ICF Cost Update for June 2022!!!

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hey everybody today's video i'm just going to uh update my cost analysis between lumber and icf lots of things are changing in the market uh you know with oil prices affecting the prices of plastics and resins lumber futures coming down but maybe not at the lumber yards yet we're going to kind of look at that today just wanted to kind of show you we were so buried when the weather finally started turning with work that we could probably work 24 hours a day and still take a month to get caught up so not to mention i got managed to get coveted for the second time in five months i don't know what's up with that but anyway just kind of wanted to show you what's coming up we're gonna have this pool here has a really sweet hydramatic auto cover that i'm gonna bring you a detailed install of as soon as we get it done but today i ran into a little issue i've got these uh micro brights that we've got like 30 of right now and they come in 50 100 and 150 foot lengths and i had two lights while i was tapping this liner the other day that needed the 150s and we only had hundreds here so i had to let it keep filling up so now i'm doing it standing in the water but this is the last one i've got to do we just pull this one back in also give you guys a detailed video of the microbrite installs when we do the dry seal this thing has got a o-ring clamped up in there and you teflon tape it up and no water gets in the conduit you can do these wet seal or dry seal but we really like the fact that we can keep the water out of the conduit also another detailed video i'm going to bring you soon is the way we do our stairs that are liner covered we have three more of these kind of pools coming this spring where we build our own stairs we put a liner track i'll show you a picture of the kind of way it works here with a steel sample but we do it all masonry and we put this liner track in it makes it super sweet it's not that hard to do it is definitely harder if you're diying than a thermoplastic stair but it's absolutely doable you can see it's all wrinkly looking until the pressure gets on you see how perfect this stair fits they'll all stretch in like that as the water comes up so without further ado i'm going to take you back to my office we're going to look at pricing on icf hey guys so i just wanted to open that video kind of showing you all the pool content we're just slogging away trying to wrap up a ton of stuff that you know we got really behind this spring with it just wouldn't stop raining snow for a month in february but now that we're kind of kind of getting caught up or starting to get caught up thought it was a good time to do another uh update we tried to do like once a quarter compare it to lumber just material to material lum uh labor especially for icf can really be all over the board if your market has one guy and he's really well known and there's nobody else he can charge whatever he wants right now it's why we do a lot of training and stuff because the sooner the market is has a acceptable number of proficient installers the quicker the labor is um you know at a fair market rate so um if you guys remember the original videos that i started doing on this i would set up like six icf blocks making a four foot by eight foot panel of a wall and i would also build a a two by six wall with zip board on it and zip tape and we would compare the prices of you know just a cross section of a little chunk of wall four foot by eight foot of a house and see how that was all the way back to like you know march of 2021 and prices were very close to on par only like five or six dollars different between the two walls which historically there's probably a 20 difference in those walls when i say that i mean the the wall cost not the cost of the overall house that is typically probably been around five percent historically speaking that icf would add to the entire project you know if you had a two hundred thousand dollar house it would add about ten thousand dollars because your outer wall is the only thing that changes everything else is the same but over the last couple years with lumber's roller coaster it has been on par at least two different times where icf was about exactly the same including just a couple months ago but with lumber futures falling thought it was a good time to revisit real quick and um so if you guys remember back in march um to do it to do a four by eight wall with zip board you're gonna need five two by six eight footers you know you know four studs and a top plate um double top plate they were fourteen dollars per so that would be seventy dollars for your two by sixes um zip tape was thirty dollars a roll we divide that by five and a half so typically a good multiplier is five to six sheets per roll you know so if you got a hundred sheets of zip you're gonna need like 20 rolls roughly of tape the zip board was spiked sheet goods were sky high back in march it was 73 dollars a sheet if you guys uh remember from that video i'll link the video right here and insulation uh to get anywhere close to icf you've got to go spray foam 2x6 wall spray foam 285 a square foot because insulations are so short on resins but very close to doubled in the past year so that brought you to the 4x8 sheet of zip board framed up material only 241. and at the exact same moment icf had adjusted you know we we had an amazing price locked all of last year and it's up to about on fox blocks and i know build block and amvic are right there and new doors just a little higher but about and 25 cents you can find it for five but to get it shipped and everything we've been