Ice Cube talks about gifts from Indigenous fans

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hey CBC indigenous it's your boy Ice Cube yeah yeah Ice Cube thank you for coming today so when you were here for your first round of the tour in Canada you got this awesome bead work thank you for whoever made this I appreciate it do you often get bead work like that yeah I've gotten in a few different times it's always amazing it's always an honor I'm always blown away that people spend that much time and talent to do something specifically for me I cherish two of your shows in Alberta are in venues owned by First Nations was that intentional you know to me I'm not a big like being you guy like they want to see me you know we got to go and the fact that you know the casino is on Iran by indigenous people it's great you know it's so some form of piece of the pie is going you know where it need to go why do you think your music resonates with indigenous fans I believe it's because it's authentic I speak truth to power I lay it on the line it's hopefully it's medicine that's how you become a legacy artist it's when you touch people's hearts they feel a connection with you we honored him with the blanket and sang him an honor song which was so A beautiful so he's our cousin now we come from a generations of Nations and that music spoke to us about it all the all the things that have happened to us as a people the discrimination and the racism and it and it you know we've come so far gratitude is the attitude you may not have everything you want may not have everything you need but the things that you do have and what you wake up in the morning and look around and see yourself with got to be grateful you know the minute you believe you're old something or that you're not getting your fear shap that you put a negative shield on your body and you won't get your blessings from the universe so you got to be grateful got to be grateful for what you got not always look for what you don't have
Channel: CBC Indigenous
Views: 17,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mwg0HedSuYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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