<i>Narrator: Now,
on "Ice Road Truckers"...</i> Art: Whoa! (Crashing) <i>Narrator: the weather worn
winter roads are still open...</i> - Windy-ass little,
tiny-ass frickin' road. <i>Narrator: but tougher than
ever.</i> (Ice cracking, smash) - Whoa. <i>Narrator: Now every trucker
will have to decide...</i> Steph: The color of this ice
is terrifying me. <i>Narrator: how much risk...</i> - What the (bleep) am I doing? <i>Narrator: is too much.</i> - Oh my God, oh my God! (Horn honks) ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ (Honking) <i>Narrator: The ice road season
is winding down...</i> <i>and the pressure to move loads
is ramping up.</i> <i>Now, as the sun rises over the
remote village of Pikangikum...</i> (Whirring) - What kind of excitement do
you have in store for me today? - Holy mackerel. <i>Narrator: Veteran
Alex Debogorski,</i> <i>is getting a king-sized
challenge...</i> - We got a big heavy shack here probably the heaviest one
of the bunch. <i>Narrator: The 28,000 pound
kitchen shack</i> <i>is part of Polar's lucrative
back-haul contract,</i> <i>but pulling something this
heavy this late in the season</i> <i>is not for the faint of heart.</i> - If the shack goes through, the back end of the truck
goes through, we all go through together. <i>Narrator: Last week...</i> Alex: Oh-oh-oh-oh. Oh, (bleep) we're in the ditch. We're in the (bleep) ditch.
Come on, come on, come on. <i>Narrator: The old pro barely
managed</i> <i>to keep his first shed
on the road.</i> - You've got to be kidding me. <i>Narrator: But today's long road
presents a new challenge.</i> <i>- You don't wanna load it
on the truck</i> <i>like I did with the last one</i> and the whole idea being is
it's too heavy for the ice. <i>Narrator: So Alex will employ
an old ice road technique</i> <i>and drag the monster haul
on top of a steel sleigh...</i> <i>- Its got the skids underneath,
it'll slide,</i> <i>and they'll spread out
the weight of the shack</i> <i>over the skids.</i> <i>Narrator: This means that Alex
will have to navigate</i> <i>the massive shack through
the town's narrow streets</i> <i>and then onto Pikangikum Lake,</i> <i>which is showing the effects
of warming temperatures.</i> (Ice cracking) Alex: It's almost the end
of the season so it's the last chance
to get it out and... the truck goes through
then I'm gonna jump and I'll wave as it goes
to the bottom. I'm gonna drive ahead on that,
see what happens. <i>Narrator: With the shack
chained up...</i> (Door shuts) <i>Narrator: all that's left to do
is hit the road.</i> ♪♪♪ Alex: It's gonna take more
than that. (Engine rumbles) <i>Narrator: But he'll need the
help of a powerful bulldozer.</i> - Okay, move her in. (Scraping) ♪♪♪ <i>And we're off like
a hurdle of turtles.</i> (Scraping) Okay, that thing's tracking
right behind me. ♪♪♪ We're on the road now, let's see how this gravel road
treats us. (Engine rumbles) (Rattles) Whoa-whoa! Whoa-whoa!
Quit doing that. <i>There is nothing like force
and ignorance</i> <i>to get the job done.</i> <i>Narrator: While Alex drags his
heavy haul toward the ice...</i> <i>200 miles away...</i> <i>in Polar's Pickle Lake
terminal...</i> (Engine rumbles, thud) - All right. <i>Narrator: Art Burke
is about to venture</i> <i>where he's never gone before...</i> - Well, this morning I'm off
to, uh, Castle Bonika? Casablanka? Castleblanka? Uh, I think it's pronounced-- How do you pronounce that? I think it's called
Kisselblanka? What can I say? I hope I'm pronouncing
that right. If I'm not pronouncing it right I apologize to everybody
that lives there. But anyway I'm on my merry way
here this morning. ♪♪♪ <i>Narrator: Art has a load
of construction supplies</i> <i>he's hauling to Kasabonica.</i> (Engine rumbles) <i>A First Nations community
500 miles away.</i> Art: Away we go, b'y. New territory. I don't know if I was here
before I don't remember so it'd be new to me anyway. (Engine rumbles) A new road that I don't know you gotta be a little careful,
eh? You never know where the turns
and the hills and the slippery spots are
or anything. But we're gonna be fine. ♪♪♪ Oh, what the (bleep)
is going on here? Okay, b'y, hang on.
