bowling night right better wish dad some good luck charlie charlie well I made it through my first dog prom today I finally told mom that Karen is Bo's aunt and she took it surprisingly well having a wonderful time because she rediscovered shut down mode honey honey great news we won the raffle we're going on a bug cruise [Music] another day in paradise Oh moved back to Tennessee and even though he's only been gone a few days I already miss him of course not as much as dad does Wow one nest full of Yellowjackets good kill little bee no no hey listen let me tell you about this black widow spider I saw today she had an egg sac on her the size of a softball I guess my advice to you would be did your guy who's afraid of bugs cuz if not well good luck charlie well Charlie we raised $300 for a drama club I mean Victor had to spend two hours in a hole to make it happen but he did say that this was his best Halloween ever after all the coasters I don't know and why does Charlie ring a bell every time I say the word coasters coming and the mystery deepens happy Halloween and good luck charlie I went to Las Vegas New Mexico and I tell you all about the trip but as they say what happens in Vegas is nothing it doesn't matter because I was with my best friend which means we had a lot of fun oh hey check this out and so by the power vested in me by the website 5minute Minister I pronounce you husband and wife I'm always a wreck at these things just uh just another Duncan family living room wedding many people we barely know well Charlie I got into you a lot of people that went there several US presidents Supreme Court justices and the circle Gurgel yep soon I will be joining that proud lineup hey I got your scooter back what yeah big brother to the rescue saw that punk and just took it from him he was not happy about it yeah thank you but there's just one problem that's not my scooter I'm right back [Applause] wish him good luck charlie hey Charlie well even though we're not all together for Christmas I gotta say it's kind of cool being in New York it's a pretty magical place maybe for you lady there you go I traded the lasagna for a jet ride and then she never called me back tough town more caviar please I'm not that much you fool I draw my bath hey Jay what are you doing I'm practicing never had a butler before this should be interesting bring me my slippers I know I don't live here don't you talk back to me Merry Christmas and wish us all good luck charlie well Charlie there's a lot of changes going on around here Ivy's gone the treehouse is gone again I'll be leaving for Yale soon and PJ is moving back in yeah I thought we'd get the number of kids in the house down to three but I guess we're holding it for Dad I told you once I graduate cooking school I'm gonna get a job and I'll be out of here and thanks for letting me stay here mr. Duncan what am I doing here just cause we don't have an apartment doesn't mean we're not roommates the winces get a puppy and I get em it better wish dad's a good luck charm well I'm about to go after college so it's time to make my last video diary yeah it seems like just yesterday I was doing the first one of these Spencer was coming over for a study date and you were covered in smooshed bananas and you know I'm packing for college I'm gonna have a going-away party and uh I have absolutely no idea what else to say you know sometimes at this point funny things just happened behind me hey Swiss cheese you know if we were in Switzerland we just call this cheese and sometimes they don't oh good here's dad Wow don't hear those words very often I'm trying to make my last video diary wow your last one that's a lot of pressure I'm aware of that he's always good for some laughs say something hey hey hey that's all you got Teddy's trying to do her final video diary your final video diary better be a good one maybe in bacon you know if we were in Canada hey Charlie last video diary here we go oh um actually before I get to the big piece of wisdom that will summarize the last four years there's just one little thing that I wanted to mention so dad ran into Spencer at a yogurt store and he may or may not be coming to my farewell party interesting right anyway that said the big wisdom is wait why wouldn't you say yes or no why maybe okay I'm sorry I got distracted the big message is I need to know if he's coming to the party dad well Charlie I guess this is it you know I started making these video diaries to help you survive our crazy family and after four years of doing them I've realized how lucky we are to be a part of this family just know that as long as you've got us you always will have come on guys stay with me [Music] thanks for watching now click left or right for more great shows or subscribe to keep up to date with the latest disney channel with youtube clips
Channel: DisneyChannelUK
Views: 13,521,749
Rating: 4.7036262 out of 5
Keywords: Good Luck Charlie (TV Program), teddys video diaries, teddys video diary, video diary, video blog, vlog, good luck charlie vlogs, good luck charlie video diaries, Bridgit Mendler (Musical Artist), Video Diaries (TV Program), charlie, teddy, good luck charlie finale, good luck charlie final episode, last good luck charlie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 47sec (4487 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 25 2014
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