Icelandic Saga 2019 - The Film

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I enjoyed the best mouth and grease so much at the end of it Julian said to me I'd like to go somewhere cooler next so this happen to be the next one from the agenda so yes we're here I've been to Iceland before I'd be good to see a bit more of it I came for the landscape I've never done the northern part of Europe I'm always in the warm hot places so it's a bit of cold fresh air to see that Mays landscape and of course the rally [Music] so what brings you to Iceland the final adventure the camaraderie and hopefully we'll actually be able to do this one problem now having learned what we didn't know before it's gonna be a good event nice people and the people are so friendly and we don't sort of very long and torturous journey around the toefl reconized [Music] I'm looking forward to driving take it easy because the Navigator has to do all the hard work because I've never navigated before it's going to be very interesting doing the regularities I can just sit there stealing all the scenery and then shout when we're going our own way brilliant [Music] oh my gosh we are about to start the Icelandic saga the weather is just insane the brain is looking forward to this yes very much what brings you to Iceland in the first place the weather [Music] residents of Iceland send us all that was great he was a really nice guy [Music] is very wet very very rare indeed actually and I wish we wondered died early also it was really bad for us [Music] this is the place where the tectonic plates meet from two contours and they push the earth up and you get these crevices that you could look down very interesting UNESCO and I think this is also the place where they shoot at Game of Thrones that's a brilliant place I'm sorry you're just a bit wet [Music] [Music] we had a smoked em moment where we went off the road at one of the checkpoints but one of our fellow competitors kindly towed us out so always always well but it is incredibly wet and the car is steaming up cold so it's quite difficult to see where you were going learnt a few things didn't stack the car which is a bonus but I don't think we're gonna be picking up much silverware but we had a lot of fun so it was great day this is my first rally it's incredible I'm so glad you guys sorted out the weather for us those words made us really really special but the people have been but I'm really enjoying it this is my new hobby [Music] what do you think a landscape vacuum here [Music] now the weather's picked up a little bit that stopped raining it's all that more question what brings you to Iceland to see the place I heard about it great about it but I've never seen to mine navigate [Laughter] [Music] and they have been what we were hoping for and expensive is really dramatic come up with Scottish Highlands on steroids yeah phenomenal well I was walking here last year absolutely loved it and the idea of actually doing something with an old car here was some I don't know seemed like a very good idea yeah rally's getting really well actually so far touchwood there's not a lot of wood round knew that was that great sense of adventure about the place the environment and the landscape something Fighting's about the whole thing so I was always going to come [Music] yesterday was superb it's almost too much to take in stop in a few lagoons and bumping down some tracks to have a look at some glaciers and say it was yeah it was brilliant I am only enjoying myself mainly because I'm a geologist and I get to look at the volcanoes and the glaciers this is absolutely fabulous in the car park classic cars a view like that yeah he's wonderful what about the competition side we weren't really going to concentrate too much on it when we came but it was Rachel's first time as a navigator on regularity I think relying in seventh which considering its are my second hero rally and Ash's first is I think it's okay they seem to have got the hang of stuff we're expecting a some sort of mistake at some point well you know at the moment happy days [Music] stunning seriously the web navigation the navigators great when I'm dragged to the driving straight when I'm navigating the navigators [Laughter] [Music] this morning was tough you had to be on the ball changing gear to get up those hills on time but just being grateful all the time I was quite optimistic so far and getting downhill we had kind of blue fog and I said you better stop and the water was coming up but these things happen it's not a big deal I don't know what he thinks [Music] [Music] we had a good run so far slightly embarrassing today we managed to start a test in neutral which possibly wasn't the best way to get a good time our starter motor had been fried so we've had no start of over a week so the Lomond start serie that Elise and Chinese Krypton Sun beam as well and gave us a push start on them on absolute billion work I think up until lunchtime we were still in the lead but only by one second and we know that Owen Turner and Rachel versity are very very good on his hair so they probably fiend every single one and we've been picking up about two seconds per test so that'll mean they're now first and will be second but there's still a long way to go [Music] so what are we expecting today we're looking forward to I'm looking forward to have another sunshiny day as we are having now looking for the regularities again navigating indoors will be a fun day [Music] so how did you rally go very well very very nice we have notes of fun it's quite intense every now and then but otherwise you're hoping to get better and better and having lots of fun enjoying this country [Music] [Music] Isis I know Ventura it's astonishing it's quite quite luck every eight to fifty kilometers is something mind-boggling sadly we went to a viewpoint and the whole thing was covered in dropped out so we couldn't say anything beyond but a very exciting time good fun it's so lovely in there so four minutes whoo just gorgeous also had a really lovely [Music] pretty nice little spa thing that was fantastic and then a big wake-up call immediately after so it's brilliant day [Music] and that last regularity was both on the grown-ups are allowed to have I was fantastic today I realized that the rally is getting harder more quickly than I'm learning so that last regularity well it all the gravel and things made the chip go a little bit out and I was struggling with it you know I'm not even sure what happened I've learned