Ice Cream MYSTERY BOX Unboxing & Taste TEST

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[Music] greetings my beautiful lovelies hello it's emmy welcome back to another mega taste test today i'm going to be tasting lots of flavors of gelato my dear friend john at el laboratorio gelato sent me a huge box he wanted to send this to me as a gift for 1 million subscribers if you've missed that video i shall put the link down below so this just arrived a couple hours ago i'm going to be doing it as a mystery unboxing because i really don't know what john included in here except that it's frozen because the box is cold and yes i can't wait to get to my mitts on what's inside this box and just to clarify this is not a sponsored video this is just me tasting a bunch of ice cream all right let's go ahead and open this box all right i'm gonna put this down here it's a pretty tall box and then lift it out caution contents include dry eyes do not touch extremely cold may cause severe burns and skin contact celebrates heavy gas handle with gloves and dispose and sink awesome okay here's the bot okay i wonder if it's going to gas out oh that's an interesting ice cream it's actually a shirt oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh gosh look what's inside there oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes now we're gonna do the flavors okay if you can't tell already i'm so excited about this i love ice cream frozen desserts are my favorite more so than candy more so than cakes more so than anything frozen ice cream in particular my favorite my achilles heel really all right when it comes to like sweets and stuff yeah okay all right here we go lemon ginger sorbet tangerine sorbet oh my goodness green grape sorbet blood orange sorbet pineapple sorbet oh my gosh it's like summer lemon basil sorbet braver and apple sorbet passion fruit sorbet now i think we're getting to the ice creams whoa getting too excited here now we have brown sugar cream cheese oh i'm curious about that shiso sage what is lucuma i have no idea what glacula is cherry nutmeg cardamom we have a whole spice section now cherimoya brown butter oh i've got some spoons here tarragon pink peppercorn poppy caramel chocolate kahlua peppermint stick yes my favorite milk chocolate malt oatmeal lulu what is lulu i have no idea super look that up too toasted marshmallow oh my gosh i'm not at the bottom yet guinness dark chocolate bourbon pecan oh my cucumbers and prune armoniak oh my goodness so how many do we have here one two three one two three four so 12 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 flavors of ice cream perfect baskin robbins 31 flavors i believe it was called was like my favorite shop although i only got i always got rainbow sherbet and mint chocolate chip but yeah awesome let's get started i have some spoons here and actually says made in italy on there if you missed my first gelato tasting i shall put the link there and there and you can see me bliss out on a bunch of enchiladas from my understanding the difference between gelato and ice cream is that gelato of course is italian and it doesn't contain any eggs many ice creams that we have here in the u.s contain eggs and they make kind of a custard base so the flavors can get a little bit buried but if you say gelato to any italian it means ice cream so that's my understanding of gelato the flavors are a little bit brighter and it's served also at a little bit softer consistency than we think of we think of like hard ice cream here in the u.s so here's some of the dry ice that was in the container this stuff is wicked cold it looks just like ice but it's not let's pretend we're like mad scientists and add some water so cool potion motion look look look [Music] i'm gonna grab one at random and i got lemon ginger sorbet all right let's taste that i'm gonna use my little paddle here it has a pale yellow color to it and let's give that a taste and to clarify sorbet from my understanding contains no dairy so you get really clean bright flavors all right lemon ginger sorbet here we go itadakimasu oh man is that good [Music] i love lemon sorbet of all sorbets lemon is my favorite really bright and sunny and nice and citrusy very very very zingy and relatively light in terms of sweetness it doesn't try to cover up all the lemony flavors really really bright and then it finishes with a nice ginger finish i feel naturally ginger has a kind of slight lemony flavor so i think it's a really great pairing of the lemon and ginger together the ginger itself can be quite strong and spicy but this is a perfect balance the lemon comes first the ginger comes in second and way in the back and at the end and this has a really nice texture too the ice crystals are really small it's not icy or granular pineapple sorbet another sorbet this one is a little bit darker in color than the lemon this one's a little bit stickier in consistency all right here we go oh that one is much sweeter and has a much smoother consistency and i bet that has something to do with the amount of sugar in the pineapple and very clear fresh pineapple flavor i don't taste any metallic thinness to this at all but what i really like about this one is that it has a really fine texture to it really really smooth the ice crystals are even tinier than the lemon ginger one really nice texture slightly sticky even as well in terms of the texture i think this would make an amazing pina colada next i'm going to taste this one and this is passion fruit sorbet i had my first passion fruit not that long ago just a few months ago wow look at that beautiful color it almost looks like saffron in color beautiful yellow turmeric color this one's very hard as well but let's see if i can get into here i'm letting these warm up on my