This is gonna get rough. (Rattling) (Rattling) Hold on. (Rattling) I can't go the speed
I want to go. We can add another hour
on this (bleep) trip in here. (Rattling) ♪♪♪ (Crash) Whoa! ♪♪♪ What the (bleep) is going on
out here now? (Beeping) (Sniffs) Smells like antifreeze
in here, and that's not good. (Rumbling) Pull over here and
we'll check this out, b'y, and hopefully there's nothing
(bleep) up under there. (Gears shift) (Airbrakes hiss) (Hissing) (Grunting) (Bleep)sucker. (Bleep) Leaking from some (bleep)
where's, b'y. ♪♪♪ I'd say it's coming right out
of the radiator somewhere. Oh my God.
I see what's going on, b'y. This is what's going on. Look. All this is loose, b'y. The bracket is broke on
the front of the radiator and it swung down and it scratched all the front
of the radiator now the radiator's leaking. <i>Narrator: The rough trail has
knocked a mounting bracket
loose</i> <i>punching a hole
in the radiator.</i> <i>With the coolant leaking</i> <i>the engine can overheat
and shut down.</i> - Well, I tell you
what we're gonna do, b'y, we'll see if I can tie this up. Oh, you go through there,
you (bleep). <i>Narrator: Using zip ties,</i> <i>Art secures the broken bracket</i> <i>preventing further radiator
damage...</i> - Okay, b'y. Hopefully it's gonna be fine. Wow, a lot more than I thought. Narrator: But there's nothing
he can do to stop the leak. Art: That's the last
of the antifreeze that I got to put in it. That's pretty good now but it ain't gonna stay
in there very (bleep) long. (Grunting) (Door shuts) Please start. (Engine rumbles) Away we go again. ♪♪♪ I had two gallons of coolant
and I put them in. There is nothing left. Take it easy on these bumps and hopefully
we'll make it into... <i>Cas-cas-Casamika?</i> <i>Casablonka.</i> <i>Kasabanica, I think it is.</i> <i>Narrator: 120 miles away...</i> - I'm on my way to Garden Hill. This season's coming to an end
and it's coming quick. We're right at the brink
of the season gonna be closing. If Mother Nature takes a bad
turn again and starts warming up
that's gonna be pretty much it. <i>Narrator: Todd Dewey's feeling
the heat.</i> <i>- We are seriously pressed
for time.</i> This is what I call
the survival load. This is the most important load that you can possibly be
hauling on the winter road is a load of groceries
to the community. So I really need
to get this load in. (Rattling) Not a very good road. (Rattling) It's rough and narrow, windy... (Skids) and slick. And it's definitely gonna be
hard to navigate. I'm gonna fight this son
of a bitch till we get there, I'll tell ya that. ♪♪♪ Holy (bleep), I gotta
slow down, slow down. Son of a bitch! Look at these
corners right here. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ Son of a bitch. ♪♪♪ These are tight, buddy.