a lot I've learned a lot an avocation the hard way [Music] but are you still leaving well hard outside very much labored that I've known even typing we will be anymore [Music] this is our first time we've done a regularity trial before with a new car so we were beginners at the beginning and we've been getting it better every day so I'm starting to learn how all the process works all the intricacies people have been giving me pointers along the way so hopefully we'll be in the same position by the end of the next three days we're thoroughly enjoying them not doing terribly well but we're but we're having good fun it's great nice country lovely country yes I'd like to come back and go walking [Music] I would be surprised if we're still leaving we were leading last night had a quite a decent margin just under 20 seconds we've probably dropped 25 30 seconds just now so we've probably been just behind the girls so which is which is you know which is fine where we're punching above our weight given this Rachel's first time so yeah yeah it's this good though still we're still we're keeping calm when it goes wrong so we don't make more and more mistakes from a bit falling off our car which is not quite sure what it does cause this a slight delay before one of the regularities it's been fun so all in all the good day so far the most magical waterfall probably with the exception of Niagara Falls which is a bit bigger but this is you know much more untouched its nature poor wonderful [Music] those are legal in theory slightly better than yesterday I've got a few sanctions within the central margin of error ready yeah yeah we didn't get lost and yeah it's improving everyday so okay it should be fair I should we get lost once I try to get to this hotel mr. Baris I didn't find the bar I'll give you that idea Bell [Music] their rally is going great some problems mechanics have been really helpful with us yesterday got us out of trouble a couple of times for the regularity weather to be better that's really you having a great time if we made a couple of very stupid mistakes very simple just going the wrong way and it was totally our fault the instructions were totally clear we're just their brain phase but other than that we've have a really nice time [Music] words say we were absolutely brilliant but we have enjoyed ourselves in the mud in the potholes and banging about yeah it's been great [Music] great driving today parks in the hot seat I'm nabbing no mistakes and we can pretty good spectator scenery I mean just look at the view and you've got loads of views and you can't stop looking at the views wherever you are is just that the view to die for again then you go over the crest it's another beautiful superb and actually a great bunch of competitors as well we've had some really we've met some really good people good bunch of boys and girls and working really well together behind us five eight seconds at the hand shoes so obviously they're they're a really good team they know what they're doing really well I mean when we came out here we thought top five see if we can do that win the class maybe but if we can finish third will be really pleased of that we are in something unpronounceable Museum of transport there is some actually fantastic guys I mean just a really random and eclectic selection but absolutely brilliant yeah I'm training for picking to Paris so yeah I can get the experience I need to in order to survive they're also so learning and of course the experience [Music] how about the day wonderful modules many many portals I don't think that there could be as much money in the world as we've just encountered but I mean sliding through it was just the joy you know where you're laying in the yeah results oh we were number 11 this morning so who knows what happened today [Music] at least and I left this morning in second position with just five seconds between us and first but we dropped five seconds on the last rag which wasn't the best so they're probably still ahead of us I would say probably five six maybe seven seconds ahead of us so we will see we've got it all to play for tomorrow though it's been absolutely tremendous and the great thing is we're still here first of all which is key because our first aim was to finish and our second aim was not to be lost we're definitely and you shouldn't say that we might finish and we're probably not going to be lost ah these limits going very very well did the cars that did well except for the what it feels fuses and wiper everything is going very very well and we look forward to seeing you in Reykjavik this evening to what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] are you still in the lead yeah we think they're still just about in the lead if we don't know what Elise and Sarah have done but we've dropped about 40 this morning so off our ten so it's gonna be very close so we're never gonna they're not going to know until the last regularity who-who's one we came to see Iceland and we've ended up with a bit of a fight on that map that we didn't expect yeah yeah it's been brilliant [Music] saving the roads actually really good driving episode even those pots all these rows they kept putting us on for some fantastic we didn't quite do too well on their competition side but you know you even enjoyed it a really good bunch of people actually really good bunch of folks on this rally very very enjoyable yeah [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] we started off seven for the first day and have to make our way up but we could never get catch up with these guys over here yeah a bit too Bitsey good for it we've won him like two seconds after competition and sports so closely with sarin and Ally and it was such a serene to them because it has been such a good fight as cyclize that done brilliantly [Music] great country great house fantastic scenery unlike anything I've seen before and brilliantly organized and thank you so much to the whole organization jump it was really really really cool job all your dues get back to the harbor which should be the cheaper [Music]
Channel: HERO-ERA
Views: 4,378
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: car, rally, rallying, adventure, sport, vintage, classic, pekingtoparis, driving, drive, peking, paris, hero, herorally, aston martin, ferrari, bugatti, porsche, mototri, contal, automotive, autodepoca, off road, Iceland
Id: UWJp98Lq4i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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