counter a little bit the dry ice makes for very cold cold ice cream all right oh my goodness it just explodes with passion fruit flavor and this is really tangy and bright just as i remembered in my fruity fruits video just so alive it's like tropical fruit meets peach and kiwi and a little bit of strawberry it's very acidic and tart but very bright and lovely all right let's try this one next and this one is caramel alright or caramel depending on how you pronounce it oh look at that that looks like it has swirls of caramel in it all right let's taste a little bit of that oh my oh my my my my that is luscious you know the first thing i taste in that is butter that is caramel made with a lot of butter and that's great in my book so i taste that really lovely taste when you get butter to caramelize it's nutty and sweet and just dairied it's scrumptious what i also like about this flavor is that you've got kind of two consistencies going on you've got the frozen ice cream and then you've got this caramel that remains soft and caramel like even though this is still very very frozen next i have this one and this is cucumber interesting i am not a huge cucumber fan let's see how this goes oh so yes it looks like this is probably a gelato hmm this is definitely a gelato it has a creamier texture wow that is definitely cucumber and i don't care for it i'm not a huge cucumber fan so it's not surprising that i wouldn't like this it is hugely of cucumber that green succulent vegetal flavor that i associate with cucumber and that i don't like with some sweetness a kiss of dairy the dairy definitely isn't strong in that it's all about the cucumber and there's a little bit of sweetness so it tastes like a sweet summertime cucumber don't like it so the next flavor we have at random is this one and this is prune armagnac so prune of course are dried plums and armagnac is a french brandy unfortunately my first associations with prune involve toddlers and passing you know bms but not to set this up in any kind of negative way but that's what happens when you become a mother i guess so there it is all right here we go i definitely tasted branding there but it doesn't taste boozy there's a nice balance of the booze and the sweetness and there are little bits of prune in there which are sweet it kind of reminds me of dates this actually reminds me of flavor you can find a lot in japan called rum raisin so it's this boozy flavor with dried fruit kind of a classic combination although some versions of rum raisin i've had taste pretty artificial they taste kind of like extracts this doesn't you get the nice little taste of booze in there without it being heavy or bitter it's kind of more scented so next from the pile is this one this one and this is cream cheese interesting it does taste like cream cheese and does taste like cheesecake but is not as sweet as cheesecake and not nearly as heavy what i really like about this one is the delicious texture of that it is super finely smooth and very distinctive cream cheese flavor just ever so tiniest little amount of tanginess and just tastes exactly of cream cheese and very light on the sweetness nice i just want to add some fresh fruit on top of this all right next flavor is cherry beautiful color there let's taste that okay that's more like gelato texture here we go this one i feel is more dairy you can see a huge difference between this and the sorbets where it's all about the fruit and with this it's more of a balance between the dairy and the cherry yeah next let's try cardamom it has a nice pale cream color to it let's taste the hat all right now they're softening up to the right consistency here we go wow that is very intensely flavored tastes a little bit like coriander it's got kind of a lemony flavor to it and spiced a little bit piney i think this would be really great one to have at the end of a meal kind of palette cleansing toasted marshmallow ooh that has a nice little ecru color to it let's give that a taste wow that one tastes the most artificial of all the ones i've tasted so far it does taste of marshmallow certainly no a little bit of that caramelized vanilla burnt sugar flavor to it kind of like breakfast sugary cereals in that sense you're like yes it's very familiar and sweet and delicious in its artificial ways all right let's try this one next tarragon pink peppercorn wowzers tarragon of course is an herb used a lot in french cookery pink peppercorn is a spice i wonder what color this one will be pink or green let's see oh it's both if you look carefully you can see little flecks of pink in there look at that oh i can smell the pepper in there wow whoa so you definitely taste the pepper and the tarragon and then it finishes off sweet so that's what's really interesting to me you taste the spice in the herb first and then the sweetness kind of comes after that's an odd one reminds me a little bit of chai tea which i know is redundant because thai means tea but i was called giant it's spicy and then it has a little bit of a spice heat peppery finish as well to it very curious let's taste this one and this is lemon basil sorbet oh look at that color gorgeous that must be from the basil oh see the sorbets have a much icier consistency let's give that a go wow again the lemon is so bright and tangy and citrusy and the basil's in there but it's not as strong as i thought it was going to be which i appreciate because available to me has a bit of an anise flavor which i enjoy but i'm not a huge anise fan so i don't want too much of it very nicely balanced it comes off very refreshing and clean and palette cleansing really good actually after having some of those dairied ones let's try this one this is chocolate kahlua this sounds like a more traditional combination chocolate and