I mean, tight. (Tight exhale) ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ Son of a bitch! ♪♪♪ (Tires spinning) I can't get my trailer around
this stupid-ass corner. (Tires spinning) Windy-ass little, tiny-ass
frickin' road. (Tires spinning) I can't back up
and I can't go forward. ♪♪♪ (Sighs) Dammit! I'm stuck. That's it. (Engine rumbles) Yeah, we're stuck. I don't know
what I'm gonna do now. I'm failing my mission. I feel like I'm failing
the community. I'm completely by myself. I'm gonna have to dig way into
the play book on this one. I got a trick up my sleeve
that might just work. I'm gonna have to create
a pulley system that only, that's the only chance I got. Looks like I got some trees
on this side. I'm gonna have to do the old
winch myself out with my tires. (Snow crunching) <i>Narrator: Using his drive
wheel's torque,</i> <i>Todd will attempt to winch the
strap around the wheel's axel</i> <i>and with a tree as a pulley,</i> <i>use that force to pull the
trailer back onto the road.</i> - I'm hoping these trees hold,
when she pulls, she's gonna pull tight,
and pull hard. We're gonna give her a shot. All right, this is a far cry
from help. I don't know if this is gonna
work or not. (Door shuts) (Gears shift) ♪♪♪ (Squeaking) (Engine hums) (Creaking) It's moving the truck. (Truck whines) Come on, come on, come on... (Wood splinters) Come on, baby. (Truck whines)
Come on! (Engine roars) Whoa! Woo! It worked! We're out! Clear out! We're free! You see that (bleep)
right there, that's what I'm talking about. Woo-hoo! That's what I'm talking about
right there. (Chains clink)
Yes! Woo! Dude, I'll do the moonwalk
to that (bleep). That's what I'm talking about. Clean up my mess and finally maybe possibly
get this load to Garden Hill. They're waiting on me. <i>Narrator: With his truck free,
it's time for Todd</i> <i>to giddy up with his Garden
Hill groceries.</i> - Okay, let's get this truck
on the road. (Door shuts) ♪♪♪ (Engine rumbles) I'm back on the road, buddy. Maybe the community's gonna get
their supplies after all. <i>Narrator: While Todd gets back
on the road...</i> <i>100 miles away...</i> <i>on the shores of Pikangikum
Lake...</i> (Loud rumbling) <i>Alex: Care needs to be taken</i> <i>because there is potential
for disaster.</i> <i>Narrator: After dragging
an 14 ton kitchen shack</i> <i>through town...</i> (Scrapping) <i>Narrator: Alex is now
face-to-face</i> <i>with an even scarier task...</i> <i>Alex: if it's too heavy
to go on the truck</i> <i>then, you know, what's it gonna
do to the ice?</i> <i>Narrator: taking his rig
over the melting ice.</i> - I'll get down there
and see what happens. (Scraping) (Airbrakes hiss) (Beeping, scraping) I don't know
if this is such a good idea. We better take a quick peek
at it. (Door shuts) The ice is just cracking
all around us. I think there's less ice here than what they thought
there was. (Ice cracking) Well, I want to get across
the lake before it gets dark. We're losing light quick. Because I can watch what
the ice is doing And, uh, hopefully everything
goes well. Okay, get moving. (Door shuts) Come on, baby, pull. (Engine revs) (Engine rumbles, chain clanks) (Chain snaps) Okay. (Rattling) And we're off. Goodbye Pikangikum. (Rattling) There we go,
we got her moving now. (Rasping on ice) (Rasping on ice) Whoa, it's kicking out. Shack's going all over
the place. ♪♪♪ Sheet, bull(bleep). Whoa-whoa-whoa! (Smash) <i>Narrator: The ice road warrior</i> <i>not only has to worry about
melting ice...</i> - Oh, this is pushing me
sideways. <i>Narrator: he's also got an
out-of-control</i> <i>freight train behind him;</i> <i>an unruly 14 ton kitchen shack.</i> (Ice cracking) <i>Alex: Blasted shack is starting
to pull me</i> <i>rather than me pull it.</i> I going a little bit too fast, but it's pretty hard
to slow down because-- (Shack whines) As soon as I take my foot off
the gas it slams into me... (Crashing)
Starts pushing me. It's ran into me a couple times
already. (Skids) Well, I got my door open
in case there's a problem; so I can leave in a hurry. (Ice cracking) Well, I hear some good cracks
and pops. (Ice cracking) (Scraping) It's my sunset ice crossing. Fitting right in
with the poetry of life. (Rasping on ice) (Engine hums) Almost there. Let's do this. Come on, come on, come on,
come on. (Rasping on ice) Holy mackerel, I'll pull it
right up onto the gravel. Oh. (Laughing) (Scraping) <i>Narrator: Finally on shore...</i> - Well, I'm gonna unhook
the shack and load it on my trailer. <i>Narrator: Alex will trade his
steel slay for rubber wheels</i> <i>as he attempts to push on
