🇹🇷TURKISH 24-Hour MRE Ration Taste Test

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I loved her when she was testing candy kits. She was so enthusiastic and happy about everything. Now she often seams to have no joy in what she is doing. Youtube became a job.

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[Music] greetings my beautiful lovelies it's emmy welcome back to another military ration taste test today i'm going to be tasting this is a 24 hour ration and it comes from turkey this was sent to me by mre mountain so big thanks to them for sending this to me apparently this is a rare mre and based on its packaging it looks like it's a civilian mre so it's made by tada outdoor and here's the back so this says it's a menu one meal ready to eat ration pack and it does contain what looks to be a chemical kind of flameless irration heater style heating pack and it tells you the directions right here in english so it's broken up into three meals there is the breakfast lunch and dinner or dinner and it tells you what should be for each meal so i'll go ahead and break that down so it looks like for breakfast do we have string cheese we have some kind of black olive so we have some tea some tortillas for lunch we have physics pilaf and a protein bar coffee some soup and for dinner we have a chicken pilaf tomato soup dried fruit and hot chocolate sounds good to me so right off the bat the packaging looks very sturdy it includes a grommet in the corner which i appreciate so you could kind of hook it from something if need be if you had a carabiner of some sort and the top part looks like it's going to become some kind of zip lock not much to tear with but looks oh that didn't work well that well cut off the top here i'm trying not to damage the zipper seal so we could theoretically reuse this bag okay got it open but it didn't open cleanly sadly enough so i won't be able to reseal it well so i said i liked that grommet but now it's making it difficult to get everything out so maybe i don't like it oh okay so we've got an accessories pack here some water purification tablets this is a unifood mre heater bag we have three inna food hot beverage bags this is buckwheat rice with chicken so this i think is our dinner meal protein bar decaffeinated coffee not sure if i have proof of it being decaf but last maybe for dinner decaf would be better we have some dried fruit [Applause] some dried string cheese that's for our breakfast tomato sauce pepper paste i'm not sure what that is akuna we have another maine this is the roast beef and chickpea here is hot chocolate oh here's the tomato soup uh here's a yogurt soup look at this nice tube of honey like that oh look at this here's a big oh here's some tortillas oh so here is the chemical pack that goes into the bottom of the ration heater so this is great they give you three of these so this ration heater bag is reusable so use this multiple times and they give you three of these little packets to place in the bottom so you reuse this bag which i like ouch i was working in my chicken coop yesterday and gave myself a terrible scratch on chicken wire not such a bad scratch just in a really bad spot i'm constantly scraping it it's yeah alrighty so let me organize everything so i can get everything separated as breakfast lunch and dinner breakfast is supposed to include olives but instead of olives i got this little pack of what looks to be something that has tomato it says akuka so i'll put that with breakfast and let's go ahead and open up our little accessories pack two spoons three beverage stirs sugar tea bag a couple salt and peppers i'm guessing these are wet naps and gum another sugar and this looks like it might be chili pepper okay so because it's going to take some time let's go ahead and purify some water this is desalination but then it says purification clear or dirty water you can filter it and then you add one tablet it says specifically do not eat the tablets or not food you shake it well and then you wait 30 minutes sounds pretty straightforward and typical it smells like chlorine it smells like a swimming pool so pop that in there okay we'll give that a shake and then we'll wait 30 minutes so i'll just set that aside and then i'll drink this at the very end alrighty so before i have my breakfast i'm going to go ahead and set up my ration heater because it does take a few minutes for this to heat up side feels like foil paper but the inside is actually lined with plastic next we're going to open the heater pack [Applause] here it is it comes in this kind of meshy bag looks very similar to the ones that you see in the flameless ration heater okay so we're gonna place that in the bag i'm gonna heat up my lunch entree which is the rice with roasted beef and chickpea pop that into there now i'm going to add 100 milliliters of water which is a little bit more than one-third of a cup so add that in there and then i'm going to seal it up and let that sit for 10 minutes it's reacting [Applause] i don't feel any heat usually the reaction is pretty immediate [Music] [Applause] usually the reaction is immediate and i can hear fizzing but i'm not hearing anything nor am i feeling anything all right i'm gonna set the side for a couple minutes and see what happens if this is a dud i will use oh no now i'm hearing it can you hear that all right this is definitely happening it's starting to inflate and i can feel the heat good i'm going to clean up with my little mask in here oh i like that the wet nap oh it's about the same size i thought it was going to be bigger but it's not it's made out of this kind of same stretchy baby white material oh and it's lemon fresh joy smell my favorite love that i've got a lipton's yellow label tea bag right here same as we have here in the u.s just this is interesting we're gonna have this and this is dried string cheese wow look at this it's like moon cheese have you seen i did that video gosh probably three or four years ago where i had freeze-dried cheese and it was called moon cheese this is what this looks like when it said dried string cheese i was imagining like the stick string cheese not these little balls of string cheese it smells great it smells like cheddar cheese let's give that a go that's a really delightful crunch the flavor definitely cheesy and salty a little bit tangy pretty subtle on the cheese