The 11th Flying Scotsman - The Film

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[Music] here we are at the start of the Flying Scotsman one of the premier rallies and over 90 cars from the early 1900's to I suppose the 1950s it's gonna be 700 miles in three days over some of those beautiful countryside in Great Britain starting through the leg districts going over to the borders and then finally ending up a Delaney goes all that remains is to be screwed neared and they were off first thing tomorrow morning [Music] you look at modern cars and they do a fantastic job they're wonderful machines and great to go to work in the morning or from A to B but they're not much fun if I'm honest with you these cars are sensational and what better way to experience these cars than to go on an event like the Flying Scotsman [Music] I think the first event we did was in 2009 young as usual I had lots of ideas I've got a very idea of a rally why don't we just go from London to Edinburgh for me a route on the map up the spine being that using all the country roads I came back with the route on the map and said well you better organize it so then the word got around that this is a cracking event because it's all vintage cars some people take it more seriously than others but all have a jolly good time it's quite different for you going out with vintage and pioneer Carson scouser there's some wonderful phrasing of BMWs in our class our six of them which is gonna be really competitive took for us but I'm really looking forward to it Jim great to see you over here - big car for the Flying Scotsman isn't it it's a great third of the Flying Scotsman work every time [Music] do you think you can out navigate david rich lush think so rich see it's a little bit of banter as well can I uh grab these another I doubt it [Music] bean absolutely spectacular no rain no snow cold but great the roads are now races did you go missing for a while we got a couple of pages stuck together well we navigated yeah as the day been called and fun so wheels are always spit on the asphalt it has both grasses for [Music] everything went perfect just have one problem and that's doing the windscreen wipers today broke but the sun is shining so no problem at all [Music] these are the professions they're doing every day of the week is my once a year outing I make Peter here so what you know we can't be expect to keep up with those guys [Music] exactly [Music] some fantastic roles Richard's the only one that's had a problem which is Schneider where he went to afford and his trip computer stopped working I think the Ford was a possibly a bit deep we got through it so now the aim is to try and get better than 39th which was last year brilliant really day we have had a good day actually we just got a feeling that we did okay but I have no idea where we are in terms of time these are the expect of the beginning but we got towards something the final regularity that really sorted as out as complete beginners bill late you've climbed out the leaderboard you're threatening now to win the Flying Scotsman far too early to call that there's a long way to go there a lot of quite serious regularities and testicle me episode it's all to play for for sure how's the grouse irregularity this morning it was interesting but uh wind love being around earlier this car so good off to the slippery stuff and it's so tight and turning that actually you kind of benefits us because all these big cars so heavy and so hard to steer that we watch alright so bit of a giant killing a cat ago that's what we're trying to do [Music] [Music] it's unfortunate that poor manali have just had a mechanical problem on the TC section the clutch adjuster came loose during the TC section so we're having difficulty game gears we ended up stopping stopping in the middle to fix it so we dropped about two minutes which is 40 second penalty I think but does that made you more nervous not really he's been doing a great job just keep doing what we do any male doing [Music] [Applause] how's it been to you today wonderful and I swear that that's the boost and it's keeping you busy all day so it's very exciting and you will recommend the Flying Scotsman to all your friends [Music] how can you do this to such a beautiful car exactly what my wife says she says got something tougher and rougher you know it's far too nice and pretty but it is but actually underneath they're still very rugged I just don't go flat tire I don't go as hard as you shoot so I'm kind of cheating and I said to my wife those could I need yet another car there's no end to it I just believe all these cars should be used that's the bottom line [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think Peters coming well the flames cause me something really special of course but concerning regularities tests such things it's really a tough thing to do but it's quite neither is it super good is it tough for you as a navigator no no it's fantastic and the roads were pretty hard surface it's really good [Music] we've had a fantastic time this has been a challenging few days but we've been so fortunate with the weather and the roofs been fantastic and I get on with our navigator still who's struggling with the navigation we're finding that quite by it's Brad Marchand attorneys third you go so he's doing pretty well to be honest they're really tough crews are very helpful in terms of navigation I feel like that sort of something you don't quite get on one-day events be nice we set out here knowing that there was the professionals up front who were going to do brilliantly we're very happy being amongst the best of the rest so top ten top of the glass that's what we're aiming for who knows everything to play for [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] filthy couples a closed thing you said you were worried about your half shaft that the seriously trace we had about a minute leave going for the last two tests and a harsh off way that we had to really nurse it ivory dropped 50 seconds of the last two tests are we only just got to the correction here at about five miles now with Justin erster we limped around the final regularity movie for you luckily I think we managed to get a little bit better than now he did which just helped seal the job so very emotional very emotional Theo James massive congratulations to podium third-place finish in the Flying Scotsman we didn't even think we're gonna get top ten let alone the podium and this morning we woke up we were four we was incredibly surprised at 30 seconds behind third and they're a really good team and we we managed to do that by just being consistent not making too many mistakes and it's good to win or do well our capacity exited número last year 30 his third rally so to be third behind two professional navigators makes it makes me feel very proud of him and makes us all so happy yeah we enjoy your drive yes sideways to third well in my opinion weird to have fun and if you don't you're not going sideways you're not having fun and one such amazing car like this you just gotta have mine you gotta go sideways you've gotta make people smile and laugh so it's always fights incident Peter David congratulations for the place not quite the podium in the end but yeah no it's good fun you go you know a great seat to youngsters you you know you look around they're all fuddy-duddies like us most people we get to young guys turning up and getting on the podium and it's great for the sport and grapevine Scotsmen well any dramas with your cart or part from the fading breaks yes no no we have this hot water conditions which produce a piece of quality lose good r1 yeah anybody can steal it there [Music] [Music] [Music] my name is where the you've done it you've won the Flying Scotsman we said we were gonna come and try and win it's our first time together in the car and we've absolutely loved every minute of it hopefully we'll be able to have a look again [Music]
Channel: HERO-ERA
Views: 2,687
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rallying, Rally, Road Rally, Regularity Rally, Historic Rally, Vintage Rally, Classic Rally, Classic Car, Historic Car, Vintage Car, British Road Rallying, Vintage Train, Flying Scotsman, Windermere, Gleneagles, Racing, Cars, Scotland, Aston Martin., Ferrari, Bentley, Porsche
Id: xU5g-gxfOG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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