to Red Lake.</i> <i>Alex: Fantastic.</i> <i>Narrator: As a new day dawns...</i> - Here it is the morning after. I'm heading up
to Cas-Casbonita, Cas-- (laughing), I can't pronounce it, b'y. Casabablanka. <i>Narrator: Art Burke is getting
ready</i> <i>to continue his journey
to Kasabonica.</i> <i>Yesterday...</i> (Rattling)
- Whoa. <i>Narrator: the rough trail
damaged his radiator...</i> <i>Art: It's the last bit
of antifreeze</i> <i>that I got to put in it.</i> <i>Narrator: Now, with 140 miles
still ahead...</i> - This is my catch
for last night. I got a hole in my radiator so I had to put this in there
last night to catch it because I'm running out
of coolant, eh. So I caught all that. So I'm gonna pour this back
in and recycle it. <i>Narrator: Art's reserved
attitude is finally paying off.</i> Art: There we go again. It's not dripping very much but now, when I get moving, I guess it'll drip like
a bastard. (Door shuts) (Engine hums) If I didn't recycle it,
I was gonna run out, eh. So hopefully I'll get
to my destination before anything bad happens. (Engine hums) We have a lot of road left,
we don't have a lot of coolant. It's not great. <i>Narrator: 120 miles away
in Pikangikum...</i> <i>Polar's big relocation project</i> <i>gets a hand from a second
driver...</i> Steph: Are those going on too? - No.
- No? - You're gonna get that,
both tanks and those two and that's it.
- Perfect. <i>Narrator: Steph Custance
prepares to haul out</i> <i>a load of water tanks.</i> - All right. Moving along. I got puddles forming.
It's melting. <i>Narrator: And an unexpected
warm snap</i> <i>has the rookie hustling.</i> - Come on, you bitch. It's a (bleep) wrap, baby.
Let's do it. Let's do it. Yeah. Agh! (Door shuts) <i>Narrator: The load is destined
for Winnipeg, but now...</i> <i>Steph faces a 10 mile ice
crossing</i> <i>weakened by a rise in
temperatures...</i> - Whoa. Narrator: and Alex's punishing
shack skid the day before. (Crash) - I don't know, man, I don't know if I wanna
even cross this. There's a lot of water here. Not feeling too hot about it. (Airbrakes hiss) Let's go look at this bitch. (Door shuts) (Engine rumbles) (Footsteps crunch in the snow) (Wind whips) This does not look good. This looks rough. You know, look at these cracks
here. I got water coming up
out of the cracks. Oh, (bleep). (Kiss) Be good to me, baby.
Be good to me. All right. (Coughs) (Crow caws) All right. Let's (bleep) do this. (Big exhale) (Engine hums) (Ice cracking) (Loud cracking) Holy! (Bleep), man. You can see the change in
the water color under the ice. Like this is not safe. (Engine hums) (Ice cracking) (Water bubbles) I don't like the color of this. I don't feel comfortable.
I wanna get off. This is (bleep) terrifying, man. (Splashing) What the (bleep) am I doing? (Loud crack) Oh my God, oh my God. (Ice cracking) Ho-ha-ha! (Bleep). God, get me to the other side,
man. Be with me. (Splashing) There's water all over this. Soon this ice is gonna be water and I don't want to be on it
when that happens and I don't want to go in it. (Tires crunch, chain clinks) The color of this ice
is terrifying me. (Water bubbles) (Splashing) This sucks. This is a (bleep)
(bleep) feeling. But you know what?
I can see land right there. But I'm still ready
for the worst. (Chains clink) (Ice cracking) (Big exhale) I'm off the ice! (Bleep) yeah, buddy! Feels so good! I was so scared, and all this
is worth it, man. This kind of feeling right here
when you get off the ice and, you know,
I'm doing my job. Couldn't be happier. <i>Narrator: With a tough crossing
behind her,</i> <i>Steph pushes on...</i> - We got a long way to go. <i>Narrator: hoping that she'd
seen the worst...</i> <i>Steph: Hell yeah, get 'er done.</i> <i>Narrator: 150 miles away...</i> - Just about to Garden Hill now after a long stressful day
and fighting the elements and being stuck in the road. I'm ready for this mission
to be over with. <i>Narrator: Todd's breathing
a sigh of relief</i> <i>as he approaches Garden Hill</i> <i>with their critical
food supplies.</i> - Yeah, I was worried that
I wasn't gonna get out of there. The load of groceries going
to Garden Hill, one of the most important loads
the communities can get during the winter road season. Here I am stuck. Yeah, I was worried,
and I was sick to my stomach I wasn't gonna get out
of there. (Engine rumbles) There's the sign
for Garden Hill. ♪♪♪ Emergency load is now pulling
in to the community. (Gear shifts) (Airbrakes hiss) I got a long way to go
to get back today so I'd like to get unloaded
as quick as possible and get turned around
and get out of here. Good morning.