flavor though it tastes a little bit more like farmer's cheese or monterey jack cheese with a little extra tang yeah not bad let's try it with some tortilla so i'm gonna take out my tea bag it says lavas tortillas pretty big pack for an mre oh so for all this packaging the tortillas are actually quite small look at that there's some desiccant in there there's four of them in there and they're pretty tiny now this didn't contain any olives but did contain this packet here of akuka and when i translated it it said it has tomato in it so i think it's some kind of spread to add to this and it also includes a bit of honey which we can have as well i love this little tube of honey so stinking cute so the tortillas are very soft they smell like store-bought tortillas a little bit soury flowery already so let's give this a taste and it is a tomato-based spread turkish friends do let me know if i'm doing something wrong here i'm sure that is very probable itadakimasu the tortillas taste exactly like the tortillas that you find in the usmre and very very similar to store-bought tortillas pretty soft pretty tender pretty processed the sauce that they provide is pretty nice it's really richly tomato flavored kind of like tomato paste it's got some garlic in there and then you've got the big crunchy cheese which is fun i actually like the texture of it the flavor of the cheese is pretty subtle like i said earlier it's a little bit more tangy with a slightly cheesy dairied flavor to it but the texture is really fun i like that contrast of crunch with kind of soft tortilla yeah not bad a little dry though okay so now let's have a tortilla with a bit of honey so we'll just squirt oh my gosh i love that this is resealable and that you can apply as much honey as you'd like i'm just going to fold that in half here we go oh yeah i've actually never had honey with a tortilla before it's pretty good especially if you have it with a nice cup of hot tea everything's better with hot tea oh my gosh that makes for a pretty good snack actually did you know that they send nasa astronauts up with tortillas specifically not bread because tortillas don't make crumbs because crumbs are a bad thing when there's no gravity you don't want crumbs floating around and plugging up vents and stuff did you know that yeah tortillas very handy so my ration heater is heating up away i'm going to go ahead and heat up some water as well so this package says that we can add a glass of water to this and place it in the heater to warm up water for our beverages i like the fact that this ration heater is freestanding i don't have to lean it up on a rock or anything smart and this looks like this is gusseted as well this will make it much easier to fill about 200 milliliters it said zip that up i'm gonna take my ration out and i'm gonna put my water bag in there so for my coffee oh look at this the coffee actually is a filter this is cool so i tear the top of this open like that and then i stretch this open look they're the coffee grounds turkish take their coffee seriously i love this you stretch it over your oh my gosh i love that that's so great look at that so while my water is boiling let's go ahead and taste our entree now this is the rice with roasted beef and chickpea this smells delicious look at this wow that is a big portion of food my hot water is ready now i'm gonna pour it it smells so so good and now i'm gonna go ahead and make my yogurt soup so to this i'm supposed to add 175 milliliters of hot water whoa got yogurt soup mix everywhere i'm surprised that this doesn't contain any dry napkins usually rations contain some sort of tissue or something but not in this add my hot water quickly smells like it's got some dill in there and some onion very interesting it doesn't taste exactly yogurty but it's definitely got a tang to it and very dilly it reminds me of dill pickles a bit quite salty the texture is pretty thin i think i might add a little less water if i were to make this again it is a soup after all not bad already let's try this this looks absolutely amazing this is footik rice with chickpeas and beef super hearty huge portions let's give this a bite here we go i like that this combination of rice and protein together reminds me a lot of the entrees in my russian rations i've tasted delicious very very flavorful fatty and meaty [Music] very good hearty meal the chickpeas are tender and full of protein and you've also got the protein rich beef in there of course which is also very flavorful this is very well seasoned and salted in terms of flavor i taste a little bit of onion maybe some tomato but mostly what i get is a very smoky kind of beefy flavor very meaty stick to your ribs meal now let's wash it down with some freshly brewed coffee that's good granted it is decaffeinated but the coffee flavor is much improved than the instant kind of coffee powders those taste really kind of fake to me or just not as delicious this tastes like a cup of brewed folger's coffee it's pretty good i love the whole process of opening the filter and pouring the hot water on top and this is definitely better than the freeze-dried coffee let's try the chickpea and beef stew with rice with some of this and i'm anticipating this is going to be some kind of chili powder and i'm a big fan of heat so let's add some of that on there it doesn't have a strong smell at all that's just a little bit of heat in there nice little spicy kick now let's polish our lunch meal off with this and this is a cookies and cream protein bar oh look at that that looks very dense let's give this a break cookies and cream i was imagining it being kind of white with little flecks of oreo this is definitely not that it smells a little bit coconutty a little bit cocoaed all right let's give that a go oh wow let's have some coffee definitely better with coffee that's a pretty tough protein bar it's pretty firm the texture's a little bit crumbly and the flavor actually tastes more of coconut more of like coconut oil rather than any kind of cookies and cream flavor it is sweetened and it's supposed to taste like a cookie or dessert but yeah not exactly delicious but if you need some energy and you need something portable this definitely will do the job alrighty let's move on to dinner so i went ahead and put a new heater pack in there and 100 milliliters of water along with the main