kahlua chocolate of course is chocolate kahlua is a coffee flavored liqueur um [Music] excuse me while i indulge delicious that scrumptious a really rich great chocolatey flavor not overly sweet and just a little kiss of kahlua actually i don't taste too much of the kahlua which is a coffee flavored liqueur just enough to make this taste even more chocolatey i need to put this away all right next we have nutmeg did you know actually the outside of the nutmeg there's a little membrane on there and that's actually mace all right and then a very strong nutmeg flavor which reminds me of the holidays that and cinnamon and ginger are just signature for me when it comes to gingerbread and that's what this reminds me of reminds me of fall and winter next we have this one and this is oatmeal oh look this actually has little bits in it which i guess i shouldn't be surprised because oatmeal does have little bits but let's give that a go see if this one tastes like breakfast at all here we go yes it does whoa in terms of texture there's a little bit of toothiness in there the oatmeal has been ground up and is included in there and has a very clear oatmeal flavor and it kind of reminds me of soap one of my favorite soaps i used to use had oatmeal in it and that's what it reminds me of it doesn't taste like soap it tastes like oatmeal but in terms of my rolodex of memories that's what it's reminding me of is that oatmeal soap it tastes like oatmeal that's a little bit sweet it does taste like breakfast but i don't really necessarily want that in my dessert although i do love oatmeal chocolate chip cookies maybe if this had some chocolate chips in it i would have a better association with that but yeah this just tastes like frozen breakfast all right let's try blood orange sorbet yes blood orange of course is an orange that has a beautiful red color to it that's why it's called blood orange and let's give that a taste look at that isn't that gorgeous all right let's give that a go oh my again this is a sorbet so it has a little icier texture but again the crystals are quite small and this has a lovely flavor orange and bright but it tastes like fresh squeezed orange juice not the pasteurized stuff so it's very clear and zingy and bright but not as tangy of course as the lemon ones but equally intense in terms of citrus flavor next we have peppermint stick yes as many of you know mint chocolate chip is my favorite flavor of ice cream so i think i'm going to like this one peppermint stick oh look how cheery that is so this is a white base with tons of little bits of peppermint stick in there that's just delightful look at that encrusted i love that that's so cheery and the peppermint bits are not melted some peppermint stick flavors i've had the candy is just totally melted and it's disappointing because you can't see it but this is very clear you can see the bright red and little chips of mint in there oh yes [Music] love that one i love that one super minty and i love the textures that are going on in there you get the smooth ice cream and then you get the delightful crunch of the peppermint bits imagine taking a crushed candy cane and adding it on top of ice cream the ice cream base while it is white and you might think it's vanilla doesn't taste vanilla at all the only flavors that i really taste here are peppermint it's all about the peppermint and the peppermint stick in there it has a wonderful texture in it it still has that candy crunch texture to it and it contrasts really nicely with the creamy smooth ice cream green grape sorbet never had that before i gotta clean my palate after having all that peppermint oops come back here very interesting contrast after having that peppermint stick the peppermint stick was so aggressively wonderfully pepperminty and this one is much more subtle and it tastes like a fresh green grape not surprisingly because there's probably fresh green grapes in here have you ever frozen grapes before i love to do that in the summertime that's what this tastes like but in sorbet form let us continue with the haul of ice cream next we have this and this is guinness guinness of course is the famous irish beer not surprising has a nice brown color to it all right it smells a bit yeasty yup smells like beer here we go i actually like that a lot more than i thought it has coffee flavors and caramel flavors in there which exists in the guinness as well but it actually goes really well in a dessert it does have a beer yeasty flavor at the end of it but it doesn't kind of stick around it passes quickly which is nice because i'm eating ice cream and i don't want to have an aftertaste of beer mm-hmm next let's try this one this is tangerine sorbet i know already i'm gonna love this one oh beautiful sunny color again oh that's so great it's frozen happiness it's just joyous delightful bright citrusy not nearly as tart as either the blood orange or the lemon it's just full of citrus flavor next i have this i've never heard of this before and it's called lulo according to wikipedia solanum quito ense and it's a fruit native of colombia subtropical perennial plant looks a bit like a tomato it's from the nightshade family that's why which is tomatoes and potatoes right and it means from keto wow it's very sour and tangy and citrusy i don't know what i was expecting but i wasn't expecting that i guess maybe because i just read that was in the nightshade family i was expecting tomato a little bit like passion fruit and the amount of acidity in there but it doesn't have that really exotic tropical fruit flavor to it it's more familiar it tastes a little bit more like a citrus shiso so shiso is an herb that's used a lot in japanese cookery there are two different versions there's a purple shiso and there's a green shiso