Are you the guy in charge? - Oh, I guess I am.
- I'm Todd. Nice to meet ya. I was able to fight
the winter roads. I got this load of food
into the community. <i>This is why Mark knows
to send me into the bush</i> <i>and the most extreme conditions</i> 'cause he knows whatever
is gonna be thrown my way I'll figure it out and somehow get that load
delivered to the community and get the truck out
of there in one piece. - Nice. - So it definitely was
an urgent load then. - Oh, you have no idea.
I can't thank you enough. - I'm just really glad you guys
are all here getting me get unloaded.
- Oh yeah. (Laughs)
- Thank you. - Pleasure, buddy. <i>Narrator: While Todd finally
catches a break...</i> <i>180 miles away...</i> (Horn honks) Alex: I got one oversize load
shack on a trombone coming from Pikangikum. <i>Narrator: Alex is battling
the rugged road to Red Lake.</i> - It's still moving.
We're still going. <i>Narrator: Hauling the second
piece</i> <i>of Polar's Pikangikum
construction move.</i> - This load is very heavy,
I mean, very, very heavy, so it's little bit more
of a challenge. But the sooner I get the shack
back to Polar's yard, the sooner Mark gets paid. So I got quite a bit
of pressure on me. (Rattling) <i>Narrator: The gigantic camp
shack</i> <i>is making a tough ride
even tougher.</i> - It's a hard riding load. See if we make it. <i>Narrator: Putting strain
on both Alex and his rig.</i> - This heavy load is putting
the truck through its paces, giving it the stress test. (Rattling, chains clink) I just keep tiptoeing over it. The engine's running rough. It's been running really crappy. Come on, keep going. (Engine sputters) (Beeping) What the heck? I don't like the sound of that. (Beeping) Like to know what all this
beeping is about. (Beeping) Do you smell that? What the heck? Something smells. (Sputtering) I don't know what's going on? Oh (bleep). Holy mackerel! Look at all that smoke coming
out of that back of the truck. Oh gee! Holy mackerel! I better stop here
before this thing burns up. (Airbrakes hiss) Do I need a fire extinguisher
or what? (Door shuts) Holy mackerel! It's a disaster. What the heck? (Grunts) Up. Oh! Must be overheated. Heh. <i>Narrator: Luckily,
his engine's not on fire,</i> <i>but the strain of pulling
the colossal kitchen shack</i> <i>has pushed Alex's rig
to the limit.</i> Alex: Well... I guess it must have
overheated, blew it out. I'm gonna have to wait for it
to cool down a little bit, then I'll add some more
antifreeze. Hopefully, it'll be all right. See if we can fix this problem
and get going again. (Dripping) Well, I think its cool enough
now to open the cap. ♪♪♪ (Pouring) Okay, I think she's good enough
now. (Grunts) Okay, let's see. Okay, baby,
you're gonna start up. (Engine chokes) (Engine rumbles) Engine temperature, coolant. (Engine rumbles) Well, it's coming down. It's under two ten now,
she's coming down. (Engine rumbles) Hopefully, it'll keep going and we'll push,
pull and drag it 'til we get to Red Lake. So I don't know,
I gotta keep one eye on it, put it on the gauge. Off like a dirty shirt. <i>Narrator: Up and running,</i> <i>there's only one thing left
to do...</i> (Door shuts) (Beeping) - Okay, brakes off.