entree for the dinner and of course there's my water heating up in there as well so it sounds like the reaction is pretty much stopped here's my hot water and here is my main entree for dinner now this just barely feels warm it doesn't feel that hot in terms of heating power it's pretty similar to a usmre so here is the buckwheat with chicken another very generous portion and open my soup this time over the bowl hot water which actually just feels kind of warm so i'm going to actually add a little less water this time and maybe the soup will have a little bit more body now i'm going to make the hot chocolate water so that doesn't look like it's going to be enough so i'm going to add some additional hot water and use my wooden stirrer to mix it all up let's try the soup first let's see if it's any better with less water here we go oh that's very salty so maybe it does need more water that's a very tangy tomato soup a little bit different than what we might expect here in the u.s it's actually quite similar in terms of tanginess to the yogurt soup that i had but this one of course has a tomato flavor to it yes kind of yogurty as well tomatoey um there's a little bit of maybe oregano or basil in there it does taste a little bit like a marinara sauce okay now let's try the kasha with chicken looks like there's some vegetables in here i see some bell peppers and some peas this is definitely not as hot as my lunch entree all right here we go that's pretty good it would be even better if it was hotter if this was really hot and i think if the fat in here were to heat up in there it would be even better but that's pretty good it's not overly salty it doesn't have any canned flavors at all the chicken is well cooked and pretty tender and tastes like kind of a packaged chicken stew it does have that kind of processed flavor to it but it's not bad for what it is it's actually quite delicious and very hearty it tastes very meaty like my lunch entree very meaty and rich in terms of flavor i taste a little bit of the peas definitely salt and pepper and a little bit of the bell pepper in there as well now i'm going to add some chili i think this chili is actually more of a seasoning there's some salt in there as well yeah i like that little added kick let's have this hot chocolate which almost looks more like a dessert and it is in terms of flavor it tastes pretty similar to swiss miss sweet and dairy and a chocolate flavor in there but the chocolate liver is not all that strong what is different is that there is a thickener in this so this is almost like a pudding it's not as thick as pudding but definitely thicker in consistency than we would have for a typical hot chocolate here in the u.s but yeah that's fun i like that thickened texture it makes it feel more nourishing and warm and this is a dried fruit mix oh it's actually oh like a freeze-dried mix look at this interesting and this looks like freeze-dried citrus like these are little mandarin orange slices i've never seen that before freeze-dried strawberries my sons and i love this looks like maybe peaches all right let's taste the citrus first it actually tastes more peachy rather than orangey but maybe that's because it's been with the peach let's try the peach the texture is really light too kind of just shatters in your mouth all right let's try a peach slice hmm that might actually be a nectarine really nice kind of peachy nectarine flavor nice crunch i love freeze-dried fruit freeze-dried fruit really captures the flavors and essence of fruit and intensifies them and then of course you've got the really great crunchy texture let's have a strawberry i think this package might have had a little leak because the fruits aren't as crunchy as they could be usually when i have freeze-dried fruit they're so crunchy almost sponge-like these have a little bit of a kind of bend to them so i think a little bit of oxygen got into this pack but still the fruity flavors are quite good let's finish things off with a bit of first gum i think this is gum rather than being kind of like a chiclet or a candy coated gum this looks like it's just a piece of a stick of gum it smells pepperminty here we go it's actually more rubbery than i thought it was going to be still quite soft very smooth piece of gum i'm pepperminty but not really strongly peppered actually the mint flavor is pretty mellow it's not like overpowering like boom lentil mint i like the smooth mouth feel but it's very rubbery oh i almost forgot my water oh boy oh it smells terrible it smells like i just cleaned the bathroom it smells like chlorine oh boy all right here we go cheers oh yeah it actually doesn't taste as bad as it smells it just tastes like chlorinated water swimming pool water pathogen-free critter free chlorinated water yes and i'm sure if you let this air out a bit after the chlorine's done its work it would taste even less chlorinated alrighty so there you have it that was the tada turkish 24 hour ration pack very comprehensive ration pack with lots of stuff in it i like the fact that it's kind of divided into each individual meal so the quality of the entrees was very good i like the fact that you can reuse this bag and have multiple heaters and keep reusing this bag although i have to say i was a bit disappointed on the amount of heat energy that came out of these i was hoping for a bigger exothermic reaction the entrees while they were warm weren't exactly hot hot but the us mres kind of do a similar kind of thing but all in all that was very fun amari big thanks to mre mountain for sending this to me thank you guys so much for watching i hope you guys enjoyed that one i hope you guys learned something please share this video with your friends be sure to check out the military ration playlist follow me on social media like this video subscribe and i shall see you in the next one toodaloo take care bye [Music] connie honey honey honey come on
Channel: emmymade
Views: 1,226,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Turkey, Turkish, MRE, meal ready to eat, ration, military, military ration, food, instant, heat, warm, heater, flameless ration heater, taste test, unbox, open, try, sample, eat, emmy, emmymade, emmymadeinjapan, rice, buckwheat, combat, army, service
Id: 7_3YXD2wPk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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