factoring in about five and a quarter per square foot so you know 32 square feet um concrete at in march i was getting 3 500 psi concrete for 126 a yard you use .59 yards to fill up six inches by you know four foot by eight foot thir you know 32 square feet takes point five nine yards worked out to 75 dollars to fill it up with concrete brought it to 243 dollars it's only two dollars more than the stick frame version with all the benefits that come along with icf so that was you know it was a little disappointing to me honestly i want lumber to be cheaper i build things you know there's still lumber in the houses and it seemed very unsustainable to me that you know back in january there was a you know 20 difference i think uh you know the lumber was down around 193 and the icf was basically the same as 243 back then so you had you know 50 dollars difference and it went all the way away in two months it went down to two dollars difference which is the sucky thing right now about lumber being so volatile but the futures are way down lumber is falling a lot of reasons for that interest rates are up you know from your mortgage rates are up from three to five percent that takes a normal 200 000 house up about 400 a month so you know all these builders that are building you know hundreds of houses a year have to factor in that their buyer pool goes down by the people who no longer can afford that house or they can only afford to give less for that house um it's going to bring the prices down a little so the lumber needs to come down and it's going to slow down the demand these guys are building less houses i'm already seeing that in my market the big volume builders have cut back on their starts and uh that's probably going to continue throughout the year so lumber is going to come down it has more room to come down because it's been very artificially held up by a lot of things between covid and i mean there's no shortage of the materials whereas icf plastics material you know it's you know oil prices and resin availability and everything else they have more of more strains on their production so i i look for icf to continue to be very stable on the high end whereas lumber's going to come down i think that you know stratification is going to come back which it ought to be lumber's not near as good as icf it ought to be 20 cheaper um so hopefully that's that's on its way back but right now snapshot for today uh the the two by sixes that were fourteen dollars in march are ten dollars okay zip board that was 73 which is just queasy feeling is down to 59 it's still insanely high i got a house that i'm still finishing up that's about a two year build a monster you know the big house and i was paying 17 a sheet when we started that house tape is the same it's 30 bucks a roll uh and the insulation is the same and i don't think spray foam is going to move much guys it's it's resin based that's what you got to do to get anywhere close to this and it really makes a giant difference in the the lumber's down but the insulation's up you're at 206 dollars for 4x8 okay that's down from 241 just uh like three months ago so down a good little bit 30 bucks and i actually factored in a little increase on the concrete because i i hear from a lot of you around the country that you know my prices that i quote you on concrete are a little low that's what i pay at you know portland is a commodity every plant is going to pay the same for portland typically but it's a very heavy product you got to ship it and with gas prices if you're right next to the portland plant or you're 200 miles away from the portland plant you're going to pay a lot more a lot less so i factored in 140 a yard just to try to give you guys a really ballpark average that brings up uh the how much concrete to fill a four foot by eight foot panel of six inch wall to eighty to sixty brings it up about three to seven dollars to two hundred and fifty dollars so right now we're at 44 difference between the two which is you know about 20 difference which is good it ought to be icf still is absolutely worth it in my opinion um but that's kind of where we're at today and one thing i want to say real quick while i every time i do this video if i don't mention it i get hammered by a bunch of people that think i don't know that you need rebar for this um i know you do you also need a bunch of simpson or another kind of strapping for this and because depending on where you live geographically and what municipalities the strapping requirements can vary a lot i give the analogy that if i build a 4 000 square foot house in springfield missouri i could probably get away with 500 or less in strapping if i build in dolphin island which i'll link a video to a couple houses i built in dolphin island where even in 2016 there were seven thousand dollars in straps per house hurricane zone everything else here in a seismic zone you'll spend far more in strapping than rebar in those areas because a typical house of that size is going to take you know two to three thousand dollars in rebar also you have options with rebar you can go helix which is similar in price to rebar however there's no labor involved in it you just throw it in the truck and go the big option that we're using anytime we can right now depending on what municipalities have adopted its you know use we use a lot of like gator bar or fiberglass rebars um really really like it and it was a few months ago it was about the same price as steel steel keeps going up it stayed pretty steady and right now it's like 60 percent the cost of steel rebar and it's stronger you know tinsely so pretty cool uh options i can't get into all that in a video without