(Beeping) <i>Narrator: baby the hefty haul</i> <i>the remaining 30 miles
to Red Lake.</i> - Okay, rock on. Rip and roar. <i>Narrator: As Alex inches ahead,</i> <i>300 miles away...</i> - Well, so far so good, b'y. My radiator there that I tied
up staying into place. My last drop of coolant
was put in this thing but so far so good. So if we keep our fingers
crossed we might be all right. <i>Narrator: With a leaky radiator
still threatening his mission,</i> <i>Art's sweating out the final
miles into Kasabonica.</i> - Maybe we're gonna be fine,
b'y. I won't start worrying until
the (bleep) hits the fan, eh. (Rattling) Whoa there. The roads are starting
to deteriorate I've noticed. Seasons coming to an end, b'y. ♪♪♪ I'll tell ya, buddy, this road's not gonna last
too much longer. She's right down to that
black muck in spots. (Rattling) I hope it doesn't get too bumpy
'cause it'll (bleep) knock all my radiator (bleep) apart
out there. Whoa, that's not gonna work. (Rattling) ♪♪♪ Whoa! She's slippery, buddy. Very slippery. (Rattling) (Gear shifts)
(Bleep) (Rattling) Whoa! (Crashing) Well, well, well, well, well,
(bleep) well. (Engine hums) <i>Narrator: Art's truck has
landed in a ditch.</i> - See the (bleep)... She got into that, eh? I couldn't (bleep) get out. Now I'm (bleep). Uh, never (bleep) ends, b'y.
What? (Shifts gear) <i>Narrator: To get out of this
jam,</i> <i>he's gonna need all the power
his truck can muster.</i> (Engine whines, tires spinning) Art: She's touch and go, buddy. Not much power in her. Yeah, she's a little bit hot. <i>Narrator: But with the engine
on the brink of overheating</i> <i>the power ain't comin'.</i> - I know she seem like a
(bleep) and everything, man, this is bad time for this
to happen, man. I don't know how the (bleep)
I'm gonna get out of this. (Engine sputters) I'm gonna shut her off
for a little while, b'y. <i>Narrator: To cool it down,</i> <i>Art will have to shut
the engine off...</i> - I gotta be (bleep)
to be doing this, eh. <i>Narrator: but if he lets it
cool too much</i> <i>it may not start back up.</i> (Turns engine off) ♪♪♪ (Hissing) (Wind blows) - Please start. (Engine chokes and starts) (Tires spinning) I'm spinning out here now. (Engine rumbles,
tires spinning) Come on, baby. (Tires spinning) That a girl. ♪♪♪ Yeah, baby. Thank (bleep)
we're out of there. (Engine rumbles) This might turn out
to be a good day anyway. On our merry way. <i>Narrator: After a close call
with his hot engine...</i> <i>Art is up and running,</i> and soon... - Hey, here we are. Arriving in town, buddy. <i>Narrator: he makes it to his
destination...</i> - All right. Well, we made it after all this to Casa-Kasabonica? Okay, my friend,
I'm gonna go in here and see if I can find
some antifreeze for this. They gotta have coolant
in here, b'y. (Loud rumbling) <i>Narrator: While Art cools
his heels in Kasabonica...</i> (Wind gusts) <i>350 miles away...</i> <i>Alex: Mission accomplished.
(Horn blast)</i> <i>Narrator: another long journey
comes to an end.</i> - So I'm gonna stick
this thing in here. <i>Narrator: As Alex limps
into Red Lake</i> <i>with an important load
for Polar...</i> <i>- My heaviest load
of this season,</i> <i>this camp shack,</i> turned into a heck
of a journey. <i>So Mark can get paid and, uh,</i> <i>that means I'll be getting
paid.</i> <i>Let's roll.</i> <i>Narrator: Next time...</i> - This ice road is gettin' old. <i>Narrator: on "Ice Road
Truckers"...</i> - I ain't got no time to waste. <i>Narrator: Time on the ice
is running short.</i> (Rattling)
Lisa: Ow. <i>Narrator: But every haul
is getting harder.</i> - It's definitely... (Ice cracking)
making some noise. <i>Narrator: And the most chaotic
season ever...</i> Lisa: Holy (bleep)! <i>Narrator: Just gets crazier.</i> <i>Lisa: Oh my God,
I can't see anything!</i>