sometimes you'll see things wrapped in it or it's shredded on top of things it's really really lovely very very fragrant it has nice little flecks in here let's give this a taste oh yeah that's actually a lot subtler than i thought it would be she so reminds me a little bit of basil it's very strong in flavor a little bit anisey and a little bit soapy this is much subtler i was expecting it to be over the top aggressively strong but it's not very very subtle poppy that's an unusual flavor i always associate that with bagels little flecks of poppy in there let's see if i can taste the poppy the ice cream base is rich and smooth and to me tastes vanillaed and the poppy i don't really taste the poppy seeds but i feel them they have a nice little crunch so we have brown sugar oh this one's getting on the lid this is the consistency it's supposed to be at all right come to mama whoa this one's very sweet compared to the others and it's full of brown sugar flavor which comes on as you eat it it's kind of amazing in the beginning you're like okay and then it's like intensely molasses and sweet and caramelly and familiar that very much captures the essence of brown sugar with me but a little bit too sweet for me next let's have this one and this is brae burn apple sorbet cute little peachy color to it a little tiny flecks of what i think is probably apple peel it tastes like apple cider fresh pressed apple cider in a sorbet form oh and you get little bites of the peel in there as well so you get a little bit of texture very nice let's try this lakuma i have no idea what okuma is i've never had lucuma before puteria lucuma is a species of tree the filming family sepulta ace oh so maybe it's related to sapote and it is native to the andean valleys and grown in peru ecuador and chile oh look at that color gorgeous yellow almost orange color let's give that a taste and that has a very interesting texture very different than any of the other ice creams or sorbets that i've had so far it's almost got kind of a chalky starchy texture to it and very sweet a little bit sweet potatoey yummy i like it oh let's try this one this is a more traditional flavor dark chocolate bourbon pecan oh yeah you can already see the bits of pecan in there i love that you can visually see the pecans and that looks like a whole lot of dark chocolate richness all right spiked with bourbon um that's delicious that's like a candy bar i love that the pecans go in there last they're very pronounced they're kind of separate from the ice cream so you get to really enjoy the pecan flavor the chocolate ice cream is delicious there's just a hint of bourbon in there just to give it a little bit of flavor it doesn't taste boozy or alcoholic at all just a lovely combination of nuts and chocolate yum not overly sweet love that perfect balance of sweetness yeah better put that one away dark chocolate yep oh my gosh i don't think i'm gonna eat lunch today next i have oh this and this is cherimoya cherimoya is another tropical fruit i believe it's related to the sugar apple or the custard apple this is a gelato mmmm this one similar to the lucuma has a slightly starchy texture to it completely different flavor tastes like cantaloupe meets pear a little bit it's delicious milk chocolate malt now that is a classic flavor combination right there there it is oh that looks luscious um [Music] that has a luscious whipped texture to it and the flavor reminds me of baseball games my dad used to take my brother and i to baseball games and we would get the carnation malted malts eat those with a wooden spoon and that flavor is in there there's that malted flavor in combination with chocolate absolutely delicious classic just classic next i have brown butter now brown butter is just regular butter that has been heated and toasted till it turns brown there we go let's give that one a go [Music] oh my that is lovely that tastes a lot like the caramel you can taste the toasted butter in there it is full of creamy toasted butter delicious mm-hmm i suspect this is a very underrated flavor absolutely delicious and the last flavor i have is this one and this is sage sage of course is an herb there's a lot around thanksgiving it's paired often with poultry oh look at that color i wasn't expecting it to be that vivid here we go not bad it tastes like sage what a sage tastes like it tastes slightly resinous too and piney and kind of perfumed a little bit like lavender but not as floral not as resinous as say something like rosemary but a lot subtler than i thought it was going to be it still remains rich and smooth and sweet but just touch with a little bit of sage yeah not bad alright so that was 32 flavors of gelato and sorbet and my gut is busted in such a delightful way john thank you so much for sending this to me be sure to check out the link down below to el laboratorio de gelatos place they do amazing amazing work as you just saw and evan thank you so much for continuing to watching my videos i super appreciate it and i'm glad i can bring a little bit of gluttony to you and thank you guys so much for watching i hope you guys enjoyed that i hope you guys learned something please share this video with your friends follow me on social media so you know what videos are coming up next and i shall see you in my next one take care [Music] [Music] greetings my lovelies hello it's emmy i am automaton and all i do is eat
Channel: emmymade
Views: 1,062,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ice cream, gelato, taste test, eat, open, try, flavors, sorbet, laboratorio del gelato, mystery, box, unbox, taste, test, many, sherbet, sherbert, milk, dairy, sweet, dessert
Id: 4OOcz36NhG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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