it being so long nobody watches it so do your own due diligence in your market you know um rebar is can be a little bit more than strapping in a you know pretty stable environment but any of your coastal environments anything else the rebar is going to be less than the strapping requirements anyway i leave it out of both things because it can just be turned into rabbit holes that get way too deep to get into in a short video like i said going forward lumber futures hopefully coming down i actually have a couple projects for myself i'm building a whole new unit onto one of my rental pr properties where i'm going to do it all icf light deck but i got a lot of lumber that's going to go in there between the roof that's going to go over the entire property the existing property plus the new and all of the interior is going to be wood so um you know i'm rooting for lumber to come down just like all of you guys and we also have a cool project that i'm going to talk to you guys about later this summer when i go out and visit the property but next summer we're gonna have a pretty epic icf build but again lots of lumber i want everything to just get stable you know you can accept a lot of price increases over time but it's when the lumber's shooting up a hundred percent in two months it's i don't know how you plan for that i don't know how these builders that build volume do it it it's amazing but it's also super scary for me to just think about a lot of these guys have volume right now that they paid 73 dollars a sheet for zip and by the time they get the house done and ready for market in three to four months maybe that zip board is gonna be 35 dollars a sheet like it was back in january and now they've got you know builders that are starting houses that can price them you know 10 15 percent lower to compete i it's not my cup of tea spec stuff so anyway um the big things you know going forward you know lumber the futures are all the way down to 762 right now and that's down from like 1700 at their peak 350 pre-covered though so we're not there yet but with the gas prices and diesel prices as high as they are you know to ship them to market i don't i think it's going to be muted a little bit you know at the cash register i think we're still going to be having little premiums on stuff but i feel like if you were going to start building right now i would wait until fall for me uh most of the guys with any talent and any ability are booked up solid anyway right now and um on top of that with everything obviously trending down if you start today or start three months it could it could make 10 15 percent difference i've got right out here i've got a deck that's the material you can see i've got my little cad drawing of the layout i just ran the numbers it's composite so i'm afraid the composite is not going to move much because it's a plastics material but just the it's about a ten thousand dollar material bid um about six of that is the composite decking in about 3 800 is the structure and i actually think i'm gonna get if i wait till october november to build it i'm not gonna enjoy it this summer anyway i'm too busy so if i wait until october november i'm gonna save at least two grand just on the lumber portion hopefully you know we get a little relief on the composite side too but i'm not counting on that but even the two thousand dollar savings well worth it for me but just wanted to kind of bring you guys you know the current snapshot like i said try to do this every two to three months if things are changing and they definitely have at least on the lumber side um also another you know constraint on icf right now from hearing from a lot of you guys some some guys i know at derby city pools in louisville we can't get concrete that's a kind of wild thing for me we don't have a problem getting concrete obviously our plant is super busy and we have to wait we can't just call them up and they send a truck we've got to schedule things out a little ways but there's places all over the country that the portland is in short supply and they're getting put on allocation like you you only can pour so much concrete this month again i think we're get coming to at least on a residential side a little bit of a slowdown that's maybe going to let everything get caught up but as of right now there's places all over the country where concrete's hard to get i don't have that you know in the midwest we're not seeing that so much at least right in my backyard but i know that that is hitting people around the country especially down in the southwest so all these things are just i'm going to say you know cautiously just wait i don't think things are going up anymore as far as material costs interest rates may go up a little bit um you know but that generally tends to drive the other market pressures down just because the demand slows so i will be back with you guys next week i'm going to show you guys some finished pools that we're wrapping up and also may take you over to roast show you a bunch of the supplies that they've got in stock right now they have an absolute plethora of good bracing materials and stuff at really awesome deals so they've been kind of wanting me to show off their uh their inventory and i will see you guys next week
Channel: Cutting Edge Homes !
Views: 19,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 春田, 斯普林菲尔德, 密苏里, 投资, 买房, springfield mo, builder, icf, insulated concrete forms, fab form, fast foot, zont, zuckle, rost, cutting edge homes, icf pools, cutting edge pools, icf construction, icfguru.com, icf costs
Id: NFpFj9o-GFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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